I think I’ve killed 300 flies in the past three weeks. You know, if the fucking things didn’t insist on congregating on the windows right by my monitor, I wouldn’t get so annoyed by them, and they’d probably live a longer life.
Well, that’s not true. Flies in the kitchen drive me absolutely nuts, too, and I go after them as soon as I see them.
I loathe flies. Fucking things.
At the dollar store. Does the pretty printing make the misspelling okay? You know, I think it just might.
This post-it has been stuck to the post office door for at least a week and a half now.
I’m surprised that it’s actually lasted there this long, that no asshole has come along and pulled it down.
I’m very curious whether Larry and Erica did, in fact, let him know where they are. Or if they’ve even seen the post-it. I’d like to know what the story is, there.
Thanks, you guys, for your name suggestions for the new guys. I really liked Loki and Bart, but Fred did not. I am very enamored of the names Ham and Egg, but Fred is not.
Since they’re really his boys (he really does call them “My boys”, but then I always say “I’m going to hang with my homies” when I’m headed upstairs to hang out with the foster kittens. I’m not sure what my point is here. Maybe that I’m a freakin’ dork.), I gave him final say on their names (as long as I don’t HATE them – he wanted Remus and Romulus, but I nixed that right quick). I thought we should just give them the same name, or similar names that could have the same nickname, because I cannot tell the two of them apart.
He suggested Grey’s Anatomy names, then said we could name one of them McDreamy, and I said we could name the other McSteamy and call them both “Mick.”
I also really like Bubba and Gump, but Fred doesn’t (odd, since that’s his favorite movie). I suggested George and Lenny (Of Mice and Men), Stu and Larry (The Stand), Fred suggested Javert and Valjean (Les Mis) or Jesus and Judas (heh).
He did suggest Frick and Frack, which I kinda liked.
Lisa suggested Thing 1 and Thing 2 in my comments, which I liked a LOT, but Fred did not.
What I really really REALLY liked and couldn’t convince Fred of, was that Samuel and Jackson would be EXCELLENT names. Sam and Jack! How perfect is that?
But, last night, we found names that we could agree upon, at least for the time being. (It took a long time before Mister Boogers’ name came to be. He started out as “Stanley”, became “The Bean” for a while, turned into Mr. Boogers before he finally became Mister Boogers. I don’t know that the names we’ve given these two will stick, but we’ll see.)
They’re blue.
They’re brothers.
They’re Jake and Elwood.
The kittens are doing well. They recognize the sound of me walking down the hall toward the kitten room, and when I open the door all six of them are lined up waiting for me, and begin howling for attention. A couple of them invariably make a run out the door, but I have a fireplace screen across the door (I call it “the airlock” so they don’t get far.
Today marks two weeks since they came here, they’re all very good about using the litter boxes, and the diarrhea appears to be almost completely gone. I very well may begin to allow them the run of the upstairs in the next few days.
Have I mentioned that Sam is a back climber? He’s the only one who consistently climbs up my back, sinking his needle-sharp claws into the skin of my back, and then perches there (as I lean forward so he won’t tumble off). Sometimes he chews on my hair.
He likes to sit in my lap, too. I guess what I’m saying is that Sam is a people person.
For a few days, Lafayette would get up on top of the cat tree and then cry and cry and cry for me to come rescue him. He figured out how to get down on his own, finally, and now he races up and down that cat tree faster than you’d think a little kitten could move.
2007: No entry.
2006: He truly amazes me.
2005: If I insert a brillo pad into my ear, will it eventually get to my brain and scrub that song out, or is that an urban myth?
2004: You know, I’m getting PRETTY FRICKIN’ TIRED of finding cricket legs all over the damn place.
2003: “Mother,” said the spud, “That is an excellent idea, for I am going to melt into a motherfucking puddle of goo in about 10 seconds.”
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: In the future, the spud will be cleaning her own bedroom, since I took one look at her room and said “Fuck THIS.”
I love the names of the new kittehs, and, may I say, that they have two of Mister Boogers’ looks down pat!! Long live the next generation of het, aka Jake and Elwood!
I love Jake and Elwood! I think you made a wise choice in the name department.
I just want to take Sam and snuggle and snuggle and snuggle with him. Too.damn.cute.
Cool names!
Love the names! I was going to say that the top kitty, Jake–I guess? Is definitely spewing the Mr. Boogers het in that picture. Love. It. They are presh!
Love the kittens! Nothing better than a house FULL of kittens…..
I was going to suggest Pete and Repeat, but I got DISTRACTED by WORK and I forgot. I like Jake and Elwood though.
Holy cow. I had deja vu with the surprised picture of Jake or Elwood. Reminded me so much of the very famous Mr. Boogers photo. And the photo full of Het. Wow. These guys are really channelling their missing mentor. I love them and the names are PERFECT. They look like trouble fo shur.
How funny, I have 2 black kittens that look a lot like your new little ones that are lovingly named Thing 1 and Thing 2. Mostly because they are trouble makers….lol.
The wide-eyed kitten above is Jake, who is the one who bears the strong resemblance in looks and attitude to Mister Boogers.
Jake and Elwood are the perfect names for two boy kitteh bruderrs. Very cool like thier owners. Sam is so cute on your shoulder but of the pain of the kitten climb. It’s been a couple of years but you don’t forget it.
Jake and Elwood…perfect!
Oh, that second pic of you and Sam where you’re looking at each other made me gasp out loud. SO CUTE!!
I LOVE the names Jake and Elwood. Perfect!
Well, heck. Now I am bummed that I didn’t think of Jake & Elwood. Those ARE the perfect name for blue brother kittens.
And, since when did HOES start wearing panties?? Do the shovels know about this development?
I was going to pipe in with (Stan) “Laurel” and (Oliver) “Hardy” but Jake and Elwood are so cute!
I was going to suggest Sirius and Regulus, but Jake and Elwood are PERFECT.
Awesome! Now you just have a to get a picture of them wearing tiny little sunglasses…
Right after Blues Brothers came out, I named 2 out of a litter Jake and Elwood. One was skinny and one was fat. Jake became an excellent mouser. The other 2 were Sherlock and Watson. Watson lived to be 19, so I wish the same longevity on your new acquisitions.
Jake & Elwood, welcome to the farm! Love the names – they fit nicely!
unless Larry and/or Erica are over 6 ft. tall, I doubt either one of them will respond to Dad. I had to look at the pic a lonnnnnggg time to even find the note!
Love the second picture of Sam on your back – when you’re both looking at eachother. He’s saying “What?! Is there a problem?!”
Oh hell yeah they are Jake and Elwood!!! I love that
It’s funny that Loki was suggested since that is what I first thought of when I saw them thanks to a well known kitty in a popular diary on another blogs ite – Loki is a charcoal grey kitty like them and her mom posts pictures of her almost daily. Consequently grey cats immediately make me think of her!
Ok so on that post-it note, I had to know what “Flolan” was. Google says it’s a blood pressure medicine, so the post-it delivers its pleading message with a subtle undertone of “DON’T FORGET I HAVE HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE” guilt. Well-played, pops!
LOVE the new kitteh names. Looks like I’ll have some more work up your way again soon, so I will get in touch about coming by for eggs, etc. But really I am going to grab me a snuggly kitten. My cat needs a cat, for real.
Add me to the list of people who love the new names! I cracked up at the suggestion of the tiny little sunglasses.
Do you know what happened to Nance’s web site? It says nebshit expired.
Love the final choices!! Now off to watch the new show!!!
I love Jake and Elwood! Before I got to that bit I was thinking Jake and Drake, Drake being my son’s name so I’m rather partial to it but I think Jake and Elwood is especially good.
Hi Robyn,
Off topic — what happened to Nance’s site? At 11:11AM MST I logged on to read her and a wonky page appeared. Do you have any idea what’s happening? Thanks!
Arizona Robin: It’s a forgot-to-renew-the-domain thing. Hopefully it’ll be fixed soon!
Jake and Elwood are purrfect names! They are gorgeous boys. I’d like to have a grey or grey & white cat. I have one unofficially outside, but she belongs 2 doors down. She just comes to get scritches and snacks often and has been claiming the back porch for over 4 years. She’s too cranky to join my bunch though.
Sunglasses?! Wait a sec. I can do that! BBIAM!!
How strange!!! I had the same reaction to the pics of the new kitties – they look SO much like him!!
Oddly, Its kind of sad that we dont know if the people that dropped them off doesnt know how much it meant to the two of you. I would assume that they would feel a little bad about just dropping them off not knowing that it was a Godsend for the two of you.
Great names!
Looove the names Jake and Elwood!
You and Fred have mail. :))
Oh lord have mercy, that Sam is a Q-T-PIE!
Your new babies are beautiful – Jake and Elwood, names made for ’em. They are duplicates of our yougest hooligan- completely grey with tiny silver frosting to the tips of hairs on her head – and constantly looks like she can she the joke behind the reality. She was originally named Gibson til we found out she is a she (duh) and became Gibby – or da Gib Gibs
I was going to suggest
Cee and Aytee – cos one without the other wouldnt work
or as a rock fan Strat(the cat) and Gibson – both guitars.
long life and happiness to the pair of them.
I had a Jake & Elwood! Thinking about them, I just realized that my ex and I got them 22 yrs ago. Whoa. Makes me feel sad and weirdly old. Jake died 9 yrs ago and Elwood just a few years ago.
HEEEE! Are those panties that you wear when out hoeing in the garden??
I love how the “pantyhoes” start at a mere half a cent. Too funny!
It’s CuteKittenPalooza at the @nd3r50n house!
Maybe they just need different collars to tell them apart… and I think Ham and Eggs would be perfect. lol
Pantyhoes? OMG, that is f-ing hilarious. Are pantyhoes more expensive than commandohoes?
LOVE Jake and Elwood
You’ve actually given me a boy name to consider – our son’s name is Jackson, and we have another player that needs to be given a name… Samuel perhaps?
Love the blues bros, very smart names me thinks. How’s the chicks doing?
Oh, Jake! Elwood! Filled with the het!!! I will stand BY those men! RAWHIDE!!!
They are TOTALLY sent to you courtesy of The Boogs, aka Satan’s Nightmare. Please give them skritches round the ears from Jenn of Houston. Then restart Boog’s Blog o’ Het so that they may carry on the tradition.
Our laundry room connects the garage to the rest of the house. Occasionally if we don’t want the cats to go outside (or to the garage), we close the door connecting the laundry room to the rest of the house. Of course, it’s absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to close that door without shouting “Cat Lock”