Attention, people with mad graphic design skillz!
Reader Anita has a family member who has been diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer – some of you may have heard of IBC, but it’s not nearly as well known as the breast cancer we always hear about. You won’t find a lump because it doesn’t present itself that way. Most women who are diagnosed with IBC find out when they’re already in Stage IV. There is NO Stage V. It can look like a rash, or a bug bite, so many women pass it off. It’s very aggressive, and the prognosis isn’t good.
Anita started up a web site for Sherri, We Love Sherri, and they’re looking for someone to design a banner/ logo so that they can get a Cafe Press store up and running.
This is where you talented graphic designers come in! The only design elements they’ve come up with so far are:
1. a Berry (we call her Sherri Berry)
2. a pink ribbon
She says, Sherri is not working right now b/c she’s so sick, and she’s got 2 kids. We’ve had a couple of charity events for her, but of course, they don’t bring in a ton of money. I don’t imagine the t-shirts, mugs, etc will either, but I feel like I need to do something- anything. It’s all very sad and awful….
Who’ll help out? Email welovesherri (at) gmail (dot) com
And, thank you!
So, yesterday afternoon I settled down and watched Lost, and then it was almost time for Fred to get home from work, so I wandered back to my computer and checked my email. I had an email from the shelter manager, letting me know that the woman who’d cleaned at PetSmart yesterday morning had found, well, let’s just say that the litter box was not up to par. It sounded like it was quite the mess, and of course with four kittens using the same litterbox, it’s hard to tell who’s having the problem, so I left immediately to go to the pet store and pick them all up.
On the way, I called Fred and asked him to call the vet and see if I could get the four of them in before they closed for the day. He called me back and said I could take them in at 4:30 (which gave me 50 minutes to get to the pet store, box them up, and get to the vet), or today at 9:30. I opted to try to get them there at 4:30, somehow stupidly secure in the knowledge that I could get to a place that takes me 25 minutes to get to, box up four kittens, and drive to a place half an hour from there IN RUSH HOUR TRAFFIC with no problem at all.
I got to the pet store, and the boys were all flopped out in their cage, sound asleep. I opened the cage door and they were all “Hi! What new adventure are we going on today?!” I put them in the carrier, and we were on our way.
Did I mention it was RUSH HOUR? I dithered about which way to go to get to the vet – my two choices were to drive back into Madison and drive up a slow country road with 3 million stop signs and stop lights, or to hop on the highway formerly known as Rideout Road (I don’t remember what they call it these days) up to highway 53, which is a straight shot to the Tennessee border, where the vet is located.
I opted to take the highway and did I mention it was RUSH HOUR, where no one’s in a hurry and everyone feels free to mosey along at 20 miles under the speed limit? I was stressed, to say the least, because I couldn’t call the vet’s office and let them know I’d be late, because OF COURSE my phone (which I hadn’t charged earlier in the day despite my full knowledge that it needed charging) was dead, and I don’t own a car charger (a situation I intend to remedy later today).
The entire drive from the pet store to the vet, Ezra exercised his lungs, and that boy has some POWERFUL lungs. He was occasionally joined by the other boys, but most of the singing was done by Ezra alone.
Look, I made a video to share the pain!
Turn up your sound as high as it will go, put your ear right up to the speaker and then drive a screwdriver into your other eardrum, and you might approach the level of pain I was feeling. And speaking soothingly to them didn’t help at all – in fact, as you’ll notice in the movie, when I say “I know, baby,” they just get louder.
I made it to the vet’s office about 15 minutes late (I hate hate HATE being late for anything, it makes me feel like a self-important douchebag who thinks the world revolves around her.) and apologized profusely. They took a fecal sample from Phinneas (the line of thought being that if one’s got something, they should all, since they share such close quarters), tested it for everything under the sun, and found nothing at all. The vet said the diarrhea could be caused by a diet change or the stress of being in a cage, or who the hell knows?
So I brought them home, Ezra singing the entire way, and put them in the foster kitten room. Beulah and Bessie followed me up to the room to see what exactly was going on, and I let them in the room too. It was like those boys never left – Bessie immediately jumped on Caleb, and Phinneas jumped on Beulah.
I spent some time in the kitten room yesterday evening, and Phinneas and Caleb were kind enough to demonstrate that the litterbox issues didn’t come from THEM, so I’ll be leaving in a little while to take them back to the pet store. There were litterbox issues overnight, so I’m going to say that one or both of the buff boys are the problem. They’ll be here at the very least for the weekend while I try to get them over whatever’s going on with them.
And this entry would be longer, but I’ve got kittens to return to the pet store and errands to run, so I’m outta here!
2008: Things that give me the blerghs
2007: Fred was PISSED because he’d been harboring a secret yen to stay in the Shalom in the Home trailer park, and he stomped off to sulk, thus making Nance and Rick uncomfortable and not in the mood to play Catch Phrase.
2006: I ran out the back door, yelling the entire way for Tommy to “Drop it! Drop it, Tommy! DROP IT!”
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: It’d certainly be interesting, at least until it came to blows, I’m sure.
2002: Of course, the mother of the bride is a total sobbing mess.
2001: My butt hurts.
2000: I meant to pick up the razors for Women with Big Asses.
Yep, that’s some serious kitteh crying going on in the video! I had one cat who (from kittenhood till she was very old) would YOWL all the way to the vet, inside the vet’s office while waiting and even while seeing the vet. She had some het for vets, that’s for sure.
The guy kittehs look all happy to be HOME! Hope you solve the problem with the litter box issue.
Aww, I hope the boys are feeling better soon. My Salem is a car crier. ALL THE WAY TO THE VET. And yes, the soothing does not help. Singing used too. Apparently I’ve lost my touch. It’s a nice combo when I take both Salem and Clyde somewhere because Salem cries all the way there and Clyde starts as soon as we get there. 🙂
I am so sorry you are having stress and aggravation over this. However I am happy to see the buff boys again. If Ezra had long hair I would swear he was my Sylvester reincarnated. My Sly guy hated the vet too-hissing and growling like the exorcist every time we got in the vets door. This did not occur from kittenhood but only after he had a problem requiring catheritization and surgery. He loved the car though. He was so good we’d allow him to run free and he’d be on my shoulder at the bank drivethru. The tellers and other customers really got a kick out of him. After a while we crated him when he was going to the vet and ugliness would ensue the entire car ride. I feel your pain. Ollie is the only dog I know who hates the car. Whines horribly the WHOLE time. I’m sure he’s traumatized from being abandoned on the road side. With the nicer weather we plan to try to change him w/little trips to Mcdonald’s drive in for small chicken nuggets etc.
Ha – I bet the nugget bribery will work very well! The fastest way to a dog’s heart is through his stomach, right? 🙂
So I play the movie while Oliver, my Border Collie-Bernese cross is lying over in the corner chillaxing near the window and he pops his head up, looks for the kitten, comes over near me and does the head tilt “Baroo?” about twenty times, inspects the area near me very thoroughly for kittens and looks at me with a total look of betrayal. He knows what cats are (we got him from the humane society two months ago and he’s not had many encounters with cats since we’ve had him), but I’m not sure that he was suspicious I was smuggling an evil kitteh in here to replace him or keeping a potential playmate from him.
Ten minutes later, he’s still sniffing around over here and looking suspicious.
Haha, my 2 cats did the same thing when they heard it: came over to the computer and looked & sniffed all around, in between giving me wide-eyed looks of “Where are these kittens that we can hear but not see???”
“My butt hurts. I meant to pick up the razors for Women with Big Asses.”
Once I mentally (and then HTMLly) added the italics, I have an entire vignette of near Keystone Kops proportions, though a bit raunchier than is appropriate for a blog with kittens on it…
By the way I have four cats and two dogs here who want to know exactly WHAT you were doing to those kittens, and where you’ve put them. I played the video about ten minutes ago, and one of the cats is still on my desk trying to find the inside of the monitor, and another is pacing in a very agitated fashion about my feet. The dogs are inspecting each of the cats to make sure it wasn’t them.
I am convinced that meows, barks, hisses, growls and such do not just convey, “[distress]” or “[excitement]” or “[hunger]” but are actually complex language, and those kittens were obviously saying something like, “HELP! Someone send help! Please! It’s terrible, you just can’t imagine – we trusted her, and she’s just going to do something terrible, I KNOW it! Plesae, we beg you, alert the authorities!”
When I played it, all the kittens crowded around the monitor trying to figure out who was calling for help. I guess they didn’t recognize their own voices!
hehehe, my kitties LOVED that video…… I played it and they all came runnin!
Oh yes, I have a car crier. Though I wouldn’t call it crying or singing – it’s yowling in complete agony. Thankfully the vet is exactly 3 blocks away, but still…it kills me. The worst was when we had the wildfires and my neighborhood was under evacuation orders (fire never came close, but hey, precautions I suppose) and I had to drive the 25 miles to my moms house!! Oh gawd that was a horrible car ride there and back! I need to remember to bring the camera next time and record her to share the pain 🙂
I hate it when sloppy poop just puts everything in backward motion on the adoption front! They’ll look great and yet things arent’ on rails…so unfair when they’re so ready to go to their new homes!
Well, those are some of the most unstressed kittens I’ve seen in one of those cages. I can’t imagine that was the problem. I chuckled listening to poor little Ezra. I took Raymond back to the shelter last Saturday and the whole way there it was MROW MROW MROW MROW MROW…Occasionally Ringer (who also also returning) would speak, but otherwise he let Raymond MROW MROW MROW MROW. When the car got quiet, he’d get quieter, when I sped up, he’d get louder. I hope Phin and Caleb get new homes this weekend!
Happy Mother’s Day! (Insert happy face here)
What happened?? Now I have no header at all….bwahhhhh….can I has it back,pwease?
You’re not the only one – no one can see it. I’m messing with the design again. 🙂