Can you ask your all-knowing readers what they can recommend for a camcorder? We’re about to have our first baby and since we live halfway across the country from any family, we need one so we can fully share the love. I don’t mind spending the money on one as long as it’s decent. Our only requirements (so far) are that we don’t want to have to use tapes and we want something that will be compatible with Macs (we don’t have one now but probably will in the next year or so).
I know you guys can help out – leave a comment at the bottom of the entry or email me, and I’ll pass your suggestion on to Shelly.
I made the MOST fabulous dinner last night. We had hamburgers made on the George Foreman grill, and I sauteed mushrooms, onions, and garlic to go on top of the burgers. I put a slice of American cheese on my burger, topped it with sauteed mushrooms, onions, and garlic, and it was both filling and very, very, VERY tasty.I imagine it would be good on a hamburger bun, as well.
We’re having a run of really good food lately, it seems.
We went out to the new house Saturday and spent close to three hours walking around the house and property making extensive lists of what we wanted to do to the rooms (pretty much yank down the crown molding, repair and repaint, put up new crown molding that better works on those rooms, and replace all the light fixtures, in every room. Not to mention refinishing many of the floors.) and to the property. We actually walked to the very back of the property, since we hadn’t done that, and neither of us picked up ticks or snakes or anything particularly scary, so I consider it a good trip.
Pictures, you ask? Why of COURSE I have pictures.
The owners of the house we’re buying are very religious. I didn’t actually roll my eyes when I saw the Roy M00re sticker. But I WANTED to.
The view off the porch to the left. Note the ceiling fan.
The view off the porch to the right. Note ceiling fan #2. Next year there’ll be plants hanging off the porch roof to attract hummingbirds.
The view off the front porch, straight ahead. I think that lawn needs a nice big bulb garden for next year, don’t you?
The house comes with a chicken coop. It’s like a sign, between the chicken coop and the kittens.
Inside of the chicken coop, which needs to be cleaned.
One of the several pecan trees on the property. We’re going to have SO many pecans we’ll probably have to set up a little stand and sell them.
Mimosa tree. Fred hates them; I think they’re pretty.
Toward the back of our property, this is a shot from one side to the other.
Eek! Mice don’t scare me, snakes don’t (much) scare me, but wasps scare the FUCK out of me. First order of business: getting the pest control people out to the property.
Our new house and property has no shortage of bugs.
From the back of the property, looking across to the other corner. The shed is on what will be our property (but isn’t ours), and to the right you can see a flash of white. That’s the house.
Another shot from the back of the property. The house is in the middle of the picture.
Tree to the right (if you’re facing it) of the house. I love how huge it is.
A peek into the creepy crawl space.
Mouse skeleton, found under the creepy crawl space.
The pond in the back yard. We’ve had a seriously dry summer, so it’s close to dry, and the catfish have all died. We’re talking about filling it in and digging out a pond further back (and deeper, too).
The bonus room over the garage, which will eventually become half foster kitten room, half storage.
Down the stairs from the bonus room. These stairs seriously need a handrail.
We’re not crazy about the light fixtures. They go well with the house, but we’re not big fans of tin, so we’ll be replacing these.
Now we come to the section I like to call “Identify this bush, tree, or plant, please”. If anyone knows, leave a comment. I’ll label each picture so we don’t get confused.
Tree #1 (back of property). Any idea what this tree is? It looks like it could be some sort of fruit tree, but we know nothing about this sort of thing.
Plant #1. Any idea what these things growing are? Fred suggested perhaps they were watermelons (due to the markings), but we’re not sure. See the big picture for a better look.
Bush #1. (Left side of porch)
Bush #1 (closeup).
Bush #2 (left side of porch).
Bush #2 (closeup).
Bush #3 (left of front part of porch).
Tree #2 (middle of front lawn).
Momma Dixie, giving us a bit of the attitude.
She keeps an eye on us when we’re around her babies.
She’s such a tiny little thing.
A pile o’ sleepy kittens (Dixie moved them from the corner of the garage to a more comfortable spot on a blanket in a plastic box).
The kittens start to wake up (helped in no small part by the fact that I couldn’t keep my paws off them) and root around for some food.
Hungry baby. (BEST PICTURE EVER)
We talked to the owner about the kittens while we were out there on Saturday. We told her that we (I) volunteer for the no-kill cat shelter, and Fred made a point of saying that we know it’s a good place, that they spay and neuter all cats before they adopt them out (and the owner shamefacedly said “Yeah, we need to get Dixie fixed…”), and she said “If I can’t find homes for them, can I give you a call?”, because we mentioned the idea of fostering them, and I said that of course she could.So I’m glad knowing that she knows that she’s got somewhere to turn if they can’t find homes for the kittens. But they’re so unbearably cute, I’m not sure how difficult it’ll be for her to find a home for them!

Instead of selling your pecans, why don’t you send some to your loyal and faithful readers?? Kind of like a thank you gift!! Ha ha. What does the spud think of the new house?
Shelly – If you’re getting a Mac, then pretty much any mini-DV digital camcorder will work great. The mini-DVs are tapeless, and you can easily edit and create custom DVDs from your footage using the Mac.
The Panasonic PV-GS300 is a highly rated, reasonably priced mini-DV. The Panasonic PV-GS39 is cheaper but also highly rated. (Actually, any of the Panasonic PV-GS series mini-DV camcorders are good.)
Sony also makes some great mini-DV camcorders. Their DCR-HC96 is a great little camera, and their DCR-HC20 is a cheaper but still great choice.
I second Michele’s suggestion about giving your pecans to those who love you the very mostest in the whole wide world: your readers.
Mmm… pecans…
I must start by saying that I’m a first time commenter but a long time reader. I can’t wait to read about how the new house progresses!
Now, about Plant #1. I have this growing in one spot in my yard. I got interested in it when we moved in (a year ago) and showed it to a neighbor to see if she knew what it was. She told me she was pretty sure it was a weed, and honestly, after seeing what it did through the seasons – which was NOTHING except disappear in the winter and then reappear in the spring – I think she’s right. The little fruit looking things never became anything. And when I finally decided that I was ready to pull them up, I discovered that those plants are covered in NASTY thorns. I can’t even touch them wearing my good gardening gloves. (I keep trying to remember to go out in hubby’s leather gloves but never do.)
So I’m interested to see if anyone else can give you any input on what it is, but my guess from experience so far is that it’s worthless.
Love the front porch! And I can’t wait to see all the changes inside and out. The kitties are adorable too.
Bush #1 looks a lot like the bushes that bloom beautifully yellow first thing in spring but I don’t know the “normal” name for it. It needs cutting back occasionally to reach full glory. I don’t know what the growing thing is but it sure as hell ain’t watermelon. I have a book at home that identifies trees (to be totally unhelpful ’cause I’m at work, you’re welcome) and a flowering plant book is on my wish list. (THe Complete Garden Book) I would recommend that ya’ll invest in something along those lines because with that much property, it will really come in handy.
We have chickens too and it is absolutely wonderful to have fresh eggs…but don’t get a rooster. I grew up on a farm and always got pecked when gathering eggs. My newly wed husband raised 10 chicks, no roosters in the bunch, and they bonded to him….think he’s the rooster, which is very funny to witness…but even with me, they are very easy going.
One more thing…I understand why Fred hates mimosa trees….they are messy motherfuckers. BUT the best way to draw hummingbirds! Man, my tree gets covered when it blooms…so many that the humming is LOUD.
You house has such amazing potential. I can only imagine how much work you’ll have to put in to just clean up the land. Everything looks overgrown and kind of ratty. Will you have someone come in to help with the outside clean up? And do some landscaping?
Also, do you intend to mow the entire field behind your house? Will you do a garden next year now that you have tons of room?
More questions:
What does the Spud think of the new house? Does she like or dread the thought of moving out of town?
When will the current owners be moving all the rest of their junk out? It seems to be everywhere in the house.
I love hearing about your new house and I can’t wait to watch all of the changes as they come. Congrats again on a wonderful find. π
Robyn – bush #1 looks like a Forsythia bush, which does bloom all over yellow in the spring, then is green the rest of the year.
Do you plan to fence the area where the kitties can play outside, or do you just plan to let them roam?
Oh, and bush #2 looks somewhat like an overgrown magnolia!
DUH! NOT a magnolia but an AZALEA. Sheesh.
I love the close-up of the teeny orange kitten. So sweet. π
Bush #1 looks like Forsythia or Spirea.
Quick question about the house. It looked like there were some vents in the celing in some of the hallways or rooms. Are the vents in the floor or ceilings?
We have lived in two old houses where they had been put through the celing when it was added, but we burned up in the summer and froze in the winter, because they don’t put much air out like when they are done through the floor for some reason. Just wondered.
What a cool idea to have ceiling fans on the porch. I’ve never seen that before.
I love mimosa trees. We had one in our yard when I was a child and the blossoms have a wonderful smell.
I want a house in the country. I am jealous.
Hmmm…. bush #1 looks like either Forsythia or Yellow Jasmine (we have that plant/vine growing around our mailbox). Plant #1 looks like my husband’s fig tree, but if there isn’t fruit on it now, probably isn’t (as ours has fruit on it currently.)
Lot of help I am, eh?
Can I just tell you again how wonderful I think your new house is?
BTW, that shot of the spud on the stairs? She’s a hottie! (no offense intended.) Fred better get the shotgun ready!
This is off-topic, but have you and Fred heard about this?
Robyn, I have to tell you – chickens are so damned GROSS. We had chickens for years growing up, and they STINK STINK STINK. Plus, they’re very ungrateful.
Whitters – Thanks for your wisdom!
Chickens might be gross, but they, and guineas, if allowed to roam around your yard, will keep your yard tick-free. And yes, they CAN be trained to keep off the porch (but I’m not sure they’ll stay out of the road). And the smaller banty hens are smarter than your regular chicken and are easier to deal with.
I’m much better at identifying bushes and trees when they’re blooming, so put pictures up next spring, yes? I’m a plant moron at identifying things just by leaf shape–for example, Bush #1, to me, looks like it could be forsythia or wigela (two very different bushes!).
LOVE the ceiling fans on the porch, and your yard has so much potential. A bulb garden WOULD be lovely out front.
Anybody else think picture 1 looks suspiciously like the rubber tree plant your mom had hanging around the house???
I LIKE the way the land looks. And the spud *is* looking hot, and much more grown up all of a sudden. sniff. How time flies!!
Plant #1 looks like what we call bindweed which is just that, a weed. Those little fruity things won’t get any bigger than that, and it’s really just a pest. We had it in our last house growing around the holly bushes in the back and it was just invasive and a pain to deal with.
Bush #1 looks like forsythia to me. Can’t help with the others, although I agreed with the person who said you should take pictures again in the spring when everything is blooming.
Great place! I grew up on a hobby farm and loved it. Loved the privacy and peacefulness, I am sure you will too π
So glad you found a wonderful piece of property! Looks like you might need a riding lawn mower or small tractor. But, letting the back part grow wild is an option too.
That shed (you may or may not buy) would be good for storing a mower/or tractor because believe me it gets the garage area filthy, those big tires make b i g dirty tracks. LOL
Pecans can be frozen for months! Shell them first and freeze them in bags containing about a cup so you will always have the right amount for recipes. You are going to love living out there.
What an incredible piece of property. You have pecan trees! That is so cool! I agree that bush #1 looks like a forsythia. Who gets to clean the chicken coop? Oh yeah, that “hungry baby” picture is too cute!
I think tree #2 (Middle of front yard) looks like a plum tree.
Lovely, lovely house! I’m curious, is it a Craftsman Style house? It’s exactly what I want too! I’m so excited for you. I am looking forward to the makeover!
Congratulations on finding just what you wanted!
You are going to build a really nice guest house with central air, a private pool and jacuzzi and a California king size bed. With maybe some part-time Hooter’s girls to do the cleaning. Right?
That first plant is a raisenette tree. I’ve seen them before. Doesn’t look like anything is ripe yet, though.
I say “Keep the Mimosas!” It’s a cool name π
That little cat had 8 kittens? Did I count right? It looks like there are 8. Really cute pic of the hungry baby. What kind of fish, other aquatic animals are you planning on putting into the pond? My ex-husband’s aunt had a koi fish pond w/ frogs and lillypads. It was really neat looking, with a little waterfall in the back of the pond to help w/ putting oxygen into the water for the fish.
Since I know Jackety-crack about plants (tree #1 is an olive tree …..right?).
I am going to put my two cents in about what to do with the light fixtures that you are going to take down………….I vote for eBay.
The house and the land are awesome! It must be so exciting to think about what you’re going to do with it. I’m hopefully going to be able to buy my first place in about a year – can’t wait!
Have you thought about getting ducks if you’re going to have a pond? They’re so cute swimming about, and usually friendlier than chickens, or so I’ve heard!
Here’s some advice of your reader in search of camcorders……
I teach video production at a college. I supervise about 100 kids using all sorts of equipment. I think that Panasonic makes a great consumer camcorder that works with just about anything. It’s very durable and user friendly. They work with Macs and PCs. The PV-GS 300 is nice camera although it isn’t tapeless. You need to use a miniDV tape with it. You can also use a memory card and take stills with it.
I wouldn’t recommend any of the cameras that record directly onto DVDs. We have had some trouble with those when they were used for recording sports or other activities where the camera wasn’t locked down on a tripod. The DVD would skip or have sound issues. I don’t think this would work with a toddler. I haven’t found one that worked very well with active students.
I am not fond of Sony products because they load from the bottom and sometimes that causes problems. They have great lenses and some other good features. I do think you get more bang for your buck with panasonic.
As for a computer…..go with a Mac. It comes preloaded with some great software to make family videos and archive your photos. It is worth the money. You are up and running in no time at all. I am primarily a PC user but fell in love with the ease of multimedia on the Mac. My technology challanged family makes videos and multimedia scrapbooks with their macs with almost no tech support from me!
Sell those tin light fixtures on Ebay. You’ll get a pretty penny for them. I too moved out of the city 3 years ago into a restored 1748 farmhouse with acreage. We absolutely love it. We have spent much time and $ making it our own but results are so worth it. Nothing like drinking a cup of coffee in the morning in your pajamas outside because you can do so in privacy. Heck we even swim nekkid sometimes because we can! You’re going to love the country. Only thing I miss is being a few minutes away from shopping but you’ll find yourself devoting a whole day to running your errands and mapping out the stores to save time. I’m so excited for all of you.
Bush#1 could be a forsythia, but I think it looks an awful lot like a butterfly bush too.
I just spent ten minutes reading all these comments and forgot what I was going to say.
Camera recommendations – not exactly what your reader was looking for, but instead of getting a digital video camera, I would definitely recommend getting a good digital camera. Digital photos and digital camera videos are much easier to share with family than digital videos and for the first several years of a kid’s life, most videos that you take will be in that 2-20 minute range, something a good digital camera could easily do. To me, if one of my brothers (who both live far away) decided to have kids, I would much rather receive a million photos via e-mail and a couple of videos than only receive videos, especially when videos take a very long time to download or receive by e-mail with a slow internet connection AND many e-mail programs do not allow the sending of video. I suppose sites like youtube make that a moot point though.
In my experience, digital video cameras shoot great video and low quality photos, where a good quality digital camera shoots great photos and decent video. Gennerally the files you get from a digital camera are easier to work with and compatible with more things than files from a video camera, or at least that was the way it was 1-2 years ago.
Just my two cents.