I’ll be heading out to the garden here in a few minutes to work on the row of tomatoes. I started it on Sunday, pulled up all the tomato plants that weren’t producing, and pruned the cherry tomatoes to make it possible to actually get to all the tomatoes. As it was, the cherry tomato plants were so overgrown and bushy that it was impossible to actually harvest them.
I got the biggest row of tomatoes done Sunday, and I’ll get the second row done today.
Here’s where you come in – I have one podcast episode of Keith and the Girl to listen to, and then I’m out of stuff to entertain me while I’m doing boring shit. Tell me what podcasts you listen to that I should check out. I listen to Keith and the Girl and This American Life, but it’s just not enough listening time to get me through my daily tasks.
Help a sister out, won’tcha?
Check out all the awesome new Fiesta ware I got in Pennsylvania!
The little bowls that look like they’re blue, in front of the single-serve casserole dishes, are now in the foster room with kitten food in them (they’re also not blue – they’re dark purple). I ADORE my smiley face plate, and plan to eat every meal off it from here on out. I can’t wait to use the single-serve casserole dishes (eggplant lasagna, maybe?). The yellow bowl to the right with the pile of cream-colored plates on top? I got that stuff at Hall China, the price was too good. Now that I look closer at the little plates, they almost look like little pie plates, don’t they?
Oh, I love my Fiesta ware. The fun part is going to be finding a place to put it all! It may have to live on the counter ’til we get the new pantry inside, and I can make room in my cabinets.
Last week I was looking for a lamp for the foster kitten room. Since I moved the dresser from the room into the closet, there’s nothing for a lamp to sit on. I was looking for a wall lamp when I stumbled across the concept of a ceiling swag lamp. This, for the uninformed, is a lamp you can plug into the wall, then hang from the ceiling.
So I did a Google search on “ceiling swag lamp” and I came across a site that said “blah blah blah for affordable ceiling swag lamps, check out this site!”, and I clicked on the link to see these “affordable ceiling swag lamps” and found that apparently “affordable” ceiling swag lamps run in the area of $140+.
That’s not affordable to ME. That’s the opposite of affordable, thank you very much.
I know what you’re thinking – you’re thinking “Robyn, you were about to buy a BOAT, you’re bitching about a $140 lamp?”
That boat was NOT the boat version of a $140 lamp, believe you me.
I ended up buying a simple, plain ceiling swag lamp off eBay for less than $50, shipping and all.
And I bet it works just as well as the $140 lamp.
Someone noted in my comments yesterday that I can apparently tell Bill and Hoyt apart now. I actually spent a good part of the weekend staring back and forth between the two, and now I can’t believe there was ever a time I couldn’t tell them apart.
Now, kitten by kitten, meet them all.
This is Terry. He has a diamond on his nose, a hernia on his tummy (it’ll be fixed when he goes to be neutered and doesn’t bother him at all) and a wonky paw (I thought it was polydactyl, but it just formed so that he’s got three “fingers” on one side, and then two “fingers” on the other). He’s a mess, but he’s the sweetest little lover boy you’ll ever meet.
Lafayette. He has crossed eyes, and also is the only black kitten of the litter. He loves eating, and if anyone else gets too close to his food, he slaps down the Paw o’ Doom.
Sookie. I couldn’t get a good shot of her looking at me, because she’s got better things to do than be sitting around looking at me. That’s a mink tail she’s playing with. She LOVES it. She’s the only girl, and has a lot of white on her face, which is how I can tell who she is without looking at her back end.
(Regarding the mink tail – someone gave my sister a package of mink tails for her cats a few years back. Her cats were completely uninterested, so she gave them to me. I have yet to have a litter of kittens where at least one of them is not IN LOVE with the mink tail. Sometimes they get all possessive and growly when they’re carrying the mink tail around.)
Sam. At first, I got him mixed up with Sookie a lot, because they both have a lot of white around their nose. He’s got more, though, and that adorable little freckle. Also, her stripes are darker and more defined than his are. He’s a sweet little cuddler.
This is Hoyt. He’s the biggest of the bunch, has HUGE paws, and is the snuggliest snuggler there ever was. I can now tell him apart from Bill because Hoyt has just a wee bit of tan on his face, and only has one squinty eye.
This is Bill, who I couldn’t tell apart from Hoyt for the longest time. He’s got a lot more tan on his face than Hoyt does, and he’s got squinty eyes. Also, he’s cross-eyed. He’s a sweet thing, and despite the squinty, crossed eyes, he’s an observer. He watches his siblings closely.
Say hello to my little turkey. We’ve named him “Hjonkie” (pronounced “He-yonky”) because he walks around saying “Hee-yonk. Hee-yonk.” He’s a friendly little guy and likes to climb up on Fred’s shoulder and hang out.
2008: For the record Bill Phillips emus are very violent when you offer them a cup of corn.
2007: No entry.
2006: “You pipple giffs me zee headache.”
2005: God, I love the internet.
2004: Three days into the school year, and I’m sick to death of bus issues.
2003: My weekend can be summed up thusly: long periods of mind-numbing tedium broken with a stretch of horrified disgust, with a soupcon of panic tossed in for good measure.
2002: Maine recap.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
I listen to KATG because of you. Have you shared the pictures of the foster kitten namesakes with them? The “Brother Love” cat sniffing the other cat’s (Patrice, I think) butt cracks me up.
I really like all of the “How Stuff Works” podcasts. They have stuff you missed in history class, stuff your mom never told you, etc. The Moth Podcast is fantastic. The Porn Identity Podcast is quite funny. I also love the Dan Savage “lovecast”. The Splendid Table is another great one.
For an accurate rendition of the sound Hjonkie makes (and an idea of the pronunciation of his name), please forward the following video to the 1:55 mark.
Wow, those kitteh babies have some wonky eye stuff going on. Looks like some chromosomes got a little twisted. That picture of Hoyt makes him look like a little bruiser.
We had a cat that loved the raccoon tail we had as a toy. Used to kick the ever lovin’ out of it and it did not tear apart. Terry looks like he is going to be a real fuzz monster. Very cute, all of them. Do you wonder though, with all the cross eyed squinty looks, that maybe they are getting a very weird image of you?
Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me is a hilarious podcast. I also like Radiolab — science stuff made utterly fascinating!
Mary Ellen beat me to it – I love Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me. Always a fun listen. I’m glad you asked this question because I would be interested in finding new podcasts to listen to. I also enjoy Whad’Ya Know?, but I pay for it on Audible.
Did you hear the episode of This American Life about the little girls switched at birth, and one of the mothers knew but her husband wouldn’t let her tell? The mother who knew told her side of the story last, and by the time you got to her you’d made up your mind that she was a horrible person and then it ended up that she wasn’t at all and it was all just totally heartbreaking? TAL is always great, but that was put together in just a masterful way….
I love both CraftLit and Forgotten Classics. The hosts talk a bit about their lives and then read books that are in the oublic domain. Right now FC is reading Uncle Tom’s Cabin and CL is reading The Scarlet Letter. I would never have read either of these books but I am enjoying both very much.
My favorite podcasts besides the ones you already listen to are The Moth, StoryCorps (these are always very short, and prone to being heartbreaking – fair warning), RadioLab, The Sound of Young America, Never Not Funny (which reminds me of a morning radio show because it’s just chatter, but without the relentless striving to offend everyone possible), and Jordan Jesse Go! (also mostly chatter, but by funny people). You might enjoy listening to Geek.Farm.Life, but I had to stop because neither one of them says a single thing that the other doesn’t immediately correct or disagree with, but it took me nearly a year to get fed up with it.
I listen to Dan Savage, the sex/relationship advice columnist. Obviously he’s not for everyone, but I think he’s pretty darn funny. The podcasts are on the Seattle newspaper, thestranger.com.
I like the Kevin & Bean show podcast from KROQ in LA as well as Dan Savage.
Yes, boat lady here again. Has Fred tried boattrader.com or yachtworld.com for a boat?
Drink till we’re funny is a good one. I’m a KATG fan because of you too!
I had a dream about you! In my dream you were visiting Nance, who it turned out really lived in Alaska, but no one could know that, so you always put on this big act about visiting her in PA. It was freezing cold in Alaska, and you were running every heater you could find full blast. The heaters made the air really dry, and you were complaining and asking for advice about dealing with the dry air. We (your readers) were confused as to why you were running heaters in PA in August. 🙂
I’m pregnant, so it’s been crazy-dream-a-palooza around here, but this one was a pleasant change from the bad-crazy dreams I’ve been having. 🙂
I wish I lived close by because I think a few of those kitties would become mine!!! Alas, I am in Washington State and my husband would freak if I flew all the way there just to adopt kitties…….
Oh, the eyes on these kitties!
What makes their eyes develop squinty like that? Is this the kitty version of chromosone issues? Inbreeding? I’ve never seen a kitten with eyes like that.
Yea, I’m wondering about the freaky cat issues too! (Not that they make them any less adoreable, they’re too cute!)
I love the “Stuff you should know” podcasts. There are a TON of them on iTunes to keep you busy for a while. It’s two guys who are really funny talking about topics as diverse as “Will we soon be extinct” to “How do credit default switches work” then joyfully on to “Are stupid people happier”, “How Cannibalism Works” and “Is spontaneous human combustion real?” Hilarious stuff, and you just might learn something too!
I like to listen to Fresh Air from NPR. She usually interviews some cool people. There was one episode where she spoke to the author of Slamming the Open Door poems about the death of the author’s daughter. It gets me through many of my menial tasks.
Hmmm, I’m not much of a podcast person, but I can guarantee you six point five minutes of chuckles with Seamus Kennedy’s Old McDonald’s Deformed Farm at http://www.last.fm/music/Seamus+Kennedy/_/Old+Mcdonald%27s+Deformed+Farm. Don’t know why I can’t get my html link mojo working tonight. You can listen via the player on the right side of the page and if you like it, you can get it from iTunes. I dare you not to sing along . . .
Love the True Blood kittehs.
I’m seeing no Fiestaware–says photo unavailable??
Yeah, I’m with Kathy. I can’t see the Fiesta ware either. 🙁
I’m a little late to the party, but if you like The Office, the That’s What Said podcast is great. http://thatswhatshesaid.libsyn.com/
Of course there won’t be new episodes until the new television season begins. I’ve been listening to the older shows that I missed.
I have found some great podcasts from out of work LA FM talkstation talent that were all fired when their station changed format & fired them all.
1. “The Pretty Good Podcast” with Gina Grad & Randy Wang
2. Adam Corolla (yeah, he is a bit of a ranter, but has good guests)
3. Frosty, Heidi & Frank
4. PRI Selected Shorts (short stories)
5. New Yorker Fiction (only updated monthly)
Have fun gardening!