7/12/12 – Placeholder. Just to get the bug pics off the front page. Better, Bonnie? 🙂 Just to get the bug pics off the front page. Better, Bonnie? 🙂
Just a question. No new recipe this week?
There will be, Elaine, it’s just taking a bit to get motivated. 🙂
“I haz teef.”
Love the pic! Is that Bonnie from Bontasia?? Where is she these days? Can you post her link 🙂
“Gimmee treeeeeeeeeeeets NAO!!!!” Such a beauty and such a smooshable face.
Love it! Beautiful smile!
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better! Thank you!
What pearly white teeth you have, my dear!
Love that smile. Much better than bugs!