Here’s a word of wisdom from me to you: when it’s been intermittently raining all day and you need to take a large armload of stuff out to the garage, a trip that requires a journey down some wet steps?
It’s best not to wear Crocs on your feet.
I slipped and skidded down the side steps last evening – my foot flew out from under me and I fell so fast I had no time to think “Really, are you kidding me? I’m FALLING?!”, and the next thing I knew I was laying on the steps surrounded by everything I’d had in my arms the moment before.
I’m okay, I’m just really stiff and sore. I wrenched my shoulder, and banged the hell out of my elbow. It hurts like hell to bend my left arm, so sitting and typing an entry is out of the question.
I’ll be back on Monday, but here’s a question you can ponder ’til then:
Who’s THAT?!
Owwwww. I prescribe excessive relaxation surrounded by an assortment of kittehs. Feel better!!
I don’t know, but s/he’s beautiful! Feel better soon.
Oh no. Hope you get better fast.
I feel for you. Last week I fell on the tennis court – got off balance hitting a ball and my feet got tangled up. But, unlike you, I did have time to think – “Wow, I’m actually going to fall down and there’s nothing I can do about it!”
I’m sorry you got wounded. Take it easy and snuggle with some kittens. They’re good for what ails you.
Ice, ice, baby. Hope you’re well again soon!
LOL!! That so reminds me of the scene in “13 Again” where the blond guy is dancing to that ditty. Too funny!
Rotate ice and heat – and I bet Miz Poo will be there to help you feel better.
Hope you didn’t hurt yourself too badly. I refuse to wear anything but shoes on a rainy day. Sandals and such just don’t have the same traction once the water gets on the inside. Ouch!
… I always seem to fall forward… That’s where the most-uh-ummm…ballast is ?
Feel better soon.
I Know !!
I Know !!!
Who’s That? is the newest po’ po’ Lil’ Orphan Kittheh looking to become an Anderson !
Right ??
Did I win a prize ?!?
I know it’s not Newt, but it sure does have Newt’s eyes! A long lost sib?
Aw, that sucks. I’m sorry you’re hurt Robyn. Hell, I fell walking across the parking lot a work 3 yrs ago and shattered the hell out of my thumb. Sucks to fall down. Glad it’s just bruises and stiffness. I prescribe kitten therapy, STAT!
Ice followed by a warm kitten compress, repeat.
Glad you are ok!
Feel better soon! I hope it’s a new kitty because s/he sure is purty!
Ouch! I hope you feel better soon. I did the same thing going down the stairs of our deck. Arms full, slipped on some ice and down the stairs I went. Lots of bruises and pain. Make sure you take it easy and get some quality snuggle time with the kitties. That always makes me feel better!
I’m really glad you didn’t do any serious damage or (God forbid!) fall on a cat.
And “it’s best not to wear Crocs on your feet” is sound advice, no matter what the weather. 😉
Ouch! So sorry, Robyn! Do you know the old sock trick for stiffness? Take an athletic sock (the knee-high kind), fill it 2/3 full with uncooked rice or barley, and stitch or tie the end shut. Microwave for ~2 minutes, and drape it over your shoulder or whatever needs heat to loosen up the muscles. Kittehs love them, too. Hope you feel better soon!
I do this, and I also throw a stick of cinnamon or a few whole cloves* in as well. The rice smells a bit too… well… ricey when it’s warm, and a strong counter-odor helps with that.
Just make sure you shake it around a bit after taking it out of the microwave – you can sometimes get little pockets that are superheated, and if you disperse the contents a bit that helps avoid burns.
*I learned the hard way that dumping a tablespoon of ground cinnamon/clove/nutmeg/etc into a sock leads to a big powdery mess and sometimes a rash, so now I only use strong-smelling things that are big enough not to sift through the sock.
Sorry about the fall, I’ve had quite a few myself — especially on the cement cat porch steps when wet. If you don’t have skid-proof steps, look into that. A cheap solution is to use roof shingles cut to fit steps, glued down. Works wonders in wet weather.
I guess the cutie kitty looking in is another visitor and/or stray, dreaming of heaven at the Ander3sons. My stray cat feeder buffet has three regulars now, they show up every evening when I put out fresh dry food mixed with one can wet. One late afternoon I came driving up to find SIX cats hanging around the feeding area, whew! Several have become very tame, but won’t let me touch them…I get can get close, but more time needed to actually pet them.
Take care of yourself.
Sounds like you are following in my footsteps!! All you can do is take it easy and watch some tv…ok, a good pain pill would help : )
Do you think someone is “dropping” off cats around your house??
Take care and relax for a while, Robyn. I hope you feel better soon.
I have a feeling that cat wants to be part of your posse. What a cutie! 😀
I’m so sorry to hear that. I did the same thing years ago, but I bounced on my butt down the stairs. Cracked my tailbone. ANYWAY, I’m glad your ok – just rest and put ice on yerself. 🙂
wow, this has happened to me. Those shoes are skates in any kind of water.
Ouch. Thank goodness nothing is seriously ouchie. The crazy cat people and their cat magnets strike again! I have someone who is visiting my place too. He/She sits at the patio door and “talks” to my cats through the screen. He/She runs away when it sees me. I’m hoping it’s just a female in heat who has a home to go to. OK Actually not hoping it’s female in heat, but you know what I mean.
Hellew Lady! Hear tell there’s food, warm beds and hugs here.
Feel better!
I love Crocs but have forced myself to only wear them in the house as slippers at night right now. I am a klutz who has had too many near misses in them. I’m wearing my old soft spots “oxfords” which are very stable. One person with a broken ankle per house is enough please God. I feel all flylady in the grownup ready for anything shoes and am hoping it will be step one to better organizational skills for me. I had them long ago but they got lost somewhere along the way. Robyn I hope you feel better! Are you sure it’s not broken? I’m paranoid we were told at the ER my husband’s ankle wasn’t broken and it’s thought a hairline fracture was missed and became a compound fracture. I’m a bit paranoid about injuries right now! I loves me some buff kittehs-I need to know this new one’s story!
OUCH!! Get rid of the Crocs. They’re obviously unsafe and hideously ugly too. If you wear shoes that completely cover your feet and toes and have a tread on the bottom, you’ll be a lot healthier and happier. Trust me, you’ll get used to proper shoes after a while.
Here endeth the lecture…
It sure does seem like folks in your area like to drop kitties off at your house. This one is a beauty, isn’t he?
Oh, that sucks! After we moved to the country, I started doing things like that on a regular basis–stepping in unseen holes, slipping down slimy cement steps, and even doing the cartoon thing of stepping on a rake handle in the dark (bam, rake meets forehead). Seems like I’m always limping or screaming or both. So please put ice on your shoulder and arm and lie around and pet kittehs. And make Fred sift the kitty litter!
(don’t forget nature’s painkiller, cookies/cake/ice cream.)
I think HE (wide face, big jaws) is “culvert kitty’s” daddy ; )
I wondered this, too, Vicki! Similar coloring, seems like.
In answer to your question – I think it is your new cat!
Robyn, you’re seriously going to make us suffer in suspense until Monday?!!?!?
Sorry about your *trip* down wet steps. If pain meds and kitteh snuggles are ineffective, please get shoulder and elbow x-rays.
Two years ago my husband fell and hurt left elbow; two hours later terrible pain ensued. X-rays showed broken left radial head. One week later surgery to remove broken radial head; titanium radial head was implanted. He’s bionic!
Hope you’re feeling better sans above described drama.
Ouch! Glad you’re OK, and recommend warm shower to help loosen up your back, and possibly MRI/Xray, as those injuries can be tricky.
Serious OW!
Sofa,TV, ice cream and kittehs for the weekend. Hope it’s better soon. Lavender in with the barley in a sock smells good too.
Your new visitor?
I have a Gumbie Cat in mind, her name is Jennyanydots;
Her coat is of the tabby kind, with tiger stripes and leopard spots.
All day she sits upon the stair or on the steps or on the mat;
She sits and sits and sits and sits–and that’s what makes a Gumbie Cat!
Thank you TS Eliot.
Ouch, get better..
I know who it is… It is another ‘it’s not our cat’ that has come to live at your house! 😉
I feel for you, Robyn. I skiied through Walmart in my Crocs(wet from rain) one time and fell on my butt in the Hallmark aisle. Ugly or not, they are the most comfortable shoes I have ever worn and I can’t seem to quit them. I hope your bruises heal soon, it seems there is a new kitty who needs you. 🙂
The kitteh is – Permanent Resident #12? Muahaha…since I have 12 permanent cats, you only tip over into hoarding cat lady if you get 13 😉
Glad you didn’t hurt yourself too badly, & hope you feel better soon!
oh geeze! I’m happy you are okay. Yesterday must have been a bad luck day everywhere. My son wrecked badly on his bike. The school nurse thought he broke his arm, just a sprained arm thank goodness! Then his friend was trying to be nice and rode his bike home for him and was hit by a car on my son’s bike. (hmm maybe the bike is cursed!) Sons friend is okay, but now bike needs a new front rim.
Holy crow, I would swear Newt’s dad, but then I can’t tell the gender & age..
Oh ouch. That was a fuckity-fuck moment if ever there was one. Hopefully Fred will baby you a bit (meaning a lot) over the weekend.
Time to keep your shoulder muscles warm. All suggestions above woill help; even better with a couchful of kittehs to keep you company. You’ll be more sore tomorrow most likely. Sorry.
That’s a salty country cat and he heard a rumor that your digs are the best around.
Sorry you fell. Get rid of the crocs- they are EVIL.
I feel your pain. Or I did in January! I learned those crocs are slippery when wet so I only wear them when it’s 100% dry outside. I don’t have steps do go up and down here, but obviously I don’t need steps to fall! Hope you are feeling better today.
Who’s THAT? The next Anderson kitty?? 🙂 He’s adorable!
he has go to be related to Newt! What a cutie pie whoever he is…luv his orange tuxedo 🙂