8/27/10 – Friday

I watched The Back-Up Plan yesterday. It was a cute movie, I usually like Jennifer Lopez’s movies well enough. I only snoozed for about 10 minutes, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss any key plot points (really, with your average romantic comedy, you could probably snooze through 75% of it and not miss much). … Continue reading “8/27/10 – Friday”

I watched The Back-Up Plan yesterday. It was a cute movie, I usually like Jennifer Lopez’s movies well enough. I only snoozed for about 10 minutes, and I’m pretty sure I didn’t miss any key plot points (really, with your average romantic comedy, you could probably snooze through 75% of it and not miss much). The reason I bring it up is because there was this French Bulldog Boston Terrier in the movie who was OH MY GOD SO CUTE.

I don’t ever want a house dog, but if I did? I’d want one like that. The EYES on that cute little guy, good lord.


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Robyn, about how often do you have to vacuum your icebox coils? I have one fairly furry pup and I have to do mine every two months (could probably get away with every three).

Devil, how much do I love you for assuming I ever vacuum my icebox coils? SO MUCH. They get vacuumed every time the fridge needs to be pulled out for something else (cat toy check, defrosting the fridge, checking to see if something we’re missing is back there), so I’d guess maybe twice a year? Though now that I think about it, if I vacuumed them more often, maybe we’d need to defrost the freezer less often – every now and then the ice maker gets all jammed up and starts producing hollow ice cubes, which is our cue to empty everything out of the freezer and fridge, pull it out, unplug it, let everything thaw, clean it out, plug it back in, and shove it back in place. We do not have the best fridge in the world, as you may have guessed, but it was the only one that would fit in the designated spot.


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I didn’t realize you were back on the Diet Coke. I thought that was a no no.

I know I’ve written about this in the past, and I’d put up the SKIMMER! pic, but I can’t find where I’ve written about it, so

WAIT. I found it!


I last wrote about it back in March, here.

(You guys know I’m just teasing with the skimmer picture and accusations, right? I can barely keep track of all the details of my own life, I certainly don’t expect y’all to!)


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In case you have not seen this:

The most inefficient drinker in the cat kingdom.

Oh, I’ve seen it – I just forgot to share it with y’all. The look on that cat’s face cracks me UP. He’s so serious! He’s like “By GOD, I will figure this out if it kills me!”


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I have newly installed wood floors in my house and that includes the kitty room. I have large litterbox mats in front of the boxes, but litter is getting tracked everywhere. Any suggestions as I see you have hard wood floors also.

Most of my litter boxes are big buckets from Lowe’s with holes cut in the front as an entrance/ exit. I use big boot trays (I got mine online, but you can find them at Lowe’s. You can probably also find them at Walmart.) as litter catchers, and I turn the litter boxes (buckets) with the entrance/ exit toward the wall. That helps some, but honestly, I find that on the days I don’t vacuum, a quick sweep with the broom around the litter boxes helps keep things under control.

I think someone recommended the Roomba. I have one, but I rarely use it. We have area rugs throughout the house, and while the Roomba does a pretty good job on the hardwood floors, it tends to leave clumps of cat hair behind on the rugs. I find it easier to just vacuum myself.

Anyone out there have more suggestions for how to keep the litter scatter under control on a hardwood floor? We’re all ears!


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Do Maxi and Newt stay out at night even when it gets cold?

They like the cool nights of Fall, but when it gets seriously cold (I know, those of you who suffer through winters at below-zero temperatures are scoffing at the idea that it ever gets “seriously” cold in Alabama!) they come inside overnight. Actually, during the coldest part of the winter, Newt’s just as happy to stay inside 24/7. Maxi’s really more of an outdoors girl, and she doesn’t like the large number of kittens who are always running around here, so she’ll go outside during the day then come in for the night.


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Do you have any news on your recent fosters like, have they been adopted yet or what? A couple went through so fast recently I hardly got a chance to know them.

As of this moment, all my previous fosters except Pancho have been adopted. There was a time there when it seemed like the Rescuees were on a merry-go-round because three of them were adopted and then returned (Franco and Garrity because one of the girls who adopted them was allergic, and Lieu because the lady who adopted him decided she wasn’t ready), but it’s been a good few weeks since the last Rescuee was adopted, so I’m tentatively going to say that those adoptions are going to “stick.”

It depends on how adoptions go at the adoption center, but at this point the Bookworms are next in line to go, it’s only a matter of space opening up.


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Sweet Miss Melodie.

Every mancat needs some pink floof in his life.

She swats! She… misses!

Leaning tower of Melodie.


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Bad boys, bad boys. Whatcha gonna do? Whatcha gonna do when they sneak outside and then totally act like they’re allowed out there and what’s YOUR problem anyway, lady?

(You’re gonna grab the camera, is what you’re gonna do.)


Bad bad Buster Brown. He’s the baddest cat in the whole damn town. Well, the whole back yard, anyway. (“Buster” is Bolitar’s nickname, I’m sure I’ve mentioned.)

Corbett, clearly miserable.


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“Y’all get your butts back inside that house! You know you’re not allowed out here, and I’m not putting up with your zany shenanigans! Chasing each other all over the yard! Rolling around on the concrete pad! Eating grass! Sheriff Mama won’t have it, you hear me?”


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2009: “But… I don’t WANNA go be tutored and have my eyeballs messed with!”
2008: “Huh” is very versatile, no?
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: I think our cats are as antisocial as we are.
2003: Damn PMS Fairy.
2002: You know, I don’t believe that once you become a parent, every bit of you has to be absorbed into that role.
2001: Dumbass, thy name is Robyn.
2000: No entry.

7 thoughts on “8/27/10 – Friday”

  1. Thanks for answering my off-the-wall question. We bought our icebox in 1993 and the first time I cleaned the coils was 1998 (!). It was a terrible, furry, dusty mess down there and you could barely even SEE any coils. I swore I’d start doing it bi-monthly from then on. My husband thinks it’s obsessive, but it’s been 17 years and that icebox is working awesomely.

    The video of the cat drinking had me loudly laughing at my computer. Even the dog came in to see what my problem was.

    Corbett is just so gorgeous. Well, all your cats are, cuz I think cats are just beautiful animals. But there’s just something about Corbett.

  2. Hey Robyn-just wanted to let you know that ‘Nuts’ (the dog in The Back-Up Plan) is a Boston Terrier, not a French Bulldog.

    They share alot of characteristics but you won’t see a Frenchie with those markings.


  3. I have a Boston Terrier, and they are indeed adorable. I never get over the cuteness of mine.

    Also, thank you for sharing that cat video! It was possibly the funniest thing I’ve ever seen (though I cringed at the thought of the water bill), and I laughed out loud, too.

  4. Christine – coils aren’t visible on my fridge either. They’re underneath, hidden, and a big PITA to reach (and they need special vacuum attachments to clean them). But, when they’re clean, the icebox runs noticeably quieter.

    Sorry, Robyn, for posting again about such a DULL topic. It’s cooled off here a bit and I sorta have fall cleaning on the brain. Oh, my exciting existence. I need a trip to Las Vegas very soon.

    My mom’s Boston Terrier loved to run into the room, where my mom was lying on the sofa sans shoes, and bite her on the big toe to get her attention. My dad found it hilarious but it PISSED OFF my mom, big time. Only the cuteness saved that dog’s life, I’m sure.

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