* * * So, my parents ended up staying until Wednesday. I think their train of thought was that they weren’t just going to fly down for a few days, that they’d stay a few extra days and visit. I have to say, they REALLY liked Rambo and Jodie, and Jodie especially took a liking to my father. I was a little surprised that they didn’t sneak them into their suitcases and take them home, though my mother did say more than once, “If we didn’t have Benji…” Monday night we left my father and Fred at home, and my mother, the spud, and I went to see Must Love Dogs. I was a little leery, because I’d read some bad reviews of the movie, but I needn’t have worried; I liked the movie just fine. Diane Lane sit on a chair and read her grocery list and make it sound interesting. John Cusack, however, has become suddenly completely unappealing to me. I don’t know why, I’ve always thought he was cute as hell and of course he’s LLOYD DOBLER, heartthrob to all, but suddenly I saw his face up there on the screen and I thought “Eh. Does nothin’ for me.” I sure do love that Elizabeth Perkins. So Monday night we went to the movies, and Tuesday after we went out for breakfast (we went out for breakfast every morning, I should point out. Because they like to eat breakfast out, and we have Cracker Barrel not 15 minutes from our house, and Shoney’s about half an hour away, and I LOVE eating breakfast out) my mother and I went to the mall and shopped for FIVE HOURS. Oh, my aching feet. I was ill prepared to spend five hours shopping; if I’d known they were going to come visit, I could have worked up to it, but you can’t really train for that sort of event in a single day. (Plus, I spent most of Friday cleaning the house. Ugh.) Tuesday night we watched the first two hours of Inside 9/11, and played with the kittens, who were putting on quite a show. I wished like hell that I had the camera out when I looked over and saw Rambo boxing with my mother’s foot. Wednesday morning we went so my father could return his rental car, then we went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, where I pretty much talked their ears off for an hour, and then I dropped them off at the airport, told them to call me if their flight was delayed and I’d come back and get them, and came home. Their flight was supposed to leave at 10:15, and my father called right around then to tell me that the flight had been cancelled and they’d been rescheduled for the 11:45 flight. I offered to come get them, but he said not to, that they were just going to hang out and read. They’d had a two hour layover in Atlanta scheduled anyway, so they were just going to spend all that time in the Huntsville airport instead of the Atlanta one. They got home right on time, and life’s slowly been returning to normal around here. Not, of course, that there’s anything normal about life around here, but you know what I mean.

Welcome back home Robyn! I know I can speak for “everyone” when I say, “We missed you.” 🙂
So glad you’re back!
I swear, Rambo looks like a little Meester Boogers, Jr.!
Yay! You’re back. I would have to agree that having a sibling is important. I can say that because I’m an only child. I feel pretty lonely at times since my Mom passed away. However, I have a Husband and his family so that helps! In a perfect world, it would be great to have a sibling but I’m sure The Spud will do just fine.
I’m glad your back. Sorry for your loss. I know your in Alabama, but I’m not sure where, are you out of harms way from the hurricane?
Jamie: We’re right next to Huntsville, and right now on the WHNT webpage, it says:
The National Weather Service is expected to issue an Inland Tropical Storm Watch at 7PM Monday and expire 4PM Tuesday afternoon.
Winds across North Alabama are expected to pick up Monday afternoon and evening with 15 to 25 MPH with gusts possibly to 35 MPH or more.
Isolated tornados are possible Monday evening and overnight. Primarily on the north east side of Katrina as it tracks across North Alabama. The tornado threat will continue until Tuesday morning.
So, there ya go. All we can do is sit and wait to see what happens! 🙂
Some people don’t think they have to issue an invitation, that ‘feel free to drop in anytime’ is adequate. I’m like you, I prefer to arrange things before hand but the point is that you are never going to see these people if you don’t take the iniative and call them up for a visit. Now the point also is, why haven’t they just dropped over if they are so keen to see you? We have this issue with my husband’s parents and it drives us nuts because his mom is always dropping little hints trying to make us feel guilty that we don’t drive over for more visits. It is such a pain!
I think it’s the flailing paws AND the fangs! Cracked me up, too.
I’ve been wondering about y’all and the hurricane, too. Very sorry to hear about your aunt, but sooooo glad you’re back–because, after all, it is all about MEEEEE! (I am SO joking.) Seriously, I missed you!!
Damn, Jodie is so cute I can hardly stand it.
Welcome back, we did all miss you! So sorry you had the loss in your family hun.
Thanks for posting more adorable pics. Those kittens are adorable! I LOVE the Urrp one, toooo cute! And I’m with you.. not sure if it is the fangs, or the flailing legs, but that picture is adorable!!!
I’m an only child named Christine whose mom has recently passed away, too. They should make a support group just for us!
John Cusack did NOT look good in that movie. I saw it with a girlfriend the other day and we both kept saying, “Gah, he doesn’t look good anymore!” And his I-am-intense-John-Cusack dialogue stopped being cute and became creepy. I was disappointed in him. Diane Lane, on the other hand, is really growing on me.
that Inside 9/11? I stayed up until TWO AM before I finally gave up and went to bed… it wasn’t even over… I had been watching it for hours and hours. Shame on me. I have been suffering because of it ever since.
The kittens look so much bigger after only one week!!!
Welcome back!
Oooooh, lots of extreme close-up foster kitty pics. Love ’em!
The Spud may not have a sibling, but she does have cousins, yes? Besides, by the time you pass away –way way WAY into the future– she will most undoubtedly have established a close family of friends that would help see her through.
What happened to Boog’s snout?
Blaspheme! John Cusack will always be Lloyd Dobler, and I won’t hear of him aging or anything. La La La La.
I have five girlfriends that I am MUCH closer to than I am my own brother. My husband and girlfriends will bring me far more comfort and support than my brother will when something happens to our parents. By the time something happens to you the Spud may have a family and children of her own who will bring her comfort and support…if not close friends.
You know something weird. I am trying to figure our what to call you!! I will be talking and something will come up in conversation and I will want to tell something you said or did and I will say “my friend Rob…..” and then I stop myself realizing you are not technically my friend seeing how we have never met or even spoken…but it feels like it. Weird. So, I have to back up and say “the lady whose online journal I read” and it just doesn’t feel right. It feels like I am slighting this friendship I have with your writings. Anyone else have this problem1? (Just feel like I know you so well!!)
I find that amusing.
Well, glad you are safe from the storm. Take care!!!
As you can tell….love your journal and have missed it!!
🙂 Kathy
Kathy, I do the same thing all the time! I’ll be talking to my husband and say something about Robyn or Fred and then have to go back and clarify who the heck I am talking about.
So glad you are back, being without Bitchypoo through the week is like, well hell I can’t think of a good analogy let’s just say glad you are back.
Of all the pics and words I can’t help but notice how nice a manicure your Mom has..
And how Rambo is resembling a Mini Boog in alot of ways.
Good to have you back 🙂
I also have a large family. Some of which I only see once or twice a year. I don’t live far from them either! Our paths just don’t cross so you are not alone in that.
I remember one year we had three deaths in the family in just a few months. Everybody went to all three of the funerals. On the third one one of my cousins said “we are going to have to stop meeting like this!”
We have a family reunion every year on Mothers Day. Not everyone goes every year though.
This is a bit of a tangent, but, yes, Cusack did hit the wall of cuteness a few years ago. I think it is a pitfall of having “boyish” good looks…as you age they don’t morph into “handsome” usually.
Welome back!
Nice manicure, Robyn 🙂
I’ve been busy for the past week or so and am just catching up on posts. I’m glad you got to see your parents for a while, even if it was for a sad reason. I know what you mean about worrying who will be there for your daughter once you’re gone. I have an only child, too, and we’re trying to make sure he stays close to his cousins for just that reason.