Would the person who did a site search on “terrified pickles” please tell me what on earth you were looking for? You can leave an anonymous comment, you don’t have to out yourself or anything, I’m just very curious to know what you were hoping to find!
Y’all are some white sheet-having motherfuckers, aren’t you? I think I’m going to stick with my blue sheets for the time being, but maybe when they’re old and threadbare, I’ll look into buying some white ones.
I generally go a couple of weeks between sheet-washing. It doesn’t bother me to know that I’m sleeping on dirty sheets – they don’t LOOK dirty, they don’t smell dirty, why wash ’em, right? I wash towels once a week or thereabouts, and as far as I know I don’t walk around stinking. My towel dries completely between uses and I’m CLEAN when I use it, why would I use a new one every day?
(I also don’t have to worry about staining the sheets at certain times of the month since I discovered the Diva Cup, miracle invention.)
Really, when it comes down to it, I’m just kind of all-around nasty. I’m always picking at my face and chewing on my nails and pulling at my hair, and I sometimes don’t wash my hands after I go to the bathroom (because, come on. I do use toilet paper. I rarely get nasty stuff on my hands in the bathroom, and if I do, I wash them. Otherwise, my hands are always dry enough, why dry them out even more with more washing?). I do wear clean clothes every day (though when I work out, I’m known to wear the same shorts and shirt for several days before I wash them) and I can’t wear a bra for more than one day. My boobs get sweaty, okay? I can’t re-wear a bra that’s been sweated in. I CANNOT.
You people who carry around the antiseptic hand shit? You’re breeding bacteria that is going to TAKE OVER THE FUCKING WORLD. I don’t use that shit, and I don’t remember the last time I was sick. I don’t wash fruits and vegetables that come from the grocery store and I’m still standing. That “veggie wash” is a ripoff. Also, I don’t usually put money in my mouth, but I did it lots when I was younger (like, stuck a twenty between my teeth while I was looking for my keys, not put it in my mouth and chewed on it or anything), and I don’t think I ever got sick from it. The idea grosses me out now, though, I have no desire to stick a germ-laden twenty in my mouth.
I do clean out the litter boxes twice a day, though. Well. Before I had surgery I was. Fred’s been cleaning them out twice a day for the last four weeks. As of this morning, I’m back on litter duty, though I’m still not lifting any heavy buckets of clean litter (that’s Fred’s job for at least a while longer). I also change out the dish towels and dish cloth in the kitchen on a daily basis, which is why I have a huge drawer stuffed full of clean dish towels and dish cloths.
Everyone has their “thing” I suppose, whether it’s scrubbing out the toilets daily (I do; the cats drink out of them!) or using that antiseptic shit on their hands 45 times a day.
What’s YOUR “thing”? Tell me about it, you freaks.
The garden is slowly starting to produce. Fred’s bringing yellow and pattypan squash in almost every day, along with rattlesnake green beans. I LOVE the green beans this year – the ones we grew last year were supposed to be stringless, but they weren’t and we ended up not eating very many of them. The rattlesnake green beans are really good raw and even better boiled and served with a sprinkle of salt and pepper. I had raw green beans on my salad at lunch yesterday; pure heaven. I think today at lunch I’m going to go out and pick a handful of green beans and a yellow squash and eat them raw.
There are two tomato plants in the back yard. They’re located exactly where the chicken coop was last year. Basically, chickens ate the tomatoes, shit out the seeds and two plants resulted. Fred staked them up, and they’re loaded with little green cherry tomatoes. We call them the assmater plants, and so far they’ve only provided us with a couple of ripe cherry assmaters (which were DELICIOUS). No tomatoes from the main garden yet; I expect they’ll all get ripe at the same time. I’m waiting impatiently for an influx of tomatoes; considering how much I hated tomatoes as a kid, that still surprises me a little. We got some ripe tomatoes at a nearby farm stand over the weekend; they were flavorless and mealy.
I’ve started freezing stuff, mostly squash, a serving or two of green beans.
Come on, tomatoes and corn – get a move on!
Oh, we haven’t gotten any zucchini yet, either. I made a buttload of zucchini bread last year, then thawed a loaf and tried it a few weeks ago. I didn’t care for it. I won’t do that again this year!
The cucumbers are slowly coming in, too. Fred wants me to make him a jar of dill pickles using the pickling cucumbers. Considering the rate they’re ripening, it might be a few weeks before I have enough cucumbers for that.
Got a favorite summer squash recipe? Feel free to share, I don’t want to get bored with our usual (boiled squash, oven-fried summer squash, sauteed squash and onion, and Aunt Fannie’s Baked Squash)!
Today’s kitten movie is only about a minute long. You’ve got Zoe scratching around to cover something, Kaylee kicking River’s ass while Inara watches, and then Zoe falling asleep. Tomorrow’s movie will be the last one of the kittens at 6 weeks old (they turned 9 weeks old today), so I suppose I’ll need to get to shooting some more footage, before they’re completely grown.
See it here in MPG format.
I finally got to Wal-Mart yesterday to buy a third baby gate. This means that I can leave the house for a longer period of time without worrying that Kara climbed over the baby gates and killed all our cats, or Mister Boogers climbed over the baby gates and went running upstairs all “Let me show you who THE MAN IS, bitches!” and got his ass killed. With three baby gates, I can block the doorway completely.
There have been a few instances of the kittens venturing down the stairs and looking through the baby gates at Miz Poo, who likes to lay at the bottom of the stairs. They’re mostly curious, not really scared, though last night when we were wrangling kittens Kaylee ran out the foster kitten room and came face to face with Tommy; they hissed at each other, and she puffed up to twice her size.
Now that they’re spending so much time hanging out and playing on my bed, when I go upstairs to visit, they’re a little more willing to be cuddled. They’re also a little more willing to bite my face. It’s a fair trade-off.
Such a pretty momma.
More kitten pics over at Flickr.
2007: Since it’s wet outside, I don’t have to weed today. DARN.
2006: I hate that fucker.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: Then, I stopped and thought about it, which hurt a little.
2002: I was an errand-running fool today.
2001: You always know you’re going to have a nice, clean system the next day if you’ve eaten you a big ol’ helpin’ of okra.
2000: Oh, that’s right. That was my bright idea.
Wow, Tommy looks a little porkey in that last photo, hee! I love me the porkey kitties. As for the cleaning we are pretty much alike Robyn, I change sheets about every two weeks and towels every week also. Sorry no bizare habits to report when it comes to cleaning.
Gael over at Pop Culture junk mail did a blurb about the terrified pickles last week. I’m sure thats what your searcher was looking for.
Tommy is getting downright portly! My husband took a picture of Lily (the teeny tiny Himalayan) and Milo (the ginormous Ragdoll) cuddling together yesterday. At only 1 year old, Milo is turning into quite the little fat ass. Never realized it before… He must get it from his mama! 🙂
Perhaps “aghast cucumbers” did not have the same ring to it!
Sigh. I’m an antibacterial freak. Also, here’s some karma for you re: white sheets. My husband, the King of Bleach, washed the sheets yesterday. The sheets used to have decorative green stitching. Now they have decorative yellow stitching. These sheets have been bleached before so I can’t begin to imagine how much bleach he put in there but it does sort of explain why it smells like an indoor pool at my house when he’s doing wash.
I wash towels after one use except for hand towels. They get changed out about every 2-3 days. Sheets once a week. Kitchen towels daily or every other day. I just figured we were some nasty people. No wonder I’m washing so darn much at my house.
Robyn, I totally agree with you about people being too clean. This antibacterial stuff has gone too far because it kills the good bacteria as well as the bad bacteria. I too don’t always wash my hands after using the toilet at home if I haven’t gotten anything on them BUT I will wash my hands every time if I am using a public toilet because who knows what the person before me had on their hands and then flushed the toilet. It has been proven that kids who grow up in the country playing in the barnyard are far healthier than kids who grow up in the city and aren’t exposed to the same variety of bacteria.
I agree with you on the antibacterial craze, Robyn. Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus. 🙂
I’m with you on the too clean thing – I hate that sanitizer stuff. I was helping a lady at work print a list of things she needs to buy for her daughter who’s starting kindergarten in a month or so (I work in a library) and one of the things on the list was antibacterial hand sanitizer! At my primary school, we didn’t even have soap in the bathrooms most of the times, and none of us died. Not saying that kids shouldn’t wash their hands, but come on – plain soap and water is sufficient.
I try to wash my sheets every week, but I often forget, so it ends up being more like every two weeks sometimes. Towels I wash more often – I try to get two to three uses out of them, but if I forget to hang them up, then they stay wet and smell icky and into the machine they go. I don’t use bleach, after I read somewhere that it gets into the oceans and into the fat of polar bears and seals and causes mutations. So I’ve gotta do my bit for the polar bears. I guess my big Monica cleaning thing is the bathroom basin – for some reason, if that’s clean, I feel like all is right with the world.
Oh, I am so NOT a clean freak!! I am a clutter freak though. Hate it. Clutter stresses me OUT! It also hinders cleaning. So stuff always goes back in it’s place, mail is dealt with immediately, and I keep the knic knacs to a minimum. I think my only other *thing* is keeping the kitchen clean. I cannot go to bed with dirty dishes piled up. Otherwise I am so not into how often I may or may not wash towels and sheets!! It happens when it happens 🙂 Oh, and never would there be white.
This post has finally brought me out of lurker-dom. I probably would have posted before, but there are so many similarities in our lives, I was more than a little worried about sounding stalkerish. I’m over it, obviously.
Anyway, I am SO with you on the “too clean” thing. I’ve probably got 20 bottles of that antibacterial hand shit that people keep giving me for stocking stuffers. I need to just go on and throw it away. I HATE the way it makes my hands feel – yeah, I’ve got dirty hands…let me squirt some goo on them and make dirty goo. Blehhhh…shudder. I can’t remember the last time I had a cold, whereas my husband, who works at a hospital and uses that antibacterial shit like it’s going out of style, had one cold after another this past winter. I give my fruits and veggies the most cursory of washes, unless there’s visible dirt. I have been washing tomatoes especially well, but I don’t expect that to last. Oh, and I’ve also eaten fried chicken and potato salad that’s been sitting around at picnics or family reunions for HOURS, often in the middle of summer. Never had the slightest tummy rumble.
As for the white sheets…I’m partial to them because I love the smell of clean, bleached sheets. I especially like to hang them out rather than use the dryer, so they’re slightly “crunchy” when I get in bed. Ummm…cool, crisp, clean sheets…there’s no better feeling!
Terrified pickles! That’s just too funny!!!
Here are the terrified pickles! http://pcjm.blogspot.com/2008/06/terrified-pickles.html
Here’s a recipe I use for squash, zuchini, bell peppers, onion–just about anything you got in your garden. I’m a first time squash grower this year so I’m really looking forward to using my own squash in it this year. http://www.alithelazydog.com/2008/05/pasta-with-vegetables.html
You’ve used the words “terrified” and “pickles” often enough that if someone didn’t put quotes around it they could easily find you. And having seen the “terrified pickles” on Gael’s site, I think they are things YOU need. 😉
I swear, I’m about two seconds away from hopping in the car and driving to ‘Bama to get Kaylee, gas prices be damned. I am so massively in love with that little girl I can hardly see straight.
Something a friend of mine did for her child, which I thought was awesome, was to put a pretty antique style wooden-framed screen door with a latch on an interior doorframe. It is brilliant – the room is closed off, but you can still see inside, and air can get through, and it is really easy to get through instead of taking baby gates down.
OK, I guess you’re not as bad as this lady. 😛
Oh, I’ve loved little Zoe from the get-go. Her falling asleep just kills me. Thanks for posting those videos!
I’m with you on colored sheets, BTW. Ours are green, with an insanely high thread count–my $35 splurge at Ross. We wash them every coupla weeks; or rather, TBIK washes them because I don’t go anywhere near the washer and dryer. What are husbands for?
As to antiseptic: I use the little Clorox sheets on shopping carts wherever stores provide them. Because shopping carts are NASTY. Ew.
I agree about the craziness of using hand sanitizers and spraying antibacterial stuff on everything – just lets the hardy germs survive and breed more of their kind.
But … that said, I have a “thing” about gas pump handles. Ick – I never want to touch, much less hold them, not knowing what nose-picking ass-scratching idiot might have been squeezing on that pump handle five minutes before I arrived. So I always use a paper towel as a hand barrier when I gas up … I even keep a roll in the back seat of my car, just in case the station dispenser is empty. Yeah, I am a freak about this.
(And I HAVE noticed that since I have been doing this – about three years now – I get fewer colds, so maybe it works.)
Ewww…I never even thought about gas pump handles.
My things:
#1 is public bathrooms. After I wash my hands there I must open the door with my paper towel.
#2 I do have to at least rinse off my fruits and vegetables.Don’t you know , some migrant worker was out in the middle of no where picking that stuff. And I’m pretty sure there was no hand washing going on after he went potty.
I think white sheets are BORING!
Mine are all colored and I’ve been known to go weeks between washing them.
Why do you have millions of tomatoes? I have 6 tomato plants and maybe a total of 7 tomatoes. WTF??
As far as squash …here’s the easiest recipe ever. slice up the squash …sprinkle your baking sheet with olive oil. lay all the squash flat , in one layer . sprinkle the squash with shredded Parmesan cheese and bake for about 20 minutes . Yum!
My heart is going to break for you when you have to give up those kittens and the mama.
Maybe 10 cats is your lucky number:)
Oh ,also …I’m dying to see your new stomach!
My things:
I change my underwear at least 3 times a day! I also powder “down there” after I go to the bathroom when I’m at home.
I will not turn my blinker on in my car if I have to wait in line to turn because I think that is “wasteful,” and I have an irrational fear that my turn signals will burn out if I use them too much. I only turn them on when the light turns green or just before I turn. Everyone knows the world will end if you burn out your turn signals!
Whatevah, Freak!
Huh; until the links to the site with the actual terrified pickles, I would have thought it was a link to this lady who has a fear of pickles.
I am not sure I believe that, myself; if you’re a good enough actress how difficult would it be to fake a fit of hysteria everyone someone shows you a cotton ball or a tube of chapstick or a container of paprika and make a few bucks doing the interview circuit? But that was my first thought upon reading “terrified pickles.”
When the zucchini comes in by the buckets, you can wash it, put it through the food processor and freeze the juicy/thick mixture — without cooking beforehand. It is good then to use later when thawed for breadmaking or to thicken soups, or a variety of similar uses. I did that with our zucchini at the farm and used it all during the winter in different recipes.
I swear that River has the cutest/funny face, he should be in the movies! Love the kitty movies, especially watching them chase each other’s tails.
I totally agree with you about germophobes. I work with two of them. One person uses that antibacterial hand stuff after touching ANYTHING–the mail, a computer, etc. The smell of it used to make me gag. She also wipes down her desk with some sort of cleaner at least twice a day (once when she first comes in, and usually again before she leaves). I could go on, but you get the drift.
I also don’t understand the appeal of white sheets–I don’t think I’ve ever had a set of them.
My grandmother (Sicilian) used to can this every summer. She used those gigantic cucuzzi squash that you can’t find commercially, but I just use any green summer squash. I made it with chayote once, and that was very good.
Hope you don’t need measurements: saute a sliced onion and 1 or 2 minced or sliced garlic in olive oil until it’s about half way cooked. Add sliced or chunked squash and saute for a few minutes. Add chopped tomatoes and some oregano, salt & pepper. Sometimes I’ll add capers, a pinch of sugar and a tiny bit of red wine vinegar when it’s done for a different, but great, flavor. Dried oregano works best in this even though my side yard has been TAKEN OVER BY THAT DAMED OREGANO! oh, sorry.
If you like eggplant, you can make ratatouille–eggplant, squash, onions, green bell peppers, tomatoes put together pretty much same as above.
I fully admit to wearing the same jeans for days in a row. What? I’m a heavy-set girl who is VERY picky about the looseness of her jeans and I like them STRETCHED OUT. When my size 18s are falling off my ass.. I FEEL GOOD. When they’ve been washed and dried (I now refuse to dry my jeans) THEY SHRINK to what must be size 16s and HELLOW. UNHAPPY. I have to spend time doing lunges and stuff to stretch out to a reasonable level.
My mom made a one pan dish last weekend with squash that was WONDERFUL. Just drizzle some olive oil in a skillet, then slice potatoes, squash and onions into it, then at the end, slice one of those links of polish sausage into it. (I think she just used the cheapie Hillshire Farms already cooked stuff from the grocery store, you only have to warm it before it’s eaten.) I think the only spices she put in were salt and pepper. Possibly garlic salt.
Anyway, it was wonderful, and I don’t think it would matter if the meat were in there or not. Also, pretty quick and only one pan to wash!
Oh And.. I have to speak up for Antibacterial hand sanitizer users. My family uses it a LOT but that’s because my dad is fighting cancer and is on chemotherapy. Hence his immune system is not what it used to be. So.. we’re cautious around him but when I’m at school? LET THE GERMS COMMENCE.
“Freaks” huh?! Okay, to be fair, I might resemble that remark at times. I concur with the anti-bacterial goo boycott; causes more problems than it solves most of the time. For the most part, I clean when it looks dirty. My ‘thing’ would be that stuff needs to be put back where it belongs. I HATE looking for something that has been misplaced. In my perfect world, I could lay hands on anything in the house in pitch dark conditions…. but since I live with 3 other people, ain’t gonna happen anytime soon :>)
MMMM, squash. I like to microwave it and sprinkle with salt, pepper and parm cheese. I also like my yellow squash slightly ‘mature’, I think it has a richer flavor than the little baby squash, but you DO sometimes have to scrape out the seeds. Its good in end of the summer ratatouille when you have a little bit of everything coming in from the garden.
Robyn – I just showed my nephew, who’s two, your videos of the kittens and he LOVED IT. He sat here pointing, saying “kitty! Kitty!”.
Aaaaaand now I’ve been informed we’re watching it again.
Here’s a terrific recipe for a cold summer soup. It’s very refreshing in hot weather, and very simple to make. A friend gave it to me; she got it from a book called “Cooking for Carefree Weekends”. I usually double this recipe. My friend says you can freeze the puree and later on in winter you can
thaw it, add the milk, and serve it as a hot soup. I haven’t tried that because it’s so good cold.
1 medium onion, peeled and sliced
6 medium summer squash (the yellow crooknecks), sliced
1/2 cup chicken broth (homemade or canned — don’t use bouillon cubes)
salt and pepper
1 cup whole milk (or, can use half-and-half if you like it)
chopped chives
Saute the onion in butter in a large pan. When it is wilted but not brown, add the squash and
the broth. Cover and cook until the squash is very tender, about 15 minutes. Puree the squash with
the cooking liquid in a blender or food processor. Season the soup with salt and pepper. Chill,
then add the milk (or cream if you prefer) and serve it very cold, sprinkled with chives.
Another dirty girl here! They did a report on Good Morning America the other day about all the jillions of nasty microbes people bring into their homes on their shoes fer crissakes!
All this reminds me of the episode of Northern Exposure when Maggie found out she was allergic to dust mites and went on a crazy cleaning binge. Chris was inspired to create a giant metal sculpture of a dust mite to represent that life is dirty and messy and that if you aren’t dirty and messy, at least a little, you aren’t really living.
I don’t mean to always be the voice of doom in the comments, but here I go. To commenter Pam-the one who changes her underwear 3 times a day and powders her who-ha. I used to work in an oncology(cancer) clinic and there have been studies concerning the using of powder on the ladybits and that possibly being a link to uterine,cervical, and ovarian cancer. I think you should stay away from the powder.
There’s my assvice for today.
Antibacterial hand sanitizer=BAD. We are creating SUPER bugs with this shit.
White sheets=boring
Robyn I’m going to meet the Gov. of Jennsylvania tonight at her book signing in MN. I’m SO EXCITED!
I am a bit of a germophobe… seeing people not wash after they use the bathroom grosses me out, knowing that there is poop on the bottom of the purses people put on the floor and then on their kitchen counter grosses me out (I don’t usually use a purse and then it never gets set down anywhere in a bathroom), poop on the grocery carts grosses me out (they have been tested and there’s a lot of poop on those carts, people. So I try to clean the cart if possible, don’t let some products touch floor of cart), touching a bathroom door handle after I’ve washed my hands grosses me out(I use paper towels on door handle), touching the handle on a public toilet grosses me out (use my foot), any hair anywhere in my hotel room grosses me out, bedspreads in hotels gross me out (so I don’t touch them), dirty bathrooms in a restaurant gross me out (I have walked out because of a dirty bathroom) hmmm… probably a few other things that gross me out as well.
yup, i’m a freak. Made you laugh, tho’… or made you get grossed out.
As for “things”, I agree with everyone who is anti-hand sanitizers. They don’t actually
work well enough to protect anyone from anything, and they encourage bacterial overgrowth.
There’s nothing wrong with soap and water when it’s needed.
But … what I can’t tolerate is a dirty kitchen sink. I can’t cook unless the sink has
been scrubbed with scouring powder and has no food particles in the drain area. It just
grosses me out to see a dirty sink, or dirty kitchen counters, or dirty dishes sitting around
when I’m getting ready to cook. I also need to wash up utensils and counter and chopping board
as I go along so that the surfaces are always clean and the utensils are always ready for re-use.
On the other hand, I don’t mind clutter too much in other parts of the house, although I can’t
stand it to be dirty underneath the clutter, and I really prefer it uncluttered. (But with a
boy and a dog living here, uncluttered just isn’t going to happen any time soon, and I’d rather
have the kid and the clutter than no kid and no clutter.)
I am either pleased to say or sad to say I don’t have any real OCD habits. I wash my hands frequently as needed, say going to the bathroom or handling raw meat ( I was not making a nasty joke there but reading it over it looks kinda bad..oops). 😉
I don’t carry around antibacterial soap and I don’t wash lettuce because who wants watery salad? And to those that wash your salad stuff in the sink? UGH!?!???????? Oh, and I am still around too, the only time I have gotten sick over the years is in flu season going around all the stores with those antibacterial carrying people! HEE! 🙂
On behalf of poor Tommy – camera angles – Lady – camera angles. Poor boy looks huge but I’m sure it’s just the camera angle. ;-()
Antibacterial stuff SUX. I do not use it.
Summer squash: I like to grill it (toss in olive oil before grilling) and I also LOVE to make zucchini fritters, which are essentially, egg, breadcrumbs, salt pepper garlic salt, parmesan cheese and a LOT of grated zukes, form into little patties and pan-fry until lightly browned.
Also, good for you for not being a hand-wash freak. People are freaks about that shit these days. Humans evolved living in freaking CAVES, so we need some dirt in our lives, we are biologically predisposed to need bacteria. See also: 70% of your immune system is in your gut. Antibiotic soap makes me MENTAL. There’s this woman at work who is constantly buying Triclosan soap for the work kitchen, and I’m always posting articles about how Tricolsan is creating SUPERBUGS, and she tears the notices down. Seriously, people, STOP USING ANTIBIOTIC SOAP. ALL SOAP IS EFFECTIVELY ANTIBIOTIC BY NATURE OF BEING A SURFACTANT.
That’s my freaky thing. Antibiotic Triclosan soap makes me mental.
I have to comment again after reading about the hotel bedspread, oh good GOD how I hate them, I can’t stand to have them touch any part of my skin. When I get in bed the sheet has to be pulled up and over any part of the blanket or bedspread so it won’t go any place near my face. And don’t get me started on the hotel remote, I always think some greesy slob had the room before me and looked at porn and held the remote among other things in his hand…. EWWWWWWW. Oh and the wash cloths are nasty too, God knows what people have done with them!
Robyn, I’m not a clean freak either (but I do loves me some crisp, white sheets), but I’ll always wash my hands after cleaning the litter box. I also figure if my aunt’s German Shephard licked me all the time on the face and mouth (as well as my cats) and I’m still here, I’ll be ok. You know, back in the old days, we didn’t have all the anti-germ stuff they have now. I remember my Mom saying to wash your hands after you went to the bathroom. But I never thought about the gas nozzle thingie before. Ew!!!
it’s those pickles you talked about that were the greatest ever. I think I may have seen them in the grocery store soon after that, but they have a sweetness to them and I cannot DO sweet pickles at all. So it’s a name brand, but it’s an odd-flavored pickle. Or something.
Oh, and it wasn’t me that did the searching. I just remember them.
That’s not Tommy’s best angle. Hee.
Would you be interested in a chocolate zucchini bundt cake recipe? It’s also good in cupcakes and loaf pans, with or without glaze. If so, say so and I will find the recipe for you.
Maybe Mariah invented the terrified pickles to help her ease her pain.
new reader, what is attached Tommy’s collar? thanks, Gina
I am not a germaphobe, but I will only use a bath towel once and I replace my hand towels in the bathroom and kitchen every single day. Reusing a towel totally grosses me out! I rarely dry my hands at other peoples houses because I always wonder how long that towel has been hanging there and if someone used it for something nasty and then just hung it back up! Ick!
I don’t understand the sheet color issue. I’m not sure what you guys are doing in bed that would cause concern for the color of your sheets! I have lavender sheets and they wash up just fine. I do love the feel of crisp clean sheets though.
Also, I never thought about gas pumps before, but that is nasty!