* * * From my comments: I have! I have kissed, petted, cuddled both a baby and adult tiger. It is the MOST awesome thing. Did you get to hear them “purr” or really it is actually more of a rumble. They never did purr for us. The funny thing is that Fred has said, repeatedly, that he’d love to be in a cage with an adult tiger, and he can’t believe that I would NEVER enter a cage with one. I guess I just have a better sense of self-preservation than he does.
What is something that makes you ANGRY?
See above about cats slurping on their asses ten inches from my face.
What is your favorite ALCOHOLIC drink?
I don’t have one. I used to like strawberry dacquiris, but I think they have too much sugar in them for me to drink these days.
What is your BIRTHDATE?
January 9th.
Do you have any BIRTHMARKS?
I have a freckle on the palm of my hand and near the end of my nose (on the underside). Do those count?
What are you CAREER aspirations?
I have none, though I’ve thought of taking an Excel and Word course and signing up with a temp agency. That plastic surgery’s not going to pay for itself, y’know.
Have you ever seen a CORPSE?
Yes. My brother’s best friend when I was about 15, my great-aunt when I was 19 or 20, and Fred’s grandmother a few years ago.
What is your favorite DESSERT?
Right now I can’t much eat dessert, though I’ll happily take a single bite of just about anything.
When its your time, how would you like to DIE?
Either quietly in my sleep, or in a way that makes a lot of people do a double take. “She died… HOW?”
What is the highest level of EDUCATION you have completed?
I’ve got about two years’ worth of college courses under my belt.
If you were an EVIL character, what would your name be?
Have you ever set FIRE to anything?
Yeah, I used to like to set fire to pieces of paper and watch them burn. I had the makings of a pyro when I was a teen, but then I got over it.
What’s your best FLIRTY line?
“Wanna do it?” Heh! Just kidding! I don’t have one.
What food turns you into a complete GLUTTON?
Shrimp and lobster. ::drool::
What is the best GIFT you have ever gotten?
Too many choices! I’ll skip this question.
What is your definition of HAPPINESS?
To quote Denis Leary: Happiness comes in small doses folks. It’s a cigarette, or a chocolate cookie, or a five second orgasm. That’s it, ok! You come, you eat the cookie, you smoke the butt, you go to sleep, you get up in the morning and go to fucking work, ok!? That is it! End of fucking list! “I’m just not happy.” Shut the fuck up, alright?
Who do you HATE more: Paris Hilton or Jessica Simpson?
Paris Hilton annoys the shit out of me, but I’m not too terribly fond of Jessica Simpson, either.
Who do you think is the biggest village IDIOT?
Too many choices!
State an INTERESTING fact about yourself.
I can wiggle my ears.
What is the worst JOB you have ever had?
I was a carhop at The Hi Hat III in Lisbon, Maine. My boss was a jackass. Hi, Dave Patterson! I’m talking about you!
What is your favorite piece of JEWELRY?
My wedding band and engagement ring.
KARAOKE: love it or hate it?
Like the concept, but I’ve never been and I can’t sing worth a shit.
How do you feel about having KIDS?
Just the one will do me, thanks.
Who is the great LOVE of your life?
What would you like to LEARN how to do?
Play a musical instrument, maybe. Not badly enough to get off my ass and do it, mind you, but I like to think about it.
What is your favorite childhood MEMORY?
Playing on the beach in Guam.
If you had MINIONS, what would you order them to do first?
Clean the house!
How many daily NAPS do you need?
I rarely nap during the day, but yesterday I took a 10-minute nap and it was AWESOME.
Ever accidentally exposed your own or someone else’s NIPPLE?
Uh. NO. How do you “accidentally” expose someone else’s nipple?
Do you think OUIJA boards are really controlled by the devil?
Describe something ODD about you.
Everything about me is odd.
What are you really PICKY about?
I don’t like having sticky hands. It drives me NUTS.
Have you ever been to PRISON?
I actually applied for a job as a prison guard once. I didn’t make it past the interview portion, and I’m kinda glad. I would have been a horrible guard. “Whatcha doin’ with that plastic knife, Spike? Oh, sharpening it so you can clean your fingernails? Alrighty, then!”
Name something you can do really QUICKLY.
Unload the dishwasher, ’cause I HATE IT so much.
Who do you QUARREL with the most?
Fred, of course. Not really quarrel, but argue. We get over it quickly, though.
If someone held you for RANSOM, how much do you think you are worth?
There ain’t enough money in the world, baby.
What is your current RELATIONSHIP status?
Happily married and about to celebrate our 8th anniversary in October.
Which of the SEVEN deadly SINS most applies to you?
Which would you rather not have in your home: a SPIDER or a SNAKE?
I don’t think either would bother me, as long as neither was poisonous. I’m sure at any given time there are about 100 spiders in various places in the house. As long as they keep their webs neat and clean, I let the spiders stay.
What experience felt like complete TORTURE?
The drive to Tigers for Tomorrow, because it took so LONG to get there.
What is the first THOUGHT you have waking up?
“It’s 5:20 ALREADY?”
What is the color of the UNDERWEAR you are wearing right now?
What is your most UNFLATTERING feature?
My flappy upper arms.
Who do you think is the best VILLAIN of all time?
No one comes to mind.
What makes you feel VULNERABLE?
Not having Fred and the spud in the house where I know they’re safe.
Which would you rather have: unlimited WEALTH or unlimited WISDOM?
Unlimited wealth. I don’t think people with unlimited wisdom are all that happy.
If you could rule the WORLD, would you?
Hell yes, and you would ALL dance to my tune. Dance, puppets, dance!
Who is your favorite X-MEN character?
Wolverine, I guess. That’s Hugh Jackman, right?
Have you ever had an X-RAY?
Yep. Several, in fact.
What do you YEARN for?
Everyone I care for to be happy and well-adjusted.
Who do you think looks more like a YETI?
I… do not know.
What is your ZODIAC sign?
What has been the ZENITH of your life?
Getting my very first piece-o-shit computer and getting online. Well. Maybe the zenith is yet to come.
re: Vulnerable
If I am not with my kids and I hear a firetruck, I get sort of a sick feeling. I could be across town from their schools, and still get a zing of panic.
I hope this feeling goes away eventually!
Oh, I don’t think The Boog is acting weird at all; but then, we got quite used to it. As long as he recovers quickly and doesn’t hold a lasting grudge, I understand it’s not uncommon.
Our Mario would do the completely-unrelated attack after seeing another cat outside (the vet calls it “displaced aggression”). He got so overwrought we had to move him out to the garage and gradually, sloooowwwwly, re-introduce him to the house. Two-three months of bringing him in, leashed and in a harness, to eat, and then toting his butt back out to the garage.
And that was the *easist* incident. Each time got worse, until we finally decided that Mario lives in the basement and doesn’t interact with the other cat, the windows, or house guests. Stayed that way until he died, and he was a happier cat for it. Drag for us, though.
“Hell yes, and you would ALL dance to my tune. Dance, puppets, dance!”
Heh. Made me spill my Diet Coke.
An interesting fact…tigers (and all other “big cats,” or members of the Panthera genus) can’t purr. Big cats have different vocal cords than “small cats” (Felis genus, which includes bobcats and ocelots), so they can roar but not purr (and small cats can purr but not roar).
In small cats, purring is caused by the larynx vibrating against the flexible hyoid bones at the back of the throat. Big cats have a length of tough cartilage along these hyoid bones, preventing the vibrations but giving the larynx enough flexibility to produce a roar. These big cats can make kind of a low growly noise when they exhale which sounds like a purr but technically isn’t.
One exception to this is the cheetah, which can purr but not roar. Because of this, the cheetah isn’t considered a big cat, but rather a unique genus all its own (Acinonyx). I got to hear a cheetah purr at the Wild Animal Park in San Diego, and it was the cutest (and loudest!) thing ever. That’s also where I learned all this neato stuff about purring, because it surprised me to hear the cheetah purr and I asked the handler about it.
I would pay good money to hear Sugarbutt or Mr Boogers roar. But you know it would be spanky. The shy ones always surprise you.
what’s the blue stuff on the other side of the fence? also, what if Tommy gets so big he can tip over the birdbath when he jumps on it? Because that would be bad.
Whitters – thanks for sharing that info! Quite interesting!
Who is your favorite X-MEN character?
Wolverine, I guess. That’s Hugh Jackman, right?
WHHHOOOT! Whoop! Whoop! Hottie alert! I think Hugh Jackman is sooooo HOT!
Sharon: Your comment made me giggle! Spanky is one of my faves so I got a kick out of that.
Psych is awesome! We watched the premiere last week (might be available as an iTunes download, I’m not sure) and it was hilarious!!! Definitely on our Must-See list, which is really pretty short because we’re picky and get disgruntled really quickly.
ARRRRGGGGG….cat ass slurping is THE worst!! WHY oh why is it so important?? Hey, but look at it this way. Tommy’s is spotless. For now.
I threw Simon off the bed last night because he spent 20 minutes laying on my stomach slurping himself clean. I just couldn’t stand it anymore. Jeez.
Your gonna think this sounds buts – but do you know if black and white cat is fixed? If not, he could “talking” to the cats in threatening way, and so they come in a beat up the others cats, not as a defensive move, but an offensive one. I know it sounds nuts but we just went through this with neighbor cats. A tom kept coming to the porch and eventually one of their cats (Girl) got so freaked out she just kept attacking the other cat (Boy). Until we trapped the tom, and for a month after, Girl had to live in a room all by herself, which according to the pet behavioralist that told us all of this, was what she wanted. Even if he is not fixed, he may be “saying” something bad. If I were you, I’d resort to something to get hom to stay out – a hose, a vinegar spray.
Boog is normal, that is for a cat. Mine have always done the same thing. If they are all inside, and they spot an intruder outside, especially if the windows are open and they can smell the new guy, they go nuts and attack each other. My theory is that their tiny brains go into panic mode and they strike at whomever is closest. We used to have a white cat named Pooh who not only attacked the ones she could reach, she also screached like a woman being tortured. Non stop. She would do this in the dead of night in the spring when we had the windows open. Lovely way to wake up in the middle of the night!
Hey! I have a cat that attacks innocent bystanders too! Neptune will get pissed off if one of her sisters uses the clean litter pan before she does, yet she never attackes the other cats. Instead, she hunts down the dog! Cats are weird.
OK….am i the ONLY one who wants to see you wiggle your ears?!?!?!?!
please please please make a video of that!!!
that would be tooo fucking awsome!!