
* * * I put up the very last of the fosterkitties pictures yesterday. You can see them all here, or start here and move foward.

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I have this really sore spot on the inner part of my lower lip where I was chewing gum yesterday, and for some reason my lower lip decided to shoot directly in between my teeth, and I clamped down really hard – apparently I chew pretty hard when I’m chewing gum – and it hurt A LOT, and now the spot that got chomped hurts a lot. Also, I have a canker sore on the very end of my tongue, and it’s bugging the shit out of me. ALSO, my period decided yesterday would be a good time to up and start, which is always a fun thing to happen. Especially when you’re about to go on vacation. Especially when you’re about to go on vacation where it’s HOT and no one believes in air conditioning. Oh, this is going to be fuuuuuuuuuun.
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So yeah, I have to say that I’m starting to consider Seasonale a bit of a flop. For most of last year it worked just fine for me, but this year about three weeks before I finish my pack of pills, I start spotting and it’s just a huge pain in the ass. I guess I’ll just go back to the regular period-once-a-month pill. Or hey, I guess I could try taking the Seasonale for two months, then going off it for a week, then starting back up for another two months, and see how that goes. Maybe I should just have them rip my fucking uterus out and be done with it. This being-a-woman thing is a huge pain, ain’t it? Stupid uterus. It’s not like I NEED it.
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We watched Hide and Seek the other night, and it wasn’t bad, though the explanation for what was going on was LAME. Here’s my two-word description for the movie (skip to the next section if you don’t want to be spoilered): “Heeeeeeere’s Johnny!” I do love that little Dakota Fanning, though.
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I forgot to bring the camera with me to the pet store on Monday, but last week’s pet store kitty pics are here. Also, when Fred and I dropped the kittens off at the pet store on Tuesday, a little howling kitten caught his eye, and he opened the cage and took her out to give her some love. She purred and purred and purred, and Fred looked at the description card on the front of her cage, and said “This is supposed to be shy?” “Well,” I said, “She was shy when she was in a cage with her siblings and mother. Now that she’s in a cage by herself, I’m sure she’s lonely and inclined to be less shy.” And she turned and gave Fred a look o’ love, so I had to snap a picture. Dsc06284
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When Liz was visiting, we went to Cracker Barrel a few times, and if you’ve never been to Cracker Barrel, you just don’t know what you’re missing, you really don’t. Anyway, Cracker Barrel has a gift shop inside, and I spotted this really cute little whisk: Dsc06288 and I looked around to see if there was a matching salt and pepper set, and to my chagrin there was not. So I bought the whisk and brought it home with the express idea of look under the company’s name online to see if they make a matching salt and pepper shaker. And they do not. Damnit. Because I NEED an egg salt and pepper set! I do, because I’ve got a small collection of salt and pepper shakers, and an egg salt and pepper shaker set would round out the collection nicely, don’t you think?
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Currently reading: The World According to Mimi Smartypants. By Mimi Smartypants, of course. I’m liking the book a lot, of course, though at one point she used the word “bedrunken” and misread it as “bed-drunken”, and was swept away by wondering whether there was a certain kind of drunkenness that you could attain by drinking in bed. Then I re-read the sentence a realized my mistake.
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For weeks, Fred has been telling me that there was cat poop under the bed. “Don’t be silly,” I said. “That’s not cat poop, that’s actually the kitty treats you tried to give Spot, that he didn’t like and left there, and it’s been sitting there ever since.” Because the last time I got down on the floor and looked under the bed, that was the truth. Every time Fred needed to look under the bed, he’d say it again “That’s cat poop.” “No it’s not.” “It is!” “Then clean it up!” “I can’t reach it.” The end. Because if you can’t reach something, you can’t reach it. It’s not like you could reach for something with, say, a stick or a broom or a vacuum cleaner hose and reach it, after all. That would be lunacy. Last night, Fred threw a toy on the bed for Mister Boogers, and Mister Boogers went after it, only it had gone down behind the headboard, so Mister Boogers jumped off the bed to go after it. “Did it actually do down on the floor?” Fred asked me, then pulled the pillows off the bed to look for the toy. There was a gap between the mattress and the wall, and Fred looked down. “Bessie,” he said. “That is CAT POOP, not kitty treats!” “Oh, it is not.” “Come look!” he said. And because it wouldn’t require me to get down on the floor and back up again I put down my book and walked over to the bed and looked through the gap, and sure enough. Cat shit. “‘Night,” Fred said. “Love you!” “Hey!” I squawked. “Get back here and clean this up!” We have a very strict he who spots it cleans it up policy in our house. Which often leads to selective blindness as one or the other of us steps directly over piles of cat vomit on our journeys through the house. “I can’t reach it!” he said. “TRY.” So he got on the floor and reached for it. And couldn’t reach it. “I’ll clean it up later,” he said. “I don’t want to spend the night sleeping above a pile of cat shit!” “Bessie, it’s been there for weeks. The smell is long gone!” “I don’t care, that’s nasty!” “Why is it suddenly nasty? It’s been there for weeks, and you’ve been fine.” “But now I KNOW ABOUT IT, so it’s nasty!” And instead of cleaning it up, the fucker went off to bed. Hell will freeze over before I clean up that pile of cat shit, believe you me. Because if we start messing with the he who spots it cleans it up policy, all will be anarchy. And we can’t have that.
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Dsc06293 “See ya, Mom!”
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I’m off to Maine. I’ll catch you in ten days or so. I’ll be back on the 25th, but give me a day or so to catch my breath, ‘k? Behave yourselves.]]>

20 thoughts on “7/15/05”

  1. Have a great vacation!!! Your absence is going to feel like an eternity!!!!! Have fun!

  2. Robyn, have a wonderful time. I still can’t understand Fred’s choosing Alabama over Maine!!!!
    What’s up with that? We’ll all be looking forward to your return…..

  3. Not sure we’ll catch up with you… we are going to Mass today (Friday) and will be spending our last day here with the folks on Saturday… we were so close! 😉

  4. Robyn I just wanted to say you & Fred rock for opening your home and lives to fostering those kittens, you guys really are special people.
    LOL! This was like… the Princess and the pea, but with cat terds!
    Have a great vacation!

  5. I have that same whisk but the little guy has a santa hat on!!! I keep it out all year round. I love it!

  6. Hey Robyn – I can’t tell you how often I’m chompin’ away on a carrot and all of a sudden my lip slips in there and CHOMP! my teeth go right through my lip leaving me with a bleeding, sore, swollen space on the inside of my lip. And for the next few days, because it sticks out, I continue to accidently bite on it again, which just leads to more blood, tears of pain and cursing to no end.
    Have a great vacation!

  7. Robyn, have a great vacation! I live in Lisbon Falls, so if I see you I’ll wave!!

  8. *sigh* now Im going to be utterly bored cause you aren’t here to entertain me, oh wait…I humor myself! Nevermind! Have a great time! Cause I like to rhyme! heh

  9. Hi Robyn, Hope you have fun on your trip! On a side note, why are you still taking birth control pills even though Fred has been snipped? Maybe it’s not my business but I was just curious.

  10. I get many auto-responses to an automated email that my company sends out. Got one today from someone in Finland. The greeting is “Hips!” I love that! I think I might start using it. And the closing is “Terveisin / With Best Rgrds” so I guess that’s what it means. How ’bout that for your new email closing?

  11. He who spots it cleans it up brought back memories! This was the rule w/cats in my house growing up, which meant that we definitely had selective blindness. My youngest brother couldn’t help but announce loudly at finding the poo/vomit that we had ignored and almost always had to clean it up. Cruel older siblings we were.
    “He who spots it” makes a nose of steel, though. I can sit in a room adjacent to cat poo for days, or as long as it takes for my husband to show up. My kid is 4 and he’s almost ready to be initiated into the “he who spots it” club. Then I’ll never have to clean it up again.

  12. I think you can take many different kinds of birth control non-stop for 3 months and then have a period. I do that with my pills because I would have major migraines the week that I was off the pill but if I take them continually I only have the bad headaches for a few days in 3 months instead of once a month. Still my body seems to know which time it is that I’m not supposed to be taking them and I still have at least 1 headache.

  13. Hope you’re having fun!! 🙂
    What a day to get here.. 95 degrees in the shade. :-S

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