SoftPaws would prevent them from climbing, but you’d think wrong. I guess all they need is their back claws to get them up the tree, and use their front paws for holding on.
The worst part of the whole experience was finally getting ahold of Tommy and starting to climb down the fence, and Tommy losing his shit, clawing at me, getting free, and leaping onto the ground from about ten feet up. He was perfectly fine, but I thought I was going to have a heart attack.
Goddamn cats.
* * *
I don’t know that my day got much better after that. I spent ten hours canning and freezing shit, and I am SICK TO FUCKING DEATH of waiting for stuff to come to a boil on my shitty stove. I had mixed together the water, vinegar, and sugar for
this recipe and I kid you not – it took an HOUR AND A HALF to come to a boil.
By the end of the day I’d canned five pints of green beans, another five of corn, vacuum-packed a bazillion ears of corn for the freezer, and a ton and a half of summer squash, zucchini, and pattypan squash. Then I peeled and seeded a ton of tomatoes, cut them up, put them in the stock pot and let them cook for a few hours, and if we get an entire serving of spaghetti sauce out of all those goddamn tomatoes, we’ll be lucky.
That’s what I get for slacking all day Saturday, I guess.
Saturday morning I got up and was gearing up to do some canning when Fred mentioned that
Transformers was playing in Nearville at the theater where we’d attempted to see Live
Fred Free or Die Hard last week. Also, it was starting at 10:00, and it was my opinion that no one was going to get their lazy asses out of bed to get to the movie theater at 10:00 on a Saturday morning, so we’d practically have the theater to ourselves.
I took a shower, spent some time with the fostermonkeys, lazed around reading a book, and then it was time to go.
As I’d suspected, there were few other people in the theater, though a group of seven or eight preteen boys showed up about ten minutes into the movies.
The movie, well, what can I say about a movie I wasn’t interested in seeing in the first place? That cute little Shia LaBeouf is a cutie pie, and I think he was well-suited for the role. Megan Fox is a hottie, I guess, though I don’t know why they didn’t just have her carry a sign around that said “I’m a raging hottie and I know lots about cars and I’m every boy’s wet dream! LOLZ!” and be done with it.
I didn’t have a fucking clue what was going on during the action sequences, though I’m sure if I were a geek and a 13 year-old boy, watching things transform into other things would have been cool. Mostly I enjoyed the funny parts and my mind wandered during the rest of it and I found myself wishing I had a book and flashlight with me, more than once.
I’m sure Fred will want to own it so he can watch the transforming parts over and over again, which is when I’ll be catching up on my reading.
* * *
I was supposed to take Tina Louise to the pet store on Saturday, but Friday afternoon the shelter manager realized that none of them had had their rabies shots yet and so I was about to shoot out the door to take them to the vet when the spud called to tell me that she’d been in an accident.
She called me before she’d even gotten out of the car, apparently, and I asked her how bad it was, and she got out of the car, looked, and started crying.
“It’s bad!” she said.
I told her to call the police, hung up, and called Fred. He was closer to where she’d had the accident, so he left work and went to where she was, and I sat and worried that she’d totaled her car, five days before she was to drive it to Rhode Island.
When Fred called me back a while later, he told me it was just a fender bender. Her rear fender was dented and her left rear reflector was broken, but it was definitely drivable and not bad.
So the spud has to do all the fun grown-up things she didn’t have to do when she got into an accident two years ago (poor E’gar!), like get the accident report, open a claim with the insurance company, get an estimate. She’s supposed to be doing all that today, and hopefully she’ll get it all done before Wednesday.
Welcome to adulthood, right?
Anyway, I didn’t take the kittens to the vet, so Tina Louise got a reprieve and got lots of snuggles this weekend. I’m taking them all to have their rabies shots this afternoon, then Tina Louise will be going to the pet store tomorrow. I hope like hell she gets adopted before next Monday, because I would HATE seeing her little monkey face in that cage next Monday.
Also going to the vet’s this afternoon will be Sugarbutt. Not only is he due for his yearly checkup and shots, we found a raw-looking spot on his neck over the weekend that looks an awful lot like it could be ringworm (pleasegoddontletitberingworm), so he needs to have that looked at.
I suspect that it will be a FUN drive to the vet, with the kittens looking terrified and Sugarbutt looking terrified, and having to hold Sugarbutt down (the cat don’t take too kindly to strangers) so the vet can look at him, and trying to hold the kittens down so they can get their shots.
Why do I get to have all the fun, I ask you?
* * *

The Sugs in question. You’ll note a bare-ish patch on his arm. I don’t know what’s up with that, either. I thought it might be a grooming thing, but he’s got a patch like that behind his ear as well, so I don’t know. Hopefully the vet will!
* * *
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: I am smooth like a Barbie doll, and as far as I’m concerned, everyone else in the world is lacking nipples and sexual organs.
2003: Although, my father used to say to me ‘Nando, don’t be a shnook. It’s not how you feel, it’s how you look! And roo look mahvelous!
2002: Because, my friends, I am a squeezer.
2001: Any excuse to hold up the Laziest Gal in the South title.
2000: No entry.]]>
You’re making me want to can now and I’ve never canned before in my life! Darn you, Robyn.
Poor Suggies!
We got a(nother) kitten on Thursday and tonight I’m taking him to the vet to get checked out, so I’ll be feeling your pain. He’s a good boy though. Didn’t cry once on the 45 minute ride home.
Gosh Robyn, you really haven’t said much about the Spud moving to Rhode Island. How are you feeling about the whole thing? How soon does she plan to come and visit? I’m not sure I’d be handling it as well as you seem to be. Is she driving to Rhode Island by herself???
Have you seen the Animal Planet show “Meerkat Manor”? It’s been on a for a few seasons, but I just discovered it. If you haven’t seen it, it’s kind of like a soap opera/reality show, but it follows a group of meerkats (I had never heard of them before, but they have long, thin bodies and long tails and look a little bit like ferrets) in the Kalahari Desert. Very cute show.
ANYWAY, my husband and I were watching it last night (on the super-duper big-ass flat screen TV that he has set up in the bedroom) and our cat Buddy LEAPS onto the dresser where the TV is sitting, sits directly in front of the screen and just STARES. His head starts moving back and forth (obviously watching all of the action) and a few times he jumps up on his hind legs and swats at the screen. SO CUTE!
He eventually jumps down and joins his sister Cali on the portable carpeted stairs that we have at the end of our bed (shaddup! our dogs are older and have trouble jumping up onto the bed, so they need a little help…). Both cats then proceed to watch the show INTENTLY. We had five episodes Tivo’d and they sat there watching the entire time. It’s like kitty crack or a kitty soap opera. They LOVED it and it really was the cutest thing to see them watching, their little heads moving back and forth to follow the action. You should give it a try with your cats.
pickle and keeka both have some bare-ish spots lately. hmm…
I am so impressed with your garden! My wife and I have a modest (urban) garden in Seattle, with no where near the bounty you have produced- you get that long Alabama growing season. Anyway! I don’t know if something like this exists in Huntsville, but in Seattle there is an organization called Lettuce Link that collects extra produce from local gardeners and from people who have fruit trees in their yards and give it to the food banks and local shelters. They even send folks to pick the trees for you. (Fruit trees do really well in this climate) It works well in Seattle where the growing season is short and intense. You reach a point in August where you just can’t face another zucchini and there are 50 new ones every morning! So if you fill your freezer and your canning cupboard and still have a bounty that you don’t know what to do with, you might be able to find someone to take your fresh produce off your hands.
I’m mostly a lurker and love your and Fred’s sites. My wife and I have three cats (Biko, Spice and Midnight) and a dog (Jessie, very sweet, not demanding or barky, loves her cats) and are on the brink of adding chickens to the family, so I have just loved reading about your new place. Seattle has a really good gardening organization called Seattle Tilth and they have a City Chickens class and tour where you can see the creative ways other city dwellers have come up with to raise their chickens. Nothing beats fresh eggs!
“Megan Fox is a hottie, I guess, though I don’t know why they didn’t just have her carry a sign around that said “I’m a raging hottie and I know lots about cars and I’m every boy’s wet dream!”
That’s funny that you mentioned that. I was in the car with my 14 year old son and his friend on Saturday and the friend was telling my son about the movie. To basically quote you he said “she is so hot and knows everything about cars.” Too funny.
I’m glad the Spud’s car is still drivable. All 3 of our (old-ish, crappy-ish)cars have dents from my kids’ fender benders. We’ve never gotten them fixed because we’re lazy like that.
Whenever I need to boil a large pot of water I put a small amount of water in the pot and turn it up to high… that gets the pan hot fast, so it works better.
I also boil water in a tea kettle and once that is boiling add it to the pot. You can keep doing that and I think you will find it is a much faster way of getting a large pot of water to boil!! Hope that helps!!
Thanks for the boost in blog visits. I’ve been so busy canning and gardening that I haven’t had time to write. What a wonderful bonus to have blog traffic and a full pantry. Hope you like the green beans.