The Rescuees are going to the adoption center Friday morning. They’ll all be together in a big cage, so they can relax for the day before adoption hours begin Friday evening and they have to put on the cute. Wouldn’t it be great if they were all adopted Friday night? I’m not going to count on it – but I can certainly hope for it, can’t I?
Oh, her little bitty face KILLS me.
Reacher, there in the cat bed, all stretched out, cracks me up. He must be six feet long from nose-tip to tail-end. He’s like Gumby, he just keeps stretching!
(Hmm. I wonder if “Gumby” and “Poky” have been used by the shelter as cat names yet?)
Tiny little Lieu (aka “Lieu-Lieu”, also “Lieuby-Lieu”), curled up in a tiny little Lieu package.
“I’m not kidding, lady! I’m gonna jump!” (And he did. But he survived the jump, worry not.)
“I was sleepin’, and then I woke up with this cute little redhead in my bed. How much ‘nip DID I sniff last night?!”
The sweet face, did I mention? KILLS ME DEAD.
Reacher: “Pardon me, sonny, you’re in MY bed.”
Lieu: “::SQUEAK:: I’m sorry, sir!”
Reacher: “Don’t let it happen again.”
“Oh, I love it when you blow in my ear, it’s so – Uh.”
“Rhyme. ::tap::tap::tap:: Rhyme? Rhyme. RHYME!”
2009: The shit that is PISSING ME OFF these days.
2008: I’ve warned Nance that the house is a pig sty, but I don’t think she believes me.
2007: No entry.
2006: Must be ’cause I’m so approachable.
2005: Hobbies.
2004: Fred calls Miz Poo “Musty.”
2003: He sighed. “Because everybody knows that 256 (the total number of pages in the book) is 2 to the 8th, which is 2 to the 6th times two squared, which is 64 times 4, so you should print four blocks of 64 pages.”
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: Folks, it’s Dumbass Day.
I love your pictures and comments. Thank you for the laugh!
Did the rescuees revert from positive?? I hope they all get adopted into wonderful loving homes, maybe even in pairs so they will always have each other!!
Yea, I thought they needed to be tested again! So I guess this means they are ok?
Suzanne & Christine, it’s the Bookworms who tested positive – they’ll be here ’til mid-July, then once I’m back from Maine, I’ll have them retested and they WILL test negative (fingers crossed!) and be neutered and ready for adoption. The Rescuees were negative from the get-go (THANK GOD).
Gina: Thank YOU! 🙂
Duh…I guess I cannot believe the rescuees are ready for adoption already : )
The Rescuees are way too cute to last very long at the shelter.
Tommy guarding the backyard, and yesterday’s post about the various chicken coops, has me wondering. Have you drawn a diagram of the property? I think you did but your search bar and I don’t get along, so if you could find it maybe you could link me, or repost it? I just would love to have a clue when you mention “the back forty” and “the ditch”, etc. I need visuals; you can explain it til you’re blue but unless I see it mapped out for me, I’m useless.
In the same vein, you asked what we wanted to see pictures of? I’d love to see a “wide angle” view of all your crops, and then maybe some closeups of stuff that’s growing well. Also, George and Gracie belly-rubbing shots would satisfy the innate dog person in me. hmm. while I’m chatty I’ll take this opportunity to tell you that you are SINGLE HANDEDLY the reason why I got a cat in the first place, and then have succumbed completely to all his feline charms. I really couldn’t care less about cats but after reading you for a few years now I’m hooked.
Robyn please have a Sopranos batch of kitten someday: You could have Carmella, Adriana, Moltisanti, Meadow, Melfi, Paulie Walnuts, Tony or AJ…..endless possibilities!!!
I’m going to the courthouse right now to rename MYSELF “Paulie Walnuts”!! Possibly the best name ever.
I assume y’all pronounce “Lieu” as in the American-English version of “lieutenant” – that is, “loo” – and not the Queen’s-English version, “leff”? I can’t put my finger on why, but the “conversation” between Lieu and Reacher suddenly made me wonder. (Tell Lieu I will be there to hug the skeered away very shortly. *heart exploding*)