Edited to add: The Bookworms? NEGATIVE!!!!!! YAY!!!
From the Challenger’s House update email:
Here at Challenger’s House it’s been hard to keep up with all the calls & requests for us to take cats & kittens. It was a late “kitten season” but even with an adoption center (at Petsmart) full of kittens, and foster homes full of kittens, and kittens here at the shelter, adoptions have been slower in 2010. In the first quarter of this year, we took in 37 and adopted 47 but in the second quarter we took in 57 and only adopted out 27. We still keep a population of 120-140 at any given time.
What a lot of people don’t understand is that being a no time limit (no-kill) shelter, we can’t take every cat or kitten that comes along. If we did, we would be overcrowded, disease would set in, and money would run out quickly. And since we keep the cats until they are adopted or die of old age we end up with cats that are middle aged & older, some of whom will probably live with us the rest of their lives.
At the current time, donations are down & our funds have dwindled. We are asking that everyone who is able, send a donation to help us defray the cost of vet bills, medications/vaccines, flea control, food, litter, utilities, and all the other expenses associated with operating a shelter that provides a comfortable place for the cats & kittens to stay until they are adopted. You can make such a difference by supporting Challenger’s House in its quest to help as many homeless and unwanted cats & kittens as possible.
We take the animals we can but when our foster homes are full and the shelter is full, and when money is tight, we have to turn people away. It’s heartbreaking to tell them we don’t have room for the litter of kittens they found in the ditch or the cat that their neighbor moved off & left.
If you’d like to donate to Challenger’s House, you can do so by mail, phone, or Paypal – all the information is at the bottom of their Petfinder page, here.
Pictures from my vacation – completely random, in no particular order.
(©Lanna Lee Maheux, because I am a dumbass and somehow deleted the pictures I had on my camera. Grrrr!)
Met Lanna Lee at IHOP for breakfast Saturday morning so she could enjoy the Bitchypoo experience, poor girl. (Heh.) We discussed the possibility of a Bitchypoo meetup gathering type thing (BitchyCon?) when I’m visiting next summer.
(What the holy hell is up with that vein in the middle of my forehead? Where did THAT thing come from?)
Giant LL Bean boot!
Spud! I know you’re curious how the spud is doing, and the word is that she is doing well. She’s recently become single again, she’s working, and she’s happy. She’s not in school right now, but is intending to start either in the Fall or the beginning of next year in a program that will get her her Associate degree in 18 months (or less, depending on which of the classes she’s already taken can be transferred) in Business Management.
The spud and I!
I come by my love of blueberry muffins honestly.
My almost 17 year-old niece, Mireya. (Because I know you’re curious, Mireya is Korean on her mother’s side, and has Down’s Syndrome.) Mireya comes from a place of “no.” Her knee-jerk reaction is “no.” Want to go swimming? Want to eat dinner? Want to watch a movie? “NO.” She gives the best stink-eye on the planet. But once she’s relaxed and fed, she is one happy child. (Just don’t let her see you pointing that camera at her.) She’s fond of her father (HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT), and if she suspects you might be trying to take her Daddy away from her (I’m looking you, great-nephew!), she’s sure to repeatedly let you know that that is HER Daddy. HERS. Not yours. HERS. Also, she’s going through a self-renaming phase. While I was there, she declared that her name was “NOT Mireya.” – (1) Wall-E, (2) Waterboy, (3) Beatlejuice, and (4) Sassy. I also called her Pickles one day, because we were hanging out in the pool talking about pickles (what?) and she thought that was one funny-ass word.
Anyone know what this is?
Lobstah time!
Million Bells petunias. They are SO pretty – I’m trying to figure out where I can hang a pot of them around here. The most obvious places (front porch, side porch) don’t get enough sun.
Benji spends a lot of time waiting for his people to come home. (They take him with them a lot, but this last week was very hot, so they opted to leave him home. He did not approve.)
Some of my mother’s Fiesta Ware.
You saw the house to the left of my brother’s house, the one for sale for $74,000, right? This is the one behind him. I think he said the owners are trying to sell it (or intend to try to sell it) for a cool million. They believe they can get that price (and hey, maybe they can – who am I to judge?) because it’s on the water. The house itself is falling down, though.
And the falling-down garage-type structure to the right of him. There’s a house that goes with this (that I apparently failed to get a picture of) where no one lives. It’s also on the water.
Did I post this one the other day? I don’t remember. If so, here it is again! The spud and I in Freeport.
My brother and father built this deck in just a few days. I wish I had someone who would build me a deck. ::sad eyes:: Or maybe a covered porch off the laundry room. ::very sad eyes::
Went to the Sea Basket twice. Liz was having a craving. You didn’t hear me complaining!
Candy at Wilbur’s of Maine.
The spud and I outside of Wilbur’s. Don’t we look relaxed and comfy? DAMN THAT SUN, it was always in my eyes!
Banana for a monkey.
Mireya (yes, she likes hats) and Curly McGee.
I cannot figure out why this picture made me think of June. It’s a mystery. (I eat my everyday whoopie pies every day!)
The SQUIRRELS in my parents’ back yard! So freakin’ BRAZEN. The last morning I was there, my father walked up behind a squirrel who was chowing down on the suet and the squirrel didn’t notice my father until he REACHED OUT AND POKED the squirrel. I bet after being poked by a human, that squirrel was glad he was wearing his brown pants. So to speak.
My parents recently put a bathroom in their basement. I LOVE it.
The shower’s a bit of a step up (5 1/2 inches up, to be exact. They needed room for the plumbing.), and about half the time, I lost that knowledge while I was in the shower and stumbled down into the wall opposite the shower on my exit.
Things I saw while shopping that made me laugh.
The boys are off to be tested and neutered in a little while. ‘Til tomorrow, here are some pictures I took the day before I went on vacation.
Awww, look at Gavin and Garrity, right there in the middle of the vegetable inspection!
All four Bookworms (click on the picture to go over to Flickr and see notes on who’s who), Lieu, Garrity, and Jake! Could we fit any more cats in one picture?
And by the way, so far only Sheila has been adopted (this can be partially explained by the fact that there was initially a litter of Siamese kittens in the very next cage. And you KNOW how people love the Siamese. They suck up all the attention!). The other four are at the adoption center. I’m hoping this weekend will be their lucky weekend!
2009: Is it called “BeelzeBoogs”?? Oh, that sounds like a FUN book.
2008: “Huh. An armadillo. Weird. They don’t usually come this far north!”
2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: “Bessie,” he said. “That is CAT POOP, not kitty treats!”
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: Our kitties, spoiled? Nah.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
Looks like you had a great time with family! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Spud’s t-shirt!!!
OH YOU KNOW IT. I have a Siamese and he is an attention WHORE. “Look at meeeeee. Talk to meeeeeee. Play with meeeeeeee.” with the paws. “Meerrrooop.”
Needy fucker.
Hope the Book Worms pass their test!
They did! Hurrahhhhhh!!!!
“She gives the best stink-eye on the planet. But once she’s relaxed and fed, she is one happy child. (Just don’t let her see you pointing that camera at her.)”
My GOD, if you replaced “child” with “middle aged hag” you’d be describing me perfectly.
I love that yellow bathroom. Very cheerful and you’d never know it was in a basement.
The Spud looks healthy and happy. Yay!
Um, no, your brother’s neighbors are not going to get a million dollars for that house. It doesn’t matter if it’s near the water, the mountains, or a fudge-and-fireworks factory. Not gonna happen.
Siamese seems to be a love or hate breed of cat. I adore them because they’re so vocal (that moany meow gets me) but some people just loathe that.
You made me LOL, devil.
I love seeing your vacation pix!
I don’t have a millions dollars, but if I did, I wouldn’t use it to buy that property, even if it is on the water.
Thinking good thoughts for the Bookworms! (I think you should have a batch of kittens named after the NJ Housewives. And if there is a boy, you can name him Juicy Joe.)
Love the NJ Housewives name idea. Teresa would say you “did good”.
Um… in the candy photo? The ones to the right of the stars? What are those? They look like very colorful… um… *blushes*
Those are lighthouses, you perv!
I was thinking the same thing, Kara!! Too much reading the cake wrecks website I think!
thank god it wasn’t only me!
I always enjoy the Maine recaps. I was frantically scrolling down..”Where’s the picture of the Sea Basket?” I swear, that picture always makes it for me. I have to ask though, as a reader of 10 years…is that the SAME picture of the Sea Basket? Or do you take another one each time? Just curious.
I take a new one every time, of course. Are you saying they all look the same?
Yeah bookworms!!!!!
We were at my parents last month and my 7 year old daughter came up to us and said, “Mommy! That squirrel’s tail was soooooo soft!” After a brief recovery period, I asked if it was dead. It wasn’t, but it clearly had some serious issues. Later it fell out of a tree, about 20 feet to the ground, for no obvious reason. More than a little disturbing.
My brother (a new parent) was surprised that I was so calm. But we’d been through almost the exact same situation last year with a raccoon. Only that one WAS dead. I thought the “No petting dead things” rule had me covered. Clearly, I need to come up with something a little broader.
The first couple of squirrel pictures I declared “That is one BRAZEN ass squirrel!” and then I scroll down and you declare him brazen too. That must be a New Englander/Maritimer expression because I never hear anybody out west say it.
Thanks for all the great pictures
Wonderful to see the Spud again and hear that she is doing well, waving to Spud.
Lobster.. I am from the West coast and have never eaten lobster in my life. I am drooled over your pics though as if it is anything like crab it is to die for. But since there apparently is no lobster left in Maine I will not be going there anytime soon.
Happy news about the kitties!!
yay for adopted kitties! Robyn, any chance you remember and wouldn’t mind sharing the store where you got the “Say no to Pot” Lobster shirt? I need to order one! Thanks
Thought you all might like, even though I’m sure you have seen it.
Your Maine trip looks wonderful. It’s making me long to go back. You and the spud look great together. So glad the kitties are negative!