
Last week when I was at Wal-Mart, I took a mosey through their bakery section, and I eyeballed their blueberry muffins, and I came very close to buying some blueberry muffins, but then I thought twice about it, and I realized that never once in my life have I bought blueberry muffins at a store … Continue reading “6/10/08”

Last week when I was at Wal-Mart, I took a mosey through their bakery section, and I eyeballed their blueberry muffins, and I came very close to buying some blueberry muffins, but then I thought twice about it, and I realized that never once in my life have I bought blueberry muffins at a store that were even a tenth as good as the blueberry muffins I can make at home, even the low fat, reduced calorie ones. I think I’ve decided that when it comes to muffins, I’d rather make them myself than buy a substandard muffin at the store.

I’m kind of a blueberry muffin snob, I guess. I can make better cakes, cookies, meals, salads at home, but I’m willing to buy that stuff already made. When it comes to blueberry muffins, though – most muffins, really – I don’t want to compromise. I know I’ll never go home and make the damn muffins myself, but if it’s a matter of buying the crappy stuff at the store or going without, even if I’m having a blueberry muffin craving, I’d rather go without.

What – and I’m not just talking about food, I’m talking about anything at all – gets your snob mojo flowing?



On Saturday, as he was headed out to do something in the blistering-hot sun, Fred said “Do we have any more sunblock? I just finished that tube of Clinique you gave me.”

I went into the kitchen to dig for another tube of Clinique I’d put in there at some point in the last few months.

“I wouldn’t mind something that costs a LOT less than Clinique,” Fred said prissily as I dug.

“Well, I didn’t get the Clinique for YOU, princess,” I said, then handed him the tube and stomped back into the computer room.

Next time I go to the store, I’m going to get him the shitty, greasy $1.99 stuff, and when it clogs up his pores and makes him break out and he feels like he’s smothering because it’s just sitting on his skin and not absorbing easily and quickly like my lovely Clinique does, I will say “Well, we can’t really afford to provide Clinique for EVERYONE, so I guess you need to just SUCK IT UP, PRINCESS!”

Fucking ingrate.



Is it just me, or does this picture of River:


Look a lot like this picture?



Anyone on Facebook want to play Scrabulous with me? I suck, as anyone who’s ever played against me can attest, but I don’t mind losing! Start up a game against me, I’ll happily play you ’til the cows come home.



Over the weekend, when we had Kara sequestered away from the kittens, we took the opportunity to bring Tommy in to see the kittens and see how they’d react to him.

What we forgot is that Tommy, much as he’s the Goodwill Ambassador, is always a wee bit hissy when he first comes face to face with new cats. We let him into the foster room, he came face to face with Zoe, and he hissed. She got a little, shall we say, kerfluffed.

After they hissed back and forth a few times, Inara – who was hiding under the dresser – started wailing. She sounded so scared that I decided it was time Tommy vacate the premises, which he happily did.

The entire time, Kaylee and River stayed sound asleep on the cat tree.

First visit: not such a rousing success.

A few more kitten pics over at Flickr.



Miz Poo in the sun. Time for a bath!



2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: You are SO jealous of my life. I can tell.
2004: I’m going to drag myself kicking and screaming into this century if it’s the last thing I do, dagnabbit!
2003: “She was over there looking at stamps a minute ago. She did – she cut in line!” he said, and then tsked in disapproval.
2002: I am NOT picking that up, I thought definitely.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.

17 thoughts on “6/10/08”

  1. Well! You’re up early!

    I spent the sweltering weekend in the sun, covered in Neutrogena sunscreen and it worked beautifully. That might be a more economical solution for Princess Fred. (Hee!)

  2. I won’t play Scrabulous with you (because I suck mightly and it’s not that much fun for me), but I will play TextTwist and Pathwords until the COWS come home.

    I was a snob about most nothing, until I tried Bert’s Bees shampoo and conditioner. Now? Heh. Pantene can bite it.

  3. I second the Neutrogena. I live in a high mountain desert a mile up, and the sun is very tough on skin here. I use the Dry Touch SPF55 under makeup and everywhere else, and it’s fabulous. I think Princess Fred would approve.

  4. Hi Bitchypoo,

    I have been reading your blog for a long time. When I realized you liked to play scrabble I was excited. I would love to play with you sometime. I have just registered. Let me know when you are available.

  5. I’ll add you on Facebook – cause I love Scrabble. But it will have to wait until after jury duty! Have a great day.
    Burts Bees makes shampoo?? I’m gonna have to find some of that!

  6. I am such a food snob as well. Pretty much about anything because just about anything you can buy at a store that is premade or at a restaurant you can make at home with better ingredients and it’ll be fresher and taste better about 90% of the time. Baked stuff really gets me the most because I love baking and the prices are unreal. For what some places charge for a dozen cookies I could probably make 10 so there’s no way I will buy them.

  7. I’m a veggie snob. I hate buying them when I KNOW they didn’t just get picked today. Especially corn. If all you’ve ever had is corn on the cob from a grocery store, you’re really missing out. It’s best when you start a pot of water, then run out and pick it. At one point we even had a turkey fryer (with water, not oil) set up next to the sweet corn so we could pop it right in.

    Wow, I AM picky!

  8. Strawberry shortcake. Seriously, those spong-ey weird discs they try to push on you in the produce department right next to the berries? Yuck. It’s too easy to make your own shortcake instead of eating processed chemicals.

  9. A few months ago, I was on a search for the perfect banana muffin recipe. I must say, the Otis Spunkmeyer (sp?) muffins at the grocery are fantabulous!!! The are a bit pricey at about $2 for 3, but they are biiiig and did I mention yummy??? I like to make my own muffins too, but those really hit the spot when I am too lazy or it’s too hot to turn on the oven.

    Also, my sis-in-law found it first, but Coppertone makes a nice sunscreen in a spray with 80 SPF that shoots a fine mist and you do not have to rub it in. It is waterproof and sweat proof and is nice to spray on the kiddles. I was just reading Real Simple magazine and it was rating sunscreens and it had the spray stuff in there that I just mentioned, but only at SPF 30, as a top pick. It also said that manufactures are required to make the sunscreens last 3 years without the… umm… ingredients breaking down. Funny, the 2 cans I just bought expire next year. I wish I had read that first so I could have dug around a while longer before picking one out. *sigh* With 4 kiddles, it should be used up this year anyway… provided I remember to put it on them. Horrible, I know!

  10. I don’t check my FB enough to play with you, or I’d do it.

    I have some Neutrogena 45 for my face that feels pretty nice. And hey, at least Fred is willing to APPLY sunblock. That’s rare for men.

  11. You are right. Nothing beats homemade 9 times outta 10. One thing I can’t stand is to pay the price for some of these baked goods because I could make 3 times the amount a home for that price AND taste better. That’s not snobbery it is fact. A lot of bakeries around here have a funk value to their stuff. I can’t put my finger on it. Must be all the preservative crap they put in that makes it different.

  12. I am a coffee snob!!! I make way better coffee than any place that charges $5/cup! And lattes, I’m such a snob about my espresso machine, and I make damn fine lattes. I still buy them though, because sometimes you want a different flavour or I’m too damn lazy to make my own. Except Second Cup (a Can. chain that competes with Starbucks), their lattes gross me out now because they are too damn sweet and rich, no matter how much I try to explain to the barista to use just a drop less syrup. They just can’t do it right so I’ve switched to London Fogs over there (like a vanilla latte but with earl grey tea instead of espresso). I know you don’t care about any of this because you hate coffee. But you asked hehe

  13. My snob mojo? TV dinners. American Mexican food (but not the authentic stuff). Junk food. American bread. American chocolate. American black licorice. Need I go on? So, yes, I’m a food snob from Germany, where real bread, chocolate, licorice, and cheese grow on trees and where rivers of Italian gelato flow … or something like that.

  14. Robyn, I loathe to tell you about this site, because it is very, very addicting, but for Scrabble, go to the Internet Scrabble Club at isc.ro; you can play others from all over the world, in real time, using WordBiz. I’ve been playing there for years and it’s just great!
    Oh, Charlotte, (comment hijack), Cost Plus World Market for your candy/chocolate/coffee/jam/Dr. Oetker needs and heck, Target carries Milka chocolate, Whole Foods carries Jacobs Kaffee and has Austrian cheese and our local supermarket (Publix) carries Warsteiner and Tucher and there’s even a Meinl Cafe in Chichago (good for visiting, plus mail order) and I’m leaning towards ordering Almdudler from a website I’ve found. We have found a good wurst dude nearby and there’s a German Bread Haus less than an hour away from us, and I’ve learned to make strudel, torten, kipferl, and even marillen marmalade! I know/do all this because, being married to an Austrian, I try to lessen the pangs of “….in Austria” and create our own little pocket of Austria here in Greenacres, FL.! Nothing to do about the gelato, though, other than fly to Italy, where it really is the best!

  15. I would play scrabulous with you if I knew which of the 3,000 Robyn Andersons you were. Maybe you would have more luck looking for me: Stephanie Johnson. HA! I kid! Um…how do you find people like us on Facebook?

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