Paula’s walking in honor of Jane‘s Jugs on Mother’s Day to raise money for breast cancer services. Get your butt over yonder and sponsor her!
While you’re gettin’, get thee over to Ms. Darkstar’s and enter her giveaway!
So, remember how last week I mentioned that I used to work at a bank, and so should have known that the dye packs they use with the decoy pack of money are red dye and not purple?
I’m sure I’ve never told y’all the story of how one morning we were all required to come in extra early. Actually, now that I think about it, I wasn’t even scheduled to work that day, because I brought the spud (who was about 2 1/2 years old) with me. The plan was that we were going to go through a fake robbery step by step. One of the other non-teller employees was going to pretend to pass one of the tellers a note, the teller would obediently pass the “robber” the money from her drawer, then she’d “alert” the rest of us, and we’d each do the job assigned to us.
For instance, my job was to call the police, alert them that a robbery had taken place, and then there was a list of things I needed to tell the police dispatcher, and luckily said list was stored right by the phone.
So we were all at our stations, counting our drawers as though we were just about to open for real. We were all on high alert, waiting for the “robber” to come in and go through the motions of “robbing” the bank. Then all of a sudden, the “robber” appeared from out of nowhere, and I’ll be goddamned if she didn’t have a GUN, and she was waving it around while she passed her “Give me all your money or die” note to the teller. I did what I always do in an emergency: I froze in terror.
Thankfully, it was another teller, NOT ME, who was responsible for emptying her drawer into the pillow case, because if she’d waved that gun at me, I would have shit, gone blind, and then passed out in one smooth motion. As it was, all I could do was sit there and gape in horror. The robber turned and tossed the bag of cash into the vestibule between the front door and the lobby door, and then went to her desk to observe how the rest of us did at our jobs.
I went to the phone, pretended to dial 911, and then went down the list of stuff I was supposed to tell the dispatcher. As I did, the bank assistant manager (maybe she was the loan officer, I don’t actually remember at the moment) came along and gave me a look like I was an idiot.
“NO, I’m not an idiot,” I said.
“Okay, then,” she said, and kept going.
I don’t for the life of me remember what jobs the other tellers were assigned, but they were diligently performing their tasks. A minute later, as I stood there talking to a dial tone, the assistant manager/ loan officer said in a horrified voice to the teller who’d been “robbed”, “YOU DIDN’T PUT THE DYE PACK IN WITH THE MONEY, DID YOU?!”
Well, she did. Because we were supposed to act like this was a real robbery, see? And if you’re a bank teller and you’re being robbed, you put the damn decoy stack in along with the rest of the money. And no one had explicitly said to her, “Don’t put the dye pack in with the rest of the money. Just PRETEND to.”
Guess where the sensor that set off the timer in the dye pack was located?
In the doorway between the vestibule and the lobby.
Guess what happened?
That fucking dye pack WENT OFF, and not only is there dye in that pack, there’s also tear gas. We kept going, trying to finish up the whole post-robbery “process”, coughing and rubbing our eyes as the gas filled the lobby, but it wasn’t long before the bank manager told us to lock our cash drawers and vacate the bank.
Did I mention that I had the spud with me?
So we stood out in the parking lot, and finally the bank manager told me I could put my cash drawer in the vault and vamoose, and I did.
I don’t remember what kind of trouble the bank manager got into for the whole thing, but I’m sure there was SOME kind of trouble because in retrospect I’m thinking we could have gone through the fake-bank robbery thing without actually involving (1) real cash, and (2) A FUCKING GUN.
The best part is that the spud was there in the lobby watching the whole thing, and she SAW the fucking gun. The gun-waving employee’s name was Mickey. The spud, being 2 1/2 years old, immediately started calling her “Mickey Mouse,” and for the next two weeks the spud would say at random times, “Mick’ Mouse had a gun!”
Over the weekend, poor Maura developed diarrhea. Ten seconds after the vet’s office opened, I was calling to make an appointment for her. And since I was going anyway, I piggybacked the Bookworms onto the vet visit so that they could be Combo tested. I was completely certain that they’d come up negative and could be neutered and ready to go to the adoption center by the end of the week.
Maura’s on medication for her diarrhea… and the Bookworms came up positive for FIV.
I was so sure that they’d test negative that I was already missing them! But they’ll be around for another couple of months at the very least. I’ll take them back at the beginning of July for retesting, and hopefully they’ll be negative.
(For those of you who weren’t reading back then, the Bookworms’ siblings, the Wonkas, initially tested FIV positive and then were negative on the retest two months later.)
On the ride to the vet, Maura settled down and napped – she did not make one single peep of complaint, I swear she’s the most laid-back cat on earth – and the Bookworms howled and yelled and did their best to dig their way out of their carriers. I was about two minutes from the vet’s office when I thought “Huh. I swear I smell food. Maybe it was that restaurant I just passed…” Only, the smell of food didn’t go away, and I found out when I reached the vet’s office that there was vomit in BOTH of the carriers containing Bookworms. And Reacher had apparently gone swimming through it.
Of course, this was the ONE TIME I left the house without my bag of cleaning rags in case of emergency. Luckily, they deal with that stuff all the time at the vet’s (probably after all the nasty stuff they have to deal with on a daily basis, kitten vomit is like roses to them), and got ’em cleaned up and tested.
So anyway, yeah. They’re positive. But I don’t believe they’re truly positive, I’m sure they’ll come up negative on the retest. And Maura is sequestered back in the foster room, being medicated twice a day, and lolling around like she just don’t care.
Reacher, flopped across Jake like he’s a great big body pillow.
Reacher and Corbett, curled up sound asleep in the recycling bin.
Please note Jake’s foot on the back of Corbett’s neck.
Corbett’s feet on Reacher’s face. Cracks me UP.
Rhyme, flopped across Reacher and Corbett.
“What? WHAT YOU WANT?!” A Tommy and Sugarbutt confab in the back yard.
2009: We walked in, and I looked at the menu and decided what I wanted, and do you know what Douchey McDoucherton did, as I stepped forward to place my order?
2008: No entry.
2007: Do you see what I see?
2006: And I mean that “woohoo!” in a completely sincere and non-ironic way, which is a little sad, but whatEVERRRR.
2005: Did I really write a chapter about my sex life? Eek! What was I thinking?
2004: “YES! Yes, she’s sick! No, she’s not sleeping, she’s SICK, and SHE’S ABOUT TO DIE, NOW WOULD YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP?!”
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: It wasn’t until I said “I think she’s messed up in the head” that something clicked for her.
Good morning Debbie Downer!
I have a question about the FIV testing – what happens if they do test positive again. Not that THEY will, but someone, somewhere will have a cat that does. What then?
I would Google it, but maybe there are others that want to know too (and I am lazy – the sun is barely up here in CA).
Thank goodness you shared the bank story – so all was not lost on the happy, sunshine blog! FIV positive – what are those brats thinking? grumble grumble grumble.
PS. I need a kitten – time for you to take a road trip to CA. In fact – a massive roadtrip and you can stop by each readers house, judge us, and then drop a kitten at our feet! I am sure we would all kick in for costs!
Poor Bookworms… Poor you for having to look at their adorable selves a few months longer.
Gina, I believe it’s the shelter’s policy to euthanize FIV positive cats. But since FIV isn’t the kind of death sentence that Feline Leukemia is and cats can live long and healthy lives with FIV, it’s my intention (if they DO ultimately prove to be FIV positive) to keep them here and find homes for them with willing and informed adopters. If worse comes to worst, we can keep them here.
But it’s a moot point, because I really am sure, given the experience we had with the Wonkas, that they’ll end up negative.
(How cool would a countrywide tour of my readers be? I’d have to have a little trailer all set up with litter boxes and cat trees, of course. Hee.)
The bank story – hysterical! Way to take action there, Robyn!
Those brothers look like they are up to something bad in the back yard. Loved the bank story!
Thanks for a great laugh today; the bank robbery story is a hoot!!
the last picture of the bookworms — k.i.l.l.i.n.g. me with the cute! Oh how I miss having baby kitties around!
Did I miss something? Didn’t Maura have a potential mom?
She does indeed have a mom! Her mom will be signing all the papers and picking her up this weekend (she couldn’t go sooner because Maura had to stay here ’til her last vaccination).
I’m sorry about the diahrrea and possible FIV (I’m sure you are right and they will test negative later). I’m seeing the bright side of this though-I love Maura and the Bookworms and now they will stay longer! I suspect Maura will go sooner unless her possible adoption fell/falls through. I’m sure you can’t or wouldn’t release her until she is better. Love the idea of you in a huge Bitchpoo/Vituperation RV traveling the country with the kittens. Nice little fantasy!
Working in a bank scares me for that very reason-fear of a robery. We had a lot of them this past year until they finally caught the guy. Closing the store when I worked retail was nerve wracking too-often just a bunch of women. I had to stay behind sometimes when I worked the front end helping read out registers, collect tills etc. Hated the empty desolate parking lot at night. We never got robbed but we did have professional thieves try to confuse us and rob the tills. I almost shut my drawer on one’s hand. Some nights we’d have scary people hanging around at closing time and it always seemed it was a night there was no security on.
Can just picture the spud wandering around and saying ‘Mickey Mouse had a gun’. That would crack me up! Love it.
Sorry to hear about the Bookworms and Maura. Like everyone else, I have have my fingers crossed the babies come up clear next time – ‘course they will
Like Ginni asked… Maura’s new mum? Please tell us!
Make it an international cat road trip… you’d love it here in Scotland!
Question: Do yours do this? When our three furry fools get a treat to eat, one of them plays ‘guard cat’ and sits at the cat flap and watches through the door whilst the other 2 fill their faces. When one has finsihed, they swap round. It’s remarkably democratic and v. funny to watch. Anyone else have a catty co-operation story?
Meant to ask… is the Amish pantry finished or did I miss it? Last I heard it was still waiting to be oiled or stained or something?
Jen, Maura’s mom will be picking her up this weekend.
My cats do NOT stand guard for each other, and I LOVE the fact that yours do – I’ll make sure to put this in my entry on Friday, I’d love to hear if anyone else has cats who do that.
The Amish pantry is finished and stained and has been for MONTHS. We just need to get it the hell inside from the garage now!
I love how your kittehs pile up on one another!
I use to work at a bank as a teller and your story was hysterical! It was even better when you got to the dye pack and setting off the alarm! Did the cops show up? I’m also surprised that you were able to get into the vault at an off banking day/hour. Ours would only open M-F and only between certain times.
We had to go to a training seminar given by the FBI on bank robberies. As one of the FBI agents was on stage talking all of the sudden some guy comes flying through the auditorium, waving around a gun(fake, I think?) and a cloth bag screaming “This is a robbery, etc.” As soon as he exited the room the guy on stage told us to write down everything we remembered about the guy. I always thought I was quite observant, but when they brought the guy back on stage I learned maybenotsomuch!
The “tour” would be cool! Instead of a “bookmobile” it would be a “catmobile”!
Anywhere I contemplate going in the South now, I look at whether I could plan a route close enough to come to Crooked Acres!
Thanks for mentioning my giveaway… I’ve had more hits on my blog just today than in its whole history!