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Man, I hit the ground running this morning; thank god I need to update so I can sit on my ass for a little while!
I got up at 6:30 because Fred’s taken today and tomorrow off from work, and he wanted to run to Lowe’s and the Co-Op to get a bunch of stuff. Since I needed a couple of bird feeders, I wanted to go with him, and because the earlier you go to places like Lowe’s the less people there are, he wanted to get there right after 7:00.
On a side note, I needed a couple of bird feeders because the FUCKING SQUIRRELS figured out that they could chew the plastic hook off the top of the bird feeder that’s been hanging outside the computer room door for months now. I have no issues with squirrels eating out of the bird feeders – I know some people hate them, but I think they’re amusing to watch, especially when they hang upside down and cram as much in their faces as they can before they go scampering off. Anyway, they figured out that they could chew the plastic hook off the top of the (plastic) bird feeder and the bird feeder would fall to the ground, scattering seed and nuts everywhere, and they wouldn’t have to go to the trouble of hanging from their back feet to get to the food.
I didn’t realize, of course, that they’d chewed the plastic hook off the top; I thought there’d been an issue with too much weight on the feeder and the hook (or rather, the part where the hook goes through, really) had broken. So I went out to K-Mart (did you even know K-Mart still existed? I did not.) and bought another bird feeder of the same kind, and a different bird feeder that I thought was pretty, and that held more bird seed.
I hung the pretty feeder outside the computer room window and the plastic lantern-type (the exact same kind that had been hanging outside the computer room window) from the pecan tree out toward the back forty, and thought no more of it.
Until the next day when I looked out the window and saw that the goddamn squirrels had figured out how to get the top off the pretty bird feeder, which made it tilt to the side, spilling seed and nuts all over the goddamn ground. Even though there was a lock-type thingy on the top that should have made it impossible, apparently the country squirrels (now with more salt!) are Einsteins and little things like locks on the top of bird feeders don’t even slow the motherfuckers down.
And then I looked toward the pecan tree and saw that the lantern bird feeder I’d hung out there was laying on the ground and covered in cardinals, bluejays, and assorted other birds. When I went out to see what the fuck was going on, I found that the hook at the top of the feeder had been chewed off.
Goddamn squirrels.
So I needed to go to Lowe’s with Fred to get feeders that squirrels couldn’t get the top off of or chew the hook off of.
I got a couple of nice feeders, and as of two hours after I hung them up, they’re still in one piece.
After I filled and put up the bird feeders, I went around and cleaned out and refilled the bird baths and cat water bowl (when I run the water over by the garage, Newt loves to sit and watch the water trickle down the driveway. It’s apparently quite fascinating.), gathered up trash, emptied, cleaned, and refilled the litter box in the foster kitten room AND the litter box in the laundry room, carted all the dirty litter to the trash can, which I had to roll to the end of the driveway, it being trash day, and then back inside to clean up the kitchen, start some laundry, and then remember I’d locked Tommy in the foster kitten room (when I was coming out, he ran in and wouldn’t be shooed back out of the room so I yelled “Fine, motherfucker, you stay in there!” and shut the door) so had to go up and make sure no one was dead, shooed Tommy out of the room, and was just sitting down to check my email and start an entry when Fred called (he’d left earlier for a doctor appointment) and asked if I wanted to go to Nearville for breakfast.
The restaurant we went to apparently doesn’t serve breakfast during the week – it’s a buffet place – so we drove around for a little while until they opened for lunch, and had a yummy breakfast/ lunch at 10:45.
By the time we left half an hour later, we were the youngest people in the restaurant by about 150 years.
And now we’re home, and I’m sleepy because I had too many carbs, but I must not sleep because that motherfucker I’m married to went out and picked green beans last night.
And in three hours of snapping them last night, I only got a little over half of them snapped. So I’ve got to snap the rest, then can the fuckers.
The best part of this is knowing that he didn’t think we were going to have “enough” green beans canned, so he planted an entire second row of the goddamn things.
I guess you aren’t interested in the Yankee Flipper? ๐ http://www.yankeeflipper.com Check out the videos!
What recipe do you use for zucchini bread? I have been looking and can’t find it.
Dear Robyn: I’m confused–do you actually eat the devil’s herb? Sincerely, Jane
That salsa looks divine my dear.
Try putting up a couple of feeders just for the squirrels – it works for me!
Heehee… Tommy’s nickname should now be THE AMBASSADOR! (said in a pro-wrestler voice, of course)
Hi Robyn – How come you didn’t go to Maine this summer? My apologies in advance if you covered this in an earlier post.
Mmmmm… sudden craving for salsa!
Oh that Yankee Flipper video just cracked me up! Thanks for sharing.
That bucket of green beans looks like an entire year supply in itself. Do you plan on giving any of this stuff away? I’m thinking Christmas presents!
A couple years back when I put up a feeder right outside our front window I was pissed that the squirrels kept getting into it. But when I saw how the cats loved to watched them even more than the birds I was happy. Since that’s the whole reason I put it there. It really wasn’t to feed the birds as our neighbor to the south has about 20 feeders up all over her yard. I guess I should start putting feed back in it, it’s been sitting empty now for the last year or so. Heh
I really do think that you need to sell your canned beans, and label them “Gramma Robyn’s Mother-Fuckin’ Country-Made Beans.” The image on the label could be you, giving the finger.
I’d buy them!
ok, Nick hates peppers and cilantro too. So I make pico: tomatoes, red onion, salt, pepper, 3 limes. Yummy!
Here is a question for the extravaganza! Are you planning on going to Maine this summer for your annual pilgrimage? I love stories about Maine!
Hoover (my grey cat) will come running from anywhere in the house when he hears the toilet being flushed. He loves to watch the water go around and down.
My question for your extravaganza: this far out from your surgery, do you have to adjust your eating habits at all? I know before, you couldn’t eat certain things, and you could only eat tiny amounts. Has your body adjusted?
Question: What the the last 5 books you’ve read that you totally loved and could barely put down, and what were they about (romance, mystery, etc.)?
FYI: I highly recommend The Thirteenth Tale, if you haven’t read it.
Whatever happened to the quarry? You must look hottt in a bikini now.
Burning question; My friends and I have wondered for years now, HOW DO YOU MANAGE TO READ SO MANY BOOKS?
What do Leprechauns bring you?
Hey, Robyn forget about canning that peck of beans, just put it on the give-away page.They might even get snapped en-route.
I was wondering how you and Fred met and how long you dated before you got married. That salsa looks so good!
Hi Robyn,
My cat has been at the animal hospital for almost four days now for Renal failure. She gets to come home tonight. The vet says that if we give her 150ccs of saline every four days for the rest of her life, she’ll live a full and happy life. (read: full and happy so quality of life really isn’t an issue) Of course, we’re going to do it, but I’ve had so many people look at me funny when I tell them these things. “It’s just a damn cat…why would you go to all that trouble?” I say, it’s because she’s my cat and my responsibility and I love her. People have a right to their opinions but I’m amazed at the people who wouldn’t do it for their pet. Sooooo, my question is, would you or wouldn’t you and if you wouldn’t, why not? (No judgment, I promise!)
P.S. I love Anita’s Idea for the green bean label, I’d buy some too!
A few years ago my daughter and I went out and gathered black walnuts. we hulled them and placed them on the picnic table in the back yard to dry out. every day I noticed the walnut pile getting smaller. Early one morning I stepped out the back door and there they were, several good sized squirrels carrying them off. I’m still finding hollow walnut shells around the yard. They love peanuts in the shell too.
My question , did you plant cabbage,potatoes or sweet potatoes? I notice in your recipes that you like them.
Since you have lost so much weight, have you had to adjust your thyroid meds?
Whatever happened to Moira? I remember you always talked about her way back in the day and now, nothing.
Since you’re asking for questions, and since it’s gone now, what the hell was Fred driving before, or are you still not allowed to tell us? ๐
Question for the question-answering extravaganza: I was reading some oooold Bitchypoo entries the other night. (I’m talking from the first week that you had your journal online.) You mentioned that a checkout lady at Wal-Mart was nice to the person in front of you and then suddenly was bitchy and wouldn’t look at you when you checked out. You wondered if it was because of your weight.
Do you notice that people treat you totally different now that you’re thin? Are people nicer? Do you think that the Wal-Mart incident from way back when was because of your weight?
Thanks again for this journal — I think you’re awesome and have enjoyed every word of it!
I have a question for you. I recall before you had surgery that you wrote that you would never get to drink your favorite “Diet Coke” again. Is this still true? I’ve seen people who have had WLS drink soda’s–I think….so this just made me wonder.
My question was already asked..about Fred’s car! Can we know what he drove before?!
Also..was the Spud sad to leave her job,friend and boyfriend? How’s she enjoying her new place so far?
Take Care!!
What do you like/dislike most about Fred, and what does he like/dislike most about you? Has this changed since you met?
And i wanted to comment in the entry that you were mad and showed your eyes.. they are a very lovely color even if you were angry hehe.
Where did you get the green/yellowish cat cube?? All I can find are red/blue ones and they clash horribly with my decor, but my little cat loves it so much I tolerate the ugly.