7/12/10 – Monday

I’m headed home this afternoon, so here’s a quick one (with plenty o’ pics) to keep you occupied. I’ll be back on Wednesday to put up a kitten entry, Thursday with a buttload of vacation pics, and then Friday with a real entry. (Assuming, that is, that I don’t get stuck in Detroit overnight, the … Continue reading “7/12/10 – Monday”

I’m headed home this afternoon, so here’s a quick one (with plenty o’ pics) to keep you occupied. I’ll be back on Wednesday to put up a kitten entry, Thursday with a buttload of vacation pics, and then Friday with a real entry.

(Assuming, that is, that I don’t get stuck in Detroit overnight, the way I got stuck in Newark last year.)

If you’re visiting Maine in the near future and were hoping to eat lobster, I’m so sorry. I ate ’em all. Better luck next year!

The spud arrived on Monday and left on Friday. In between, we dragged that poor child all over hell and creation. She didn’t seem to mind, though.

She’s still got Edgar. I still miss Edgar.

My great-nephew (and my nephew and his girlfriend) came to visit (we coordinated visits so we’d be here at the same time. They drove from Maryland, and they’re leaving to drive back tonight). I always forget just how entertaining they are at 16 months.




Random animal pics.

Ichabod, the whippet (I think) at the shop Magnolia, in Bath.

Luci(fer) (or possibly Lucifur, I didn’t ask!), the big hunk o’ kitteh who lives in my sister’s neighborhood and belongs to her neighbor. (Hi Pat!)

My sister’s cat, Tigger.

My sister’s other cat, Punki. Who is pretty sure she’s a princess.

Da Benj.




2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: Nest = empty.
2006: If you could possibly NOT lay three inches from me and spend 63 hours slurping on your asshole so that I am driven into a homicidal rage and forced to run you out of the room, I would very much appreciate it.
2005: They’ll be fine, they’ll be fine, they’ll be fine, they’ll be fine…
2004: And I’m not even a George Michael fan. Though “Faith” rocks the casbah.
2003: No entry.
2002: Fred: “It’s dick in your mouth good!”
2001: No entry.
2000: You know, life would just be so much simpler if I were already queen of the world and in charge of punishments and such.

8 thoughts on “7/12/10 – Monday”

  1. Oh NO. I had to go to the 2002 entry, for obvious reasons. And now I have something to share. From private email, NOT on a work computer. Sheesh, this is gonna be a long day! 🙂

    Safe travels home, and if you must get stuck, I hope it’s somewhere exotic and beautiful.

  2. Looks like you had a super time! I’m sure you’ll get home safely. High hopes that all goes smoothly and no unplanned stops or stays.

    Yeah, all the “Previously” snippets had me chuckling today. Especially 2006…sounds like something I’d say.

    Your great-nephew is adorable. Nothing better than a cute kid you can hand back to his parents, huh?

  3. You and the Spud look like you had a wonderful time togeather. The lobster looks fabulous-now I am hungry!

  4. Wonderful pics!! Now I’m craving lobster… *nom* nom* Hopefully you don’t get stuck here in Detroit. Although we do have a descent airport if I must say so myself. 😉

    Reading your 2006 entry at the bottom literally made me laugh out loud. I’ve been having a rotten day already today {and it’s only noon!} and that entry made me giggle. Also, I need to see what 2002’s entry was all about. LOL!

  5. Ha! I had to go read that “It’s dick in your mouth good!” post again! Why did that jump out at me? 🙂

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