cute little kiiiiiiiitties! I need a baby kitty! Wah!” and then half a second later you’re like “If I don’t shove 43,000 calories of pure milk chocolate with some kind of creamy nougaty filling in my face RIGHT FUCKING NOW, I’m going to kill you all!” and then you’re all “GodDAMN shut UP, I just want to curl up in a ball and sob into the pillow AND I CANNOT DO THAT IF YOU’RE LOOKING ALL CONCERNED AND ASKING ME WHAT’S WRONG AND YOU DON’T LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE ME!”, and before you drift off to sleep, you’re all “Damn these boobs, DAMN THEM TO HELL, WHY must I gain 15 pounds of water in each boob EVERY damn month!”, that kind of PMS?
Yeah, it sucks.
* * *
Oh man,
this is so cool. You can enter a url and your email address and this site will monitor the url you provide for changes, and when there’s a change it’ll send you an email. Kind of like a notify list for those awful people who don’t have one, or the bloggers who don’t update every day. It’s a godsend is what it is. Of course, it won’t work on sites that are passworded or require membership to read, but it sure helped me clear out my nibelung ring.
There must be other sites out there that do this as well; if you know of one you really like, feel free to leave a comment about it!
* * *
Did I mention that the PMS Fairy came and made my boobs the size of Pamela And3rson’s head? It wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t also HURT.
Damn PMS Fairy.
* * *
In case you don’t read my comments (and why not? We had a perfectly good butts3x discussion going on in there the other day!), you can find the cat print, which is entitled “Fat Cat Capsizing” (thanks
here, for one, though a search on “Fat Cat Capsizing” would probably bring up other places to buy it.
And the egg-shaped cats (at least some of them) can be found
Now pull the por-shuh around, Muffy, and let’s run to the Tar-zhay.
* * *
Elizalou, such a copycat with linking to the old entries. Of course, did I mention that I copied the idea from
Shelley, who copied the idea from
Copycats, the lot of us.
* * *
Embarrassing confession: It wasn’t until this past weekend that I realized that
Joyce Maynard and
Jacquelyn Mitchard were two completely separate people. Apparently I had them blended into one person in my mind.
did think it was odd that
Twelve Times Blessed and
The Usual Rules came out at pretty much the same time.
* * *
What is wrong with me? (Don’t answer that!) I have this horrid habit of knowing that something is going to suck and yet, I still buy it and read it or watch it anyway. My friend Skip told me that the Carni3 Wils0n book sucked in a big way, and I totally believed her, and yet I still bought it and read it for myself.
And that’s an hour and a half that I’ll never get back.
I’ve read the reviews and I know – just KNOW – that
Solaris is going to suck in a big way, and yet? I rented it yesterday.
I guess sometimes you just have to see the suckage for yourself to realize the depth and breadth of it.
* * *

I sure do love that kitty.

Soon, I’ll just give up and cover the entire people bed with kitty beds, and sleep on the floor in the corner. At least the kitty hair is being contained to the kitty beds instead of being spread all over the (too-dark) bedspread!

Sweet-looking, ain’t he?

Who’d ever think…

…he could be so bitchy?]]>