this again in my life (warning: link will make you cry. Hard.)
(Link from Whitters)
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A couple of people emailed me, and also one or two of you left comments yesterday and today reminding me not to invest too much money in jeans or any clothes, since I’ll be shrinking out of them. Oh trust me, I know! The jeans in yesterday’s picture were a gift from Awesome! Reader! Bobbie! (who rocks), and with someone’s advice I bid on jeans over on eBay. I ended up with two pair of Old Navy jeans for $13 and a lot of Lane Bryant jeans (and capris) for $20. Once I’ve shrunk out of them, I’ll find a good home for them. And I think the smaller I get, the better luck I’ll have with finding my size in the thrift stores around here.
Hopefully, anyway!
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I went this morning to have my hair cut and colored. I mentioned previously that I was going to go shorter and lighter (to which Fred responded “You’re going to come home with a platinum blond crew cut, aren’t you?” Heh.), but when I told my HairChick that I wanted to go lighter, she suggested going with highlights.
And since I am as malleable as Play-Dough, I agreed, and I’ve gotta say – I like it! The highlights probably aren’t noticeable to anyone but me, but I don’t care. I notice ’em, and I like ’em!

(Don’t expect to see my hair styled like this ever again, since I don’t go for the whole styling thing, really. Spray in some gel, blow the top partly dry, and that’s about it!)
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I didn’t sleep worth a shit last night. First of all, Fred and I went on a three mile hike last night, and by the time we went to bed, I was dead on my feet. So I didn’t even try to stay up and read after he went to bed, just went immediately to bed myself.
And do you suppose I could fall asleep? Of COURSE not. I must have tossed and turned for an hour or more before I finally drifted off to sleep. Then I kept waking up, because my legs and hips were aching like hell (due to the hike), and every time I woke up, Sugarbutt came bouncing up on the bed to knead on me (he’s a strong little fucker) and licklickLICK my neck. Finally, I made like a turtle (pulling my shoulders up so he couldn’t get to my neck), and he’d settle down next to me. And I’d juuuuuuust about fall back to sleep, when he’d decide that his paw needed to be on my face, or his nose needed to be on my cheek, or he needed to hook his neck over my head. Which is cute and all, except for the tenth time it happens, and all you freakin’ want to do is SLEEP, only your legs and hips ache so badly that you can’t find a comfortable position.
At one point Sugarbutt was kneading and licking, Tommy was rubbing his nose on my hand, hoping for a pet, Miz Poo was sitting on the pillow right by my head, cleaning herself, and Mister Boogers was curled up in the crook of my knee, growling at me if I dared to so much as move, and I said “Oh you have fucking GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!”, and I grabbed the can of compressed air and they all immediately scattered.
For about two minutes, when the whole game started over again.
Add to that that I needed to get up at 6:00 to get my (4 mile!) walk in before I had my hair appointment*, and I kept waking up thinking I’d overslept, and it just wasn’t a good night for me.
Not to mention that I woke up three separate times with my tongue COMPLETELY DRY. Not just a bit dry, not just “Oh, I should drink some water.” No, completely DRY TO THE TOUCH. This is something I’ve dealt with ever since surgery, and it can’t be a dehydration thing, since I drank 4 liters of water yesterday and a couple of Diet Snapples. I’m sure it’s because I sleep with my mouth open, but I’ve always slept with my mouth open, and if anyone has any suggestions, feel free to leave ’em in the comments, because a dry tongue? A very gross feeling.
*6:00: Wake up.
6:00 – 6:30: Putter around the house, use the bathroom, put contacts in, take morning medication, get dressed, make bed, clean out litter box, check email, put sunblock on, put socks and shoes on, get BobPod, leave the house.
6:30 – just before 7:45 (I’ve knocked about five minutes off my 4.16 mile walk! Woot!): Walk.
7:45 – 8:15: Fuck around in front of the computer, answer email, get water, goof off.
8:15 – 8:45: Shower, fold laundry, read a little bit.
8:45: Wake up spud, leave for hair appointment.
In case you were wondering why I’d need to get up so early for a 9:00 appointment.
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Speaking of that hike last night, as Fred described it to me, it was one mile going downhill, one mile going uphill, and one mile flat. Now, I know I’ve told y’all that I am so very NOT crazy about the uphill stuff, but may I say? It really wasn’t that bad. Fred asked me to rate the hike on a scale of 1 to 10, and I decided it was a 5 (though my first thought was that it was a 4, really). I mean, there was uphill stuff and I sweated a lot and breathed awfully hard sometimes, but how many times did I ask to stop and rest?
ONCE. Just once, and just because I thought I was going to pass out.
I finally had to lay down the law for future hikes with Fred, though, because he tends – when we’re going uphill – to turn to me every minute and say “Do you need to stop?”, because he doesn’t know the two fundamental rules of Robyn Hiking, which are (1) If I stop, I’m not going to want to start again, and (2) If we stop, it just takes that much longer to get to the fucking top of the fucking hill.
This hike wasn’t bad because while there were uphill parts, they mostly had plateaus for a little bit after each hill, which allowed me to catch my breath.
I wish I’d taken a camera with me, because Fred actually SWEATED this time. Of course, I was soaked in sweat and he just had the slightest film of sweat, but still. Sweat!
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I got this Father’s Day card for Fred’s father. It cracks me UP.
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“What the hell was I going to do? Why’d I come in here? Did one of the boys need a bitch-slap? I just don’t REMEMBER.”
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2005: Due to Poop Watch version 2.0, there is no entry for today.
2004: Damn weather!
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Itβs the wild monkey sex, I must confess.
2000: “It’s NOT a cult, Mom!”]]>
Well, I had to read that story you linked to in several parts because of the crying-at-work thing.
I honestly don’t know how anyone could do that for a living…I mean, God bless em for doing it because SOMEONE has to but…wow…there are no words.
It does inspire me though…I think I shall find a way to help.
Oh, and BTW, love, love, LOVE the do!
What’s worse, is having dry tongue that’s melded to your teeth, and you have to pry it off. I HATE that. No suggestions here, sorry!
That piece about the shelters was heart-wrenching! So incredibly awful.
In lighter news, though, I work part-time at a Hallmark store and I just put out that card you got Fred’s dad a few days ago and LOVED IT! I’m glad you liked it, too! π
Oh, your hair is ADORABLE! It truly looks great – and helps show off your thin(!) face.
Oh man, that article about the shelter just did me in. I will never, ever understand why people don’t spay or neuter. Right now I have two cats, with a third one wanting to be taken in. Problem is, he belongs to the neighbors (neutered, thank god), but they must never let him in the house because he spends the nights on our front porch (on a bench with a nice warm blankie I provided). He is a sweet boy, but scared or our two cats. I bring him in once in a while and he makes the best lap cat. Why, oh why do people get animals if they don’t take proper care of them???
Such ultra-cute hair!
Robyn!!! You look FABULOUS!!!!!
Damn. I had tears streaming down my face from that story, even though I work in rescue and KNOW how it is. On the other hand, maybe that’s all the more reason to cry…
Yes! Your hair looks great! I thought that you needed some wispy bangs the last photo you showed, and I guess your hairdresser thought the same! Way cute!
I’m a longtime reader (love your blog!) and have never posted that I can remember, but I just had to drop a line about the dry tongue thing. I lost 120 lbs, and had EXACTLY the same thing happen, so I’m for the theory it’s a general weight loss thing, since I didn’t have WLS. The good news is that, about 1 year into maintaining the loss, it stopped just as mysteriously as it began.
Cute haircut!
That haircut totally fits you! Best cut I’ve seen on you yet. (or rather, out of the one’s you post for us internets to see) You look really great with an above the shoulder cut.
I LIKE the new hair. Especially the color. π
Warning on horrible links, please?
Like the haircut!
I am so unhappy now i am bawling at work because of that article, but it reminds me that you can never do too much for the animals
Such cute hair! And your eyes get prettier and prettier! You are looking great, Robyn π
Against my better judgement, I read the article about the shelter worker, and bawled my eyes out right here at work. There is no way I could do that for a living. I know someone who worked for a shelter, and they all had to rotate through that department, for a month or so at a time, just so no one would have to do it all the time. She said it was horrible.
No matter how bad of a day I can have here, it will never come close to what those poor people have to do each and every day. If I had to do that even once I think it would haunt me for the rest of my life.
I’ve got to stop writing or I’m going to start crying again π
That is the saddest link ever. I just adopted a pet dog a week ago, and it was all I could do not to cry in the shelter knowing the I could only pick one and the rest probably wouldn’t make it. I’ve never had a rescue dog before, and I will never have anything BUT a rescue dog in the future.
all of my kitties are shelter kitties. My next dog will be too. Thanks for that.
Yeah, thanks for making me sob at work, Robyn!
Man, I just get so angry with people when I read stories like that. I have absolute respect for people who work in animal rescue, my heart and head couldn’t take it.
I too had to stop a few times while reading that link because of the crying at work thing. One of these years we plan on getting a dog (after a couple of the cats go) and I think I’ve convinced the DH that we’ll have to go to a shelter rather than buy a purebred. All of the cats we’ve had over the years, total of 8, except for one have been strays. Literally taken off the street. And one of the first things done was getting them fixed. Why oh why don’t people do this?
But on a lighter note of animals, the mama duck and ducklings that I wrote about yesterday were rescued and taken to a pond not to far away. My DH works at our police department and when he got into work (a half hour after I told him about them) he got a phone a call from a lady that was driving down the road saying there was a mama duck and ducklings what can they do about it. He patched her through to that towns police department and they went and picked them up. Made me happy.
Your hair looks great, love that color. I can do the color but not the cut, hair as short as that just doesn’t look right on me.
Your hair looks awesome, Robyn! It’s the perfect cut for you!
The haircut is GREAT! Short hair is definitely the look for you!
I think it’s great you’re hiking! Before I lost my 100+ pounds, I never would have dreamed I would ever, ever, ever like to hike. And now? Heh! I am the QUEEN OF THE UPHILL. Seriously, even my husband (who was the one always bugging me to hike Rather Fred-like I would say …) cannot keep up with me on the hills. Well, I have longer legs than he does, even though he’s taller than I am, so my stride is longer, which translates into faster, which translates into I get to stop and rest at the crest of the hill while I wait for him to catch up. Life is good.
The fact of the matter is that once I start on the hill (and our usual trail main hill is about a mile and a half), ain’t no way I’m stopping until I get to the top. I like to get it over with, and man, it does get my heart going! Which is a good thing.
Have fun with your hikes – it just keeps getting better!
Love the hair…
Helter Shelter is unbelievably heartbreaking, and maddening. These workers are cleaning up after society’s a**holes, to use a mild phrase. As do our police etc, social workers etc, court system etc. I sent it from the website to 2 people who don’t need to be helped by it but maybe it will get to someone and an animal(s) will be spared. Your hair looks great, you look great and most important seem to continue to feel great.
Your fan, Pat in Port Coquitlam, BC