
Know what pisses me off? I’ve been putting off ordering new bras for a few months because I just didn’t WANNA, and now that I’ve hit the critical stage and my bras are basically tattered pieces of material held together by sheer force of my angry will, the bras I love so much, that are … Continue reading “6/11/08”

Know what pisses me off? I’ve been putting off ordering new bras for a few months because I just didn’t WANNA, and now that I’ve hit the critical stage and my bras are basically tattered pieces of material held together by sheer force of my angry will, the bras I love so much, that are SO perfect for me, that I NEED at least four of to get me through until next January or February, when I will be having my chest parts nipped and tucked and then who the hell knows what size bra I’ll be wearing?

Those bras are no longer being manufactured.

GODDAMNIT. Goddamn you, Olga Perfect Fit Full Figure Underwire Bra #35069. You lured me in, you made me love you, and now where the hell are you? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.

I have ordered seven different bras and they all came yesterday, and I have tried them all on and NOT A GODDAMN ONE WORKS FOR ME. I have one that’s a “maybe”, but come on. I’m a size 36DDD (THAT IS “D” IN TRIPLICATE, YOUR EYES ARE NOT DECEIVING YOU), I don’t need a goddamn bra with TWO hooks on the back. I need a goddamn bra with AT LEAST three hooks, preferably four, and with sides that are wide (tall?) enough to firmly hold in all that lovely flabby skin under my arms. I need a bra I can depend on, I need a bra I can love, and nothing I’ve tried so far has cut it at all.

And the bras I’m currently wearing are NOT going to make it for another eight months.

So tell me this – I am in the market for a size 36DDD bra, one with plenty of support (underwires are welcome), one that will hold in the side flab and be comfortable and present a perky bosom to the world at large. Tell me what the perfect bra is, what bra makes you nod your head, secure that it will do all you ask of it and does not cost an arm and a leg, and oh yeah – nice, secure, MEATY bra straps, not those thin little things that dig into your shoulder.

Hit me, y’all. I need HELP, and I know YOU can help me!



Monday, I overdid it. All I did was take a trip to the grocery store, and I don’t know if it was just the wandering through the grocery store or the lifting (which I’m sure I did too much of) or what, but by bedtime I was starting to hurt. I took Tylenol before bed, but between 2 and 3 the next morning, after tossing and turning most of the night, I was in definite pain. I ached from my hips to my ribs. I tried to ignore it but was unsuccessful, and at 3:00 I gave up and got up. I went downstairs and took my favorite pain relief concoction – two Tylenol and two Advil.

On a side note, yes. I have gotten the okay from my weight loss surgeon to take Advil and the okay from my LiverDoctor to take Tylenol, and the okay from both to take both together as long as it’s not on a sustained (ie, weeks) basis. I’ve been advised to take two Advil and two Tylenol together by someone I won’t name so that when YOU try it and drop dead, your surviving relatives can’t sue her.


I was told that the Advil/ Tylenol combo will work, for some people, better than narcotics when it comes to pain relief, and it’s certainly worked well for me. So after 45 minutes when it didn’t work to take away the pain, I was surprised. I ended up taking a hydrocodone, and I sat in the living room and watched the rest of the first disc, first season of The L Word, and by the time Fred came downstairs a little before 5:00, the pain had finally started to fade.

Because I can take a hint from my body (especially when it REALLY FUCKING HURTS), I took it extremely easy yesterday. I did very little around the house, spent most of the day in the recliner, and took a long nap in the afternoon. I kept on the hydrocodone, too, though rather than taking whole pills, I took half a pill every four hours, and it worked well enough.

This morning, I still hurt a little, so I’m going to take it easy again, another day of watching TV in the recliner and not a whole lot else.

I honestly don’t know if I overdid it on Monday, or if – at three weeks out of surgery – I’m starting to do some deep-down healing, or even if the fact that I started my period on Monday has anything to do with it. I feel like I’ve read that women having their period experience pain differently than when they’re not. I might be making that up, though, as Doctor Google’s not giving me any backup on that.

In any case, I’m taking it easy today. I promise!



Look what reader Christine photoshopped for me!

Crack me UP. (Thanks, Christine!)



So now that I know Zoe will eat baby food if it’s offered to her, I generally take her a spoonful on a plate in the morning and again in the evening when I bring a plate of canned cat food in for Kara (which she shares with River, sweet generous Momma that she is). Zoe always bellies right up to the plate (I’m going to start mixing crunchy food in with the baby food to see if I can’t coax her into giving it a try), and yesterday Inara smelled the baby food and came over to give it a try. Only, when she tried to get a little of the baby food, Zoe whipped out the Paw o’ Doom and stopped her.

I love the Paw o’ Doom. It cracks me up.

(Inara did get some baby food eventually; Zoe never eats all that I give her.)

“Why she got to give me the Paw o’ Doom? I always share with HER!”

Fighting kittehs.

“I told Mom that you bit my tail, and she is going to kick your ASS!”

A few more kitten pics over at Flickr.



Tommy on a mission.



2007: I was cross and felt at loose ends yesterday.
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2003: Fancypants goes missing.
2002: Look! It’s PMSing South Park Robyn!
2001: Poor people are so funny, aren’t they?
2000: No entry.

41 thoughts on “6/11/08”

  1. Barenecessities.com has your bra- otherwise try eBay(be wary of 2nd hands that aren’t the size described, I bought some and they were smaller than the tag size). I know how you feel, they discontinued my fav bra too so I switched to Vanity Fair #75-0707. I’ve got D’s but have wierd underarms (had cysts) that most bras bug the sh*t outta me. Also try Olga #35007, it’s my ugly bra- wide band top, bottom and sides, but covers everything!

  2. The tylenol/advil combo worked for me! And no, I’m not the one that gave Robyn the info, btw. My only bitch with it was that it made me very, very sleepy.

  3. And I’m sorry I can’t help you out with bra info (say she who wears a padded bra and knows she’ll never see ONE D in her life, let alone THREE).

  4. Ouch Robyn, hope you are feeling better soon! I may have to try that tylenol/advil combo — tylenol alone never works for me. I usually eat Advil like candy and wait for my liver to explode.

    Sorry — I have no help on the bra situation. I buy cheapies at Wal-mart cause I just don’t have that much to hold πŸ˜‰

  5. There is one particular brand of Curvation brand bras that really works for me, but AFAIK they only go to DD, to DDD, so that’s no help to you.

    (Aside: My text expander turns DD into “disk derangement” which is so appropriate when you consider that large bazumbas often cause back pain.)

    I can offer no scientific support for the period theory, but I can tell you that in the days right before and the first few days of my period, I am all pain, all the time. Even my HAIR hurts. A bump or twinge that I would normally not even notice will leave me incapacitated. Additionally – and sorry ahead of time, this is a bit of grossness – apparently a lot of women (i.e., according to my GYN, not just me) experience some degree of constipation in the days just before their period, and then a surge of ?progesterone? that accompanies the start of the period and triggers mild diarrhea. Even if you’re not noticing any overt change in bowel habit, I wonder if the subtle goings-on in the digestive area might be making themselves felt.

    I intend to try the Advil/tylenol combo the next time I need pain relief. Thanks for mentioning it.

  6. This I can help with! Because of my postop skin, I’m still a 34DDD even when not pregnant and need massive support. I live by the Wacoal Bodysuede Simply Stated Full Figure Bra – Style #85185. It’s comfy and supportive and almost makes me feel like I have boobs rather than just a lot of empty skin! πŸ˜‰

  7. I second the Lane Bryant Cacique line. As Christine mentioned they are pricey, but always on sale. Ad they are about the only ones that work for me – but go with the underwire, not the wide band. I tried the wide band once and wanted to tear off my bra halfway through my work day – definitely frowned upon at place of employment.

  8. You knew I was going to yell about this bra business so don’t even start. Have you been measured by a professional? Because I don’t buy this triple D business. I have not spent a great deal of time examining your boobehs, but 36DDD sounds like the wrong size to me.

  9. I am wearing a great bra in the same size (although maybe it’s a 38DDD). It’s a Wacoal, but I can’t take it off and check the style number until I get home from work, I think, so I’ll send a follow up later. Good straps, four hooks in the back.

  10. I’m still in search of the perfect bra, so I’m no help in that area. But that picture of Inara is just so cute – it looks like a school picture.

  11. If you want something on the cheap side to just tide you over until your surgery, there’s a bra that has Queen Latifah’s picture on the tag (I know, I know, I was leary, too!) and there’s one for “Keeping the sides in” and one for “Back fat” and I have both. They are comfy, and really do work for the side flab. They are larger sized bras, so they may have DDD’s. If not, I think you can try a 38DD and it may fit – it compensates for the smaller cup size.
    Ah, the are the Curvation bras mentioned above by someone. I’d go to a store and try on a 38DD a try, though, see if it works.

  12. I’ve always had issues with finding a comfortable bra — I finally bit the bullet and had one of those bra fitters at a good department store (in my town, that would be Macy’s) help me.

    It changed my life! I discovered that I am not at all the same size in various brands. They really vary so much in how they determine what they call their cup size, as well as the circumference. I thought I wore a B cup, but in reality I needed a C in the bras that ended up fitting me the best. One of my issues is that flab that lives just under my armpits … I need a bra that can contain that!

    Once I found the right bra … with much help from the store expert … I bought six of them in three colors, and I am a happy camper.

  13. I agree with Jane in that you should get sized. It makes a huge difference.

    I also agree with ChrisitneQ about Cacique intimates. This is one of the few clothing items I splurge on. My favorites are the mircofiber Balconette and the Full Coverage Cotton.

  14. Can someone tell me why bra designers/manufactures automatically assume that if you are a larger sized woman with “back fat” you must have big boobs??? I have been searching for a bra in a small B cup with a band that will contain the “back fat”in a 40 or 42 band size. Could anyone help with that???

  15. I’m a big fan of the Wacoal brand, but you’d definitely want to try the bra on before buying it (as opposed to just picking one out on eBay). Are there any professional bra-fitting shops in your area? I find that Wacoal tends to be available only at higher-end places, but they’re well worth the expense and trouble!

  16. Another plug for glamorise! I wear a 40I, so obviously need support. I’m not even going to talk about back and side fat! Straps are comfortable and they hold up well. Triple D is comparable to an F, so you may want to look for that. I buy mine at biggerbras.com

  17. I’m with ChristineQ – I LOVE my Lane Bryant Cacique bras. And right now they are having a buy 2 get 2 free sale. Awesome!

  18. I myself have a heck of a time finding bras. I am a 40G. Yes G as in good greif! I like Le MystΓ¨re. I found them at Nordstroms after I sucked it up and got a professional fitting. Now it’s like I’m not wearing one!! Good luck in your search.

  19. Thanks for reminding me to buy new bras before they stop offering the ones I like. I’d recommend, but they don’t have DDDs. Sorry. It’s an Olga 35040, though, if anyone else is interested. Best bras I’ve ever owned, and these babies have a LOT of work to do.

  20. Another one piping in for Lane Bryant. I’m at a 42DDD right now and frankly I had given up on the old girls, mostly because I was still trying to wear a DD. The girls at LB measured me, stuck a bra in my hand, guided me to the dressing room and didn’t even laugh when I almost cried just a little teeny bit when the bra fit like buttah.

    Also, their jeans make my ass look fantastic. Which has nothing to do with anything except that I am enjoying my ass looking fantastic. I am officially calling for the death of the Mom Jeans.

  21. As for bras, have you tried eBay? I’m serious here: There are a lot of bra vendors with online stores that specialize in obsolete models and more unusual sizes. You might just find your bra there.

  22. I was wearing Lane Bryant 44DDD after being “fitted” at their salons, and though they were the best-fitting I’d had up til now, I’ve since been properly fitted and find I am wearing a 40GG or H, depending on the style of bra. Don’t be afraid to try different sizes with different bras, letting your ‘measurement’ be a base line. If you are normally a 36DDD, you might want to try a 34E.

  23. On the bra front I got nothin. I need to man up and go to Nordstroms for a fitting, but I’m just alittle uncomfortable with a strange woman handling the girls.
    On the tylenol/advil combo. My assvice to you, from someone who works in pharmacy is to be very careful about how much tylenol you’re taking between the combo and the vicodin. You should never take more than 4000mgs of tylenol in a 24 hr. period. Your vicodin may have 325mg or 500mg per tablet plus whatever strength tylenol you take in the combo. People are under the assumption that tylenol being otc is that it’s safe, that’s why some people use it as a choice for a “call for help overdose” problem being is that it doesn’t take much before you end up on the liver organ donor list. That’s the end of my pharmacology lecture. Hope you’re feeling better. Kiss the kittens for me.

  24. Okay, it’s a Wacoal Women’s Awareness Seamless Full Figure Underwire Bra #85567, and I’m wearing the 38G, which is a DDD. I also agree that it’s a good idea to get fitted, and that Nordstrom’s is terrific, if you have access to one. If you don’t, you can always order online and send them back. La Mystere is a good one too, I believe.

  25. I can so relate on bras. I find one I like and will buy a lot of them. Then they wear out and you can’t buy them any more. So then you start all over again.

    On the Tylenol/Adil combo I was told by my doctor after dental surgery I could take both at the same time. However, (as I was told) hydrocodone has Tylenol in it and then you might get too much Tylenol in your system. So you have to check to see what it has and you don’t want to get too much of it at one time. Of course I am not a doctor so don’t go by what I say. And too have you noticed that every doctor you ask has a different answer to the same question?

    Love the Cat pictures.

  26. The pain thing is relevant, I’d bet. I’ve heard that you’re most sensitive to pain just before your period starts, and I made the mistake of getting a bikini wax just before it once. Holy horrible. I almost wanted her to stop halfway through (that would have been so sexy).

  27. I was told the same thing as Dizzy. That if you took the Advil/Tylenol, you shouldn’t take Hydrocodone because it’s a Tylenol derivative, so you should wait the 4 hours before you take it. (But I’m not a medical professional either.)

    And my bra issues don’t compare with DDD. But I still don’t have a bra that I love. Good luck in your bra hunt!

  28. Nothing to do with bras, but wondering all the same. Do you think Kaylee looks like Miz Poo at all? I don’t mean the obvious, that they’re both torties, just curious if her markings or head shape or anything are similar? (Why I care about this might be a better question!)

  29. how are you liking the L Word? I absolutely adore that show — the characters are all so easy to get attached to…and I especially have a soft spot for Shane, even though I can’t relate to her in the slightest….oh, so good.

  30. I used to buy bras at the fancy smancy place downtown for minimum $50 a bra. Then I discovered our local superstore sells a t-shirt bra I love for $10! Don’t even try them on, just grab the D/38’s and I am out of there!

    Happiness is found in a good bra is it not ladies??

  31. Wacoal 85567

    I am a 42 DDD. yes, triplicate! The Price is outrageous – but $62. Yes, crazy, but for something you wear every day (yes I have more than one) – and that lifts, separates and has 3 hooks worth every penny!

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