Given that I still feel like crap and I’m still unable to eat anything with any flavah and anything I do eat flees the interview, post-haste (or at least after a brief interval of racing through my digestive tract) AND I haven’t had a Diet Coke in five days because it tastes horrific to me, in fact I can’t drink anything but water and I have a constant bad taste in my mouth and I feel weak due to the fact, I’m sure, that I’ve lost 12 pounds in the last week, I suppose it’s time to call and make a doctor’s appointment.
What does this mean for you? No real entry aside from the cat pictures, SUCKAHS.
At least once a day, Fred looks around at the Bookworms (or looks at one moseying by) and says “I think this is the prettiest litter we’ve ever had.” There’s no arguing – they are one gorgeous bunch.
Melodie, playing. Just after I snapped this picture, she fell onto her side and gave that toy a few bunny kicks for good measure. I guess that toy knows who the boss is now!
“Who, me? Just sitting in this cat bed that I flipped upside down. That’s all.”
Martin and the toy that Melodie had just bunny-kicked. He’d like it known that HE is actually the boss ’round these parts.
These two are just so sweet with each other. They’ll walk across the room just to rub up against each other. It’s mighty sweet.
I was going out to run errands one day, and looked over to see Newt taking it easy under one of the upside-down tubs we can’t seem to find a storage place for.
2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: Bye, bye gallbladder.
2005: No entry.
2004: Fucking toes.
2003: No entry.
2002: Evil.
2001: Cat pics.
2000: I know you women out there are jealous since I got me one o’ them SENSITIVE guys who can cry.
I am officially starting to get worried about you. I certainly hope you feel better very, very soon.
Please get yourself to the doctor, the kitties need you on your tippy toes and healthy. Plus your readers care and want you back to your beaming funny self.
Did you eat fast food recently? My husband and I are thinking about writing a book called “Shit your way to a thinner you!” based on the McD’s and Taco Bell diet! Hope you get it figured out and feel better.
Get thee to the doctor POST HASTE!!! If you’ve lost that much weight in that little time, you need to be checked out. I will NOT have my daily installments of Robyn And The Kittehs interrupted by your gastro-instestinal distress, you got me? 😉
R0byn, feel better! I am sure the doctor will soon have you on the way to full recovery. Wishing that you regain strength and a better taste in your mouth — but not regain what the scale lost, lol.
Sorry you’re still feeling lousy, Robyn. Here I was so sure you were all better. Wishful thinking.
Smart girl, you are, for getting yourself to the doctor. I hate when people dig in their heels and refuse to go.
Newt! Hee!
I was thinking about the egg-salmonella events of late, but since you have your own egg supply, it’s unlikely. We buy all our eggs from a neighbor, but two weeks ago, I was out of eggs and they weren’t home when I needed to make cookies for a party. I bought a half dozen Lucerne eggs from the Safeway, made (and tasted the raw) cookie dough, and omygod two days later I was soooo sick – lasted a week before I finally hauled my butt to the doc for some Cipro.
Have you eaten out anywhere that might have served undercooked eggs? Salad dressing? Airport food?
Right now I am just thanking my lucky stars I slightly overbaked those cookies, because I have lost count of how many people ate them.
Feel better – get to the doctor!
Oh Robyn poor you! Hope the doctor makes it all better ASAP! I would so love to have 12 lbs. melt off quickly but not THAT way! Rest as much as you need the entries can wait! (Not that you aren’t missed BUT you are far more important than our mere reading pleasure). I wouldn’t suspect your eggs and that’s a relief. I have been out of eggs and too nervous to buy any now. I will be buying pastuerized egg beaters for now. I can handle them but the husband will whine a bit. Feel better!
Just found your blog. Your pics made me smile – thanks!
Now I’m worried about you. Maybe it’s a WLS-related problem rather than food poisoning? (Also, your electrolytes are probably totally out of whack by now, and low sodium (hyponatremia) can make you feel extra nauseous & dizzy.) Keep going until someone tells you what’s wrong–maybe even the nasty surgeon, if necessary? I remember Marybeth going to the ER & having to educate them about WLS and possible problems years after the procedure…
I didn’t realize you were back on the Diet Coke. I thought that was a no no.
Anyway, I disagree with you and Fred. The Cookies were the prettiest. I almost got in my car to come take one of them home, but I thought a six thousand mile round trip probably wasn’t really practical. And I’m not a cat person!
If you can, get some Gatorade to sip. I got a nasty, nasty stomach bug a few years ago (bad enough that I had to get a shot of muscle relaxant to quit retching, ugh!) and the doctor recommended Gatorade — he said it actually absorbs into your system faster, and is a little easier on an unhappy stomach. Feel better soon!
Robyn, I hope you’re feeling better soon. I hate going to the doctor. I’m one of those people who have to be half-dead before I go. Take care…
NO DIET COKE? OMG. Feel better!!
hmm, that picture of Newt looks disturbingly like someone has done him in and then tried to conceal the body. Is this is a case for Sheriff Mama??
Get better soon Robyn… you got food poisoning? Try some diet 7-up, works wonders for me. Ginger Ale, the real stuff is good as well.
Oh eww – there’s nothing worse than feeling like shit. So sorry Robyn, and hope you’re feeling better every day. Hope you went to the dr (even though I’m another one of those who has to be dragged myself) and you’re on your way to a speedy recovery! Take good care.