8/2/10 – Monday

New month, new logo! This one was made by Sofia (in Sweden!), isn’t it adorable? Thanks, Sofia! (The text in the background of that banner is from this entry. I recognized it immediately!) For the record, if anyone’s feeling artsy and wants to make a banner for future months, go for it. I love the … Continue reading “8/2/10 – Monday”

New month, new logo!

This one was made by Sofia (in Sweden!), isn’t it adorable? Thanks, Sofia!

(The text in the background of that banner is from this entry. I recognized it immediately!)

For the record, if anyone’s feeling artsy and wants to make a banner for future months, go for it. I love the banners you guys come up with. Y’all so talented.




Okay, y’all have GOT to help me out. This is the picture I’ve been staring at for the last month. It’s my July calendar picture:


(That’s Gus, from the Wonkas, if you didn’t already know it.)

That picture reminds me vaguely of a picture from the 70s. It might be an album picture, or it might be a publicity shot. It might be Barbra Streisand or Barry Gibb or possibly even Andy Gibb or perhaps someone I can’t think of. All I know in the very faintest edge of my memory, is that the person’s face and hair takes up the whole picture – or at least most of it. On second thought, maybe it’s a topless man. What I know is that the hair is dark and luxurious and takes up a lot of space (unless it’s blond. But it’s definitely luxurious and looks kind of wind-blown). And the person’s face is looking directly at the camera.

Google image search isn’t bringing up anything that strikes a chord with me. Anything come to mind for y’all? Help? THIS IS DRIVING ME NUTS.

Maybe no such picture exists. Maybe I just made it up. ARGH.




I was wandering around the internet over the weekend, and followed a link to another link and then suddenly I was looking at a picture of a smug douchebag, and I wasn’t exactly expecting it, so I said aloud – because I talk to myself a lot – “Who’s the douchebag?”

I think someone needs to buy the domain whosthedouchebag.com or maybe whatadouchebag.com, and we could all upload pictures of douchebags we know or have run across, complete with stories of why the alleged douchebag is a douchebag, and then people could vote for the level of douchebaggery that comes across in the picture and story on a scale from 1 – 10.

There could be categories of douchebag, like “Sensitive New Age douchebag,” “Smug and condescending douchebag,” “Using the wrong too/to/two or there/they’re/their douchebag,” “Know-it-all douchebag,” “Celebrity douchebag,” (“Mel Gibson douchebag!”) and “Bible-thumping douchebag who tells you that your wife must submit to you while he’s trolling the internet for strange men with whom to have torrid sexual encounters*.”

For instance.

I told Fred about the woman (assuming) on YouTube who chastised me for “allowing” Kara’s kittens to nurse even though they were 4 months old (Drive-by douchebag!), and I told him that I’d posted a reply saying, in effect, “Yes, well, let me just go back in time and force her to wean them, shall I?”, then I closed comments on the video so she couldn’t post a reply to my reply.

“You’re a douchebag category all your own!” he said.

Everyone’s got their douchebag moments, which makes the whole whosthatdouchebag.com that much more appealing, no?

*This douchebag exists, he runs a message board Fred has frequented on and off for years, and I LOATHE him. Back when we lived in Madison and I didn’t want a dog – and then we ended up with Jake – he told Fred that HIS wife also didn’t want a dog but she submitted to his wishes and now could often be found “romping” with their dogs. In the time since then, they’ve divorced and it came out that he’d been trolling the internet for years looking for sexual encounters with strange men, and in one of the ads he used the words “man scent” (as in, expressing his desire to get up close and personal below the waist and “inhale your man scent”), and you better bet your ass I use that phrase when I want to see Fred shudder with revulsion.




So, one week is the amount of time it took for Miss Melodie to come around. On Saturday I went into the kitten room and took her down off the cat tree, as usual. Then I sat on the floor holding her to me, and patted her and kissed her behind the ear and told her how pretty she was like I usually do. She put up with it for about 30 seconds, and then she fled for the cat tree. Only this time, instead of climbing to the top of the cat tree and glaring down at me, she stopped halfway to the cat tree, turned around, and came back for more petting.

She’s still skittish, but it’s definitely progress.

Ninja Moxie will put the smack down, little boy.

“I disapprove of this behavior.”

Martin loves to attack this pillow. I think it must taunt him when I’m not around.

This is the face of a kitten who has just woken up and doesn’t want to get down off the cat tree himself. He wants me to come get him and put him on the floor. He meows huskily at me until I bend to his will, and as I’m putting him down on the floor, I like to say “Wahhh! I’m the BAY-BEE!” in a mocking way. Oh, I crack myself up.




Joe in the Joe cave. Is that a happy boy, or what?

But someone’s always gotta come along and ruin the happy moment. (That’s Corbett. I’m sure he just wanted to be friends. He wasn’t trying to be all up in Joe Bob’s space. Right? Yeah, right.)




2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: Really, here at Crooked Acres, it’s sometimes best to just look the other way, and not ask aaaaaaany questions.
2006: No entry. Sorry!
2005: I wanted to lay in bed and sniff my hair all day long.
2004: me: “Brian, I sure do love you, but I’m glad we’ll never have to sit this close to each other ever again.” Brian: “I feel the same.”
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: $1200 for one single washer. What the fuck’s up with that?
2000: can you say “Bring a book”?

31 thoughts on “8/2/10 – Monday”

  1. I sort of want to live in the kitty room. It looks so fun and cozy. You could come in and tell me I’m pretty every morning and feed me some breakfast.

    1. That’s what I want to know! I’m into January 2001 so far – how long is the hamster gestation period, anyway?

      1. We got 5 hamster babies in February – here. What a difference a decade makes, ’cause can you believe that not only did I not put up any pictures of them, I didn’t mention them again ’til March, and then only to report that there was at least one still alive? Several days later I reported that the baby hamsters were super-cute – STILL NO PICTURES – I talked Fred into letting Danielle keep two of the baby hamsters – NO PICTURES – annnnd at the end of March, I reported that we’d returned the hamsters to the pet store.

        And I never took a damn picture, apparently.

        Who the hell WAS that woman?!

  2. Framton is the one I was thinking of too but after seeing Morrison that one looks more like the kitten.

    Martin kills me with that adorable face of his. If I could I’d snatch him up in a heartbeat.

    That last picture of Joe Bob and Corbett would be a great one for the I Can Has Cheezburger site. Joe Bob’s face cracks me up.

  3. Was at PS this Sunday…how is it that 3 little white kittens are still there!! I don’t get it.

    Also, when you foster…do the kittens that don’t get adopted in a certain amount of time, come back to you??

    Love that Corbett…not only do they have to check out the situation, they then have to mock the cat in the box by sitting on the box!!! Kittens : )

  4. The laughing my ass off factor for this entry was off the charts for me today. Robyn, you are so gosh darn ding danged funny! I hope that No More Pie June isn’t reading this and mentally commenting on my horrible grammar skills. I must also commend Sofia on designing a totally amusing logo.

  5. I’m certainly old enough to remember celebs of the 1970’s, but I have NO IDEA who Gus looks like. Too pretty to be Streisand, too blue-eyed to be a Gibb. Will you tell us who it is when you find out, please?!?

    The kitty pictures today have me giggling at my computer. I’m getting “those” looks from my husband. Hee!

    If everyone has their douchebag moments (I agree, btw), that crotch-sniffer you describe abuses the privilege. Actually, calling him a douchebag is an insult to douchebags.

  6. Robyn I love your Douchebag site idea but the #1 douchebag in my life once sent me a letter from a lawyer threatening to sue me for defemation of character-and believe me it was true devious douchebaggery he was guilty of. I have to settle for occasionally discussing his douchyness with a few chosen “safe” people!

    1. It’s the past we “reminice” about because the douche is no longer allowed near my life!

  7. I love the way in that last picture, the arrow on the box is all pointing to Corbetts ass. Kinda like “Sit HERE”.

  8. I just wanted you to know that I am a long time reader, never have commented on anything. I also want you to know that I REALLY enjoy your posts. I look forward to coming home and seeing more kitten pictures and stories. The captions that you put on them make me laugh out loud. Thank you so very much!

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