As you’ll note, I finally got my ass in gear and made a new banner! I love that Stinkerbelle and her evil, hatin’ ways so very much.
This week on Dinosaurs Can’t Eat Pizza, Nance and I made Baked Cheese Sticks. Go check it out!
Last weekend Brian – y’all remember Brian, who you’ve pretty much watched grow up – and Emily got married!
Originally they were going to get married in August, but due to everything that’s going on this year – new baby, new house – they decided to just have a small ceremony with immediate family only, and plan to have a big wedding at some point in the future.
I swear, I look at that picture and see the same Brian face that I’ve been seeing for two decades now, and the idea that he’s a father and husband, well, it’s pretty damn amazing.
It being Summer, we’re not watching all that much TV lately. One of the shows we do watch is The Killing, which is currently in season two and do we fucking know who killed Rosie Larsen yet? Indeed we do not. I feel like I’ve been waiting 30 years to find out who killed that child, and at this point I’m not sure I CARE anymore.
But I love the hell out of Holder. I hated him at first, but he’s really grown on me a lot.
So in last week’s episode, someone shot video of the noble wheelchair-bound mayoral candidate played by Rick Sammler, um, I mean Billy Campbell (who Fred only ever refers to as The Rocketeer) being all wheelchair-bound and noble and inspirational. Then they posted it to YouTube. And then the elfin-featured Jamie, Billy Campbell’s campaign manager or assistant or hell – I don’t know what the fuck his job is – was all “Look! Someone posted this to YouTube! AND IT’S GONE VIRAL!”
GONE VIRAL, you say? Why, it must have zillions and trillions of hits! Mayoral candidate Billy Campbell will be elected super-quick! So they show the video playing on YouTube, and HOW MANY hits does this viral video have, you might ask?
Two thousand.
MY GOD! Two thousand! It HAS gone viral!
Please. Fred and I both snickered about the idea of a video with 2,000 hits being “viral.” It ain’t viral ’til it’s got 10,000+ hits these days.
Speaking of The Killing, last week (or maybe the week before), two characters – Rosie Larsen’s father and her aunt – were talking about how hard this has all been on the boys (Rosie’s brothers) and blah blah blah “Life needs to go on” says the aunt.
You know how long it’s been in show-time since Rosie Larsen was murdered? Three weeks. I mean, seriously – come ON, you guys, it’s BEEN three weeks, can we move on from this annoying “mourning” nonsense?
I hope when I die that people miss me for a whole 30 days.
It’s time for another round of WRONG EMAIL ADDRESS, WRONG ROBYN ANDERSON. (Text in italics is the sender, non-italicized text is my response.)
Hi Robyn,
Teresa just mentioned that you’d be interested in going up for nomination to our board. That would be great! If you are, please send a short bio to me that we can include with the AGM packages. It doesn’t have to be anything too complicated–just so that people have a sense of who they’re voting for.
Hi Dave,
You’ve reached a Robyn Anderson in Alabama, USA, who this email address actually belongs to, rather than the Robyn Anderson in Canada who likes to pass it out as her own email address. I’m sure she’d be a fabulous board member, if she could manage to figure out this whole email thing.
Robyn Anderson
Alabama, USA
The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments:
Sam and Loki
From Colleen Anderson
They’re very cute, but I think you probably meant to send that picture to a Robyn Anderson who knows you. 🙂
And the one that made me feel like a really mean asshole.
id like to talk
about at least being friends i dont talk to anyone im lonely
and i dont want things to be awkward between us if we see eachother somewhere plus you are very good person and give great advice tou helped see things i never would have saw and i just want a friend who cares about me nobody else cares thank you alot
I’m really sorry, but I think you have the wrong email address.
and i know i dont have a chance with and i accept that i just want a real friend i still love you
and i have a glass rose lined with gold i want to give to you maybe i could buy lunch sometime just as friends i need someone to talk to
I’m really sorry – I’m not being a jerk, you honestly have the wrong email address. I get emails meant for other women named Robyn Anderson all the time. I’m a 44 year old housewife who lives in Alabama, I’m not the Robyn Anderson you’re looking for.
Yep, I’m an asshole.
Fred posted a few things over at his site this week, if you’re interested.
2011: Gardening, man. It’s harrrrd.
2010: No entry.
2009: No entry.
2008: For the record, Fred continues to like cheese, just not on a salad. Or burger.
2007: Mister Boogers wiggled frantically, slid through the hole, and ran off across the yard.
2005: Dumbass things I have done today.
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Ass in the Past will be the name of my 14th novel.
2000: Ah, the heart warms.
Oh dear, wasn’t Canadian Robyn looking at wedding sites a while ago? Do you suppose that wedding is off. Sad if true.
Love the new banner. My sister has just adopted two kittens, one gray kitten on indertminate gender and a tuxie boy. Apparently they do not have an off switch and a boundless amount of energy. They came into the house a couple of days apart and apparently not happy to see another kitty. I believe she used the term guerrila warfare and flying squirrel attacks. I am going to see them this weekend. Can’t wait.
LOL, flying squirrel attacks! That’s an excellent description. 🙂
We love The Killing! I didn’t like Holder at first either, but he’s the kind of person that grows on you. I’m going crazy trying to figure out who killed Rosie. I want to believe it’s the mayor or one of his cronies, but who knows? One thing about the show, it doesn’t do much for Seattle tourism. It’s depicted as being so dark and rainy. Nothing like on Grey’s Anatomy. 🙂
Oh, I know it – have we seen one moment of Seattle sunshine on that show at all? It’s always gray and drizzly!
As a Seattle resident, I found the depiction of Seattle weather on that show very unrealistic. At the same time, I like the fact that people think it rains here all the time – we don’t want any more people moving here! Tourists yes, permanent residents nope!
I suspected as much. I have always told my Seattle friends that the whole weather thing with the rain and dreariness was a sham to keep the rest of us away!
I find it a bit ironic (and pretty funny) that in this entry you are talking about wanting a tv show to move on from mourning quickly…and then I scroll down and see this:
2007: Mister Boogers wiggled frantically, slid through the hole, and ran off across the yard.
2005: Dumbass things I have done today.
HA – I knew immediately what that referred to. Stupid Paul McCartney. He should have listened to me!
Um, no, not an asshole.
Well wait. You have shown ample capability of being an asshole, and have flaunted your skills proudly at times…but in this instance, no. You were pretty nice to Canadian Robyn’s lonely friend.
I am sure I’d miss you for well over thirty days, but don’t go testing me out or anything, okay?
Re: Fred’s page. Who the hell is Rupert?!!!
Rupert was introduced here. Basically, we first knew of his existence when he showed up on the front porch GameCam. A while later, he started showing up on the side porch to eat out of the food bowl. Fred coaxed him into being friends, and as soon as he could get his hands on Rupert, I took him off to be neutered. He’s joined our outdoor gang of cats, and seems to consider himself the Crooked Acres ambassador. He gets along well with the outdoor cats (and has his very own shelter under the side stoop), and appears determined to stick around. Not sure if he wandered over from someone else’s home (though no one in the neighborhood seems to know who he is) or was dumped, but he’s very clearly been around people and is a lovebug.
Okay…that sort of rings a bell. I can’t keep up with all of your felines!
Oh I too wanted to know who the heck he was, thanks for asking!
Oh, the Killing. What about the fact that Billy Campbell was shot in the back and paralyzed and was out of the hospital and back to work in about 5 days. Seriously, 5 days. He has teenagers to shoot hoop with, he can’t let a little hole in the spine slow him down! The show is ridiculous, and yet we watch it every week.
YES. And what’s funny is that we’ve started working our way through Friday Night Lights from the very first episode, and Jason Street is just taking forEVER to recover from HIS spinal injury, but Billy Campbell had like 5 minutes of despair and then leprechaun Jamie’s all “Snap out of it!” and Billy Campbell’s all “By god, you’re right! Help me out of this bed!” 🙂
This is not the Robyn Anderson you’re looking for. Move along.
Okay that made me snort my diet coke. I’m such a nerd.
The very annoying opposite of The Killing is True Blood, in which until last season everything was supposed to have occurred in like 2 months–everybody dying, all the warring supernaturals, people falling in and out of love, etc. etc. I think that whole Maryann-I’m really-a-giant-bull thing was supposed to have taken 2 weeks max.
Doesn’t mean I’m not going to watch it next week, though. 🙂
oh wait–I guess it’s not the opposite, it’s exactly the same…2 seasons, 3 weeks. (I’ve never watched The Killing; that’s my excuse.) Whatever. Still fucking annoying.
The… um… the email about wanting a friend was… that was me. *sad face* I guess you don’t want my glass rose lined with gold then. *snif* I understand. I’ll always care about you as a friend anyway.
(insert obligatory “just kidding!” for anyone who thinks I’m serious)
A couple of weeks ago I got an email about Vacation Bible School for some other Elayne’s daughter, who wanted to bring a friend who wasn’t a member of the church. I replied with my stock, “You have the wrong email address, please contact your intended recipient for his/her correct email information” and thought nothing more of it. Then the other day, I woke up to three or four emails from various people at that same church, including two that had another version of an “elayne” email address (like elayneXYZ@… or elayne99@…). So I googled for instructions on how to spoof the return email address.
Now, I don’t know if I did it right, but if I DID, then a bunch of people that day got an email from “God & Jesus C. Almighty,” saying “We’ve always been pretty big on the ‘love your neighbor’ and ‘don’t antagonize each other’ stuff, and that applies to people on the internet, too. Now: Take three seconds to delete that email address because she’s already told you it’s not the right one, and Elayne? You’d BETTER NOT give that email address out as your own again. You really don’t want to test Me on this one.”
Good thing I’m not a believer, or I’d be nervous that I’d just helped myself to a nice single-bed spot in Hell…
Elayne…that is awesome!
I have my own email doppleganger. She lives in Delaware, I live in NY. Apparently, she has recently gotten divorced (her lawyer sent her paperwork to me), hired a personal trainer, ran a half-marathon in Atlanta, had a friend ask advice on how to get pregnant…and so on. I’ve only contacted the lawyer to let them know about the wrong email address. I think I need to follow Robyn’s lead and start getting snarky because this has gone on for a couple of years now.
Elayne I am a believer and that made me LOL! I would do the same if I kept receiving various emails for another person after I replied wrong email address and not only did they not delete, but gave it out to others in the church:)
Hells Bells! I am already sharing Teeth-Hair-Five Head with you, and now you’re telling me I have to share my Holder? Damn you Robyn and your excellent taste in men. 😉 You are so right about the timeline of this show. Whenever the day marker pops up on the screen, I always think “Christ on a crutch…it’s only day 10 or 12 or 14?” It’s ridiculous and it makes me batshit crazy, but I can’t stop watching.
Great minds lust alike, Katy! 😉
I think your reply to the lonely person was short and sweet. He/she sounds like they are hurting. I felt bad for the person.
I mostly felt bad because I answered his initial email knowing it wasn’t meant for me, but I was curious as to what it was about because I’m nosy like that, and then the poor kid probably thought I was the RIGHT Robyn, only I was blowing him off!
Not that I want to sound like the nagging, worrying,overbearing mother that I am sometimes made out to be–BUT— did it ever occur to you that this person could be an ax murderer? He could be trying to get you alone so he could murder you?
Good luck to him – I’m not making a road trip to Canada for any gold-rimmed glass rose. There’d better be a KITTEN involved! 🙂
I have a woman with the same name who gives my email address as hers ALL the time. Most recently she signed up for with my email address, so if any of your readers are looking for 40ish men in Louisiana I can hook them up, since I get a list of 18 potential matches every day. And since I am married and live in Ohio it doesn’t do me any good. 😉
I also got the notification from the IRS that her tax return was accepted. On the bright side, I did finally get her church ladies and car dealer to stop emailing me. Heh.
Oh realllllllllly? Do the church ladies know about the 😀
I’m not understanding how people give out the wrong email address. I mean, REALLY?? How do you not remember that when you signed up at gmail or wherever that your name was already taken and so you had to add numbers or words to your name to make it unique. I just can’t believe that people are really so dumb, and yet… they ARE.
Sam and Loki are pretty cute. Can you email Colleen back and ask her for more photos? My first thought was, FRED GOT A BABY DUCK! 😉