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Hey, remember our baby ducks from a couple of weeks ago (okay, maybe not so much “our” baby ducks as “the” baby ducks)?
DSC00171 Then. Now. For reference, the waterer they’re standing next to is about a foot tall. Ah, they grow so fast, don’t they?
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In case you don’t read Fred’s site regularly, I have to admit that his latest entry is kind of funny. However, I would like to add that my nose did not actually TOUCH anything nasty. It just got way too close.
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The spud flew from California to Rhode Island yesterday, and she’ll be spending a week and a half or so with her father before she goes up to Maine. From all accounts, she did a LOT of shopping with her grandmother while in California. Which makes me glad that I insisted that she take a second suitcase with her, even though she could have fit everything in one suitcase. Every year we have the same discussion, about how she can fit everything in one suitcase, then I have to remind her that she always comes home with 63 tons of crap that will NOT fit in one suitcase, and every year I’m glad I made her take a second suitcase. And also every year, her grandmother in California still has to mail a box of stuff home for her because THAT is how much shopping they do.
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About to begin reading: A Density of Souls, by Christopher Rice. Please god, don’t let it suck. I’ve been avoiding it for years now. I just want it to be halfway interesting. Finished last night: Charmed Thirds, by Megan Mccafferty. Oh, how I love that Jessica Darling.
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I have to take Miz Poo, Sugarbutt, and Tom Cullen to the vet later today, the vet that takes half an hour to get to, but I keep going there because I really LIKE the vet. Miz Poo needs to go because her lip has started to swell up again, and this after I sent someone an email detailing how giving her a diet of Natural Balance cat food combined with Advantage-ing her up every three weeks seems to have solved the problem. Ugh. Apparently NOT, damnit. The boys need to go because they’re over a year old ( ::sob:: They grow so fast!) and need their yearly checkup and shots. It is going to be a mighty FUN FUN FUN time getting Miz Poo into one carrier and the boys into another, then driving up close to the Tennessee border with them wailing the entire way, freaking out when they see strangers (Sugarbutt, especially, has a Stranger Danger issue), then wailing the entire way home. If the vet tells me that Tommy’s overweight, I’m going to say, with great dignity, “We prefer to call him ‘portly’.”
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Tomorrow, they’re coming to replace one of our couches. Months and months ago Fred sat down on the couch, only to hear a bolt underneath break off, and his seat dropped down by an inch or so. He called the place where we got the couch and they sent a repairman out, and he fixed all the bolts on both the couches, but Fred warned him that if it happened again, we were going to want a replacement couch. It happened again, naturally – I like our couches, but they are possibly… what’s the phrase? Oh, yes. “Cheap pieces of crap” – and Fred called the place and they eventually ordered a replacement couch and told us it’d be in in about six weeks. About twelve weeks ago they said that, I believe. Anyway, over the weekend we were bitching about how we’d never gotten our new couch, and Fred said “Remind me when I’m at the office, and I’ll call and give them hell”, only lo and behold, he never needed to, because yesterday morning they called and said that our couch had come in. So they’re coming tomorrow to deliver it. Between 9:30 and 12:30, and I believe we all know what THAT means. Yes, I’m sure I’ll be sitting at home waiting for the fuckers to show up until sometime after 5:00. I’m so looking forward to it.
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Did I mention that they like the pillows? Speaking of getting a little porky… Miz Poo is a fan of the Momma-made pillows as well. All of today’s uploaded pictures are hither.
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Previously 2005: Mia. 2004: There were a couple of parts that had me laughing so hard I could barely breathe – especially the line “I see you have a little swimming mouse”. 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: Have I ever mentioned that I’m kind of a dork?]]>

18 thoughts on “7/6/06”

  1. I was looking in admiration at the pic of Tommy on your pillow, saw his pink pretty toes, started counting (because that looks like an aweful lot of pink) and for a split second, thought he must be some freak of nature. Split second. Then I realized that one paw is on top of the other.
    I apologize.
    Great pillows!

  2. Spanky is not portly, you used a bad camera angle. It is the fault of you, the photographer, not darling Spanky, that he looks big. And the camera puts on 10 lbs. And, well, that is all I can think of right now.
    All of your cats are adorable. Poor Miz P, I hope it all turns out well and she and the boys do not have a nervous breakdown due to the long car ride and scary, scary people. Poor Sugerbutt too. How about the Tom Man, no worries with him? Life is very hard when you are a cat isn’t it??

  3. OMG, I just read Fred’s entry. I laughed my ASS off!!!! You know there is Murphy’s Law, maybe this kind of incident should now be called Robyn’s Law!!

  4. Penny: But how many cameras were ON him? Hee! I’m not worried about Tommy – he’s okay with strangers, and he’s laid-back enough that things that freak him out don’t freak him out for long. Sugarbutt, on the other hand, will probably spend the evening under the chair in the computer room (his “safe place”) recovering from the trauma.

  5. When I took my 20-lb siamese to a new vet, she politely talked to my cat as she petted him and said “My, aren’t we rotund?” Now we’ve nicknamed him “double-wide.” Makes me miss my Alabama roots.

  6. I’ve found that, when driving the cats to the vet, one Xanax twenty minutes prior to departure works extremely well … not for the cats … for me!

  7. Don’t worry about the vet saying Tom is too fat. I took my “double-wide” to the vet and told him he was “portly” and the vet said he wasn’t that bad. He’s only 14 pounds, but he should weigh less than 10. My parents informed me that they now can tell my 3 gray cats apart. There’s the skinny one – Andy, the portly – one Kiefer and the one they don’t see – Timmy.

  8. As the person who wanted your advice on the fat lip situation…
    (But at least I haven’t went and bought the special food yet… money saved, money saved!)
    Also, were you disturned at all that the special allergy cat food is endorsed by Dick Van Patton?

  9. Oh please tell where the “crappy bitch” picture came from. I’d love to have THAT as a notepad for the office! Ha!

  10. Amanda: Not terribly. I was an Eight is Enough fan. 😀
    Neca: A reader sent it and a bunch of other hilarious pictures to me; I don’t know where it originated!

  11. Neca: If you go to StickerGiant.com and search on “crabby bitch”, you’ll find a pin and a refrigerator magnet with that picture on it. 🙂

  12. I am glad to hear you are watching Rescue Me – one of my very favorite shows. This season is soooooooooo good! I love the kitty pillows. My two persians just got their summer shaves/cuts and look like little lions – I will have to send you a picture. They are feeling very humiliated right now.

  13. I just hope that neither you or Fred EVER quit your journals…. I just LOVE reading you both…..

  14. I subscribe to a pet care site that sends out tips on animal care from time to time. A few days ago, I got one that said that feeding cats from metal bowls instead of plastic ones may help with preventing acne. I don’t know if this fat lip thing may related, but it may be worth a try. Good luck!

  15. Robyn,
    I noticed on your Links page “Feline Kewl” listed as not updating in a long time. You can find her on OpenDiary as “Domesticat”.
    Love the pillows!
    Thanks for posting all the great pictures of you “kids”.

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