I wanted to tell you to please let your readers know about heat stroke in animals. Yesterday I received a phone call from my 14 year old that one of our beloved dogs was dead. I raced home to see if I could figure out what had happened and was convinced that she was poisoned. We took her to the vet and they did a necropsy (sp) (autopsy on animals) and determined that it was heat stroke. She was healthy, had plenty of water, and was used to being outside. The temp outside was only about 85. The vet said she got over excited and couldn’t cool herself down. Here’s the bad part, if we had known something was wrong all we had to do was hose her down to cool her off. Please let your readers know about this silent killer due to the hot summer we are expected to have.
The vet also said that heat stroke can kill in less than 20 min.
FYI (information found here):
In case of an emergency, it’s important to be able to identify the symptoms of heat stress caused by exposure to extreme temperatures. Check the animal for signs of heavy panting, glazed eyes, a rapid heartbeat, restlessness, excessive thirst, lethargy, fever, dizziness, lack of coordination, profuse salivation, vomiting, a deep red or purple tongue, and unconsciousness.
If the animal shows symptoms of heatstroke, take steps to gradually lower her body temperature immediately. Follow these tips, and it could save her life:
* Move the animal into the shade or an air-conditioned area.
* Apply ice packs or cold towels to her head, neck, and chest or immerse her in cool (not cold) water.
* Let her drink small amounts of cool water or lick ice cubes.
* Take her directly to a veterinarian.
And probably it goes without saying, but just in case: pleasepleaseplease don’t leave your pet in a closed-up vehicle, even if you just need to run inside a store for a minute. Cars heat up far faster than you’d expect, and you don’t want to come back to your car to find a suffering or (god forbid) dead animal.
* * *
Yesterday being Father’s Day,
I the cats ordered four of
these candy bars for Fred (four because to just order one would have been silly with the price of shipping)(in retrospect, perhaps a selection of “exotic” candy bars would have been better, rather than four of the same kind? What can I say, they’re cats. This sort of thing doesn’t occur to them.). Fred gave one a try and gave me a bite of it, and I have to say – it’s weird, and not (in my opinion) a good weird.
I think he had a good Father’s Day. He got to do stuff outside, he made a trip to Lowe’s, and we had roast, mashed potatoes, and
baked squash.
Me, aside from making dinner, doing dishes, paying bills, organizing my recipe box, vacuuming, and cleaning out litter boxes, I did a whole lot of nothing. A WHOLE lot of nothing. It was exhausting, so I took a nap in the afternoon and then went back to my nothing-doing. Except for the part where I got on my hands and knees and cleaned all the hardwood floors in the downstairs portion of the house, that is.
Sundays are made for doing nothing, I think, especially when it’s the middle of the month and you’ve only
read four books the entire month.
(Speaking of books, I read all of
Blaze yesterday, and I loved it. LOVED IT. It has no supernatural/ horror aspects to it at all, and it’s an homage to
Of Mice and Men (also very much worth reading if you haven’t already). I highly, highly recommend it.)
* * *
Back at the beginning of the month,
Jenn left a comment saying that she had a recipe for green tomato chili and to let her know if I wanted it. Since Fred loves the hell out of chili, I asked her for it, and on Saturday I made a batch. It was a big hit not only with Fred, but also with me. It was FABULOUS, and I highly recommend it – and considering we have approximately 10,000 green tomatoes, I’m sure we’ll be having it all summer long.
Recipe is
* * *
I was in Hallmark last week, and I saw this magnet.

And I stared at it, and I read it, and I read it again, and I read it yet a third time. I don’t get it at ALL. Someone explain it to me?
* * *
Mister Suspicious:

Maryanne (Fred can’t remember her name, just calls her “Blue Eyes.”)

This reminds me of George from Seinfeld, coming out after taking a nap under his desk.

Always a laydee.

“YEOW! Now, that was SOME catnip!”
* * *
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: All I heard on the other end was laughter.
2003: “Motherfucker. He never told
People how he was soooooo in love with me when WE were together!”
2002: A world where smiley faces and “fuckity fuck-fuck-fuck!”s will abound. I can hardly wait!
2001: Why, just this morning I was thinking to myself
Why is Ben Affleck stalking and following me dressed like a Frenchman?
2000: No entry.]]>
It sounds like you did quite a bit – scrubbing floors is not an activity for a day off!
Bacon flavored chocolate?? THE HORROR! Weird tasting? You are just being being polite ๐
Since you said Dutch Oven guess what ear worm I now have? Thanks! Pass the dutchie from the left hand side……
Dude, it ain’t bacon-flavored, it’s bacon in a candy bar! The two best things ever in one hand bar! ๐
I could be wrong, but I think the magnet means that they think they are *really* beautiful?? It’s really dumb, at any rate.
Bacon covered chocolate??? Ewww! (but my 8 year old would probably love it…)
And by ‘hand bar’, I of course mean ‘handy bar.’
That wouldn’t have been the flavor I would have chosen but there were some other ones that sounded really cool like the ones with chilis or coffee. The curry sounded really interesting.
We saw Blaze in !ndigo yesterday and I said “Hmmm. Richard Bachman, with a foreward by Stephen King.” And Jamie said “Yeh, they’ve always been tight,” and I said “Must be good, King said he was done blurbing books.” And then we laughed like fucking goons.
You have to try some of the other Vosges candy bars (especially the one with the olives!). I bought SIX of them this weekend and am slowly making them disappear.
I am surprised the cats didn’t buy the black cat candy bar.
Oh god Sharon,I’m SO sorry for your loss!It’s not as if you were negligent.
Usually Robyn or Fred journals give me my first laugh or smile of the day,but…
The other day I saw a dog in a car with the tiniest of crack in the window so I went into the store and very loudly told one of the clerks about the situation and within two minutes the owner/car/dog were gone.
oh Maryanne!!!!
The thing says that if the level of beauty is measured in intelligence… the writer… owner, whatever is a Genius. IE if you were an ugly chick, you would be a dumbass, if you were an ok chick you would be smart, if you were pretty you would be intelligent and of course if you were Gorgeous then you would be a ‘freaking genius’. *big cheesy smile*
Now, a bacon and chocolate candy bar? GAAAAROOOOOSSSSSS!!!
Hey Robyn, guess what? I have five new little adorable babies!!! Oh, and guess what? That whole experience of watching a cat give birth? *wretching sound* Wild Kingdom!
Oh, and Dont worry, she is getting fixed the second it it safe to take her, and the kittens. We are keeping two, Mom gets one, my sister gets one and Bill’s cousin gets one. So, they are all getting good homes. I’m going to put up pictures now.
I actually read a recipe on LJ that was bacon caramel chocolate stuff. She said it was divine, and from the recipe I don’t doubt it. Salty/sweet/smoky/chewy/chocolaty almost sounds like too much of the good thing. I’ve been wanting to try it ever since I read about it.
SIlly kitties, if you are going to order from Vosges, get the Naga truffles. Best chocolate ever!
I was just reading your post from this date in 2004, and you made mention of buying gas for 1.92 a gallon – for the cheap stuff, as if that was expensive! Very funny. Also – ” I like cheese – just not on a salad” I had forgotten about that. I really tried to work that into my own daily life, but I could never find a smooth way to work it in.
i seriously considered a nap under my desk this weekend…
Robyn, today while I was at my mall, they had cages with baby tigers and you could go sit and play with them for $25 for 8 min. for 2 people….. I was with my daughter and can you believe I didn’t do it!!!! I’m not sure what’s wrong with me, I think it was the fact that I didn’t have my camera and I wanted pictures for evidence and to remember the whole thing. Damn myabe I will go back tomorrow… they were just so cute… I kept thinking of you and Fred and how much you paid to do it.
Also, I did the same thing with the magnet.
Sharon – I am sorry for your loss, but maybe something good will come out of it by sharing the story with all of us.
I leave my dog locked in a dog run in the backyard while I am away – and to some maybe that seems cruel, but I can’t leave her in the backyard alone because the neighbor’s pit bulls have broken down the fence and nearly killed her. The fence has been fixed, but their little ankle biter dogs keep sneaking under – which makes me nervous that the fence is still weak and I am not going to take that kind of chance. Leaving her in the house is not an option.
But I digress. Here in northern CA, temps have been in the 100’s lately and I have not yet set up the mister to help keep my beloved cool. I will make sure I take the time to do that TONIGHT – because I don’t want to have to get the same phone call you received. It would absolutely break my heart.
Sharon – it isn’t your fault. Thank you for sharing your heartbreak so that others may be spared a similar fate.
GACK! Bacon covered chocolate sounds just as awful to me….BUT I do like hot spices in my chocolate. “Hand Bar” heeee ๐
Gina – why can’t you leave your dog in the house? It seems cruel to have a dog if you are going to keep it outside for 8-10 hours a day in 100 degree temps w/ only a mister and some water.
Sharon – I’m so sorry and will keep you in my prayers and thoughts.
Yeah, I don’t understand why leaving the dog in the house is “not an option”. If you can’t have a dog in the house, don’t have a dog.
Not trying to create drama here, but this subject gets me all kinds of upset. Don’t leave your dogs outside in the oppressive heat, people. Please!
So, so tragic about Sharon’s dog. What a terrible day.
That’s just plain silly. A mister, shade, and plenty of water is enough to keep them cool. Have you ever seen construction workers on the job in the middle of summer? It gets hot, but a healthy dog can be just fine in outside. I’ve talked to my vet about it and she says it’s fine.
We keep our dog mainly outside also. He is in a very large dog run, with a dog house, a shade cover, a kiddie pool filled with water every morning, tons of water and food and we take him out for long walks. The average dog is not going to die leaving him outside even when it is warm as long as they have the correct supplies. He comes in in the evenings to sleep in my sons room and my son pals around with him most of the day… but having him outside does not make me feel guilty. What would make me feel guilty is if he was tied to a pole with only a dog house and a half empty bowl of water. As long as they have adequate shade and shelter and LOTS of water, there is no reason to worry. Now, we did have two chihuahua’s also and because I will not have a dog in my house, we found them new homes. They are not bred for outside dogs especially in a cold area. For them it was much better to have a different home.
Thatโs just plain silly. A mister, shade, and plenty of water is enough to keep them cool. Have you ever seen construction workers on the job in the middle of summer? It gets hot, but a healthy dog can be just fine in outside. Iโve talked to my vet about it and she says itโs fine.
Construction workers can sweat normally – if you read the article Robyn linked, you will see that dogs cannot. Plus there is the whole issue of dog theft, animals getting in the yard and attacking the dog in addition to heat stroke and frostbite. It amazes me that in this day and age there are people that will neglect their animals this way – it’s like I heard someone say when I worked at the ASPCA “if people did this to a child, everyone would be outraged”.
OK, I am going to shut up and sit on my hands as I can see this could turn into one of those heated duscussions that wind up on Stirrdup or whatever that site is.