Someone reminded me that I hadn’t mentioned the bird Joe Bob brought in the house after I said I’d left it in the plant pot on the front porch. Before I left for Wal-Mart, I glanced out, and it was bouncing across the front yard. It seemed to be having a little trouble flying, but it ended up in a patch of weeds under a tree, and when I got back from Wal-Mart it was nowhere to be seen.
I choose to believe it recovered and took flight.
It was no problem at all getting Sugarbutt into the cat carrier yesterday morning. I brought the carrier downstairs an hour or so before we had to leave, and Sugarbutt ran and hid on top of the cupboards in the kitchen, and then he forgot why he was scared and he came down and jumped up on Fred’s desk chair and went to sleep, so ten minutes before his appointment I walked over, picked him up, and put him in the carrier. I don’t think he was completely awake until we were halfway to the vet’s office.
The vet tech grinned when she said Sugarbutt’s name and said that they’d all been guessing why that was his name, so I told her the story (for you newbies: Sugarbutt and Tommy are from the same litter; I got them when they were itty bitty – here’s baby Sugarbutt – I guess they were close to 3 months old when I got them, and Sugarbutt was just a mess. He had worms, he had horrible diarrhea that scalded the fur off the backs of his hinds legs, he had what we thought was a prolapsed rectum, and when I said to the shelter manager “What do I DO?”, she said “Well, I’ve heard that if you put sugar on a damp cloth and hold it to his back end, it will help the swelling a little.” and so I did, and there was really nowhere to go from there but to name him Sugarbutt. His “official” name was “Sad Eyes”, but we never called him anything but Sugarbutt after that. Also, it turned out that he didn’t have a prolapsed rectum, he had impacted anal glands. Poor baby.) and it turns out they’d guessed right.
Sugarbutt did the frozen-in-horror thing so that the vet was able to look closely at his nasty toes, and he said he thought there’d been some trauma to his toe, and he had to clean out between and behind his toes (there was a lot of litter and dirt caked behind his toes) and they found a small cut. He prescribed an antibiotic ointment, and put the ointment on Sugarbutt’s foot and then bandaged it up and said that if we can keep the bandage on him, we could put more ointment and a new bandage on once a day, but if he pulled the bandage off, we’d need to put ointment on more often and spray bitter apple on his foot to stop him from licking.
Since he wasn’t up to date on his vaccinations, they gave him his shots, and then we were out of there, all in less than 20 minutes.
Rather than going straight home I had to stop by Wal-Mart to get new litter. If he doesn’t keep the bandage on, we have to keep him off clumping litter (it’ll just irritate the sore) and so I had hoped to find some of that Yesterday’s News litter. Wal-Mart didn’t have any of that, so I bought some Feline Pine litter (which some of you have recommended in the past) and I was in the car headed for home, when I started thinking about it, and I couldn’t quite remember, but doesn’t Feline Pine break down into sawdust or pinedust or something? If so, that was something I didn’t particularly want Sugarbutt to get between his toes, so I went up the road to K-Mart to see if THEY had some Yesterday’s News, and they did so I bought a couple of bags.
When I got home, I ran inside and changed out all three of the litter boxes quickly before I brought Sugarbutt in and set him free. When I told Fred that I’d had to switch litter for a little while, he sighed and said “Let the bed-peeing begin!”
I haven’t found any urine outside of the litter boxes yet, but the day is young! I can’t say that I’m all that terribly impressed with this litter. It doesn’t hold back The Stink at all and rather than absorb urine it seems to just kind of fall apart. I don’t know, it’s only for a few days, so I just hope the little bastards keep using the boxes and don’t decide to pee elsewhere.
Also, I have to keep the back door shut so Sugarbutt can’t go out into the back yard and get dirt in his sore toes, so every time I walk anywhere near the back of the house, Joe Bob comes along and gives me the hopeful eyes. It’s killing him not to be able to go outside, and Tommy and even Miz Poo are hanging out by the back door an awful lot. I gave up around 4:00 yesterday afternoon and let them all outside, including Sugarbutt. I let everyone BUT Sugarbutt outside, but he gave me such the sad eyes that I couldn’t stand it. Today, I’m determined not to let them outside, but they certainly are all up in my shit, gathered around and giving me Looks.
If the new litter doesn’t make them pee on furniture or a rug, I’m sure not being able to go outside will!
Recipes I have tried lately and consider worth sharing with you:
Friday for dinner, I made Pioneer Woman’s Marlboro Man’s Favorite Sandwich. I did NOT use as much butter as the recipe called for because, well, I thought I could get away with using less. And I did and I could and it worked out just fine! Basically, it’s just a steak and onion sandwich, and it is GOOD (though cutting the cube steak was a big pain in the ass – next time, I’ll leave the steak a little bit frozen for easier cutting) and she’s right, it would be good with mushrooms and (not for me, since I don’t like them) maybe peppers. I put cheese on mine and it was divine. Also, we used left over roasted red onion mayo and it was fabulous.
We enjoyed the sandwiches so much that we had them again for lunch on Saturday, and then again on Sunday and they were better each time.
Definitely recommended!
For dessert on Friday, I made Paula Deen’s Gooey Butter Cake. It was fairly easy to make, and while it was good, it wasn’t the kind of good that will require me to ever make it again in the future. It reminded me a lot of a caramel cake that we’ve gotten at the grocery store before. I had a piece and I enjoyed it, but if I never have it again I won’t be sorry.
So we each ate what we wanted from the cake, and we put the rest in the refrigerator to feed to the pigs, and then next morning Fred broke off a piece and tried it and then he made me try it, and holy COW that stuff was good! Something about sitting in the refrigerator, I don’t know if it was just the flavors mingling or the act of being cold, or what, but man. REALLY GOOD.
(The pigs liked it a lot, too!)
The other day when I whined about my uuuuuugly feet, a few of you recommended the Ped Egg. I’d never heard of the Ped Egg and didn’t know what it was, but I went and checked out the web site and thought that maybe I’d see about getting one of them, and then I completely forgot about it.
Then, Monday at Wal-Mart I was getting ready to check out and at the end of the checkout lane was, whattayaknow, a Ped Egg. I looked at it, considered the price, and tossed it in my cart.
(I’m the worst kind of impulse buyer, I know.)
I bought it, and then I drove by a CVS, and there was a sign advertising the Ped Egg, and I was all “Okay, I’m fine, I bought one, I get the idea!”, and THEN I drove by Walgreen’s, and there too was a sign advertising the Ped Egg and I was all “I GET IT! I need a Ped Egg! I got one! Jeez, stop harassing me!”
I haven’t used it yet, but I have high hopes for the deuglification of my ugly, ugly feet.
Fred and I started watching Heroes the other night. We watched the first episode of it when it originally came on two years ago (or whenever the hell it started, I don’t remember), and after the one episode, we ended up deciding not to watch any more. Now, with nothing else to watch, we decided to give it a try again.
We’ve watched the first two episodes, and I think we’re going to keep on going. About halfway through episode 2, Greg Grunberg showed up.
“It’s Greg Grunberg!” I said excitedly. I love that guy.
“Who’s that?” Fred said.
“From Felicity!” I said. “The one-balled Jewish guy?” Fred never watched Felicity with me, but he wandered through the living room often enough to know that Sean had had a testicle removed and he was Jewish, so he began referring to him as the “One-balled Jewish guy” of course.
Fred considered the TV and said in confusion, “He… doesn’t look bald.”
One-balled, one bald. I SUPPOSE they sound alike.
I would tell you how Kara and the bebbes are doing, but they’re doing just fine and I have no stories to share with you – except that I spent a long time in the foster kitten room yesterday bonding with Zoe while the other kittens slept and Kara snoozed in the middle of the room. Zoe and I had not spent much one-on-one time, and I’m pleased to announce that she is sweet and adorable and her belly feels like silk and she enjoys a good belly rub.
(pic) Inara.
(pic) Kaylee.
(pic) Zoe.
(pic) River. Best. Picture. EVER.
Tons of pictures up over at Flickr.
2007: “GodDAMN I’m good-looking. Why am I taking orders from this old hag? Am I making enough money to put up with this over-polite shit*? I think NOT. GodDAMN I’m good-looking.”
2006: No entry.
2005: No entry.
2004: Questions answered, and a meme.
2003: Once again, pot-kettle-black.
2002: You can imagine the temper tantrum that followed.
2001: I would have preferred a candy bar, but unfortunately, we don’t got none o’ them ’round these parts.
2000: No entry.
Oh my God, that picture of River has killed me dead, it is so cute.
Ohhhhhh… River………… I LOVE YOU RIVER!!! AND KAYLEE!!!! And YOU, Robyn, for introducing me to the gastronomic joy that is Pioneer Woman. WHY had I never heard of this woman before today???
I have a Ped-Egg and I can honestly say it is the best thing I have ever used to get my feet looking almost purty!
UGH! Those kitties are SO KA-UTE! I wish I lived closer, I would for sure adopt Kaylee. Why is Arkansas so far away?! I guess it’s closer than most other states, but too far for me to get a kitty. Sadness.
The picture of Kaylee totally trumps the picture of River! The paw pads! The wee claws! The bottom lip! The blue eyes!
Try litter pearls. They’re big so the won’t get stuck in kitty toes. They absorb any liquids & dehydrate any solids so they don’t stink at all. I’ve used them for years with Darby & love them.
Kitchen scissors (the heavy duty kind of scissor) cut through cube steak really well. My grandmother always used them, so I do too when I want to pretend it’s the olden days.
I heart your babies! Gimme Gimme Gimme!
It’s Robyns fault for introducing me to PW also. She is a kick. I better win her one cup coffee maker today!
For those of you who don’t know, Pioneer Woman has give-away contests on her site and the prizes are pretty nice! Good luck winning though, yesterdays contest had over 5000 entries!
You know what works well on ugly feet? A PEDICURE. GOD.
Those kitties are too cute for words!!
OMG – I’m melting, meeellltttiiiinnnnggg! These pictures of the kittens are the best. They no longer look like newborns, but kittens. I WANT River. Hmmm. River plus four existing cats = too many. OK how about more pictures of River please!
Hi Robyn,
Such cute kittens. Makes me just sit here looking stupidly at the screen. Goofy look on face – yes; Productivity – no!
We have some litterbox issues with the elder gentleman and I have taken to using the puppy training pads you can get at Target. They absorb, are pretty good sized and have an attractant that might help overcome the dislike of the different litter. Just a suggestion.
Glad Sugerbutt is okay if requiring a little TLC.
Hi Robyn – Your mention of Paula’s Gooey Butter Cake reminded me of this:
They are SO funny. Also, the Ped Egg is awesome. $10 in CVS and my feet are ready for summer!
Please put River in a jiffy package with some strategic airholes poked in it and FedEx him to me in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I’ll send you the money for the fee and he’ll get to eat lots of good kitty food and maybe just a bit of cheese and crackers. Clearly he’d do well in Canada. We have rivers, too!
Thanks for the updates! I love the name Sugarbutt. I didn’t know where it came from, but I knew there must be some history behind it!
I found a great recipe link, etc. You might find something you like here! Let us know if you try something and like it. Maybe you already know about this link?
Please to be sending me Kaylee post haste 🙂
I too own the Ped-Egg… loves it! And they just recently started selling the replacement graters/sand paper thingys {three of each} at Walgreen’s for $9.99.
The bebbes are so flippin’ cute! The pink toes… oh how I love the pink toes. 😀
Hi Robyn – I need some advice concerning newborn kittehs. There is a stray “mama” cat in my neighborhood and she likes to come inside from time to time and eat, sleep on the beds, etc. Well, yesterday I was working and saw her come inside and head for the bedroom, but really thought nothing of it. She was inside for a few hours, left and then came back. To make a long story short late last night we heard a faint sound coming from Xander’s closet…and what do you think we found? Yeppers! A little baby kitteh! The problem is, she has not been back! What in the world do I do? I swear it is the cutest little calico I’ve ever seen. I just want to eat him with a cereal spoon! But how do I care for him if mama doesn’t return? She did not have him in the closet, so she must’ve snuck him inside while I was busy working. He’s so very young, though. His little eyes are still closed. Help!
What beautiful baby faces!
Thank goodness I live 2,000 miles away and have three cats already, because otherwise I would have called dibs on Kaylee by now…she’s as cute as her namesake!
You need info right away for your newborn kitten! Please type
kitten +newborn +care
into Google, and you will find everything you need to know! Hope you can save the bebbeh!
Kimber, I just sent you an email; if you haven’t gotten it, let me know and I’ll re-send.
I like Gooey Butter Cake better cold too. I make the peanut butter version.
I haz a belly rub!!! OH my GOD. These kitties are going to be the death of me.
The kittens are just to cute. My mean ole cats just aren’t so cute anymore. But it is fun to watch Oscar trying to love on the kiddos.
Love the photo of river…
Take Care
Kaylee has the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen on a cat. They are all way too cute.
Bebeh kittehs….boom….my head just asploded!!
Please ship kitteh of your choice to MO. Kthxbai.
I whole heartedly concur about the Ped-Egg. My feet are the worst ever due to the fact I am barefoot whenever possible. I really have tried every cream, file,soak,rub,etc… and this really gets the calluses but you have to be careful but it even got the cracks smooth!
Cute kittens and remember I am not even a cat person!
I want me some bebbehs!
I love the Kitty pics. Inara is gorgeous!
Pioneer woman’s recipes are awesome. I’ve made her Lasagna and the oatmeal crispies and they’re both soooo good!