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So, remember the other day when I was talking about cat names? And how I added “But it won’t be anytime soon, so don’t get excited?” Yeah. Riiiiiiight. About a week ago Fred said, very casually, “Maybe we should think about getting another cat…” I just gave him a “shut UP” look, since he’s prone to suggest things that will get me all excited and then telling me he was just making conversation (for example, the time he said “If you got a new car, what would you want?” Bastard.). A few nights later, he brought it up again. Then, like I mentioned last week, we had the conversation about cat names. The funny thing is that he was always the one to bring it up. This is funny because back at the end of the summer when Fancypants first went missing, we had a long conversation about whether we’d ever adopt another cat, and King Fred’s stance was “We don’t need another stinkin’ cat!” All I can guess is that he remembered how damn fun and funny kittens can be, with their unending energy and playfulness. Friday afternoon, he finally convinced me that we should drive out to the shelter (the ones that the pet store cats come from) and take a look around. The shelter’s about half an hour from where we live, which gave Fred plenty of time to change his mind, but he never wavered. We got to the shelter – it’s a house converted into a shelter, I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned that – and began looking. In the first room we visited, there was a small black long-haired kitten named Debby that caught my eye. She was a feisty little thing, but when I picked her up she settled right in and began purring loudly. She was probably about two months old and adorable as could be. Fred wasn’t as taken with her as I was – and she couldn’t be adopted yet anyway, since she hadn’t been fixed – so we kept looking. Folks, there are over 70 cats at this shelter, every age, every color, any kind of cat you could imagine, it was there. There were SO many kittens, especially black kittens, that we couldn’t believe it. We went from room to room, picking up and playing with cats, but none of them really catching our fancy. The last room we were in was the room where they keep all of the older cats. There were probably 20 cats in the room, and as I stopped to pet one of the black cats, a tabby named Alice jumped up on the table, purring like mad, and put her front paws on my chest. I loved her, but we had agreed that we were going to adopt a kitten rather than an older cat, only because kittens tend to adapt better when brought into a situation where there are already adult cats present. The adult cats tend to adapt better to kittens, as well, if only because they can establish their authority. That’s been our experience anyway. A few weeks ago on the pet store kitties blog, I posted a picture of a cat that wasn’t actually at the pet store, but I’d seen his picture on the shelter’s page, and thought it was so funny that I put the picture up on the blog anyway. His name was Paw Paw. “Is Paw Paw here at the shelter?” Fred asked the woman who runs the shelter. “He is,” she said. “He’s in the bathroom, quarantined from the other cats because he has an upper respiratory infection, and he’s on medication.” Fred still wanted to see him, so she led us to the bathroom, where he was curled up in a cat bed. He began purring loudly as soon as Fred picked him up, and he was purring so loud that his little cheeks were puffing in and out. He was laid-back enough so that he didn’t mind being passed back and forth, and we could see a little glint of the devil in his eyes. We talked about it for a moment, but the decision was pretty much made the first time he wagged his stubby little tail. After the paperwork was filled out and the fee was paid, we popped him in a carrier (for the first time ever when adopting a cat, we’d brought our own carrier), and headed for home. He howled occasionally, but was mostly quiet. And so I present to you, the newest member of the And3rson family. We haven’t decided on a name yet, but when we do, I’ll definitely let you know.
He likes hanging out on our bed. We think he kinda looks like a little lion (Fred thought that naming him “Simba” was one of my stupider ideas) Miz Poo is very curious about the kitten. Also, very freaked out. She kept a very close eye on him all weekend, following him around and smacking him when she felt the situation warranted a good smack. The kitten is very fond of the cat beds. Spanky is less than fond of the kitten, and refuses to sleep near him in case the kitten jumps on him. Which the kitten has done, more than once. I love the way his paws look like they’re tinged blue.
The other cats, as you can imagine, were a bit freaked out. They’d just gotten over the visit from Gizmo a few weeks ago, and now there was another interloper! They’ve been hissing hysterically and swatting at him when he gets too close. I feel sorry for him, because all he wants to do is PLAY, and our fuddy-duddy cats won’t play with him. It’s funny as hell to see him run at them and jump on them, though. I thought I was going to pass out last night when he ran across the bedroom and jumped on Tubby’s back. Tubby, as you can imagine, was somewhat less amused. He is absolutely a little hellion. He’ll run back and forth from one end of the house to the other, turn around and do it again. If there’s something to be climbed, he’ll climb it. If there’s something to be batted around, he’s your man. The first night we had him, after Fred (the bastard) had wandered off to bed, the kitten woke me up every two hours by pouncing on my feet and grabbing and kicking at them. When he wasn’t doing that, he was running around making the other cats hiss and growl at him. The second night, he was marginally less active – only attacked my feet twice – and last night, he slept most of the night through. He’s not a lap cat – by which I mean, he’s not interested in sitting in your lap and being petted all the time – but if you pick him up for a snuggle, he’s happy to snuggle with you for a while. He can be a total hellion, but he’s so damn funny that we find ourselves laughing at him an awful lot. This morning, he sat on the back of the chair in our bedroom, and then FLUNG himself at the blinds (I’m not sure why), and when he hit the blinds Spot, who was laying in a cat bed across the room, popped up and out of the cat bed like a popcorn kernel. It was funny as hell. He’s definitely a good fit for our family. Edited to add: He’s four months old. We aren’t sticking with the name “Paw Paw” because he needs an “S” name to fit in with the other cats. I suggested both “Stubby” and “Stumpy” to Fred, but Fred said, all disapprovingly, that that would be making fun of his disability. Hmph. (There are more pictures of him here and here.) (Comments closed due to spammers)]]>

48 thoughts on “2003-10-13”

  1. Oh Robyn….he’s adorable! I gather that he is over his respitory infection??? What a little scallion that one is! Thanks so much for sharing. Poor Miz Poo, having to share the attention:-).

  2. Amy – he’s still a little wheezey (sp?), but not contagious. You’d never know he was ever sick, though, by the way he bounced around here all weekend! 🙂

  3. He is just so cute! Wish we could have one, but my hubby is allergic, extremely allergic. My parents had a cat like that when I was little we called him Smoky, because of the color.

  4. We must be on the same wave length. Since our cat died in May, we’ve been thinking about getting another. Well – we got TWO new kittens on Friday – “Boo” (a boy, named rightfully because he’s all black with amber eyes) we saved from a crack-junkie dickhead who abandoned him. (then came back 3 weeks later)I was like – “ya, we have no idea where he is” lie lie. We also adopted a 8 week old girl kitten which we named Sweetpea because she loves to cuddle and curl up on you – anytime, anywhere. Aren’t kittens cute!! Well, except when she’s not attacking your feet – damn those claws are like razors!!There has been much blood drawn at our house this weekend. 🙂

  5. Oh, I hate you…envy, green with jealousy, you name it. I want another kitten/cat!!! Because 6 cats just ain’t enough, yk? 🙂 Hubby won’t go for it, so I’ll just have to live vicariously through you.
    He’s adorable–can’t wait to hear what you’ve named him.

  6. Hi Robyn — I’ve been reading your journal religiously for the past year or so, and I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy it. But this post just pushed me over the edge. I think I have to go over my landlord’s head and adopt a new cat. Woo!
    Oh, and belated congratulations on your four-year anniversary.

  7. Robyn–How old is he? He is really cute. I just adopted a five-month-old kitten last week and he is just as hyper and crazy as your new kitty. My older cats are still smacking him around when he gets out of line, but the great thing about kittens is that they seem to take it in stride.
    If I could only keep him from putting his head in the dogs’ bowls while they are eating…

  8. I can’t believe you adopted this one. Well, actually, I’m not surprised at all considering he is too damn cute for words. I personally would name him Mr. Stubs but what do I know – my hubby is allergic to cats so we have to stick to rabbits and dogs.
    Congrats on the new baby in the house!

  9. Yippee! You always said you liked those gray kitties. Now you have one! My three gray boys say “way to go” and thank god Mom did not bring him home. 🙂

  10. Oh, I need to go back and add a few things in the entry, I think. We aren’t sticking with the name Paw Paw because it doesn’t start with an “S”, the way all the other cats’ names do (not that we CALL them by their official names, of course…).
    I suggested the names “Stubby” and “Stumpy”, and Fred said, all disapprovingly, that that would be making fun of his disability. And he’s 4 months old!
    Heather – there’ll be kitty pics up in your next entry, right? 😉

  11. I like Paw-Paw as well. I’d love a new kitten… well, the kids would even more than me. I think we’ll come stay with you for a bit.

  12. I know things just won’t be right in your house till that cat has an “s” name. So just to put my 2 cents in how about spaz (short for spastic) since he runs around so much. btw…I just didn’t feel like playing one of Fred’s reader games that’s why I thought I’d put my suggestion here. What’s the deal with the tail? Is there a story to go with his tail?

  13. Robyn, that little guy is too cute! Well, I didn’t get to post it the other day in Fred’s comments, but I just thought of this great “S” name…how about “Story” IHO your love of reading!!!

  14. Congrats on your new family member, Robyn! He is TOO cute.
    You know what’s gonna happen, right? Fancypants is going to make his way back to you…

  15. Aidan – I KNOW! I’ve been watching the back door ever since we brought the kitten home!
    I like “Spaz”, JR. Fred wouldn’t go for it, though. 🙂

  16. what about stimpy? ok for real, how much cat litter do you go through? i have 2 kitties: sarah belle, tiger striped, 7 mos, and princess jasmine, black and white, 10 mos-my 5 year old named them 🙂 and we go through a lot of litter! i was just curious if you do too, with more cats than me??? dumb question i know, but i am curious. 🙂

  17. Awwwww, he’s so adorable! My Bonnie was “stumpy” too. Hey, why don’t you have a naming contest…let us help you find a great name for your baby by submitting all our ideas??? 😀

  18. Your new kitty *very strongly* resembles my girl kitty, Snoopy. In fact, she came over here and got on my lap and saw the picture of him on the screen and got all freaked out, pawing at the screen and meowing, except her meow just sounded like, “Me! Me!”
    Just kidding, she didn’t really do that. And Snoopy’s prettier anyway. 😉

  19. Awe! Congratulations, Robyn! And what is wrong with the name Simba? I have a kitty with that name, and sometimes I think names give them their personality because he is definitely the little lion king. He’s very cute. And of course, with 4 kitties of my own, after reading your entry I’m sitting here aching for one more!

  20. Kellie – *I* think Simba is a perfectly good name. Fred’s the bastard who doesn’t agree! Hmph! 🙂
    Kim – nope, we haven’t given up at all. I’m still having regular dreams that he shows up and prances into the house and surprises us!

  21. Hey Robyn, he’s precious. I went over to Fred’s journal earlier and almost shit myself when I saw 90(!) comments!
    Anyway, S-cat is adorable- I love his coloring and his little face. xo

  22. Robyn- You are Fred are such good folks! Not only do you volunteer but you take them home as well!!
    Shizzle. You can have so much fun rhyming with Shizzle. I know how you kids are up on all the hip lingo that all the peeps are using these days.
    In the Pratt house our kitties are named after football stars-
    Walter “Peyton” and “Emmett” Smith. We also have a fluffy little tortoise shell named Penny- we call her Penny Pee Pee as she had a serious bladder control problem when we first got her!
    Congrats on the new baby! I look forward to all the fun stories about little Shizzle and all the other guys.
    Oh yeah- What does the Spud think of the new baby??

  23. Amber – I would say we go through about 30 pounds of kitty litter a month. That’s a rough guesstimate, though, because I don’t really pay attention to it. We go through less when the cats can go outside and use the back yard as their own personal litter box, though!
    Niki – she thinks he’s adorable, of course! She’s not fond of his habit of jumping up on the table and trying to drink the milk out of her cereal bowl in the morning, though. She loves that he’s so playful, and has been spotted luring him into her bedroom for playing. 🙂

  24. I LOVE HIM! I agree, Simba is too common, and kinda lame. How about Sebastian? Sylvester? (Sly) I have a Simon. He’s too cute 🙂 Congrats!

  25. Robyn, he looks like my dear beloved departed Gone to Kitty Heaven Catman. Except, Catman had a tail he was very vain about. Scatman? (Reminds me of Scatman Crothers though…..)
    Or how about Sidewinder, since he does all that adorable kitty back and forth?

  26. Simba’s not lame! Oh, my poor kitty. If he ever heard that. Heh. Simba wouldn’t have been my first choice either, but that was his name when we got him and it seemed to fit. 🙂

  27. I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it!!! I KNEW you were going to get another kitty!
    What an adorable boy he is. The two names that come to my mind are Shadow (my best friend has a Russian Blue named Shadow) and Simon (I have a schizoid cat named Simon. He’s white, tho.)
    Hey wait, Schizo starts with an S …
    Other cute S names … Scout, Sidney …
    Okay I’ll shut up now.

  28. I am SO glad you got that little guy! I just loved him when you first posted his pic. About an “S” name… I am combining two suggestions from others. A friend of mine had a cat named Sylvester and she called him Silly.
    Question though… what is Miz Poo’s “S” name?

  29. Amoose, Miz Poo’s “real” name is Scrappy, can you believe it? I always have to stop and think for a moment when I call to make an appointment for her.

  30. AW! I am very envious. It’s six years since ours were kittens, so I could do with some kitteny cuteness around here.

  31. He is absolutely adorable! And his coloring reminds me of our kitty Morty, except Morty’s coat was longer. Congratulations!

  32. I suggested the following at Fred’s site but thought I’d put them here too:
    Salsa? Sambucca? Oh wait, Sasquatch for the big feet! Or Scamp!
    There is always Schotze, which I think means sweetheart in german. But I think that may be a little too nice. Shazam? Shitake, as in the mushroom. Scmoo? Sooty.
    My personal favorite, Spartacus.
    Oh and sputnik.

  33. I suggested the following at Fred’s site but thought I’d put them here too:
    Salsa? Sambucca? Oh wait, Sasquatch for the big feet! Or Scamp!
    There is always Schotze, which I think means sweetheart in german. But I think that may be a little too nice. Shazam? Shitake, as in the mushroom. Scmoo? Sooty.
    My personal favorite, Spartacus.
    Oh and sputnik.

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