7/27/09 – Monday

We had waffles for breakfast, and then hit the road yesterday morning. And then I set foot in a theme park for the first time in well over 10 years. I rode a ton of scary rides, and I had a BLAST. We got to Kennywood, and it was rainy and overcast, and Rick pointed … Continue reading “7/27/09 – Monday”

2009-07-27 (3)
We had waffles for breakfast, and then hit the road yesterday morning.

And then I set foot in a theme park for the first time in well over 10 years. I rode a ton of scary rides, and I had a BLAST.

We got to Kennywood, and it was rainy and overcast, and Rick pointed out a roller coaster and suggested we give it a try. I shuddered like the delicate creature I am, and said “After all these years, I should start with something a little tamer…”

And then Rick and I went on this.

2009-07-27 (1)

You get in these seats – there’s nothing under your feet – and they hoist you way up to the top of this tower, and then you hang there for 20 seconds or so. Just as you’re starting to think “Okay, I think we’re stuck. How the hell are they going to get us down?”, they drop you.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, and then I took a gasping breath, and I screamed some more. I did a LOT of screaming yesterday, because we rode a lot of rides, and except for the carousel, they were pretty freakin’ scary. Rick and Trey and I rode a good number of the rides in that park, some of them twice.

Nance only rode the carousel – the rest of the time, she waited for us to get off rides, and snapped pictures, and carried all our shit around.

2009-07-27 (2)

She’s a very good pack mule (I didn’t get many pictures, because she carried my bag around most of the day, and my camera was in it).

We played games, and to Nance’s everlasting shock, I am not completely horrible when it comes to getting a basketball in a basket. I got the first basketball in, and I won a small prize. I got the second basketball in, and traded up to the medium prize. Then I choked on the third one, which is probably a good thing because Nance had to haul the medium prize (the Steeler’s bear sticking out of her KATG backpack, which I won for Shirley) around all day long.

We played other games, too, so I’m going home with a couple of small stuffed animals.

Did I mention that I had fun? Because I had a LOT of fun. The last time I remember setting foot in a theme park is when the spud was about 3 years old and I weighed over 300 pounds, and my ex-husband and I got on a roller coaster to ride it, and the bar couldn’t go down far enough because I was too fat for the ride, so I had to get off the ride with thirty zillion people watching.

Although I had no problem fitting on the rides yesterday, I was paranoid that the bars wouldn’t go down far enough. They did, though – and I didn’t have to do the Walk of Shame. THANK GOD.

Today, we’re off to the Fiesta factory to see how Fiesta Ware is made, and so that I can spend the gift certificate I got for my birthday. I know I’m a total dork, but I can’t WAIT.

(I’ve already told Nance and Rick I’m coming back next July and escorting them to Kennywood. They were thrilled, of course.)

13 thoughts on “7/27/09 – Monday”

  1. I don’t go on certain rides at Cedar Point because I HATE having to get off when my legs don’t fit into the car, or the seatbelt is too short to fit around my husband (who is not fat at all, but an overall big guy). I’m almost 6’2″ and he’s 6’6″ and 250lbs. Some of the newer high intensity roller coasters have dumb car designs (I mean, if you fit in the car and the harness, why doesn’t the seatbelt stretch far enough?)

    Luckily the best rides have good cars:)

  2. After losing 130 lbs, I am SO looking forward to going back to the amusement park. Goodonya Robyn! I am so fricken jealous, I have always lusted after Fiesta Ware. Sounds like a match made in heaven with your love of bright colors.

  3. My daughter went to Kennywood last year and said it was amazing. We live in Florida and have done all the theme parks here, but she liked Kennywood better. I am glad you got to go on everything this time, I love me some upside down rides. Congrats and have fun!

  4. No rides for me now A-because walk of shame would happen and B-back/neck stuff from old car accidents might act up. But I am envious-I used to love rides the crazier the better in younger thinner days. I still love old fashioned wooden roller coasters, log flumes, ferris wheels and the carousel. No more zipper, salt and pepper shakers or that thing that sucked you to the walls as the floor dropped out. Was that kid really me? It must be wonderful to be thin and reclaim the fearless part of yourself. All that walkin’ lets you eat w/o gaining. Good arm too. I am eye/hand coordination “challenged” according to my high school gym teacher. Broke my heart-not. I’m just gald we didn’t breed cause dh is nonathletic too. Definetly would have had nerd/geek children.

  5. Well the Kennywood website starts, “For over a hundred years….” so I guess it’s not named after Kenny Rogers. WTF? Why “KENNY”-wood? Especially since it sounds like a take-off on DOLLY-wood. Hmmm! ANY. WAY. I love that Nance only rode the carousel. I will ride old wooden roller coasters…and the carousel, and I also like bumper cars in the arcade if they have one, but that’s it for me. No roundy-roundy-upside-downsy or I pukey. We had some “weatha” down this way last night but Im’ sure it’ll be gone by the time your plane prepares to land. Or else you can just pretend you’re on another ride! Wheeee!

  6. aw, i’m so glad you went to kennywood! i grew up in pittsburgh and went every year. the thunderbolt was always my favorite. 🙂

  7. Okay, this has nothing to do with your entry, but I found this video that I thought you’d like. Didn’t you say you wished you were near a Trader Joe’s? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdB7GDZY3Pk

    And thanks for posting that wedding video, I can hardly believe it, but it made me cry! Such joy!

  8. Most of my family is from south of Pittsburgh. I’ve been to Kennywood at least once but many, many years ago. And there is no way in hell you’d get me on that things that lifts you up and drops you. You would have had to perform CPR on me after that thing. I love rollercoasters, but that big tall thing and the drop? No way. Glad you are having a good time!

  9. I love Cedar Point and for years I’ve ridden it without problems. Last time I was there I was asked to test out the Millennium Force seatbelt first. For the first time ever and I had been on that roller coaster twice before then. It was.. very shameful. And I’m not even that big. Close to 200 pounds, yes, but most of the weight is in my butt and my thighs. *Sigh* I haven’t been back since.. partially because of the fear that I’ll be asked to do that again.

  10. I am so happy reading about your adventure!
    Completely off topic but couldn’t help think of you when I got my latest crossstitch catalog. Do you get the Stitchery catalog? I thought you needed the Picasso rooster. T63-752 I saw a million kitty ones too I would get you if I had extra money floating around. Enjoy your vacation!

  11. “that sucked you to the walls as the floor dropped out. ”

    Man, when I was little (8-10 yrs.) we had one of those it was called the hell hole and I was terrified of it.
    I worried when my teenage uncles rode it,lol!

    And Robyn, I can’t believe you were in Pa.!
    I’m from the rolling hills myself. Enjoy your visit =)

  12. Wow… I have not thought of Kennywood in years! My parents grew up south of Pittsburgh and we used to go to Kennywood when I was a kid. I remember being petrified in Noah’s Ark! I still have a banana shaped whistle that says “I went Bananas at Kennywood”. My Mom loved the roller coasters, I was not that brave.

  13. Oh I don’t do those spinnign things where you stand up against the wall and the floor drops. No no no no no. Me and my dad are the same there – nothign going round. I went on the Fire & Ice coaster down in, um, Universal Studios (?) in FL. We did one and when I came off I was THIS CLOSE to passing out. After I got my legs back under me I did the other coaster. That time I kept my eyes open and my mouth shut. Works better. :0

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