new logo! This one was done by the lovely and talented Sarah. Thanks, Sarah!
I’m out of logos; this was the last one I had in the queue. Anyone wants to design a new logo for me in the months ahead (I’d love summer-themed logos for the next couple of months), have at it!
* * *
I still have not begun to slog through my email. Tonight or tomorrow, I promise!
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Okay, before I forget – like
Nance, I too have a
MySpace page, and if you want to friend me, I’ll friend you back.
There’s nothing there, and I don’t intend to ever start blogging over there, just so you know, but I suppose things could change in the future.
And while I’m thinking of it, I’m
RobynAnderson on LiveJournal and
robynanderson on Flickr.
I am so kewl.
* * *
So, my parents are gone. I realized, long about Thursday afternoon, that if I’d been thinking straight, my father and I could have done some hardwooding in the house last week, instead of just hanging out, watching TV, and reading. He hardwooded the floor in my parents’ basement (I haven’t seen it yet, but I hear it looks AWESOME). Also, we could have replaced the hideously tacky gold and silver fixtures in the bathroom that drive me absolutely crazy and which I hate SO SO SO much.
I told my mother they should come back in the fall just for such a reason, and she laughed. But I wasn’t kidding!
(Fred says, at the thought of hardwooding the computer room floor and the “study”/ cat room upstairs, that we’re selling the house in a year. I say, that’s a year of being driven crazy by the nastydirty carpet and uglyuglyugly gold & silver bathroom fixtures.)
(Also, if you have any suggestions on how to clean the fucking water spots off uglyuglyugly bathroom faucets, have at it in the comments)
Anyways, bits and pieces about their visit:
* My father put the dishes in the dishwasher away almost every morning. Which makes me want to fly them down here every so often, because I HATE putting the dishes in the dishwasher away.
* One night – I think it was Memorial Day evening, actually – my sister called while my parents and Fred and I were watching Batman Begins. Since I’ve seen it before, I was happy to go outside and talk on the phone to Debbie while they watched the movie. I think we were on the phone for about 45 minutes, and I ended up in the back yard, talking to her, watching fireflies, when the people in the next subdivision over started setting off fireworks, and it was like they were putting on a show just for me. Quite lovely, really.
* Fred is, as I might have mentioned, a bit of a coffee snob. He likes to buy the flavored coffee from
Coffee & Co in Gatlinburg. He was more than willing to share his froufy coffee with my parents, but they didn’t want to use up all his coffee (despite his reassurances that he had a ton in the freezer), and went out and bought a container of Folger’s. I think Fred wants to throw away the coffee maker, since it’s been contaminated by cheap, generic coffee.
* A note to the wise: Do not, if you’re going to be more than 5 minutes away from home, wear brand-new underwear shopping. Because it might not be all that comfortable, and if you’re spending the whole day shopping, you can’t really say “My underwear keeps climbing up my ass. We need to go home.”, and you will be miserable.
* We were on our way home from the movies Friday afternoon (The Break-Up, which I really liked. My mother liked the great chemistry Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn have, but personally I think the chemistry between Vince Vaughn and Jon Favreau was the chemistry worth remarking upon (and I don’t mean that in a gay way, though I’ll say that Vince Vaughn strongly strikes me as gay. Jon Favreau, however, does not. I don’t have the strongest gaydar in the world, though.)
* We were watching Transamerica, and Sugarbutt and Tommy started grooming each other in the middle of the living room. My father made a crack about them paying too much attention to the movie, and Fred said “You should have seen them when we watched Brokeback Mountain!” Which my father enjoyed so much he almost fell on the floor.
* We watched several episodes of Scrubs, season 3, while my parents were here; they appeared to enjoy it.
* * *

The gray squirrel sits on the fence. Eyeballs Tommy. Eyeballs the food on the ground. Comes to a decision.

Food is important, and the squirrel is pretty sure he’s faster than Tommy Tubs.

The food – so close, yet so far. The squirrel is unconcerned with how close Tommy is.

Annnnnd… the food has been reached! (The picture I didn’t get: Tommy running after the squirrel, getting too close to the fence, and getting zapped. The squirrel ran across the fence to the tree and laughed his little squirrel butt off at Tommy.)

Good thing I keep that bird bath (relatively) clean.
Tons more cat pictures,
* * *
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: Fred always says βYou blame EVERYTHING on the fact that youβre about to have your period, having your period, or just HAD your period!β Well, duh.
2002: 26 things you may not know about me.
2001: No entry.
2000: Why, oh why, does writing snotty letters amuse me so?]]>
Hey Robyn! Sounds like you had a nice (long) visit with your folks!
Is that a bird feeder hanging in front of the fence? Howcome it’s hanging so low?
Your hair is extremely cute.
I think your mom should get hair cut like JL’s.
Anita: It *is* a bird feeder, and it’s hanging low because it’s a particularly long one, I guess. I bought it so I wouldn’t have to fill it up so often, but I still need to fill it every couple of days.
Mom, I think our birds are getting bigger xD o_O
hehe spud, and yeah – since when did your birds have 4 feet??!!
love from new zealand
Okay, how DO you keep your bird bath so clean? Ours is hideous, despite our ATTEMPTS to clean it. Share the secret, please?
OMG Robyn- the hovering. My mother does the same thing. And when I turn around, she acts like she hasn’t been trying to read what I’m looking at. DRives me insane and makes me feel 15, too.
The jingling of the change in the pocket reminds me of an I Love Lucy episode. Each one of the four had an annoying habit. Fred did the pocket change jingling, Ethel ate loudly, Ricky drummed his fingers on the table and Lucy stirred her tea too much.
Yes, I’m a loser.
Hi Robyn!
I clean for a living and the Magic Eraser put out by Mr. Clean MAY clean the water spots on your chrome. I have got them out at some houses and not others.
They are great in general if you’re never tried one. They work great on stainless stel sinks and on the refrigerators that have the “no fingerprints” surface and are great too on shower and tub floors. They get into the little nooks and crannies without scrubbing.
Man, I should get a life, shouldn’t I? lol
Take care…You’re the best!!!
Jolene: Sometimes it starts to grow green stuff in it, and when that happens I empty it out, spray some bleach kitchen-cleaning spray in the bird bath, cover it with a trash bag (so the birds won’t get bleached), and leave it for 20 or 30 minutes, then scrub with one of those sponges that’s sponge on one side and green scrubby on the other, ’til it’s clean, rinse it out several times until it’s rinsed clean, and then fill it up. Then I try to remember to do a quick scrub and change the water every other day, especially through the summer. It’s a pain in the ass, but it’s worth it to not look out and see the cats gulping up green water! π
Lianne: Oh, I LOVE the Magic Erasers – I use them all the time when I’m cleaning the bathroom, I just never thought to try them on the faucets. I’m going to definitely give that a try, thanks for the suggestion! π
Oh my. You’ve got Myspace? Too fun. My kids have that. I always forget that adults are allowed to have it, too. Hee. Nice pic, BTW.
I have a my space acct. set it up on sunday actually π
I have been a reader for a couple years but don’t have my own blog but here you can see a stalker of yours!
OMG! Your mother must have a long, lost sister of Norwegian decnt up in Canada! MY MOTHER!!! Acckkkk the “hair coaching!” and “clothing coaching!” A couple years ago my Mom said to me, “You’re wearing that????” She went around the corner luckily, so that the SHOE I threw in her “general” direction missed her! Hmmmmphhh
I like your cousin’s hair, but it’s not all that different than yours is now.
When you go to MY Space check out Chris Young. He’s 20 and just won Nashville Star. I think he’s going to be really big.
Try vinegar for the spots! It is a bit smelly but it evaporates (plus it deodorizes the air). Soak a rag in it and let it sit over the water spots (make sure it is really wet with the vinegar and just wrap it around the faucets). After 15-20 min, just rub the spots out. Works great on drains fact, I put it in a baggie and strap it onto the shower head (overnight is best) a few times a year to clean out the “crud” and help it to flow better.
It deodorizes litter boxes and is way safer than bleach. It takes the sting out of a sunburn. Um…k, I can’t think of the other reasons I like it, but I do, darn it.
Good luck.
And for the record, changing out yours faucets is only about a 2 or 3 on a scale of 1-10 for difficulty. I promise, it really isn’t that hard. Talk to your Home Depot people for guidance!
GoD I always laugh so hard at entries about your mother! I SO know exactly what you’re talking about with all your stories about how she drives you nuts!!! π
yay you are on myspace! waterspots…comet used to make this cool shit. it’s liquid. haven’t bought it for awhile but it removes all sorts of spots.
haha, I loved your comment about old men jingling their change…one of my favorite History professors totally does that! He’ll stand up there, lecturing to us with his hand in his back pocket, jingling away at all the change he has in there. Funny.
Windex will take the water spots off your chrome & Gold fixtures as well as amonia. But becareful with the amonia, if it is just plated chrome/gold.
Ohh and another product is “Barkeepers Friend”. It really works great on stainless sinks as well.