Alright, I’m outta here, on my way to Maine. My nephew is graduating this weekend, AND my other nephew and his girlfriend and their baby are coming to Maine to visit for a few days, AND I’m going down to Rhode Island to pick up the spud and bring her back to Maine, so this weekend is going to be chock-full of family.
(For the curious, I went ahead and purchased the ASUS Eee PC 900 8.9-Inch Netbook off Woot yesterday, thanks to that very bad influence Megan, who pointed out the deal to me. I’m wishing I had it already, because after lugging the laptop AND the big camera through the airport today and again on the way home, I’m going to need a visit to the chiropractor.)
I’ll be blogging via Flickr-to-Blog today on my way to Maine (assuming there’s anything interesting to take pictures of and assuming I can get my goddamn phone to send pictures, as it’s suddenly stopped being willing to do so) and then I’ll be sporadically blogging from Maine.
“Wait! Take me with you! I WANNA GO, TOO!!!!”
While you’re waiting for the blogging-from-the-road excitement to begin, you can check out the pictures of the foster kittens (who have gone to stay with another foster family while I’m in Maine.) or if you’ve ever wondered “Just how many coops DO they have over there at Crooked Acres?”, you can read the fascinating entry about that over here.
See ya when I see ya!
If I can’t blog via Flickr-to-Blog, I’ll update via Twitter.
Removing my head from my own arse just long enough to say bon voyage, happy trails, have a great trip!
Enjoy and be sure to take ample notes to tell us all about the trip!
Have a great time,Robyn. I hope the nasty thunder storm we are having here right now does not effect your flight. Now Fred can spend his time yammering away to all the annoying old southern men w/o making you crazy. Sometimes a little absence is a really good thing-after 29 yrs. it is for us anyway. We appreciate each other a lot more after one takes a solo trip.
I did it! I had a bitchypoo dream! I was visiting you on Crooked Acres and it was raining, I think because all of your posts lately talk about rain, and you took me outside to sit on the porch at dusk to see the real secret of Crooked Acres which was….. hundreds of cats (that all come trotting home at dusk apparently…)that you were not blogging about because you didn’t want us readers to think you were weird enough to have more that 10 cats (even in my dream I was thinking Too Late! inside my head.) You were going on and on about this one’s name and that one’s personality and where that one came from and how you even had to edit some of the pictures that you posted to crop the secret cats out of the pics you posted so NO ONE WOULD KNOW! So tell me, dream or prophesy?
I’m just obsessed enough with you and you journal to wonder what the HELL Fred is going to get up to while you’re gone. It cracks me up that Fred doesn’t want to wander too far from Crooked Acres, lest he not be there when it’s time to put the chickens to bed. Mainly because that describes my husband to a TEE, except he has no chickens, pigs, or cats – just one dog that really could care less if we’re there or not.