I’m home! I have to tell y’all that I’m a US Air girl from here on out (whenever possible, that is). The seats on the planes from here to DC and then to Pittsburgh were HUGE. They were like first class seats, in my opinion, though let me add that I have never sat my ass in a first class seat, so it’s just supposition on my part.
(And no, no flight attendants went off on me, but I never give a reason for a flight attendant to have issues with me. I am polite, I thank them profusely, I sit my ass in my seat, I stow my electronic devices when they say I should.)
On the way to the airport yesterday, Nance told me I was going to not update today because I’ve been such a slacker about updating, and I’d claim I had too much to do. I denied it (“I have pictures for Thursday, then a regular entry on Friday!”), but you know what?
I’ve got too much to do. Damn her, she was right!
I’ll be back tomorrow with a buttload of pictures to share. I know you can’t wait!
Here at Crooked Acres, it’s business as usual. Elwood, having brutally murdered Reacher by licking him to death, desperately searches for a place to hide the body as Homicide Detective Maxi waits for backup just outside the door.
2009: It’s a rough life, but someone’s gotta live it, right?
2008: ”What are we going to do when we find out?” Fred asked. I still don’t know the answer to that. I just want to KNOW.
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Right now, Fred’s upstairs trying to snooze while Mister Boogers comforts him.
2004: Does she think she’s Paris Hilton?
2003: Me, earlier today: “I swear to god, I’m going to go on a shooting spree!”
2002: ME LOVE LOBSTER, have I mentioned?
2001: No entry.
2000: It sure is good to be home!
Glad you arrived home safe and sound. I have flown first class once long ago because my brother-in-law worked for American Airlines and we were stanby on a very empty plane. We were offered first class -we had to pay the income taxes back to my brother-in-law (it was deducted directly from his paycheck).No more standby flights-you’d never get on w/today’s overbooked flights anyway. It was nice to see how the other half lives-husge comfy seats, lots of leg room, more and better food choices and warmed wash cloths to clean your hands! Those were the good old days of air travel even in coach but I wish I was rich and could travel first class -ha! We haven’t traveled by air in 5 1/2 years!
I’ve flown 1st class twice in my life… and yea it’s pretty darn nice. My Aunt used to work for TWA, when there was a TWA and once she got me bumped to 1st class and the other time I had standby EEE tickets with my husband. Luckily there were 2 seats left so as we boarded the plane my husband was first on so I told him to take the seat that was further to the back of the plane. Turned out my seat was in First Class! He was so pissed at me and told everyone how I shoved him to the back of the plane so I could sit in 1st class. I didn’t and he is a baby… she was my Aunt anyway who got us the tickets. Nothing like having free chardonnay and a hot meal on your flight in your big comfy seat! I miss those days!
LOL – Christine, it’s like that episode of Seinfeld where he and Elaine were flying somewhere and he got the first class seat and she was back in coach! Did your husband try to sneak into first class? 🙂
Best caption ever!
You need to do a “best of” section just for captioned kitteh/chicken/G&G/random squirrel etc. pics.
Welcome home, Robyn! The best part of traveling is coming home, IMO.
After recently reading a particularly horrific airline travel tale on a Childfree board, I’ve decided that I’ll never fly coach again. If first or business class is too expensive, I just won’t go. We always, ALWAYS get seated near screaming children and, apparently, the airlines are still doing nothing about them.
If I ruled the world, any and all unruly airline passengers would be quickly jettisoned. No one agrees with me on this, though. 🙁
I agree with you devil-they should be kicked off the plane if they can’t be civil. I’m childfree too but many friends/relatives have children. I miss the days when parents chose not to travel by plane or go to a nice resturant with thier unruly small children. It was common sense-they got a sitter or stayed home.
Annette & Devil,
I agree with your comments about unruly kids on a plane (not to be confused with “Snakes on the Plane” flick…oh wait…same thing). I believe first and foremost parent(s) are responsible for disciplining kids ANYWHERE. If still unruly, flight attendant (in on plane situation) must “encourage” the responsible parent to do just that…PARENT!!! If kids don’t behave…don’t shlep them on planes, restaurants and inflict their holy terror on the public. Yes…stay home (oh my!!) or get a sitter. My parents did it until I was old enough to know better! End rant.
It’s like a scene from Criminal Minds! lol