Hobbies Cats. Can caring for and falling in love with the sweetest little kittens in the world be called a hobby? I think it can. If lovin’ the babies is wrong, I don’t a-wanna be right. Reading. You knew that. Cross-stitching. I spent the first five months of the year working on these little ornaments (which will be put up on the giveaway page in the next few months), and since I finished the last one, I haven’t cross-stitched at all. I’m trying to decide what I want to do next, is my excuse. I always do this – cross-stitch like mad for months and months, and then stopping for a long time before picking it up again. This website. That website. That one, too. Oh, and that one. Hey, I never said I was talented at it. In fact, that’s one ugly website right there, but it serves its purpose. Worrying. At the moment, I’m worrying about Flossie, Mia, and Peanut, who are at the vet being spayed and neutered. I’ve spent more time fussing and worrying over these kittens than you can imagine, but when they go to be adopted, I’ll find other things to worry about. You might think you worry, but I, my friends, am the worrying queen. I worry about things going on in my life, but I also worry about things going on in YOUR life (if you have a blog or journal, that is). And if a character in a book is fucking up his life? I practically get ulcers, I worry so much. Actually, I’m surprised I don’t have ulcers. I’m sure it’s only a matter of time. Jumping to conclusions. (Fred’s desk) Resisting temptation… and giving in, all too often. Singing. Badly. Very, very badly. I couldn’t carry a tune if I had a bucket to put it in. Ignoring housework that badly needs to be done. Taping cheesy shows and watching them… …and taping good shows and never quite getting around to watching them. Buying cat toys. Which the cats scatter all over the house, and then ignore. Taking pictures. I know I get some really good pictures, but I’m not really all that skilled at it. If you give a monkey a camera and teach him to snap pictures at random, I can guarantee you he’ll get some good ones, almost by accident. I probably erase two – if not more – for each one I keep. It’s the ones that come out really good that keep me taking pictures. Thank god for digital cameras, that’s all I can say. Using an HTML editor to teach myself basic HTML. Unfortunately it goes in one brain cell and out the other. I tend not to retain the knowledge I gain. Yelling at the cats to get off the table. And pretending they’ll listen. Missing the ocean.]]>
Actually, I think taking a lot of pictures and throwing most of them away is how the professional photographers do it, too. That’s why they have that motorized shutter switch on their cameras.
Wonderful entry.
You are my HERO! There are kitties at the horse barn where my baby girl(equine) is. There is one that is black, long haired, bobtailed and extra toed! I NEED THIS KITTY!! Should I? Should I add to the menagerie of 3 cats, 2 dogs, 2 kids and a horse??
Niki – go for it! You DO need the bob-tailed, extra toed kitty! As for the menagerie you already have, what’s one more? One can never have too much unconditional love.
That Boog is one handsome keh-tay!
What version of Windows are yall using?? Nosey mind wanna know! (at least this one)
I just had to fight off the urge to email and request to adopt all those kittens. Gah. I forgot how CUTE little kittens are. My cat that I had when I was 11 had a litter, and we ended up keeping 3 of the 4 because the whole family fell in love with them.
Yay you for taking good care of felines.
Well, what IS that jar of Vaseline doing there?
What kind of music program do you use?
You know I have been reading you for 4 years and I comment once a year at best, but you are my fav, I never miss an entry, and I wanted to let you know how much I luuurrvvve you!
Oh, Robyn,,how are you going to give up those babies? Don’t do it!!! You’ll regret it! I know you had good intentions and i’m not even a cat person (although i am currently searching for just the right cat) but even i have gotten attached to these guys (and girl) and would LOVE to see them all grow up via your blog. PUHHLEEEEASE don’t let the babies go!! Sniff! (tears slowly sliding down my face)
Bonnie: Windows 2000 Professional, I’m told.
(another) Susan: I’ll never tell, but Fred might mention it in an upcoming entry. 🙂
Vanessa: I use iTunes. And I lurrrrrrrve you tooooooo! 🙂
Cindie: Hush up, you evil woman. 😛 (I’m working on it!)
Love, love, love the “laughing” kitty pic! hehe My six year old son is sitting beside me looking at the pics and he wants me to keep going to back to it. As a matter of fact, he just commanded me to “PRINT IT MOM!” LOL
And he wants to tell you that he wishes we had a kitty like that one (even though we have two kittens of our own that we need to find home for…).
angie (and nick)
I think you might be me. I love cats, collect (as yet unread) books, and cross-stitch like crazy until I don’t.
I do love the kitty pics!
I too am wondering what the hell Fred is doing with a jar of Vaseline by the computer….
Damn, I’m a dog person, but I love me that pic of the laughing kitty…..(can’t keep the names straight in my fried brain)
Love the laughing kitty! Will you be making t-shirts, etc., with that pic? Save me one…
I’ll see the ocean in a week! I am so excited! OOB, here we come!! 😀