6/4/10 – Friday

Have you heard the latest KATG episode, and what are your thoughts? I’m actually about 15 episodes behind, but Nance told me there was something big brewing, so I downloaded it and listened to it on Sunday. For those of you not in the know, Keith and Chemda announced in Friday’s show that they had … Continue reading “6/4/10 – Friday”

Have you heard the latest KATG episode, and what are your thoughts?

I’m actually about 15 episodes behind, but Nance told me there was something big brewing, so I downloaded it and listened to it on Sunday.

For those of you not in the know, Keith and Chemda announced in Friday’s show that they had broken up and are no longer and couple. Not only that, they broke up a year and a half ago and have been pretending they were a couple because the book contract they signed stipulated (since the book is a relationship book) that they had to remain a couple for at least a year.

My thoughts are (1) THANK GOD they’re not ending the podcast, (2) I sure as shit couldn’t tell they weren’t a couple (I’ve gone back to where I was listening before, 15 episodes back, and I don’t know, there’s maybe the occasional moment where you can tell they’re not actually a couple any more, but they’re few and far between and easily shrugged off. (3) Mostly, I’m just sad that they broke up, because it certainly seemed like they were going to last, didn’t it?

A lot of people in the forums (well, not a LOT, but a few at least) were pissed that Keith and Chemda have spent the last year and a half “lying”, but when I think about how incredibly lonely it must have been for them, not being able to discuss it with friends, having to keep up the charade that they were still a couple, well, it’s another part that makes me sad for them.

I hope that they’re able to keep the podcast going for a good long time!

And, why is the cat not pooping in the litter box? I know I should be thrilled that it is poop and not pee, but seriously. Not a pleasant good morning, how-dee-do! Damn cats.

If I knew the answer to that, I’d be a millionaire. My usual advice is to make sure there are enough litter boxes for the number of cats you have, and that they’re kept clean. Some cats are pickier than others about the cleanliness of their litter boxes.




I do not understand how you get a damn thing done all day. I cannot pass by one of my two sleeping kitties without burying my face in their fur, pulling their ears and declaring them mine, or playing with their toes. You have umpteen billion chances each day to do the same, and you have KITTENS in the house. I would be living in squalor if there were kittens in the house.

I spend a LOT of time picking up cats and kissing them. A LOT. And I don’t clean the house NEARLY as often as I should. Can you imagine the state of my house if I had to work a real job? I shudder to think!




That must be the best! box! ever! (And who is looking in the window at all the hot box action going on?)

No wonder all the cats in the ‘hood want to live with you. It’s like a giant fud buffet and cat Disneyworld and indulgent parents, all rolled up into one fantabulous house.

In that movie, it’s Maxi who is looking judgmentally through the window at the kittens playing with the box. And of COURSE all the cats in the neighborhood want to live with us. Where else will they get their very own canned-food snack every night, along with as much dry food as they can shove in their mouths?

Spoil the cats? Us? NAH.




I took martial arts for a college semester and learned how when you use your “chi”,you are 25% stronger.To ME,chi meant I took a breathe and used force,either kicking,punching,pushing or pulling. I find the difference in strength amazing.I practiced using it with other apps.than martial arts-breaking down boxes,opening jars… and pulling weeds! Whether big or small,I found that when I breathe in before I start to pull the weed,the weeds and all of the weed’s roots come as well.
I am sure that there are many martial artists reading your posts who may disagree with my explanation of all things “chi”,I just know that it works well for me…Happy Weed-Pullin’!

Next time I weed (which won’t be too soon, if given the choice!), I’ll give that a try. I have to say, I don’t much care for weeding, but when I pull up one of those really big weeds, and it comes up and the roots tear free of the dirt, well, I really kind of enjoy that.




I have taken magazines out of a recycling bin, and a vintage vase. I justify this by recycling lots ‘o crap.

Coincidentally, I was just talking about/bemoaning the fact that we need some friggin’ newspapers to smother the weeds in the garden, but we no longer subscribe. I think I’m going to raid the Kroger bin later! You’ve corrupted me! (Donald Sutherland is pointing at YOU)

Really, when you think about it, we ARE recycling the newspaper after all, right? Hell, at the end of the growing season, Fred will run the tiller over the garden, and the newspaper will break down and help nourish next year’s crop!




Be sure to save all your receipts for the trees. lowe’s and home depot have a year warranty on trees and plants. it might be 2 years. just bring them a receipt and the dead tree and they will swap it out at no charge.

In April, Fred actually dug up and returned some apple trees we bought at Lowe’s last Fall because they died. Just another reason we love Lowe’s!




Somebody, and we won’t mention any names, is spending a lot more time outdoors weeding shit and had better put some sunscreen on. You’re turning into one big freckle.

I know, I know. The problem is that I get all the way out to the garden and THEN remember that I haven’t put the sunblock on, and I don’t want to haul my ass all the way back to the house. I suppose if I put a tube of sunblock out in the wood shed, it’d be easy to get to, and I wouldn’t be courting a lovely case of skin cancer.




Robyn, I was reading through some past entries, good entertainment for a Memorial Day evening when I am too tired from working in the garden to do anything else…and some of those were the Gatlinburg entries. And I would like to hereby nominate the “I like cheese, just not on salad” for your “best of” page. I hadn’t thought of that in forever, but it made me laugh all over again.

Your wish, my command! If any of you guys ever run across an entry you think belongs on the “Best Of” page, feel free to let me know, and I’ll add it.




I found this verrrry cute webpage with photos of kitties in boxes, just thought you and some readers would enjoy it:

25 Comfortable Ways of Sleeping in a Box

Too cute!




Doesn’t Miz Poo get a snack? I can’t imagine her sharing with any of the other cats.

Miz Poo is one of those rare cats who has zero interest in anything other than dry kibble. She doesn’t eat canned food, she doesn’t eat people food. The one thing she does like other than her dry kibble is the juice from a can of tuna, so when Fred has tuna sandwiches, he gives her a bowl of the juice and she slurps it up and smacks anyone who comes near.




Oh, such a bad boy. Yesterday, after bragging about how he hadn’t needed any time outs on Wednesday, Corbett required THREE time outs! And the third was 15 minutes instead of 10 because he went to the back door, LOOKED RIGHT AT ME, and then slipped through the cat door. The cheek!

BAD. (But OH so gorgeous!)

Rhyme is a GOOD boy. He likes to sleep near the back door and watch the cats come in and go out, but he hasn’t tried going out himself. YET.

Bolitar (who’ll likely get his head smacked when Miz Poo wakes up) loves to run out the side door when we open it, but he gets out there and doesn’t know what to do, which makes him easy to snatch up and carry back inside.

Marches to the beat of his owner drummer, that Corbett.





Paws up, y’all!

Smilin’ Garrity.


Talk about your baleful look, eh?




Stinkerbelle would like me to keep my distance, please.




2009: When I was done, I looked at the windows, thought about getting out the supplies to clean them, and decided I’d done quite enough of that nonsense for the day.
2008: I KNOW it’s just nature and instinct and all that, but it still PISSES ME OFF.
2007: That whole separating-laundry stuff is a line of bullshit perpetrated upon the American woman in an attempt to KEEP HER DOWN.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Styrofoam peanuts = pure evil.
2003: It’s got to be the hormones in the air, that’s all I can guess.
2002: No entry.
2001: We call them the Naysayers.
2000: No entry.

35 thoughts on “6/4/10 – Friday”

  1. Best of: July 17, 2007!

    I laughed until I cried, and I may have peed a little, too. I have emailed that one to friends with asbestos eyes, and they laughed until they cried, but never admitted to peeing a little. Even the list of past entries on that date makes me hoot.

    Roscoe’s powers o’ corruption must have run out, or he’s just dehydrated. I see very cute kitten pics today. Maybe he marked Fuzzy Floozie and lost his sidekick…

      1. HAHAHAHAHAHA — methinks you have a new movie to reenact with the cats! πŸ™‚

  2. Not that it matters, but your date at the top of your entry is wrong. It’s the 4th, not the 5th. It was wrong yesterday too. I only mention it because when I come to your page each day, the date shows at the very bottom of my screen and I look there to see if you have updated or not yet that day. Yesterday I was very confused (not hard to do). Just thought I’d mention it. Have a great weekend.

    1. Thanks for the heads up, Amanda! I’ve fixed the date at the top of today and yesterday’s entries. I usually double-check the date before I type it in, but I guess I forgot to these last couple of days!

  3. Sorry Jean, my favourite Bitchypoo entry of all time has got to be 18th March 2004. Anytime I need cheering up I just read that one. Best. Entry. Ever.

    1. Catriona-

      There are so many to enjoy! While I smiled at 18 Mar 04, I love the unvarnished hatred of 17 Jul 07. The Spiderman Saga was definitely worth checking out, too.

      In honor of Fred, I put *extra* cheese on my salads at home. πŸ˜€

  4. I still think about Fred every time I order a salad. For the record, I think he’s wrong!

  5. Due to your recommendation, I tried listening to KATG. I listened for a bit a couple of years ago and have been listening to it regularly for the last several months. For the last few months, they sure seem to be condescending to each other. Chemda is always saying he is being ignorant or stupid (maybe not the exact words) and he takes quite a few jabs at her. I kept wondering why I bother listening to them because Keith’s comments are really starting to bug me. She is still trying to act like she loves him and he is so busy talking about other women and jerking his chicken. So for me, not listening to them for the entire time (I am back to episode 999) there seems to have been a definite changing of the tides. It is something rather amusing to listen to while I sew so that is why I keep coming back for more even though it makes me growl from time to time. I was looking at the forum as well and I cannot believe that those that are so into them and close to them didn’t notice a thing. Ahh well.

    1. I realized yesterday that while I listen to every episode of KATG, I sometimes tune them out and my mind wanders, so I wonder if that’s why I haven’t caught the changing tone of the show. I may go back and listen to some old shows and see if I can tell.

      I wish Patrice was on the show more often, is all I can say. LOVE her!

  6. Corbett and the bookworms are just KILLING me with their cute & weird ways – not to mention the babies and Miss Stank who is just so gorgeous. Thanks for all the photos!

    Have a good weekend Robyn πŸ™‚

  7. I love the new banner-yes mighty slow on the uptake. That Corbet is gorgeous and brazen. I am still very taken with Gavin and his name reminds of Gavin & Stacey my current BBC America favorite. The picture with Gavin sleeping mostly out of the bed is priceless.

  8. What show # of KATG is the one they made the announcement? I love the show and I am sad that they broke up. Wish they had more Patrice too! She is awesome. I also love Brolo shows when he is on.
    Wonder if they are going to continue to live in the same house.

    1. It’s #1190: A Whole New World

      One of the things they mentioned when they pointed out that you can make recurring monthly donations to the show is that they need more money so that Keith can get his own place. And I wonder if that in itself will have an impact on the show – if Chemda has to wait for Keith to arrive so they can start the show, rather than poking him ’til he gets out of bed for the show.

  9. The KATG thing reminds me of Life, Unexpected. Ryan and Cate are morning DJs who are also engaged. They have to pretend that they aren’t “together”. Then they’re outed, but shortly after that, they break-up. Then they have to pretend that they ARE together. Then they get back together and are allowed to just say they’re together.

    Good show if you need one more thing to DVR, although my description above makes it sound stupid. It’s not. πŸ™‚

  10. Must have Corbett. MUST HAVE. Too bad I’m in Seattle and can’t fly there and kidnap him! πŸ™‚

  11. Best of page? My favorite is 10-10-06. Spiderman, or “Spidey”. That entire entry was hilarious.
    Nate and Dora (River and Inara) say hello to everyone!

  12. Based on your recommendation, I started listening to KATG back in the beginning. Listened for years, every day when I went to the gym…hated going on vacation and then having to catch up on a week of shows! I wish I had called it but back after they got fake married, I noticed a subtle difference in the tone of the show and it seemed they were trying to hard to show they were still a couple…I suspected then that they were having problems and just kept waiting for them to break up….so I wasn’t too surprised by the break up. More surprised that I was right!

    I too wish Patrice and Brolo were on more often! LOVE THEM! Hope the show continues! Thanks for turning me on to them!

  13. One of my favorites is the entry with the “Flat Stanley” girl. But I don’t remember when it was!

  14. Robyn,

    Can you please share this w/your readers? Thank you!

    Please vote for my friend Sue’s daughter Holly! There can only be one vote/email address. As of June 16th, there will be a run-off of only the top ten in the bid to win a week of volunteering in Africa. Holly keeps moving back and forth between 10th and 11th place. PLEASE HELP πŸ™‚


  15. After reading this entry I just had to go and get that episode of KATG. I started listening to them about 3 or 3 1/2 years ago. I absolutely loved them. They made me laugh until I cried. Then a little over a year ago I stopped listening. Something had changed. Initially I thought it was Chemda seeing Laurie but I could not put my finger on what it was, but something was definitely different….. Now I understand and it all makes sense. I have not listened in well over a year and now that the truth is out I may give them another shot…Who knows…

    1. Yeah, I agree, once Chemda started seeing Laurie I knew something was up, you could just tell that the dynamic of their relationship had changed…I am glad they are able to maintain a professional relationship as I really enjoy their podcast and hope they keep doing it!

  16. We have our first fosters! 5 little ones. They were quite sickly with respiratory stuff & eye issues when we got them Thursday but antibiotics seem to be working. Thank you. Thank you. I have thought many times about your stories & advice. I can’t attach a picture here. I’ll try to e-mail one.


  17. I was so upset by the “people with MS are assholes” episode of KATG I can’t bring myself to listen. That was beyond mean and not the least bit funny (especially when MS has taken your life!)

    I do love reading your past entries!

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