* * *
You know, I have wondered in the past who Deep Throat was, and I was pretty excited when the story broke last week. But I have to say that I always hoped that the truth would be… well, a little more exciting than it’s turning out to be.
* * *
Meme, seen every-damn-where.
1. Are you happy today? I am. I love this crazy, tragic, sometimes almost magic, awful, beautiful
2. What is your occupation? Professional slacker.
3. What are you listening to right now? The traffic on the road behind our house, Miz Poo snoring, and the foster kittens racing around in the room over my head. You’d think they wouldn’t make much noise, since they’re so light, but they make a surprising amount of noise.
4. What was the last thing you ate? A tablespoon of
Udo’s Choice Oil Blend. Before that, a small bowl of Cheerios.
5. Do you wish on stars? Rarely. I did when I was a kid. As I recall, I wanted to have the magic powers of
Isis. Hasn’t happened yet, THAT I’M AWARE OF.
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Bright yellow, of course.
7. How is the weather right now? It’s overcast and threatening to rain. I want my sunny days back!
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Fred.
9. Do you like the person you stole this from? I don’t remember who I stole it from.
Lynda, maybe? Yeah, I like Lynda. She’s a peach!
10. How old are you today? 37. I had to sit and stare into space for like fifteen seconds before I remembered. Gah.
11. Favorite drink? Diet Coke. Water. One or the other.
12. Favorite sport to watch? If I had to watch a sport, it’d be ice skating, but I don’t usually even bother to watch that.
13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Yeah, pretty regularly since I was in my mid-20s. If I were to let my hair grow out, I’d probably be more than half gray. I get my hair colored every six weeks.
14. Do you wear contacts? Yes. I want to get some colored contacts, though. I’d love to have blue eyes.
15. Pets? Bwah! Yeah, there are a FEW.
Miz Poo,
Mister Boogers. Also, the
fosterkitties. But they’re temporary. YES THEY ARE. God, I’m such a fucking dork for admitting this, but I had a dream that the shelter came and took the fosterkitties away because they were turning them over to another foster family so we wouldn’t get too attached (too late!), and I cried like a fucking baby. In the dream. Not in real life. I DID NOT WAKE UP TEARY-EYED. Shut up.
16. Favorite month? April or October.
17. Favorite food? Anything sugary. I’m surprised I don’t eat sugar straight, I’m such a sugar fiend.
18. What was the last movie you watched? We watched
White Noise Saturday night. It was good, though a little bit stupid. We tried to watch
Boogeyman after that, but it sucked so hard that we shut it off after 20 minutes.
19. Favorite day of the year? I don’t really have one. Maybe the day summer turns into Fall, and you walk outside and feel that crisp edge to the air. That always makes me feel nostalgic.
20. What do you do to vent anger? Swear extremely loudly. Fred’s never heard me do that. He thinks he has, but he hasn’t got a CLUE the volume I can reach when I’m really pissed off.
21. What was your favorite toy as a child? The only thing that comes to mind is a little Rudolph (the Red-Nosed Reindeer) toy that I had when I was very little. I loved that damn thing, but then one day we went shopping, and I left it somewhere and it was never seen again. ::sob!::
22. Fall or spring? Both.
23. Hugs or kisses? Hugs. Definitely.
24. Cherry or Blueberry? Blueberry. I like the occasional cherry-flavored food, but I don’t like cherries themselves. I have no idea why.
25. Do you want your friends to email you back? I think so… why wouldn’t I?
26. When was the last time you cried? Watching the new LeAnn Rimes video, Probably Wouldn’t Be This Way. SHUT UP. I didn’t SOB or anything, I just got teary-eyed. SHUT UP, I say.
27. What is on the floor of your closet? Um. Carpet? Shoes? A hamper? Probably a cat or two. Mister Boogers likes to hang out in there.
28. Who is the friend you have had the longest nonstop? My sister, Debbie. We weren’t really friends when we were kids, but we are now!
29. What did you do last night? Watched TV. We watched
Entourage (taped Sunday night), an episode of
Yes, Dear (shaddup, we like it), and
Hell’s Kitchen, which is an awesome show. I have to say, though, that when Gordon Ramsay says something nice it’s very disconcerting and disturbing.
30. Favorite smell? Cake.
31. What inspires you? Fuck this question. It’s too broad.
32. What are you afraid of? What I’m afraid of is so deep and wide and broad that I couldn’t possibly begin to create a list that encompasses them all. Fuck this question, too.
33. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese. I like cheese on my hamburgers. Some
freakish freaks do not, but I do.
34. Favorite car? I’m really liking the new Mustang, actually. And it comes in yellow! Maybe I should aim for that when it’s time for me to get a new car, eh?
35. Favorite dog breed? VINCE!
36. Number of keys on your key ring? Four. That surprises me, I thought I had more. The key to my car, the key to Fred’s, my PO Box key, and the house key.
37. Favorite time of the day? 6 pm.
38. Favorite musical artist, band or group? Del Amitri.
39. What kind of bagel do you usually get and what do you put on it? Usually blueberry, and I almost always have peanut butter on it.
40. Do you now or have you ever had braces? I had braces when I was in second or third grade. They tightened them up the DAY before Thanksgiving. Needless to say, I wasn’t eating much turkey that year.
41. What is your middle name? Leslie.
* * *
The kitty section.
When will these little monsters let me snuggle them? WHEN? All they want is to play, to jump on and bite each other, to have me rub their bellies while they kick and bite at me. They love to attack my feet and bite my toes (my own fault for not wearing socks, I guess), but snuggling? No. Not unless I happen to go in when they’ve just woken up, and then they’ll drape themselves over my legs and let me pet them, and Snoopy will even let me pick him up and kiss him, but that’s only for a short amount of time.
I made an excellent purchase at Target yesterday. They had the
Shark Cordless Mini Hand Sweeper on clearance for $12.37. Mia has been kicking some serious litter all over the room, which necessitates boxing Mia and the babies up and taking them out of the room so that I can vacuum in there almost every other day. I wanted something I could use with them actually in the room that wouldn’t be as loud as the Dyson. I bought the Shark yesterday thinking that I could give it a try and if it was a piece of shit I’d just return it.
It’s a pretty good little vacuum – I mean, it’s not powerful by any means, but it’s pretty quiet (though the babies don’t much care for it, but it also doesn’t scare them) and it picks up litter very well. Two thumbs up to the Shark!
Today’s movie is
here. I call it “Smackdown.” The kittens were not terribly impressed by the camera, and Flossie and Edgar needed to show it who the boss was. There’s about five seconds of dead air after Edgar goes between the bag of litter and the bucket of litter. I didn’t realize that was there until after I’d created the movie, and I’m not knowledgeable enough to go back and edit it out. One of these days I’ll get out the book and really figure out how to use this software, I swear it.
Anyway, enjoy. It’s a big one, so right-click and save it to your hard drive, if you would. There’ll be a new movie up tomorrow.
Oh, and if I recall correctly, my feet make an appearance in this movie. I am AWARE that I have horribly ugly feet and desperately need a pedicure. I DON’T NEED TO HEAR IT, THANKS.

Peanut regards his paw.

Snoopy, trying again to get that damn toy Fred likes to hold just out of reach.

Mia gets high off the catnip-filled mouse.

The Snoopsta.

Edgar pops up to see what’s going on.

Snoopy’s about to bite Peanut’s foot. In case you were wondering what was going on.

Edgar looks a little crazy, here. I think he’s about to go into belly-rub overload.

When the kittens get to be too much, Mia escapes where they can’t get to her.
* * *

The boys would like to hang out in the sun in the guest bedroom LIKE THEY USED TO, but that room has now been taken over by little yummy-smelling kittens. Mister Boogers would like to get his paws on a baby kitten, but he’s been stymied. Perhaps one day…
Love the kitties!
Don’t let getting teary over a video get to you. I do it all the time. The other night Bambi was on TV and did I get teary when his mother gets shot and he’s racing all over the woods calling for her? You bet your sweet bippy I did!
love love love the kitties!!!!
thanks for showing the non-fosters, too……I missed them!
There have only been three movies in my life that have made me cry…
hmm… almost looks like the home-turf kitties are having a meeting. 😉
Robyn, do you find with using the Udo’s oil your skin became ….soft, smooth and velvety?
I’m glad Mia has a spot to relax without kitties crawling all over her!
Great photos.
I would love, love, LOVE to see Mister Boogers in a room with those kitties! I bet they’d drive him NUTS.
Loved the video…the kitties are so adorable! I was laughing with you as Flossie swatted at the camera.
Chicken biscuits??? Must be a southern thing?
Amy: Your DESCRIPTION made me all teary-eyed. I’m such a big baby. 🙂
Erin: Not yet, but it’s only been about 4 weeks. Last time I used it, it took about 6 weeks to see any noticeable improvement with my skin.
Bonnie: We’re actually going to do that one of these days, hopefully. Put Mia in a carrier, put her in another room, and let Mister Boogers in to see the kittens. I have no idea what his reaction will be, but I’m sure it’ll be funny as hell!
Lex: Yeah, it’s a southern thing. Imagine a biscuit (like the bacon, egg, and cheese biscuits McDonald’s has), with a small piece of deep-fried chicken in the middle. It’s pretty good, actually, but I can’t see getting quite as excited about it as she was. I much prefer the Egg McMuffin, myself.
Are you sure Peanut is a he? I thought only girl cats had 3 colors.
Also, I had the same reaction as Liz when I saw that McDonald’s had chicken biscuits down here shortly after I moved. I *love* chicken biscuits!!
Rachael: I’m fairly sure Peanut’s a he – I think I see a little sack of balls. I’m not great at sexing kittens, though, so I could be wrong. Hey, at least Peanut’s a good name for either a boy OR a girl, so I won’t have to change his/her name. 🙂
Ah, Robyn, one day you will experience the depths of my love. MWAAAAAAAH!
My kittens are eight weeks now and the only one who’ll snuggle for even a second is Annie Oakley. The others are just far too busy. I have all wood floors and they sound like a herd of buffalo running around upstairs. Your Edgar always looks so worried. As for boys vs. girls: Boys have buttons, girls have zippers. This makes no sense whatsoever until you turn the kitten around and pick up its tail. This also works really well in the cat room at the shelter when you sex a kitten and some kid wants to know “How can you tell?” It confounds htem long enough for the parent to explain or to change the subject!
Two of my daughters and I have mild eczema. I think I am going to give Udo’s a try. Keeping your skin mosturized is important and it may help with that.