* * * Update, 2:25 pm: I’m home, everything went fine. The surgeon took a picture of my liver; there’s apparently something still going on there, because a normal liver is pink. Mine is gray. It could be fairly innocuous (blocked bile duct, too much iron) or something more serious (liver disease). The surgeon took a biopsy of the liver, and I have to follow up with the GI next week. I’m in surprisingly little pain, though that could be because I took two perc0set before I left the hospital. My belly button and to the right of my belly button, and up the right side hurt the most right now. I think I need to change into a nightgown so nothing’s pressing on my belly for now. Thanks, you guys, for your well wishes. I’ll update again when I can! ]]>
I am sending you lots of positive thoughts that the surgery will the least invasive as possible!
I’ll be thinking about you today!
Good luck, Robyn!
best happy thoughts – I had mine out jsut before easter and I was in the hospital at 8am and home by 4pm and feeling super great in comparison to how I felt prior to the surgery – you’ll feel like you’ve been stabbed in several places but a little rest and pain relief and you’ll be good to go in a few days. thinking of ya xxx
Wow, Robyn. The ups (new house!) and the downs (gall bladder surgery!) and the ups (guess yall figured out what was causing your yellow-ness!). Will be thinking of you & sending serious great-surgery-get-well vibes. Take good care! xoxo Kathy
Best of luck today Robyn!
Sending loads of good healing vibes your way!!
Sending good thoughts–and a wish for a laparoscopy!–your way. Feel better soon!
GOOD LUCK, Robyn!!!!!!!!
You’re going to feel so much better!
Good thoughts coming your way!
Girl—- take care…
Wow, this must be the result of your appointment with the WL surgeon yesterday. He didn’t waste any time, did he?
I’m sure everything will go great. I had mine out last May and had no problems. I just wish the surgeon wouldn’t have given me copies of pictures of my gallbladder cut open and displaying all of the stones inside. I could have gone without seeing that, but my husband thought it was so cool he still has them somewhere. Ugh.
Best wishes for a quick and easy recovery!
Good luck, Robyn. I’m sending good thoughts your way.
AACCCKKK!!!! NOT what I expected to find in my email box this morning!!! BEST of luck to you, and I’ll send positive thoughts your way throughout the day.
Adding laparoscopy wishes and fast-healing vibes to the bunch. Glad that they didn’t fuck around this time but got you right into surgery — it’s been too long!
Speedy recovery to you!
Good luck Robyn, I hope it all goes well. I just had mine out a few weeks ago too. Fun, fun!
Robyn – get well soon. Sending positive thoughts your way!
Good luck – I hear that there’s lots of gas afterwards, so good luck to Fred and the Spud, too.
All good thoughts here
Let us know how you are!
Thinking ++++ for you.
Good luck, and hoping you heal quickly!
Wow! Good luck, Robyn!
Feel better soon!
Good luck Robyn, here’s hoping for a speedy recovery.
Good luck Robyn – you’re in my thoughts.
Take care and here’s to a speedy recovery!
Sending you lots of *~get well soon~* vibes
Take care!
Good luck. I hope all goes well, and you don’t have to get cut open. FYI, my sister had her gall bladder out (laparascopically) this year, only a few months after having twins. Her recovery went well and was super-fast. She was even caring for the babies again only days after the surgery. I really think she was only out of commission for a day or two, then just had to take it easy for a short time. Having recent memory of her c-section and its recovery, she had few complaints about the gall bladder surgery. Hope it goes just as well for you.
ow Robyn! feel better soon!
I hope you feel better soon, Robyn-sending good healing vibes your way!
Lots of luck, Robyn.
Wow, this happened so fast! I had my gallbladder out almost 7 years ago but I had to stay overnight and recovery took a couple of weeks. Seems like I’m the odd man out b/c your other commentors say they recovered quickly. I am sure you will too.
Get lots of rest and take it easy. I’ll miss my daily dose of Bitchypoo though while you are away.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! I know Fred will take excellent care of you.
Aww, take care of yourself! *sending quick healing vibes*
Take care, Robyn. I hope you feel better soon!
Wow, when you have good insurance in the US, they don’t mess around. In Canada, I wonder how long you’d wait.
Healing thoughts. Hope you’re on the mend quickly.
Good luck Robyn and feel super soon!
Be well soon! Easy healing!
Feel better soon!
Holy crap Robyn! Get better soon! Hope everything goes smoothly and you are out of the hospital quickly!
Good luck today! I had mine out about 4 years ago and it was not that bad. The worst part was being so tired from the anesthesia being processed out of my body and sitting for long periods in the car. (I had a 2 hour commute, each way.) Afterwards, I never realized how much pain I was in, until I wasn’t in any more pain.
I’ll be sending good thoughts your way today!
Get Well Soon. I’ll be thinking about you! =-)
it’s a heckkuva way to lose just a few more ounces…. wishing you a speedy recovery, and a quick return to white eyeballs!
Good luck, Robyn! And hey, at least you won’t have the weird shaved pattern that my dad did on his chest when he got HIS gallbladder out!
Ouch! Lots of wishes for a speedy recovery.
I’ll be thinking of you today. Get well soon!!
All the best, I had mine out in January, and it was well worth it X
Oh Robyn I am so sorry that you are going through this. I will be thinking of you and wishing you the least invasive surgery possible. I hope that you are feeling better soon and I know that Fred and the Spud will take good care of you.
Good luck and feel better soon!!
I’m glad to hear that your surgery went well! Take it easy and update us when you can!
Sending healing vibes your way -> ) ) ) ) ) )
I am glad it went well.. what do you need a gallbladder for anyway ??? You are better off without it!!
Best wishes for a quick recovery !!
I lost my GB five years ago and I don’t miss it a bit…my only advice is to stay close to a bathroom until your digestive system doesn’t miss it anymore either
can’t wait to see the pics of the liver!!!
just kidding
So sorry Robyn that you had to have surgery…No fun! I am wishing you quick healing, no yucky stuff wrong with your liver and when you are all healed up? A GIANT helping of Lobster!!
get some rest and get better hon ((((hugs)))))
My mom had this done in 2000. She kept the gallstones, which is gross, but they’re cool anyway. Five of them, three like little marbles and two like the big ones.
I’m glad it went well and you are back at home. Take care now, y’hear?
Oh man! I didn’t get online till now and didn’t even know a dang thing was going on! I am so glad you are back home and doing okay. I like what Marie said so you just heal right on up and get back to your high jinxs.
Thinking good thoughts for ya Robyn.
Just kick back and let Fred and the Spud pamper you for awhile. I’m glad the GB is gone (you’re going to feel SO much better) and I hope they get to the bottom of your liver discoloration soon.
Best get well thoughts beaming your way. And yes, that was the cutest kitten picture ever and you should get filthy rich off of royalties from selling it to Cat Fancy magazine.
I’ve been reading your blog for a while, after following you from the site you and the other women had before. Which btw I thoroughly enjoyed that site. It’s been inspiring to read about your weight loss after surgery. But I also check daily as I love all the pictures of your cats. Especially Sugarbutt.
Your operation is so sudden. I guess your MRCP showed bad results yesterday. Hey, at least you didn’t have to wait for a surgeon to fit you into their schedule. I wasn’t officially diagnosed with a diseased gallbladder until I had an ERCP, and then I had to wait an additional 2 weeks for surgery. All those years ago, you had to stay overnight in the hospital. I could not imagine going home the same day :0
I hope your recovery goes well, but mostly that the possible liver issues turn out to be nothing to worry about. Make sure you take your pain medications on time and don’t let the pain get too bad before you take anything. Also I suggest you take it as easy, be as sedentary as you can for the next few days, or even week. I found stairs were very difficult to do the first few days. Ditto with walking any distance, or driving. Best wishes to you in your recovery.
I’m holding good thoughts for you, Robin! Please take care!
I’m sending good thoughts and well wishes from New England to you Robyn, and hope you bounce back quickly and can get started on your new exciting adventure of house-moving soon.
I must have completely missed this in yesterdays post..I hope you are feeling better, and soon all of this medical stuff is over for you!
Wow that was fast. When I had my gb taken out I was in surgery at 9am and went home the next morning. 10 years ago, of course. I hope the cause of your gray liver becomes clear and is nothing serious. Any chance it will pinken up since you have now had this surgery?
Get well soon!!! Sweet percoset dreams.
Glad to hear things went well and you’re not in too much pain. I remember having my gallbladder out…even if I hadn’t been having horrendous gallbladder attacks, the surgery would have been worth it just for the lovely painkillers. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: it’s a good thing Vicodin isn’t readily available! I certainly do hope your liver biopsy reveals the most goodest news possible. Hugs.
Hey! What the hell. I never knew you were going in! Hey! What the hell?
There’s one benefit to getting on so late, finding out you had surgery (suprise!) and that you’re back home again, and all is okay, well except for your liver – you poor thing, you’ve been through so much lately! Will think good thoughts for you!
Glad you’re doing ok! And just think, YOU WILL NEVER BE CONSTIPATED AGAIN.
Glad to hear things went well! Hopefully the news about your liver is good!
I’m late to the game but I’m sending you warm/happy thoughts your way.
Sending healthy liver vibes. Best wishes Robyn!!
Gee Whiz! My internet goes down for a week and when I get back online I see things have gone to hell in a handbasket while I was away! SURE hoping you are doing WELL and the liver turns back to it’s appropriate color and you recover in tip-top shape!
Hope you continue to “not hurt”. Hugs.
Hi Robyn ~ I hope you’re feeling okay. I just want to say one thing. I had my gall bladder out laproscopically like you did and it took me a while to feel okay. I thought I should feel fine the next day, other people said they did, but it took me several weeks. I voiced my frustration to my doctor and he basically said that everyone is different in how they heal, but whether I had to have the one big cut or the little cuts he had still removed an organ from my body and it would take just as much time to heal on the inside. So be good to yourself and don’t overdo it. I went back to regular activity too soon and I ended up with an umbilical hernia (that felt like an alien popping out of my belly) that I had to have surgically repaired from the incision in my belly button, so take it easy.
Wishing you the best! Take care of yourself–hopefully your liver will start to behave itself once it’s free of that pesky gallbladder!
I hope you’re recovering well. And that you didn’t keep your gallbladder in a jar like my mother. Well, the stones. but still.
I am so glad to hear everything went well. Hugs to you sweetie….
Robyn – I am glad to hear that everything went well! Here’s hoping that your liver is okay and just biled up! Fortunately, you don’t seem to have any bad habits, except for Fred, anyway (and Fred has been proven to be be beneficial to livers, I am told.)
Have a great weekend (though I hope you feel well enough to post tomorrow!)
I hope you have a speedy recovery. Good wishes are headed your way. Much love to you…..Nanamama
I’m happy to hear that you made it through okay, Robyn. Good luck with the liver issue!
Also, I don’t know if you got the gmail/WP comments thing fixed yet, btu I made my husband fix that very problem for me awhile back. He wrote an explanitory post about it if you’re still in need of info…
Problems with comment email threading in WP 2.x
Here’s to a speedy recovery!
I had my gallbladder out years ago, you should be feeling better in no time!
Dangit. I can’t come here anymore.
Robyn, be well. Hope that liver stuff comes back in the clear, dearie. Many hugs.
Hi Robyn! I hope everything’s going well with you. I was reading MSN’s Emmy predictions today and saw this: “though it sometimes feels like the same-o, same-o two-step.” ARGH! Made me think of you
Please take care! I hope your liver is okay and that you recover from your surgery quickly!
Wow – I go out of town for a few days and look what happens. I hope you’re feeling better, and that the liver issues turn out to be nothing. Take good care of yourself, and follow my advice and milk this for all you can … are Fred and the Spud waiting on you hand and foot? Well, they should be!
Okay, now I’m worried! I was somehow removed from your notify list, so maybe you sent out an e-mail, but really hope you’re okay. Hope you (or Fred) update soon. Please teake care of yourself. We miss you! BTW, I’m writing this while on vacation in Maui–I should have no worries, but I’m worried about you! Hope you’re doing okay…
Best wishes for an excellent recovery. I had mine out a few years ago and other than a few after effects all was much better! You’ll be feeling great in about a week. Just don’t sneeze unexpectedly.
Damn Robyn- you move fast. I came here to catch up with you and you’re having surgery!
I just had my gallbladder out a couple of months ago. I haven’t read everyone else’s comments, so I don’t know if anyone mentioned this or not- but the one thing NO ONE told me about was the uh- bathroom recovery. I don’t know how to put it delicately, but you should expect some changes in bathroom habits for the next week or so. You’re probably an old pro at that because of your WLS. Also, it took me a full week before I felt really ready to face the world. Anyway- hope you’re feeling well and taking it easy. Eat lots of bland food until you know what your body can handle. MUCH love to you, RObyn. xoxo