A better pic of the coasters I considered buying, but didn’t.
This morning, my mother and I did some shopping in Windham (see the funny coasters, above). We ate lunch at Maine Bean…
Lobster rolls. YUM. (Pardon the pic taken with my phone. I didn’t want to dig the camera out of my purse.)
We went from Windham to Freepot and hit LL Bean. I wanted to get a few more Sunwashed 3/4-sleeve tees (and I did), and I wanted to look at their bags and perhaps buy one (I looked, but didn’t buy any), and I wanted to get some SmartWool socks (but looked at them and gasped when I saw the unbelievable price, decided the $2 socks I got from Target are perfectly fine, and ran away from the socks before they tainted me with their expensiveness.).
We went to the outlet store and I looked at another bag, decided it was ridiculous to spend THAT much money on a bag, and didn’t buy it.
Tonight, my parents went out to eat with their friends, and I went to Applebee’s with Liz. We both had the same thing, steak and shrimp.
Then we had dessert.
Which ended up being kind of a waste, because I think we each ate about three bites and were done.
Since my beloved Bookland has closed, we went over to Borders, where I stocked up on magazines for the flight home (I’m leaving very early Thursday morning) and a couple of books. Best part, they were handing out sheets of coupons that gave me $2 off EACH magazine I bought AND $2 off each book I bought. Bargain!
We hung out a while longer, then I came home and called Fred.
Now I’m off to bed. G’night!
Two dollar coupons on magazines? Wow. I splurged in Barnes and Nobles last week and spent 25 bucks for 3 magazines-a rare occurance for me these days. No coupons to be had there damn it and Walmart and BJs don’t stock what I wanted. (They are the only place I know that discounts magazines here). I’m using the library these days instead of buying books to save money. I’ll buy books second hand if I can find them. My Mom and sister get a lot of great books at a thrift shop near them-and they pass them on to me.
Love that coaster-LMAO. Would make a great needlepoint.
I’m sure you are too busy for tv-I taped and watched the Real Housewives of New Jersey Finale. Holy Catfight! What a bunch of nasty creatures. And the mouth on “sweet little” Theresa-quite a rant. I’m sure we are all waiting to hear your comments-maybe on Friday?
Annette: Yeah, pretty much the only time I buy magazines is when I’m going to be flying – they’ve gotten so expensive, and you can catch up on all the gossip online, why spend the money, right? I don’t know that I’ll get a chance to watch the housewives by Friday, but surely by Monday. I haven’t seen last week’s episode yet, so I get to have a mini-marathon. I’m looking forward to it!
Oh, you ARE writing! The last post I got on my Bloglines feed was the camera pic of the tent… and then I come here and there is more. Why you hide? Us internet peoples are totally friendly. And not at all intense or weird or stalkery. Anyway, I am now subscribed to three feeds of yours; two are broked (technical term) and the third (which is your 0.92 feed up thataways) works but is short posts not long. I don’t know why any of this is and instead I will sit here hopefully with big eyes in the sure knowledge that Fred will SPRING upon this problem and FIX IT GOOD. Right? Right?
The only magazines I buy are ones I’m going to keep. Like quilting, crochet, knit magazines with patterns that I love. Of course, I still have to tolerate the damned ads.
I love those coasters, but I wouldn’t have bought them either. Those “absorbent” coasters are NOT “perfect anytime, anyplace!” like they say. They sure don’t work in Southern California – I’ve tried two different sets.
I agree with you about the crazy prices on SmartWool socks, but they are totally worth it. I have a pair of super-thick ones that I use primarily as slippers, and my husband has multiple pairs because he works outside in the winter.
They seem to last forever – I’ve had my pair for about 10 years and they show no signs of wear outside for a bit of pilling. So you can think of them as a long term investment, over time those $20 socks will actually SAVE you money you would’ve wasted on lesser-quality foot coverings. I also find them on sale sometimes at the REI outlet website (http://www.rei.com/outlet) which makes them a bit easier to justify.
LOBSTER ROLL oh how I dream about having a lobster roll one day. In fact, Maine is my fantasy vacation spot, even though I’ve never been and know practically nothing about it.
Hey, does the LL Bean place have their bamboo towels? I love love love them and desperately need new ones.
jac: actually, Fred’s not the go-to guy when it comes to RSS feeds and such (probably because he doesn’t care about that stuff and fondly remembers the days when everything was hand-coded and he had to walk uphill both ways to get to the computer). I don’t know what the RSS feed issue is, but I’ll mess with my settings, maybe it’s something simple (DOUBT IT). I subscribe to my blog via Google Reader (just to make sure it shows up, not because I’m obsessed with myself)(well, maybe a little) and everything’s showing up okay so far as I can tell.
Melissa: I bought six or seven pair of the SmartWool socks about a year and a half ago and they all have holes in the bottoms – whether that’s because I wore them almost exclusively during that time, or because they weren’t the super-thick ones, I’m not sure. I definitely want more, but I’m either going to wait to find them on sale, or wait ’til this winter when someone I know will be working there and can get me a discount!
Shelly: I don’t know about the bamboo towels, I didn’t look in the towel section (the bath section?). I wouldn’t be surprised, though – they have just about everything else at a really good price!
Smartwool socks are the best socks in the whole wide world.
I paid $18 for my first pair (ouchie, but I love ’em!) Since then I buy them on clearance at http://www.sierratradingpost.com. I can sometimes get them for as little as $5 a pair. They have built in arch support, etc, and the difference between these socks and any other socks is really worth paying extra. Maybe not worth $18, but certainly worth $5-7.