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Dsc00786 Snack time! Mister Boogers, Tommy, Spot, and Sugarbutt eat most of the snack, then Miz Poo gets in there for a while, and Spanky comes along and bats cleanup. Dsc00879 Hummingbird in the front yard. Dsc00880 Keeping an eye out for the other hummingbirds. There are three of them, and they each consider the feeder their own personal property. DSC00865 Sugarbutt, doing what he does best. Dsc00872 I don’t see how this could possibly be comfortable.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are hither.
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Previously 2005: John Cusack, however, has become suddenly completely unappealing to me. 2004: No entry. 2003: I see a little silhouetto of a Poo, 2002: Damn him. 2001: Jayzus, I canโ€™t wait โ€™til Iโ€™m Supreme Ruler of the World, and I can run around ordering the death of people who annoy me. 2000: Here we see Miz Poo at the tail end of a Fancypants swish-by. She looks none too pleased.]]>

22 thoughts on “8/29/06”

  1. So glad you are doing better. I vote on today being a kickbackwithabookinfrontofthetvandnap day.

  2. Take it easy!
    The hummingbord feeder pics are great — especially with the upside down reflection!
    Also, what’s up with Sugarbutts pink paw nail? I haven’t been reading long so maybe I missed it?!?

  3. Dana: It’s entirely possible. I guess it takes a while for that surgery gas to go completely away!
    LJ: Me too! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Jenn: We put SoftPaws nail caps on Sugarbutt’s and Tommy’s nails so they can’t claw up the furniture and climb the fence. They work pretty well – and they’re so pretty! (He only has one pink nail ’cause we’re switching to clear caps for now, so the other nail caps aren’t as obvious).

  4. Take it easy … you deserve it! BTW, if you haven’t read “The Ruins” yet (Scott Smith), I think it would be right up your alley. It’s definitely keeping my attention … it’s scary!

  5. Feel better. I’m home for two weeks and it’s only been 4 days and I’m bored stiff. I ordered NetFlixes and waiting for the mailman to come. He’s here around 2 pm so I just have to hold on a little longer.
    Clear SoftPaws – awww no more fancy toes. I think you need to use of the clear ones quick and go back to fancy toes. They look so cool.

  6. I didn’t know about SoftPaws! I’m going to try that on my Cairo, who thinks the entire house is one big scratching post. ๐Ÿ˜
    The reflection in the hummingbird feeder is so pretty.
    Feel better, Robyn!

  7. Robyn…
    Glad you got it all taken care of, and I hope this is it for you. I just about crapped when I read the part about his dire warning of pancreatitis. Believe me, sister, this is something you DO NOT want to go through. I’ve had chronic pancreatitis for the past year and a half, been hospitalized 19 times, lost 100 pounds in a few months, and generally had some near death months because of it. My blog has all the gory details if you’re interested, but suffice it to say I am thrilled that you seem to be heading down a healthier path!!

  8. I totally looked at your liver, and I’ve got a serious craving now for a glass of cianti.

  9. I hope you are feeling better now. I wondered after yesterday’s entry how you were able to do so much after surgery. I hope you get some good sleep.

  10. It takes a while to adjust to life without that darn gall bladder. Advance your diet at a snail’s pace (hold the snails!!). Simple, simple, simple, easily digested foods, please

  11. I was going to leave a nice, sympathetic note about your surgery, and wish you a smooth recovery, but I can’t stop laughing over Anita’s chianti comment. I’ll bring the fava beans!

  12. Has anyone suggested that the gas and shoulder pain was due to helium, which they pump in you so that they can move organs around during laparoscopic procedures? The shoulder pain is quite intense as the gas is caught in your body. I had a procedure last year and no one mentioned to me why my shoulder hurt and why I was the fart queen until I met another laparoscopic victim.

  13. Glad to hear you are doing well from your procedure. Percocet had the same effect on my dreams too, and it seemed to give me nightmares, which normally I never have. I finally ended up taking tylenol for my pain because the dreams were so bad. Congrats on the weightloss! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Pace yourself, Robyn! Eat, take nap, read, take nap, walk, take nap, etc…you get the drift!
    Hugs to You!

  15. I read where 1/3 of all patients who have gastric bypass surgery develop gallstones and should take supplemental bile salts for the first 6 months after surgery. Did you hear about that? and if you did, did you take bile salts?

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