New month, new logo (finally)! This one was created by reader Jean, and considering the garden pics you’ll be looking at in a minute, it’s quite appropriate!
Thanks, Jean!
These pictures are from last week – someone requested garden pics, and I went out on Tuesday and snapped a bunch of pictures, and then with the whole Mister Boogers thing, the entry got delayed.
So the garden kinda looks like this, but it’s grown more. Imagine it looking less weedy, too.
We’re growing a bumper crop of Pigweed. The stuff at the other end of the row is taller than Fred. The pigs LOVE this stuff.
Fred thought the first crop of corn he planted wasn’t going to amount to much due to all the rain, so he planted more. That’s the pigweed to the left, okra to the right.
Wee okra. It’s been surprisingly mild lately, and okra prefers the heat, so we haven’t gotten much yet.
For god’s sake, tomatoes – RIPEN ALREADY, wouldya?
At least we’re getting plenty of cherry tomatoes.
Peppers in the back, cantaloupe in the front.
Habaneros. Helloooooo habanero jam!
Japanese Eggplant. I’m not really a fan of the eggplant.
Summer Squash. Ten minutes later it was three feet long.
Beans. We’re not getting nearly enough this year.
What’s that, you say? You can’t get enough of the chicken pictures? Well, let me see what I can do for you…
Fred calls this one “The Maestro.”
Black Copper Maran rooster. I love his feathered legs.
“Who, us? Taking a dust bath? Why, we’d never!”
The one we call “The Road Runner.” Look at those legs and that tail!
From feral to allowing an ear-scratching in four short days. Those chocolate chip cookies are MAGIC.
I got word yesterday that there’s room at the pet store for Creed, Dwight & Phyllis. I’ll be taking them down Friday morning and leaving them there, hopefully to get adopted very quickly. These three are such total love bugs and I hope their personality shines through to potential adopters!
Someone asked a few weeks ago how I could possibly let kittens go. It’s always hard, and I always tear up when I leave them in a cage (it’s especially hard when they give me the betrayed “How COULD you??” look). But I know that they’ll go to good homes, and really – I can’t keep all of them, can I? I know that they’ll go to good homes, and I know that they’ll have each other to snuggle up with and play with until they’re adopted. It certainly could be a lot worse – they could be living on the street instead of safe and fed and cared for in a cage.
I never like having to leave them at the pet store, though, that’s for sure.
I could not find Creed ANYWHERE, and started to worry that he’d gotten out of the house somehow. Then I spotted him, curled up in this bag in a corner of the kitchen. He slept there for hours.
I am annoying her. Or Dwight’s snoring is annoying her. One or the other!
Keeping an eye on those kittens.
2008: Boneheaded things I have recently done
2007: No entry.
2006: Just a quick picture to let y’all know what we did with our Saturday morning.
2005: I turned and gave her the Bug-Eyed Look of Annoyance*, to no avail.
2004: “Agh!” I yelled. “I hate you kitties! I hate you all!”
2003: Do motherfuckers retain water?
2002: “Your cheatin’ heeeeeart…”
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
Love the new logo! Your garden looks awesome. Great pic of Miz Poo (she is my favorite!)
Way cool logo!!!!!!
And I do love the pic of the Maestro.
“Summer Squash. Ten minutes later it was three feet long.”
Almost spit my coffee out at that one!! ROFL.
What’s pigweed?
(And the summer squash comment is funny because it’s true!)
Hmm… it’s been a long time. My Dad owned a sale barn and he passed away when I was 12. I was looking at a photo this morning of MJ’s daughter and thought gosh that is how old I was when my dad died. So I was pretty young when I was around pigs which is why my memory is hazy on this. I thought pigweed was toxic to animals???
How is Miz Poo doing with her affliction?
The new logo is adorable. Gardens look great can’t imagine how many hours of labor it takes to create and maintain them. It pays off greatly though. Nice chicken and kitty pictures. Loving the Miz Poo-she is a beauty. I also think those sweet lover kitties will find new homes quickly.
My grandfather used to grow some kind of weed for pigs, and I assume it was the pigweed you have growing there. He had a HUGE garden-size area of nothing but pigweed; we’d go out late in the afternoon, he’d cut a bunch of that stuff, and we’d feed it to the hogs. They LOVED it!
I think I’ll try spaghetti squash next year, haven’t tried growing it. I find that squash is versatile, so many vegetarian dishes it can be used in.
Your garden looks great, but I hear you on the tomatoes. I’ve started getting a few cherry tomatoes, but the larger ones are still green.
Comments question for you!!!! or feel free to send me an email.<>
In the neighbourhood where I live there are quite a few feral cats..there are 2 calico’s..very cute( I think one is the mom and the other the baby…about 2 &1 years old) About a year ago the younger cat started hanging out with me when I am out in the garden or outside reading- she’ll sit under a bush watching me, lay on on the porch step … then as the months have gone by she had been sitting in the back garden waiting for me to get up in the mornings. The older one is never too far behind..and sometimes shows up first.
Then about 6 months ago I started Snackin! Time where they have come into my laundry room to eat ( about an 8th of a cup of dry food once a day…I never wanted this to be their only food source) as the months have gone by 3 other cats have joined them but just once or twice a week…the 2 calico let me pet them alot each morning but only inside the laundry room, when they are outside they don’t let me get too close and always run off. When I come home they often are waiting for me and roll around on the ground, if I have no food they go away and come back the next day..they don’t seem to bothered. Sometimes I don’t see them for a day but they usually show up within 48 hours, but most days they come by twice but food is only handed once a day.
They have come right into my house once in a while and have a good snoop around but don’t stay longer than 5 minutes. They catch birds and lizards and really could care 2 hoots about how cute I think they are and how I just wanna squeeze them to death…I have picked them up, a little 2 second lift, but they don’t like it and I have been scratched badly by one of them by doing this~ DUH! (they have been spayed as there ears are clipped and the neighbour told me that someone has used to do that to the cats..take them in for fixing and clipping the ears…all 5 of the strays have clipped ears except one, a male is NOT fixed)
anyway I am moving at the end of the month to a new neighbourhood and want your advice about taking them with me The 2 you advise it or should I just leave them alone here
The place I am moving to has a huge yard…very large but I know they won’t know where the hell they are if I take them- here they know where they are and the hood is their life.
Please let me know your thoughts and thanks Mary
Had to look up what pigweed was. I didn’t realize it is so common! Anyway, a google search turned up that it is edible and supposedly a tasty treat. Interesting! I do put the url as my website as I do not know how to do it otherwise.
Miz Poo looks gorgeous in that last photo! and the caption for the summer squash made me giggle. I think the feathered legs look like those 70s platform fur boots they used to wear. You know, before i was born.
More chicken pictures, please!
We call it pig weed because we feed it to the pigs, but I’m pretty sure it’s actually smartweed.
Mary from Tucson,
My aunt is the neighborhood cat lady. She had several outdoor cats that adopted her. When she built a beautiful house out in the country, she wanted to make sure the cats were OK. So she lived trapped the cats, and took them out to the new place and let them go. It took her hubby and her over a week to move so she did it slowly after they started sleeping at the new digs. She, also, had them fixed if they hadn’t been already fixed (I think she had one sly male that she never managed to catch before the move). The cats adjusted quite nicely. I think she moved something like 3 or 4 cats.
That white chicken with the crazy feathers, he/she has glamour hair!
That picture of Miz Poo is one of THE best I’ve ever seen!
I see Dwight was taking your picture whilst you were taking his!
Also, what a beautiful shot of Miz Poo!
Why oh why does the maestro have a red drinking straw sticking out of the back of his head??
I love the featherheaded chickens of all varieties. They’re like Vegas showgirls to me. I really liked the little rockstar hybrid rooster you put up the other day- he was bitchin’!
You are going to be overrun with produce! Do you have a vacuum sealer? I got one this spring because I was tired of buying packages of meat at Costco and having the last ziploc be all freezer burnt before we got to it. I highly recommend if you don’t have one. We have a new model that sort of stands up and it’s also great for sealing spaghetti sauce or what have you (as long as you’re careful to leave a lot of room at the top).
Ah… Finally a new picture of Miz Poo! How, i’ve missed seeing your beautiful face, Pootie-pie!