7/9/09 – Thursday

If you don’t read Tess (and why the hell not?), you might have missed her post on Jon & Kate, an explanation of what a “flicker” is, and a discussion of “flickees”. I still think they’re both kind of douchebags, and of course I’ve felt sorry for Kate because she just looked SO devastated in … Continue reading “7/9/09 – Thursday”

If you don’t read Tess (and why the hell not?), you might have missed her post on Jon & Kate, an explanation of what a “flicker” is, and a discussion of “flickees”. I still think they’re both kind of douchebags, and of course I’ve felt sorry for Kate because she just looked SO devastated in the separation show, but Tess’s post did an awfully good job of explaining just why it is that Jon is ready to move on while Kate’s still trying to come to grips with the fact that her marriage is over.

I know I’ve said it before, but I really do think it’s probably time for the show to end. The constant filming and the paparazzi presence is doing those kids no good at all.

That said, you know I’ll watch every episode of that damn show and look forward to the Very Special Episode wherein one of the twins comes home and announces that she’s pregnant by her 45 year-old teacher and oh yeah, did she mention she’s addicted to meth?

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Yesterday afternoon, I finished reading Happens Every Day, by Isabel Gillies about the end of her marriage. It’s one of those books that’s technically well-written, but the dialogue is kind of stilted and she really seems kind of obsessed with appearances. That said, I have to say that it’s a really good book, honest and raw and heart-breaking, and I couldn’t put it down.

My only quibble (well, aside from the stilted dialogue and the obsession with appearances) is that she’s currently married to the love of her life – and we don’t get so much as one short stinkin’ chapter about how they met and fell in love. Just that he’s the love of her life and they’re married.

I imagine she’s saving that for her next book.

(Also, love is blind. I’m not seeing model good looks here (that’s her ex), just vague, kind of boring handsomeness. Maybe he’s better looking in person. He looks like Woody Harrelson to me.)

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Okay, I’ve got shit to do and I know you’ve been DYING for more pictures of George and Gracie, so howzabout I slap up a million of them, and I’ll see you tomorrow!

2009-07-09 (18)
George hears something and gets all alert.

2009-07-09 (17)
Seeing a rabbit hippity-hopping outside the fence, George and Gracie go over to let it know that they are ON THE JOB and there’ll be no stealing of THEIR chickens by any dastardly bunny.

2009-07-09 (16)
George guesses he told THAT bunny what was what.

2009-07-09 (15)
Racing to the back of the back forty to make sure there are no more chicken-stealing bunnies around (there aren’t).

2009-07-09 (14)

2009-07-09 (13)
Annnd racing back to the front of the back forty just ’cause they can.

2009-07-09 (12)
George LOVES to grab onto Gracie’s tail. It drives her nuts.

2009-07-09 (11)

2009-07-09 (10)

2009-07-09 (9)

2009-07-09 (8)
You can really see the size difference between the two, here.

2009-07-09 (7)
George, grabbing for Gracie’s tail again.

2009-07-09 (6)
You might think this is the dog version of a hug. You’d be wrong. She’s actually trying to push him over, but he’s too damn heavy for that.

2009-07-09 (5)

2009-07-09 (4)
There’s just so much going on in this picture. Gracie’s tongue and the baleful look she’s giving George. George’s bared teeth and his back paw on Gracie’s front leg, pushing her away.

2009-07-09 (3)
Grinning pups.

2009-07-09 (2)
Water break.

2009-07-09 (1)
This is what happens when you drink water and then go bury something in dirt so your brother won’t find it.

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2009-07-09 (19)
“Hey, guys! There are BIRDS out there!”

2009-07-09 (20)

2009-07-09 (21)
“That bird almost got me! It flew RIGHT at me! Did you see that, guys???”

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2009-07-09 (22)
Joe Bob takes a moment out of his busy frog-killing schedule (seriously, I’ve found three dead frogs by the back door. ENOUGH PRESENTS, Joe!) to ensure that he is properly groomed.

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2008: It just means our boobs have different needs, is all.
2007: It was quite a way to start the day, lemmetellya.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: I am smooth like a Barbie doll, and as far as Iā€™m concerned, everyone else in the world is lacking nipples and sexual organs.
2003: Although, my father used to say to me ‘Nando, don’t be a shnook. It’s not how you feel, it’s how you look! And roo look mahvelous!
2002: Because, my friends, I am a squeezer.
2001: Any excuse to hold up the Laziest Gal in the South title.
2000: No entry.

12 thoughts on “7/9/09 – Thursday”

  1. Love the pictures! My male pyr grabs my females hind leg and that drives her nuts and that is how he gets her to play. And love the kitty picture of it looking at the bird.

  2. George and Gracie are beautiful!

    Did you ever think of selling your stuff at the Farmer’s Market?

  3. George and Gracie are just so pretty! I’m not really a dog person but I can see their appeal.
    I love that you guys have such a big area for them to run around in. I hate seeing dogs kept
    in a small kennel area that never get out to run. We have a couple of neighbors that have
    beagles for hunting and the poor things are always cooped up in a kennel. They need a Crooked
    Acres vacation.

  4. Love the dog pictures. Makes me wish my dog had a sibling. I don’t think our house is big enough for another dog.

  5. I first read, “Okay, I’ve got shit to do…” as “Okay I’ve got to shit…” and I thought that you were really over-sharing today!

  6. what gorgeous dogs.
    i used to have a collie (she died of kidney failure last year) when she wrestled, she sounded just like chewbacca. she kinda sounded like him to. it led me to believe that george lucas had a collie. thanks for the pictures, they made me think of alice šŸ™‚

  7. Jon and Kate are both total, TOTAL douchebags. Squared. CUBED, even. I should have led with that.

    But I will watch that fucking show til kingdom come, and the “Raising Sextuplets” one, and “16 and Pregnant”, and…so on. I’m in the acceptable phase.

  8. I just read Happens Every Day last week and felt the same way. Her new relationship was like a very bad cliffhanger. As in badly written, but yet so “I wanna know more!”

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