
Today, I spent the morning and early afternoon with Debbie. We returned my rental car, and then went to Bath. I’m looking for a stone-washed or pigment-dyed hooded sweatshirt, and she thought they might have one in Bath. We looked at Reny’s, but had no luck. We checked out the drugstore – I always like … Continue reading “6-17-09”

Today, I spent the morning and early afternoon with Debbie. We returned my rental car, and then went to Bath. I’m looking for a stone-washed or pigment-dyed hooded sweatshirt, and she thought they might have one in Bath. We looked at Reny’s, but had no luck. We checked out the drugstore – I always like to look around in there – browsed at Magnolia, but in the end all I bought was some catnip bags (that’s right, 10,000 catnip bags is NOT enough, we can always use more) and a t-shirt.

I appear to be getting the spud’s cold, which means that I will likely infect an entire planeload of people tomorrow, and if I’m truly lucky I’ll get Fred sick when I get home, too. We stopped and I bought some Zicam (don’t know if it’s working yet), then we went over to Fashion Bug, where I bought some new underwear since they were having a pretty good sale.

I looked around in the bookstore, and then we had lunch at Fat Boy. (When I told my father where we’d eaten lunch, he said “Lobster roll?” and I said “Is there anything else?” Their lobster roll is FABULOUS.)

We went to Bath & Body Works, then over to the Hallmark store, and then back to her house for a bit before Brian took me back to my parents’ house.

I hung out there for the afternoon (thought about taking a nap, but never did), then we met up with Brian in Brunswick for chinese food at our favorite buffet. After, Brian went off to take a nap before work (he’s busybusybusy) and my parents and I went down to visit my oldest brother, Tracy, and his daughter Mireya.

(Tracy has a gorgeous house with a water view. I am jealous, believe me. If only I had a water view from Crooked Acres. That would be perfect!)

We stayed and chatted for a while, then headed home. I have to get up at 3:30 tomorrow morning, so I’m about to head off to bed. Since my flight leaves so early, I’m hoping there’ll be no travel delays. If I get stuck in Dulles again, though, I totally expect one of you to come get me!

(Not really.)

2009-06-17 (2)
I don’t remember where I saw these, but they cracked me right up.

2009-06-17 (1)
Half price haircuts for the unemployed (Emerald Square Mall, Massachusetts)

2009-06-17 (3)
My dream car.

12 thoughts on “6-17-09”

  1. Dude, I already complained on Twitter about wanting to stalk you so that those of us DC readers can have some bitchypoo love! (Check your @ replies. :))

    Good luck getting back!

  2. Hey, you need to throw that Zicam away. The feds just had it all recalled because it sometimes causes people to lose their sense of smell.

  3. Robyn, if you get stuck at Dulles again tomorrow, I won’t have a car, but I’ll skive off from work, hop on the Metro, and come and entertain you!


  4. I loooooove that car. Too funny.

    Boogie wipes? Have you heard of Kleenex? Honestly people. Regular tissue is under a dollar and those things are probably $4!

  5. That is AWESOME what the hair-cutting place is doing. Good on them!

    But, what is proof of unemployment down there? We have EI here (or, pogey as they used to call it!) but – what does the states have?

  6. I was going to say the same thing about the zicam. I read about the loss of smell too. I imagine you’d have to use it a few times before something happens but I”m not going to use it. I’ve been to that Emerald Square Mall many times and it is nice. I live in CT near the RI border so I’m close to alot in the 3 states. I am so close to the Spud that if she acts up, I can be sent over there to smack her around a little. hee hee.

  7. The FDA only advised not to use the Xicam nasal gel and the nasal swabs; The rest of the product line is OK.

    I can’t wait to see how Boogie likes his new wipes!

  8. Boogie Wipes-LMAO!
    Love the bug-stickers and all but I’d like the metalic lime green paint instead.
    I’ve been to Maine once 17 yrs ago-Acadia State Park (stayed in military guest housing-visiting husband’s sister and family). I will have to bust my sister-in-law’s ass for not recomending lobster rolls. Will have to go back to Maine. They sell them here sometimes but I doubt they are the same. Never had one yet.
    I do Ziacam too-lozenges and it screws up my taste buds temporarily. It does taste foul and upset my stomach a bit too but it really wards off or shortens a cold’s lenghth for me. Feel better!

  9. Hey you were in my neck of the woods. Haven’t seen the sign at Emerald Square yet…did you hit the Providence Place Mall while you were here..it’s HUGE…

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