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Speaking of the visit to the vet, I thought for some unknown ungodly reason that I’d be able to put Tommy and the Sugs into the same carrier for the trip, then I could Miz Poo in another carrier, and that way I’d only have to make one trip into the office.
Let me pause to say: Ha. Ha. It is to laugh.
I crammed Sugs and Tommy into one carrier, and it was like a little kitty sausage, they were in there so tight. Luckily we do have a third carrier – only because I went to the pet store last weekend and bought two carriers, because it bothered me that we only had one carrier for six cats – so I went and got it out, and moved Sugarbutt into his own carrier.
And boy HOWDY did Sugarbutt and Tommy not like being locked in carriers. Because SURE, it’s fun to hang out in and play on the carriers and in the carriers when the doors are open to them, but being locked in so you can’t get out? Not so fun. Both Tommy and Sugarbutt dug frantically at the doors of the carriers, hoping to tunnel their way out, with no luck.
Miz Poo, on the other hand, just sat sadly in her carrier and howled forlornly, because she’s been through this way too many times before, and she knew there was no point in trying to get out.
And if I should ‘accidentally’ stab Fred in the eyeball with a pencil and need to make a quick getaway, I will be SCREWED because (a) see above about only three carriers for six cats and (b) three cat carriers almost completely take up the entire back of my car.
One of the downsides to having a small car, I suppose.

So Sugarbutt and Tommy were quiet the entire way to the vet’s office, and Miz Poo was quiet most of the way, except that every time I slowed down, a little lightbulb would go on over her head, and she would think “We’re at that place where they torture me!” and she’d howl several times.
I got to the office in record time, unloaded the cats, brought them into the reception area, and ended up having to wait for about half an hour because they’d had an emergency – a woman had to have her 16 year-old dog put to sleep, and when the poor woman came out, crying, I was thisclose to crying along with her.
The actual visit with the vet went pretty quickly. Miz Poo got another Depo Medrol (?) shot to take care of her inflamed lip (and I thought it had been since last year that she saw the vet, but it was really the middle of March. I have no concept of time, I swear) and she got weighed (10.7 pounds, which about usual, I think). I thought I’d have no problems with Tommy because he’s pretty friendly with strangers, but he freaked OUT when I pulled him out of his carrier, and when I put him on the scale he ran off and I had to chase him down.
(Oddly, he and Miz Poo weigh exactly the same. I would have guessed that he was heavier, actually.)
The vet did a quick check of him, said he looked fine, and gave him his rabies and… whatever the hell that other shot is. Feline Leukemia, maybe? Anyway, he was THRILLED to get back into the cat carrier and then I had to pull Sugarbutt out of HIS carrier, and he freaked out as well.
Damn freaky cats.
Sugarbutt weighs 9.9 pounds (though he feels heavier, ’cause he’s pretty muscley), and he got a clean bill of health as well, though she did mention that his ears were a little dirty.
As much time as Tommy spends licking Sugarbutt’s ears, I’d think they’d be spotless.
I’m sure I’ve mentioned it in the past, but I’ll mention it again – I LOVE OUR VET. She’s so friendly and easy to talk to, and she clearly ADORES cats. I swear, I’d drive an HOUR one-way to get to her office if I had to.
So all in all, a good visit to the vet. I think once I get home from Maine, I’ll make appointments for Mister Boogers, Spot, and Spanky to have their yearly checkups and shots, too. I like this vet so much more than our old vet (though the upside with that vet is that he’s less than five minutes away!) that I’m happy to make the drive.
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Pet store kitty pics from Monday are
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I don’t know how many of you visit my
links page on a regular basis, but I thought I’d mention that I’ve rearranged my links into different categories. I’ve put the sites without notify lists in one list, the ones WITH notify lists in another list, the ones that update rarely or are defunct in another list, then the gossip sites in their own list and lastly, the ones that are too freakin’ cute for words in their own list.
That last one only has three links in it, but I’m sure I’ll be adding to it as time goes on.
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No, he never did catch that squirrel, but one day last week I saw him leap up and I swear he had his paw on the squirrel. I just know the damn thing is going to end up in the house one day.
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2005: “It’s cancer,” Fred said. “That’s a tumorous lip if I’ve ever seen one!”
2004: I didn’t tell her that I think scars are badass and it can scar up all it wants.
2003: God, I hate people.
2002: No entry.
2001: So the house situation, oh what a story it is.
2000: This week, the devil won.]]>
Robyn, We got the Soft Paws and LOVE them. However, I am consistantly having to replace one or two a day on our little tykes. Was it like that for you? I think they are chewing them off, little stinkers. Just wondered. Thanks!
That button made me laugh and laugh.
I know you probably don’t care about MY opinion, but I got Softpaws for a cat of mine once, and even PAID the vet to put them on because I can’t do that sort of thing, and he had them all chewed off literally 24 hours later. In fact, he did nothing but chew them until they were gone. He was on a mission. So I’ve never bothered again. That cat is dead now, but I must admit that I ended up declawing him. Oh, and I didn’t kill him (I feel compelled to add that.)
Oh Tommy is funny. My mom’s cat was taunted by a squirrel for years. We knew it was the same one too. It got grayer and grayer and one day that damn cat got him. We figured the squirrel got old – the grayer part. The cat left the squirrel outside, although I think my mom witnessed the kill and ran outside.
Thanks for changing your links page. It know will download on my work laptop. It hadn’t for a couple of months now. Yeah! I have to visit because I was too lasy to make favorites of some of the links and I have to catch up now that I can get to the sites again!
Bwah! You just know that squirrel is up there thinking, “Nyah, nyah!”
I love the car full of cat carriers, too. It’s like a kitty cat exodus.
So… I’m only posting this cause you put a ? after Depot Medrol…
Medrol is a mild steroid that is often used as an anti-inflamatory medication. Depot just means “long-acting shot” So its in some sort of suspension that allows it to release slowly over time… which is nice because the other option would be stuffing a pill down Miz Poo’s throat every single day… which I can’t imagine would be ANY fun.
I have a cat that has hinky feet – the paw pads get inflammed, bone dry and cracked and then green oozy stuff is there if we don’t catch it soon enough. Anyway, the cure is to get what my vet refers to as a depo shot, and it is some kind of steroid, and it lasts for varying amounts of time, seems to depend on the time of year. She is 4 this year and this has worked well for us. We did do the daily pills for maybe a year but it was a PAIN IN THE ASS and then they stopped being effective. My cat is also very sassy, maybe this inflamatory tendency in the girls is attitude that needs to escape somehow or they would burst??? I just thank god for those shots, because they work!!
So Tommy is only 9.9?? Amazing, his pictures look like he is bigger, i.e. fatter. Can’t wait to see what old Spanky weighs in at. Maybe you really were wrong about him, and it was the bad camera angle yesterday!!!
Penny: No, Tommy weighs 10.7 pounds; Sugarbutt’s the one who weighs 9.9. I’ll be interested to see what Spanky weighs, myself!
Robyn, what was the heaviest weight Tubby ever weighed in at? Just curious cause I have a fat kitty who weighs 17lbs!
Robyn, I haven’t been able to access the comments page on your other site, although I’ve been trying for three days, so I’m taking the liberty of writing you on this site, about something you wrote on that
About very comfortable bras for ladies who are generously endowed: Victoria’s Secret
never worked for me. They’re cuter than
heck, but every time I ran downstairs it felt as if I was going to give myself two black eyes. Then I discovered WACOALS,
bless them. They are wonderful. Try a
Wacoal and you’ll never go back. They are
expensive, but worth every penny. A friend
who once sold bras at Macy’s insisted that I try one, and once I did, that was it. No other will do. And not just comfortable, they’re pretty! I bought one in tan lace and one in black lace, and they are sexy and give great support and are comfortable. (I do not work for the Wacoal company and don’t know anyone who does. This is a disclaimer.)
Awww,vet visits!
I recently read where a woman had to rush her pet macaw to the vet because it had eaten the DOG’S medication.That macaw traditionally hated his vet visits.
The emergency appointment consisted of tubing charcoal and various meds into the macaw while it resisted with its incredible stength-large wings flapping and squacking at full volume, The macaw recovered after a few days.
The owner had to take the bird back for a follow-up visit and fearing the worst,she was mentally prepared for the battle ahead. Surprisingly,when the vet entered the exam room,the macaw looked into the vet’s face and cheerily said,”Hello!”
Do you suppose that the bird understood that the vet had saved his life?
My fav story involves an animal trainer, http://www.lindatellington-jones.com/ , who uses massage to treat her animals’ problems.
She was called into a zoo to help with a python who was having severe digestive pains. She spent hours gently massaging the big snake and it seemed to help greatly.The snake recovered completely.
When Linda returned to the zoo at a later date,she checked up on the snake. When she approached the python,it raised up so that the snake was looking directly into Linda’s eyes. It was as if the snake was saying,”I remember you. You helped me feel better.Thank you.” Anyone who knows reptiles knows that they don’t normally interact with humans on that level. The snake must have been VERY grateful.
I really could use some advice if you have time. My boyfriend and I took in a stray cat, mildly calm cat, and she is very pregnant. She escaped, though (long crazy story) and she shows herself to us but then quickly vanishes (we see her from a second story balcony that faces the back, to get out there we have to go out the front and around a this apartment building). Do you have any advice of how we might catch her again? She has not eaten since Friday afternoon and we figured this morning she would be easy to catch because we figured she would be hungry but I think her lack of interest in food may mean she is going to deliver soon? She was also looking pretty wild this morning.