8/19/09 – Wednesday

Confession: I adore stories that talk about what a pain in the ass Gwyneth Paltrow is, and I always cackle when Dlisted refers to her as “Fishsticks Paltrow.” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *   … Continue reading “8/19/09 – Wednesday”

Confession: I adore stories that talk about what a pain in the ass Gwyneth Paltrow is, and I always cackle when Dlisted refers to her as “Fishsticks Paltrow.”

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We’re working our way through Season 2 of Bones, and I have to say that I am getting MIGHTY FUCKING TIRED of Bones and her “I was a foster kid! I was in the system! I feel your pain!” shtick.

She was in the fucking system for what, two days before her grandparents (or aunt or whothefuckever) found out and came to rescue her? I mean, I know that must be terrifying for a kid, but TWO DAYS is not YEARS AND YEARS, Bones.

I much prefer Bones when she acts like Chloe from 24.

The other day Fred said something to me, and I said “I don’t understand” and he laughed and told me I sounded like Bones.

(TJ Thyne is my secret boyfriend.)

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Someone HELP ME PLEASE. I upgraded to the latest version of Firefox, and now RANDOMLY, for no reason I can discern, sometimes when I open something in a new tab, it will OPEN in a new tab and then reopen SUDDENLY AND RANDOMLY WHEN I HAVE DONE NOTHING AT ALL in a new window. Now. If I wanted the goddamn thing to open in a new WINDOW, I wouldn’t have opened it in a new TAB, would I?


Is anyone else having this issue? Anyone know how to MAKE IT STOP? Because it doesn’t happen often, but when it does it’s like my computer is all “Oh, you need to have this open in its own window LET ME DO THAT FOR YOU WHETHER YOU WANT IT OR NOT!” and it makes me feel like stabbing something. Repeatedly.

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After spending the last month and a half collecting all the decent, unblemished big tomatoes that came from the garden, putting them in a bag and sticking them in the freezer, I finally had enough to make a batch of tomato sauce. I ran them through the food mill, tossed the puree into a big pot, and let it simmer all day long.

I ended up with about 10 cups of tomato sauce.

2009-08-19 (13)

I’ve got another couple of big bags of tomatoes to run through the food mill, and that might give me another five cups or thereabouts.

I guess this weekend I’ll be canning tomato sauce!

(And it’s just straight tomato sauce, no spices or veggies added. I can add that stuff to it when I need to, I figure.)

We’re practically at the end of the summer, and I highly suspect that three quarts of tomato sauce is about as much as I’m going to get this year.

Have I mentioned it hasn’t been a great year, tomato-wise? The chickens, turkeys, and pigs are making out like bandits, though, with all the half-rotted and split tomatoes we toss their way.

I guess it all works out in the end.

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Remember the chair I got at the yard sale for $15, to put in the foster kitten room? Sure you do.

2009-07-20 (1)

The kittens, as suspected, really liked the fringe around the bottom of the chair.

However, I didn’t foresee that they’d pull the fringe strings off and try to EAT them. The day I walked into the room and saw Sam with a fringe string hanging out of his mouth is the day that fringe went bye-bye.

2009-08-19 (11)

I can’t say removing the fringe helped make the chair any better looking, but at least I don’t have to worry about the brats swallowing strings and getting their intestines in a bind.

(And still – $15 for a chair that’s in decent shape. Can’t beat that!)

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We had several hours of good, steady rain yesterday (I’m not complaining – we really needed it), and since Fred couldn’t work in the garden, I requested his presence inside, doing a few things that needed to be done.

He put a hook in the back of my bedroom door, a hook in the back of the guest bedroom door, and put up the lamp in the kitten room.

2009-08-19 (12)

I like the lamp, it’s exactly what I wanted for that room. The only problem is that kittens just ADORE chewing on cords and even though there’s a hook in the wall holding the cord up out of the way, there’s still a cord there, so I had to find something to cover the cord, preferably hold it against the wall at the same time, and after some Googling around, found the perfect solution.

My next step in the kitten room will be to get shades for the windows and have Fred put them up. Anyone who walks or drives by the house at night and cares to glance up can see any number of kittens hanging off the cat tree by one claw, squealing angrily and swatting at each other.

(I half suspect that’s the reason we now have two more permanent cats, because someone saw all the kittens coming through the foster room and realized we’re cat lovers.)

Slowly but surely, I’m whipping that kitten room into shape!

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Guess who’s going to be tested and neutered and vaccinated Friday morning?!

2009-08-19 (16) 2009-08-19 (14)

And guess who’s most likely going to be released into Gen Pop Saturday morning?!

2009-08-19 (18) 2009-08-19 (15)

They’re SO looking forward to it.

2009-08-19 (19_

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2009-08-19 (6)
“HI lady. You got snacks for me?” (Hoyt)

2009-08-19 (7)
I love the way Terry’s standing, staring up at that stick like “What is THIS happy horseshit?!”

2009-08-19 (8)
“I needs a snuggle!” (Hoyt)

2009-08-19 (5)
Plastic packing strap: best cat toy ever!

2009-08-19 (1)
I love it when kittens get annoyed and stomp around with their ears back.

2009-08-19 (2)
“I wanted to play on the cat tree, and Lafayette pushed me OFF and he said I can’t play with the BOYS because I’m a GIRL and girls are STINKY and it’s not FAIR, he’s always so MEAN to me!”

2009-08-19 (3)
:::Slurrrrrrp:: (Bill)

2009-08-19 (4)
“Ah, my adversary, it appears that with each of us holding the other at arms’ length, we have reached an impasse.”

2009-08-19 (9)
“I is the boss, Teddy! I chomps on your nose and I kicks your butt and you will bow down before my superior strength!”

2009-08-19 (10)
“I was just kiddin’, Teddy. You’s my best friend. You still wubs me, right?”

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2009-08-19 (20)
“Is it Snackin’! Time! yet?”

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2008: Or… is that how learning curves work?
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: she’s got the skank lines rolling off her, doesn’t she?
2004: Fred is just amazed that one portly cat can have so many health issues.
2003: ::Sproing!:: he went, leaping at least a foot in the air, and I watched, impressed that he’d contained that much energy in his dry and dead-looking little body.
2002: “TUBBY GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!” I ordered, and grudgingly he did.
2001: No entry.
2000: Being completely, one-hundred percent useless in the slightest emergency, I slapped my hands to my cheeks and let out a horrified scream.

22 thoughts on “8/19/09 – Wednesday”

  1. While I adore the show Bones (David Boreanz!!), I cannot stand Dr. Brennan. She’s gotten better through the seasons (the first two were really sort of awful), but I find her character so annoying I just want to bitch slap her and her wide-eyed, socially retarded self.

  2. Because, seriously, how can someone who supposedly knows so little about regular people and how to interact with them accessorize so well? Her nerd-like, research driven, self would NEVER know how to put together the necklaces and earrings she wears.

    Okay, I’ll stop now, but you’ve got me thinking about her and how much I dislike her.

  3. Now I understand what the hell you were emailing me about yesterday! We got ours at Lowe’s and I just painted over it when we painted the bedroom. I really like the fact that you don’t see cords and one of these days I’m going to have them in every room.

    PS: The kittens – all of them – are way too cute. But Maddy just bitched at me for daring to walk past her so I’m over it. 🙂

  4. I had trouble with my cat “Snickers” crewing on my lamp and telephone cords. I read somewhere on the net that to cure him of the habit to rub Ivory dish soap on the cord. I did that and he hasn’t been back to chew again.

  5. I hate the new version of Firefox so much. Right after I upgraded and restarted my computer, the fucking browser crashed, repeatedly, over and over, so many times again and again, a bazillion damn times. I don’t even know what I did to make it stop but I was PISSED, thinking it would never stop crashing. It’s still really unstable. Stupid thing.

    I want to like Brennan, and I think I secretly do, except for some things, like her foster home crap, it doesn’t blend into her life at all, like she hasn’t spent any time trying to get over it, not one moment. And what Shelly said, about how she dresses. First of all, some of her jewelry is just ugly, but I agree, I don’t think she would get how to be stylish at all. It’s like they took the character and then slapped on some parts that didn’t fit. Her partner, though, yow, gimme some more!

  6. “We had several hours of good, steady rain yesterday (I’m not complaining – we really needed it)” WOW! After all the rain you had this year, I never thought I’d hear you say that, LOL. Our monsoon season is a nonsoon this year and it’s killing me, Smalls. I miss me some rain, but whaddya expect living in the desert? Hrumph. Here’s hoping we all get the rain we need.

  7. hahahaha “it all works out in the end”. I think I need coffee becuase that made me laugh right out loud.


  8. Those kittens are just SO DAMN CUTE – I love seeing their adorable little faces on here every morning!

  9. I really love Bones and all the characters-even Dr. Brennan. Ofcourse her love intrest does it for me-love dark eyed brunette men. Never realized how cool grey cats are. Those boys are adorable togeather. Wish I could see the intro to the general population. I’m sure you’ve done this in the past. Is there much growling, puffing up and hissing? That would be amusing to watch.

  10. Love all the adorable pictures you post daily. You are a sweetheart to these little kitties, and like I told Fred, your both God’s angels here on earth. I just love both of your journals and my day isn’t complete till I’ve read your entry. And I shout with joy when I see email that Fred’s updated. Love that you’ve adopted those little gray orphans. And had to laugh when you said Fred calls them his boys….ha.ha….Mr Boogers working his magic from the heavens above…smile

    Oh about that $15.00 dollar chair…..I just noticed it even has wheels 🙂 Girl you really lucked out when you bought that one. Well coffee is getting cold and I’ve looked at all the kitty pictures, so my day is starting out beautifully, thanks to you 🙂 Hope your day goes great.

  11. Wait, what? I’ve read some of the books that Bones is based on and I’m so sure she was never in a foster home. Did they veer pretty far away from the character from the books, then? (I saw 15 minutes of one episode, and that was all I could take. There were maggots. Apparently I can read about maggots but can’t bear to look at them.)

    I’ll second what Jaime said — when I first started using the new version of Firefox some weird stuff happened, but once I figured out how to use the tab tearing thing it stopped happening by accident, and it’s pretty handy. It’s nice being able to drag something I opened in a new window by accident back into the main window as a separate tab.

  12. Wow, that chair (w/out the fringe) looks EXACTLY like one my mom had for years, wheels and all. Looks better w/out fringe and no danger to itty bitty kitties.

    Good Heavens! Kitty pics are sooooo cute!!

    I like when they stomp around with the peeved ears too. Especially if you get the irritated mews with them. Joy!

  13. Is it just me, or do the kitten’s eyes seem to be improving? I wonder if they could actually sort of “grow out of that?” They certainly look happy and healthy!

    Glad to learn via poster how to fix Firefox, it’s been driving me NUTS too.

  14. I actually love Bones – but am glad they finally got beyond that foster kid stuff.
    Cute kitties!!

  15. I’m so glad that TJ Thyne is your b/f. That means we don’t have to fight over Booth. *swoon*

    Speaking of swooning, have you watched “Hung” on HBO yet? How is it possible that I have been unaware of Thomas Jane’s existence up until now? I sort of knew he was Patricia Arquette’s husband, but ho-ly crap! That man is SMOKING hot! I don’t even care that his umm…appendage may not measure up to his character’s (although a girl can dream).

    And I adore dListed…it’s the second thing I read every morning (you being the first, of course). My daughter and I find ourselves unable to call his favorite targets by their real names any more…it’s all Vadge, Fish Sticks, HoHan, Prince Hot Ginge, and of course, Rojo Caliente!

  16. I add grated zucchinni and carrots to my tomato sauce as it cooks for that nite’s meal.
    It makes the sauce more “full-bodied” and incredibly healthy. Much like Seinfeld’s wife’s cooking book about sneaking purreed vegetables into children’s food.
    The really cool thing about adding the carrots is the natural sugar in the carrots counteract the acidity of the tomatoes.Some people add sugar to their tomato sauce for that reason but the carrots are so much healthier than refined sugar.
    Oh and I learned from Indian cooking that you start your spices in a hot,oiled pan before you add the rest of the ingrediants.
    Wow,the spices release their bouquet when heated first and your whole house will smeall like an Italian Restorante!
    We have discovered bison meat(most people still call it buffalo). You cook it on medium heat or less and there’s very little shrinkage. Makes great spaghetti!
    That lil’ kitten with the ears laid back looks exactley like a tiger.
    And the new grey kittens indeed look like a Mr.Boogers mini-me. Are you Boog wasn’t shooting with “real bullets”?

  17. You have 2 cute boogers. I guess it take two to make up for the one Man . They are 2 lucky dudes! Engjoy!

  18. So when I upgraded Firefox, it started crashing ALL THE DAMN TIME on Gmail so finally after like a week of crashing 20-30 times a day, I just gave up and moved to Google Chrome as my default browser. I have never looked back.

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