P.A.W.S. Wakefield, an animal rescue shelter in Wakefield, Massachusetts, just rescued eight mothers and thirty-five kittens from one house (let me repeat: FROM ONE HOUSE) in Melrose, MA. They desperately need funds to get the cats spayed/ neutered and cared for,
and if there’s anyone out there in the Melrose-Wakefield, Massachusetts area, I’m sure they could use more foster homes, or adoptive homes for kitties! Their website is here.
Y’all help out if you can, and help spread the word, please?
One of these things is not like the others….
Two of these things just don’t belong…
Can you tell which three things are not like the others…
(You can click on the pictures to go to Flickr, where there are notes on each picture pointing out who the interlopers are!)
So yes, as you might have guessed, the Spice Girls have gotten the run of the house along with the McMaos. It is, let me tell you, utter madness. But it’s also kind of delightful. I let them out in the morning, and then at bedtime we put the McMaos in the guest bedroom and the Girls in the foster room. We discussed putting all of them in one room, but I think it’s best to keep them separate at night for now. A couple of the McMaos (Ciara and Macushla) were a little hissy at first, but they relaxed pretty quickly.
Let me tell you, I actually pulled all of those kittens off Maggie after a few seconds (before I snapped those pictures up there), because I was afraid she was being overwhelmed, but she gave me a dirty look and then called to the kittens to come to her. Who am I to interfere with her mothering?
Maggie, in the window in the dining room.
Macushla, with Clove snuggled up behind him. Yeah, I’d say he’s adjusted well.
Coriander would like you to know that she’s no fluffhead. She’s got BRAINS in that head of hers, and she knows how to use them!
One day last week I was watching something I’d taped several weeks ago. I can’t for the life of me remember the name of the show, but it had three litters of kittens, and followed them from birth to six weeks (?) old. At one point, there were baby kittens on the screen crying, and Maggie came in, all “WHY ARE BABIES CRYING! BABIES DO NOT CRY ON MY WATCH!”, and sweetness ensued. (Sorry for the length of the video, I do try to keep them to under a minute, but I am no editor!)
Stinkerbelle keeps an eye on those kittens from her perch up high.
2010: I’m always behind on everything always, is what I’m saying to you.
2009: The airport for the night, then.
2008: No entry.
2007: No Mister Boogers.
2006: No entry.
2005: Oh, the hilarity that ensues when your car and foster kitten have the same name! I could almost hear the laugh track in the background.
2004: PMS, anyone?
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001:No entry.
2000: Charmed life, have I mentioned?
Oh! I think the show you were watching was “Too Cute” on Animal Planet? I saw it over the weekend. There was a Persian litter, an Abyssinian litter and a Bengal litter. Was that the one? If it was, did you see when they used the blow dryer on a brand new Persian? The poor widdle ting, with his lips in a little “o.” Oh, and “Tiny Dancer!”
Poor Maggie — yet somehow she seems to LOVE all the kittehs. Best. Momcat. Eveh!
Don’t know if you’ve seen this video of a “barking” cat on CNN. I just watched it, could NOT believe that cat sounded exactly like a dog barking. When the cat sees owner approaching with video-cam, it switches to meowing. Amazing!
Here’s the link: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/bestoftv/2011/06/22/exp.am.barking.cat.busted.cnn?&hpt=hp_c2
Kitty Mosh Pit!!! How cute is that!!
Yes, that was “Too Cute: Kittens” on Animal planet. I’ve watched it three times already and will watch it again next time its on! I got the biggest kick out of the slow-mo shots of the black&white boy Persian getting blow dried; he looked like a model! Our Mama cat came into the room and looked around when she heard the mews from the kittens on the show, too. But, its been over four years since she has had kittens around, so she only showed a little interest. Love how Maggie was so concerned, though. What a good mama cat!
I thought the first two pictures were of Alice, so then I continued to think that the calico was her, and was astonished to see her nursing. I had several seconds of, “WOW” before I remembered about the Spice Calico.
Have you seen this?
Cracks me up!
I think that is what is called a “kitten swarm”. I’m lucky that I am in Canada – I want ALL of those tabbies …and Maggie too.
It’s almost a shame to spay her, she’s such a natural mommma! I am 100% in favor of getting your pets fixed, but she’s uber-mom.
Have you ever read this blog? Her entry for Tuesday is hysterical!