
New month, new logo! This one was created by Aly, who’s done a LOT of my logos. So talented, that girl. Thanks, Aly! (You might need to clear your cache to see the logo at the top.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Have you checked out Imaginary Bitches, the YouTube show? I’ve watched them all, and have to … Continue reading “7-1-08”

New month, new logo! This one was created by Aly, who’s done a LOT of my logos. So talented, that girl.

Thanks, Aly!

(You might need to clear your cache to see the logo at the top.)



Have you checked out Imaginary Bitches, the YouTube show? I’ve watched them all, and have to say that I find them pretty amusing. That lead actress is adorable.



I spent about an hour yesterday chopping and freezing summer squash, zucchini, and pattypan squash, and by the time I was done, I was ready to kick Fred’s ass. The man planted THREE ROWS of squash this year.

I really hate him.

I find that I’m filled with hatred a lot these days. Last Friday Fred and I went out to dinner, and then he decided that we should drive around Closeville and look at trucks. We ended up stopping at the car lot where he got the truck he already had and he got the keys to the truck he eventually ended up buying (on Saturday) and we took it for a drive. The passenger’s side seatbelt didn’t work and neither did the air conditioning, so when we got back to the car lot I was not only full from dinner but super-hot from the driving around in 100-degree heat and I was annoyed and unhappy, and so Fred headed to the office to talk to the guy, and I followed him and he went inside while I stood outside, arms folded, and he whispered “You sure are radiating the hatred right now!” and I was all “BECAUSE I HATE BEING HOT AND BEING FULL AND I AM BOTH RIGHT NOW.”

So, Fred got a new truck. It’s green, it’s wonderful, you can imagine the impact on my life.

I spent all day yesterday doing laundry and cleaning and by the time 2:00 rolled around I was wiped out (I don’t remember the last time I slept past 5:15), and so I went upstairs and laid down on the bed with the kittens. Kara came along to see what the hell I was doing and whether I knew any nice single unneutered boycats I could introduce her to, then the babies nursed for a few minutes, and then they all curled up and we snoozed for ten minutes, until Kara started up her goddamn yowling.


Fred left work a little early. Sugarbutt and Newt both needed a visit to the vet and since I didn’t want to have to wrangle them both myself, Fred made the appointment for a time when we could both go. Except that Newt, that fucker, disappeared and was nowhere to be found, so Fred ended up taking Sugarbutt to the vet. A few months ago he was having an issue with his foot, where he was licking it raw between his toes, so I took him to the vet and they gave us an antibiotic ointment and his toes got better and then they got worse, so we started putting the ointment between his toes and then it’d get better and then worse – which we only realized when we saw bloody pawprints on the counter – and finally between the bloody toes and the fact that his upper lip was swollen (which I just noticed late last week), we gave up and took him to the vet.

Fred and Sugarbutt weren’t gone long (since I had shit to do, Fred took Sugarbutt by himself), and when they got home Fred reported that there was a growth between two of his toes, they thought it might be a bacterial infection, and I have to take Sugarbutt back to the vet this morning so they could knock him out and clean between his toes really well.

It’s always something.

Newt moseyed home about five minutes after Fred and Sugarbutt got back from the vet. He’s got a sore on his tail, about two inches from the end, and it looks horrible and he keeps worrying it, so he needs to go to the vet, but it’s hard to do that when the little fucker disappears. I guess I’ll have to keep him in one morning instead of letting him out, ya think?

Kara’s still in heat, still with the ear-piercing yowling from time to time, still looking for love in all the wrong places. Thank GOD she’s still settling down at night.


Miss Momma does not approve.




Tomorrow, the kittens go to be spayed and neutered. Poor little monsters, they have no idea what’s coming!


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Lots of cute kitten pics uploaded over at Flickr.



2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: That Tom Cruise. What a fuckinโ€™ loon, huh?
2004: Jesus christ. After almost five years of marriage, wouldnโ€™t you think heโ€™d KNOW that there are only two ways to answer that question?
2003: And then she vaulted her portly ass across me to say good morning to him, cracking three of my ribs in the process.
2002: We went to see Minority Report on Saturday, and though I really liked it, I did NOT enjoy sitting next to Billy Bob ShutTheFuckUp, who was compelled, when not clearing his throat loudly and phlegmily, to remark upon each and every plot point.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.

13 thoughts on “7-1-08”

  1. I hate to even ask this question (and I bet someone has already asked it), but are you thinking about keeping one of the kittens? I mean, I know that technically you don’t want/need another permanent cat but you sure do seem super extra bonded to those little fuckers. You practically birthed them yourself!

  2. Just wanted to say I love your blog because you update early and often, and you are generous with the kitty pictures. Thanks!

  3. Have you seen Chase No-Face? A warning, some of the pics are rather disturbing if you get close-ups. But the cat seems to be healthy, happy, pain-free, and thriving. My hats are off to the owners… I do not think I could do it.

  4. err… hat. Just the one hat is off. Sorry, I just woke up and my son had left that up on my computer screen for me to see so it was kind of a one-two punch, early morning + icky pictures = idiom fail.

  5. I had a female cat spayed once when she was in season. The Dr. told me that it wouldn’t necessarily stop the behavior ๐Ÿ™ But it did ๐Ÿ™‚ She was howling 24/7 and I was about ready to kill her! ๐Ÿ™

  6. Love the new logo. Wish I had any sort of creative talent.

    Kitten catption: “We’re going to the vet’s to get tutored!”

  7. Hey, Robyn, I have a question for you and thought I’d throw it out here for your Friday question extravaganza. I was giong through my bookmarked blogs the other day and ran across the old link for Anita’s site (bald moses). I miss her writing. Do you know what happened to her? Is she writing somewhere else?

  8. I had my Josie spayed while she was in heat. Bitch was looking for a random dude to throw one in her all the freaking time. Vet charged me $10 more to do it while she was in season. I had to put her in a crate in the basement she was so bad. Gives girl cats a dirty name. She hadn’t had kittens and she is now a crotchety old lady at 3. Miserable is written in big red letters on top of the chart at the vets. Heh.

  9. Robyn, thanks for the link to Imaginary Bitches. I sat and watched every episode and laughed my butt off. I really enjoyed that!

  10. Great new logo ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Imaginary Bitches site is hilarious! Thanks for that hour of entertainment ๐Ÿ™‚ I have them bookmarked.

  11. Your new logo is so fantastic!!!!! I would love to have that in a frame for my daughter’s bedroom — with my daughter’s name instead of Bitchypoo, of course. ๐Ÿ™‚ I love barns and farm landscapes. Yay Aly for being so cool & creative.

  12. Robyn, please thank everyone for their “logo love” and let them know that I’m a digital scrapbooker (never was, and never will be, a paper scrapper,) and your logo is from one of the MANY digital kits I have. The great part about digital is NO MESS and NO PAPER CUTS. And, you can reuse supplies over and over and over again.

    It’s my creative outlet. If anyone want to know more, you kindly linked them to my neglected blog and they can contact me through there.


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