
serving saver container and the poop scoop, and as soon as she was done I stopped her from kicking litter over it, and I scooped the whole stinking mess into the container (and you should know that the idea of doing something like that makes me want to barf, but in practice I don’t actually have too much of a problem with it) and ran it to the vet. Where they ran tests on it and didn’t find a single goddamn thing. Which is good, I guess, but she’s still having diarrhea and tromping through it, damnit. Damn cats.

* * *
Good god, it’s June 16th already. THE SUMMER’S PRACTICALLY OVER! How the hell did that happen?
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This is the story of how my husband is a fucker. Last night I spent some time with the kittens before bed, and then I came out of the kitten room at 9:20ish, as I always do. I went into the bathroom and did my usual nightly pill-taking, tooth-brushing, reading-on-the-toilet (oh, please. LIKE YOU DON’T.) routine. At some point, while I was brushing my teeth, I glanced out into the bedroom and saw Fred get up out of bed and leave the room. I thought no more of it, and finished my routine. But when I was done and came out of the bathroom, Fred was nowhere to be seen. I decided he’d perhaps been overcome with the need for some kitten snuggling, so I went into the closet to change into my nightgown. I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it in the dirty clothes hamper, and then thought to myself “Wouldn’t it be just like Fred to be hiding in here to scare the shit out of me?” I glanced over my shoulder at the corner behind the closet door. It was empty, no one was there, and I turned back around to grab my nightgown. And as I turned around, a blast of air came from the corner of the closet opposite the one I’d looked at, and it scared me so badly that I screamed at the top of my lungs, threw my nightgown down on the floor, and ran in place while wildly flailing my arms around, all at the same time. That fucker WAS hiding in the closet, just not where I expected him to be. I guess I’m just lucky he didn’t have the video camera with him.
* * *
Andrew Vachss weighs in on the Michael Jackson trial. Speaking of Vachss, I’m a little leery of this new book he’s got coming out. I mean, “an epic story of postwar America”? Eh. I’d much rather see another Burke novel. On a side note, I read the Amazon interview with Andrew Vachss and discovered that one of the characters in his new book is named Walker Dett. An homage to Detta Walker? It’s gotta be.
* * *
From my comments: Once again i have to ask…are you SURE you’re going to be able to give up those babies? It’s going to be hard as hell, but I think of it this way: If I beg Fred to let me keep Oy (or Edgar, or Flossie… or all of them!), he will never ever let me have foster kittens again, ever. And I want to be able to do it again, so I’m going to have to just do it. It’ll help to know that they’ll definitely all be going to really good homes. I’m sure I’ll cry like a big baby when it’s time to take them to the pet store, but I can do it. I can. Really. (Yeah, I don’t believe me, either.) Is that still your evil nemesis laptop? Yeah, we still have the same laptop featured in this entry. I don’t know exactly what it is, just that it’s a Toshiba, and (at least at the time we bought it) it was the biggest kind you could get. That right there should let you know that Fred’s the one who picked it out, because if it had been up to me, I would have chosen a much smaller (and lighter) laptop. (Edited to add: Fred says it’s a Toshiba Satellite. This one is a little bit faster than ours, but otherwise it’s pretty much the same.) The laptop doesn’t get a whole lot of use, but on days when I need to spend time away from my computer – such as, spending the entire day in a room with cats waiting for one of them to poop – it really comes in handy. Last year when we went to Gatlinburg for Memorial Day weekend, we brought it with us and it came in handy because we can watch DVDs on it. I always consider taking it to Maine with me, but I prefer to have to carry as little luggage around with me as possible, and knowing me I’d leave it on the plane. Here’s a question you may/may not want to address in your journal one day: Keeping in tune with all the kitty questions, share with us which kitty likes which person the best and how do you know he/she does? I would say that Mister Boogers likes Fred best, judging by the looks o’ love he’s always giving Fred, and Miz Poo likes me best, judging by the fact that she MUST be on top of me 24 hours a day. Spot and Spanky pretty much like us all equally, though Spanky does like to climb up on me and lay there at night or when I’m laying in bed talking on the phone. Also, if Mister Boogers feels the desperate need for love and Fred isn’t around, I’ll do in a pinch, and Miz Poo will look to Fred for love when I’m not around. Also, since you’ve put up the comments page for us, do you find that you get fewer emails asking you questions regarding the day’s entry? Yeah, they’ve dropped off quite a bit since I allowed comments, though I do still have about 20 emails to respond to, and the majority of them are asking questions about or making comments about an entry. I’m horrible at responding to email unless you’re related to me – or Nance or Jane – but I do read them as soon as I get them. I swear I’ll respond to them soon. I swear it! This is off the topic of your post, but still important I think! I want to know when you are Fred are going to put all your technological know how and I’m sure amusing banter together and have a podcast for your many fans to listen to! Go to www.podcastalley.com and listen to a few, and I’m sure you guys will agree you can do better. So, when is the podcast coming? Hmmm? I would say that the podcast will be coming right around the time hell freezes over. 🙂
* * *
Now for some excellent links, found in my comments: you must check out this cat – funniest thing ever! Winston Stuff on my cat. Apologies if you’ve already seen it. I giggled my arse off at the pics. Hey, I remembered you posting about Napoleon Dynamite a while bag (tater tots – the randomness) and wondered if you had seen this link. You can learn to do the dance number!! They are SO cute! We have four kittens right now, they are 3 1/2 weeks old, that look a lot like yours!I have pics of ours from day one on my blog, but you might have to search the April archives to find them all. Our kitties were born April 24th (and how AWESOME that our mama kitty is so young she wanted me RIGHT THERE the whole delivery time. (Hey, our kittens were born on April 24th, too!)
* * *
The section with the kittens. Today’s kitten movie is here. I call it “Fight Club 2”, ’cause it’s mostly a movie of the kittens fighting. At one point you can see my chubby little hand come into the picture as I decide Peanut needs some saving, and I think I probably talk to him and kiss him a lot, because I always do. I mean, really. How can you NOT kiss them? New movie when I get around to it. We’ll be giving the kittens their deworming medicine tonight, and weighing them at the same time. I swear to god, Snoopy is getting so big he’s probably gained a pound in the last week. If they’re all within a few ounces of two pounds, I’ll be calling the vet tomorrow to make an appointment for spaying and neutering. (Is it wrong that I’m kind of hoping they’re not all close enough to two pounds?) Miss Flossie and my foot. Miss Flossie surrenders to the belly rub. Porky and the laptop. “Okay, you go to the blue litter box – you’ll know it when you see it – and take a left. Go about three hops and stop for some vittles at the food bowl, and then you can’t miss it.” “Good christ, people. Why won’t you just let me SLEEP?” Kittens checking out the cord that connects the mouse to the laptop. Sleepy kitties. Damn she’s cute.]]>

16 thoughts on “6/16/05”

  1. My partner & I are housesitting for a couple who are in Europe for a year and they have a magazine rack in their bathroom. Mounted to the wall. Ha!

  2. Hey Robyn, I just watched the latest kitty movie and I was wondering if the subliminal picture thrown in was a tribute to Fight Club? I saw it flicker through, and had to back it up to watch it again…

  3. My husband also thinks it’s hilarious to hide in dark places and pop out and scare me. I ALWAYS scream at the top of my lungs. Usually the reaction is delayed by about four seconds, which makes it all the more funny to him.
    But if I do it to him, I’m about to give him a heart attack and need to STOP IT. Hrmph.
    Those kitties are just TOO cute. Sigh. I love Snoopy!

  4. Just a thought re Mia’s diarrhea: Our cat Schatzi had the same problem for quite a while. Nothing wrong could be found with him either. I finally decided to switch catfood and that did the trick; he hasn’t had a problem since. We switched to Sensible Diet regular (not diet) adult catfood. If Mia is eating the kitten chow, it might be too rich for her system.

  5. I have resisted as long as I can. I want the kittens. All the kittens. Give me the kittens now!

  6. I’ve got to say you do take awesome kitten pictures! You could easily do a calendar of them to raise money for a kitty charity. Maybe they could sell them at the shelter and/or the pet store you volunteer for??

  7. The euphemism around my house for “taking a crap” is “going to the library.” I’m glad that at home there’s no shame in taking reading material to the throne room. Too bad it’s not so acceptable at work…

  8. Beautiful kitties! The other day you mentioned glucosamine/chondroitin. Where do you buy yours? Locally or online? I am thinking about trying it myself.

  9. Renate: We’ve thought about changing up her food, but we leave bowls of kitten food out all the time, and there’s really no way to make her eat just the one kind of food.
    Katherine: They’re actually putting a calendar together at the shelter; I’m going to submit some of the best pictures for it, and we’ll see. 🙂
    Lilred: The glucosamine/chondroitin I’m taking is a bottle that Fred bought at (I think) Wal-Mart a few months ago. I’ve bought it online before, and at the grocery store too.

  10. EEEEKKK!! My EYES! They have been ASSAULTED by the ultimate kitty cuteness!! This is my favorite, favorite age. I feel nauseated. Bleh.
    And Damn you Fred. Damn you all to hell, where the hell was the video camera? You know you need that to hold over her head!! LOL (especially when it is time for the “givin’ up o’ the kitties”. 😉

  11. My sister-in-law had the same poop problem with one of her cats and it was the food. She switched to Wellness brand and that solved the problem.

  12. Hey, hi… I just found you, through Fussy.org, I think.
    Anyway, we foster dogs, and I just wanted to tell you how cool it is that you’re raising the kitties, and while it’s ridiculously hard to let them leave, the christmas cards, emails and pictures from their new “forever homes” are really awesome and make it all worthwhile.
    Keep posting pictures of those adorables, please!

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