
One minute I’m catching him by one foot as he tumbles down the stairs and giving him cups of Cheerios to eat and telling Danielle to be NICE to him and telling him to stop staring at Danielle when she’s trying to sleep and laughing at him when he stomps around in his cowboy boots and not much else, and the next he’s got a CAR and is about to get his license and has a GIRLFRIEND and is working with firemen and has a deep voice and has to shave. How the hell did THAT happen, I ask you?]]>

20 thoughts on “8/20/07”

  1. Hang on, it’s suppose to warm up around here later this week. (I’m in NH)
    Hope you’re having a great time. Thanks for the quick post!

  2. Glad to read things are going well in Maine. As mentioned previously, I have relatives WAY up north in Maine, near the Canada border. I’ll bet it is at least 10 degrees below 0 there, right now. HA.

  3. We’ve had a cold snap since you left — it only got up to 98 yesterday. Positively balmy out, and perfect for what I was doing.

  4. Hey if you get your laptop to work wirelessly through your dad’s hook up please tell me how you did it. I’ve been trying to do it with mine and I just can’t get it to work!!!

  5. Seriously, I’m with you on how Brian grew up so fast. I moved “home” to New York in 1994, and my youngest nephew (of my sister’s kids, that is) was about 7 or so? He used to run up and hug me when I’d come over to visit, and his head came to about mid-abdomen on me. Now he’s 20 years old, and he towers over me at 6’1″ or something like that. Where did that little boy go?
    Also, I’m completely jealous that you’re in Maine. I was there last summer, and LOVED it. I could live there and be happy, as long as I was driving distance from the coast.

  6. I was just thinking this morning as I was putting on my slippers and pulling on my hoodie that it was that time of year again…..
    You go to bed and its hot so you turn on the fan, but in the morning its freezing!!!!!
    welcome to Maine!!1
    where in maine are you hanging out, that makes a big differance too somewhere near a renys appearently hehehe

  7. Well, its a lovely (wink-wink) 107 in Texas. Yuck. Waiting for Fall.
    I’m already having Bitchy withdraw.

  8. Yep, I’m in the Portland area, and it’s absolutely freezing these days. Gotta love August in Maine.
    And I’m jealous you’ll be shopping in Freeport while I’m at work!

  9. Glad you are enjoying the cool weather up there. Thanks for keeping in touch. Now go and enjoy the rest of your vacation, that is an order.

  10. You’ve turned “southern,” Robyn — can’t handle those northern summer temps anymore. Heh.

  11. I’m jealous and kicking myself. I left Nova Scotia and came back to work in the west two weeks earlier than I should have. Never again will I give up a minute on the east coast. Oh wait, if those minutes are in Jan or Feb that’s a different kettle of fish.

  12. Welcome back to Maine! I know what you mean about the cold, I had to dig out the sweatshirts this morning! Supposed to warm up a bit later in the week though. As usual! 🙂

  13. Hell, it’s 110 and humid here in the desert. I’ll trade for a while Robyn, but I won’t give up the winters. They are wonderful here.

  14. Hi! I wrote and asked you about vets because of mine telling me to wait and see what would happen to our dog’s hurt leg.
    Well, it got better.
    I hate to say it, almost, because of course she was in so much pain and it was CLEARLY very serious; I was sure she would have been lame forevermore because of the vet’s callous inaction. She had a terrible time moving around (she’s a 100 lb. Bernese Mountain Dog), and she was throwing around some devastating sad eyes at us. We followed the vets advice and kept her as still as possible, and then we had her professionally groomed to trim her “slipper paws” (all that fur that grows through their paw pads) so she didn’t slip on the wood floors anymore. She still doesn’t have all the strength back in her back legs, but she is much better. I will change vets though, because you’re right, you can just tell if someone’s heart is into caring for your pet. Thanks!
    Have a wonderful time in Maine!!! Ya’ll are the best!

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