
We’re in the process of moving all our sites over to a new server. If things look wonky around here this weekend, that’s why. Fred’s going to move my site over Friday evening or Saturday morning, so things should be all set by Monday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   In lieu of a real entry today, sights and … Continue reading “8/13/08”

We’re in the process of moving all our sites over to a new server. If things look wonky around here this weekend, that’s why. Fred’s going to move my site over Friday evening or Saturday morning, so things should be all set by Monday.



In lieu of a real entry today, sights and scenes from around Crooked Acres.

“Hey! Can someone come babysit? I need a minute to myself…”

Momma and baby. It’s kind of freaky how pale her comb got while she was sitting on her eggs.

She’s a rock star. Actually, since someone commented that they always think of showgirls when they see the featherheads, I’ve been thinking of them as “Lola.” I think this black-crested golden polish is so pretty – I love her colors.

“Momma? MOMMA?”

I think Lola’s got a crush on Michele. She’s always hanging around him.

“I don’t know. I can’t see a darn thing. I think I need to speak to my girl; she’s not cutting my hair short enough.”

“::sigh:: You again?”

Juvenile assassin bug, eating a fly.

I actually had a dream the other night that I fell into the wallow. It was not a happy dream because that wallow is NASTAY.

It’s a rough life.


I made a second movie the day before yesterday (right after I made the gigantic-kittens-nursing video). I call this one “It’s good to be king.”

YouTube link


Snoozin’ Zoe.

Kara likes to hang out atop the bookcase in the front room. I told Fred that since she’s staked out a place of her own, we have to keep her. He did not agree.

Inara gets in this box and hisses at anyone who comes near. She cracks me up, because our cats look at her like “Yeah? Your point?”


I have no idea why Newt likes to hang out atop the truck tire, but he does it a lot, no matter the weather.


2007: “It’s not a tumah,” he said, as is standard.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Give me time, I’ll have fifteen different versions of “Xanadu” in my music folder.
2002: I think no one ever told Billy Bob that if you ANNOUNCE you’re taking the high road, then you aren’t taking it.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.

12 thoughts on “8/13/08”

  1. Who knew that chickens could be so pretty? I certainly had no idea.

    The second picture of the pig cracks me up. He looks like he’s smiling. What a life!

    Will you guys get pigs again one day?

  2. Whenever I hear you call the rooster Michelle- I always say it in my head (Mee-shell) like that big guy in the movie “Dodgeball”- Ben Stiller’s “fitness consigliarie” as he called him.

  3. i had a weird dream last night.

    you and nance were at a grocery store that was closing and i recognized both of you. nance told me your were in labor but needed some kitty litter. you were holding up the checkout line because you were trying to talk fred into allowing you to accept some free flowering vine seeds the checker was trying to give you. then nance told you to stop twittering around and get to the hospital. i asked if it was a boy or girl, and nance said “a little bit of both.” i noticed that you didn’t look pregnant.

    when i arrived home, you and fred were seated on my couch and you were suddenly VERY pregnant. fred was rubbing your belly. i asked if you had gone to the hospital.

    fred said, “it was premature labor. oh, and she’s having KITTENS!”
    then i noticed your stomach was squirming around in a weird way.

    my husband asked me “where did you meet these people?”

    i told him that you were friends from the internet.

    he asked if you were characters from my sims game.

    i thought a second and said, “YES!”

    then i woke up.

    so much for friends from the internet!

  4. What will you do with the pig enclosure after the pigs to piggie heaven? That wallow looks like it would be hard change.


  5. That bug might be an assassin bug, or assassin nymph. They come in quite a few shapes and sizes. I have a pic of somewhat similar nymphs in my Facebook album “summer hiking” – it’s the 2nd pic on page 2. (We’re FB friends) If it is an assassin bug they are good to have around, like you said, but don’t bother them, as their bites are very painful.

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