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I stayed up later than usual last night, because Fred had picked two and a half pounds of green beans, and I didn’t get them all snapped before bedtime. So once he went off to bed, I settled in on the couch, watched Big Love, and snapped away.
I really like Big Love, I have to say, even though the idea of polygamy (heh – I almost typed “polygamory”) and the idea that people could be happy in that lifestyle blows my mind. I’ll be honest, as someone who doesn’t share well with others, the idea of sharing my husband with other women (except for his Bitchez, of course) makes me cranky.
I don’t get polygamy, and the two most smackable faces in all of Hollywood (Bill Paxton* and Chloe Sevigny) star in it, but I really, really like the show. Odd, no?
*Just thinking about Bill Paxton in Twister howling “We’re going INNNNNNNN!” drives me right to the edge of a homicidal rage.
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Speaking of green beans and the snapping of such, I blanched and froze another two and a half pounds today. I think we’ve got five or so pounds in the freezer, in all. I also blanched and froze three pounds of summer squash. I wish my damn canning stuff would GET here.
(Should be here tomorrow, according to the tracking number.)
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They TAUNT me, do you see? With the rolling around looking so cute my head explodes? And then I reach out to pet them and they hop up and run away. They will be the death of me.

I mean, COME ON! They walk up and sniff my knee, and then they won’t let me pet them? Is this FAIR?

Disapproves of “this Koontz fellow.”

“I are… about this tall. No, a little taller! No, that’s right. This tall. I are this tall!”
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2006: I hate that fucker.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: Then, I stopped and thought about it, which hurt a little.
2002: I was an errand-running fool today.
2001: You always know you’re going to have a nice, clean system the next day if you’ve eaten you a big ol’ helpin’ of okra.
2000: Oh, that’s right. That was my bright idea.]]>
Oh! The second-to-last kitty pic had me cracking up!
Hellew back atcha!
Seriously cute kitten pics of “I are this tall”! Have a great drizzly day!
Wow, am I first to comment? kewl..
I love Big Love to and cannot wait for the 2nd season to come out on DVD!!!!!
Is that orange fur on Tina Louise’s belly (if so… CUTE!) or… something else?!?
Okay, I guess more like her back leg or hip, not her belly, but you know what I mean!
A sick kitty, fostering question. My friends rescued a lil’ wet, sick kitten a few months ago. It showed up at my friend’s place of employment. It has to stay in the basement due to dogs in the house that don’t appreciate the kitten. He’s really sick with an upper respitory infection – he’s on his 2nd set of antibotics and green stuff still comes out of his poor nose and his eyes are so red.
So my question, is this type of illness contagious to other cats? I’m thinking about bringing the kitten home to give him a better chance of getting better. The plan is to get this guy healthy, give him his shots and adopt him out.
I think the basement is not helping him get better. However, it would be hard for me to quarantine the kitten from my 3 cats since I live in a condo with only two rooms and a bathroom that can be closed off from the rest of the house. My guys occupy the two bedrooms and would not appreciate being locked out so it would have to be share or the kitten stays in the bathroom, which I’m seriously considering to give him a chance.
Okay, I’m going to hell for this, but I’ve just realized what unsettles me about those kittens (and my latest addition to the household): They look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome, around the eyes.
Maybe it’s the (relative) lack of color around the eyes, but they look oddly shaped and/or placed, and… just off somehow. My new kitten, same thing. He also has only white fur around his eyes, and I keep staring at him wondering, “What IS it that looks so odd?” I mean, cute, don’t get me wrong, very much the cute, but … odd.
Don’t hate me. I still love your kitties, and mine. But… odd.
I’m not Robyn, but I can definitively say that yes, an upper respiratory infection is highly contagious to other kitties. In fact, you’re likely to pass it along on your hands, even if they’re quarantined, unless you wash up really well. It can also be very hard to cure entirely. Some cats have chronic respiratory issues following a really bad URI.
Ohhhh, but the Bill Paxton Smack-His-Face Money Quote is: “Game over man! Game OVER! We’re fucked!”
Why three women would marry his smack-deserving ass is BEYOND ME. 🙂
OOOOk party’s over! Maxi and Newt are now And3rsons! Time to get them checked out for loathesome diseases and wormy things, and fully incorporate them into the herd.
Seriously, though, how do you control fleas with indoor/outdoor animals? I am going insane with the Capstar and the monthly goop on the shoulder blades and the carpet and the bedding and the….gah! I mean, OK just suppose I vacate the house, kennel the critters, have the carpet and yard treated and all the bedding and collars and grooming tools washed & treated, then the animals clipped & dipped & treated before return. I swear I did this a year ago and if there was any “flea-free” time it was maybe a WEEK.
Maybe as city folk you were sometimes “lazy”, but as a slim, trim country wimenz, you are no lazy ass!!!
Heh, Kathy you said it. The Ander3ons now have 2 more cats. They may not own up to the fact but c’mon! 😉 Crazy Cat People? Yep, it is official now.
Great shot of you Robyn, you are too cute!
BTW THANK YOU for taking the rain today. Up here in lower mainland BC Canada we have had nothing but rain. Today the sun shone and everyone was happy 🙂
“getting zapped so hard that he was drooling”
I totally laughed at that.