
hushpuppies and it’s the first thing she wanted to have. It was practically dinner time, so we stopped and ate there, and she got her hushpuppy fix. We stopped at Sonic after that and got ice cream, and then we went home. I showed her the kittens – she wasn’t nearly as impressed as I was; she’s not much of a cat person, though she could certainly see the appeal of little meowing fuzzy round-bellied kittens – and then we sat on the couch for the rest of the evening and watched episodes of The Surreal Life, the one with Christopher “Peter Brady” Knight and Da Brat and Verne Troyer, and it was interesting in an I-can’t-take-my-eyes-off-this-trainwreck kind of way. Then Fred came in and sat down, and we spent the next few hours watching rerun episodes of Yes, Dear and South Park. At 9:00, Fred and I went upstairs and played with the kittens and then lay down and talked until about 10. Then he went off to bed, and I came back downstairs to spend time with Liz. We watched the Surreal Life 4 Reunion (and whoever did that makeover on Chyna sure did a good job – and she looked like she was off whatever drugs or alcohol she was on during the filming of The Surreal Life) ’til 11, and then went to bed. I was pretty tired for some reason, and knew I had to get up this morning to go to the pet store. I kept waking up through the night, and had a truly bizarre dream about being on Survivor and Jeff Probst and Julie Berry getting married, only she was half bird (?) and gave birth to a flock of birds (not seagulls, though.). Truly weird. I was up and out the door by 7:30, and then home again by 8:45. Once again, I forgot to take my Benadryl until I was about halfway to the pet store, and it didn’t really kick in until I’d been in the cat room for about half an hour. And when it kicked in, I got really sleepy. I ended up coming home and snoozing on the couch for almost an hour before I forced myself to get up and take a shower. Liz ended up sleeping ’til 11:30ish, and then we watched Britney & Kevin: Chaotic (or whatever the official title is). It was a… less than interesting show, I guess I’d say. Britney’s a little too into the making-faces thing which is funny once or a hundred times, but beyond that gets a little old. You can tell that she’s very, very young. We’ll leave it at that, shall we? I don’t know that I’m going to bother to watch the second show, but if I get bored enough, I might. After we watched that, Liz went and took her shower and we went back to Captain D’s, ate lunch, and then went to the movie store and grocery store. We rented some movies for this afternoon – which we didn’t actually watch, but they’re not due back ’til Sunday, so we’ve got plenty of time – and then we bought the stuff for Liz to make pork adobo (I don’t think her recipe is exactly like that one, but it’s similar) and bought a few more things (she was hungry last night, and we didn’t have a single damn thing to offer her. How embarrassing!), and then came home. We watched TV for a little while, and then she got a headache, so she went to lay down, and I went to clean the cat room. I know – we haven’t done much exciting stuff, but it’s nice to have someone to do stuff with, you know?

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I’ve been intermittently text-messaging with the spud since she left. Every time I type in “u” instead of “you”, I die a little inside.
* * *
The section about the kittens. In the past few days, those kittens have gotten WILD. They’re little playing machines. I walk in the room and they rush at me. If I don’t immediately sit down on the floor, they give me the sad kitten eyes and sit on my feet and wait impatiently for me to get my ass on the floor. When I finally sit down, they climb all over me, and kick and bite at me, and then they jump on each other, and then they run across the room with their ears back, and let me tell you – it is UNBEARABLY fucking cute. Flossie, especially, is turning into a real spitfire. She runs across the room and jumps on her brothers, she stalks them and jumps on them, and when they jump on her, she kicks their asses. When I pick her up to kiss her atop her fuzzy little head, she has been known to dig her needle-sharp claws into my cheeks and try to bite my lips. She’s also EXTREMELY possessive when it comes to her food. Fred has been bringing a small handful of Kitten Chow into the room with him at night – they have Science Diet kitten food available to them all the time, because that’s what they’ll be eating when they’re up for adoption at the pet store – and the kittens and Mia LOVE IT. Fred put a small pile down in front of Flossie, Edgar, and Oy, and when Edgar and Oy tried to eat some of the food, Flossie growled fiercely, and then PUT HER PAW on the pile of food so they couldn’t get to it. My god, it was cute. Yesterday, she was eating some food out of the food bowl – the Science Diet Kitten food – and Snoopy went running over to eat, too. He tried to eat out of the same bowl (we have three different bowls of food), and she growled and smacked her paw down over the food so he couldn’t get to it. I laughed my ASS off. Speaking of Snoopy, he’s getting to be a big one. I’m looking forward to deworming and weighing the kittens on Thursday so I can see how much he weighs now. He clearly weighs quite a bit more than the other kittens.
Edgar in the litter box. I swear – one day, they had no idea how to use the litter box, and the next day they did! Snuggled up in the cat bed. This picture was taken before the kittens all turned into devil kitties and started spending all their time jumping on Mia and biting her tail. A cat in the hand is worth two in the litter box. Is that the sweetest little face, or what? Serious little Snoopy. Snoopy in mid-run. Flossie, in mid-run. I love the one closed eye, like he’s taking aim. Little cat, great big tongue. Deceptively sweet-looking Peanut. Looks like Peanut’s having some deep thoughts, doesn’t it? Flossie stalking Snoopy. Oy (I think). Doesn’t she look sweet? She’s two seconds away from biting my toe. Fight! Fight!
As always, there are tons more kitty pics over at Flickr.
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No idea when I’ll update again – it’ll happen when it happens, mm’kay?
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16 thoughts on “5/30/05”

  1. Oh my GOD how you even bear the THOUGHT of having to give up these kitties so very soon?!? I am cooing and squealing and having uterine contractions for wanting to be a new mother to a cute baby kitten again every time I LOOK at your pictures!

  2. I know what you mean about not really doing much but having fun hanging out with your friend. That is how my best friend and I are. The kitty pics are just so adorable. It has been mentioned before I know but you really do have a knack for getting the greatest shots. The one with Mia and her babies on the doughnut is a great “family” picture.

  3. Adorable babies….I vote for keeping peanut. He kind of matches Miss Poo.
    I was just wondering if you knew that all kittens are born with blue eyes. Unless they have some great siamese genes hiding somewhere , those babies eye color should be changing any time now.
    I know ..sad….

  4. You’re keeping Snoopy…he’s too cute and on his way to being tubby :o)

  5. Peanut’s twin sister came over to my house via my son’s friend Friday. It was hard, but I was strong. It was if the kitty karma gods were TEMPTING me damn it!!
    Oh I think this past season’s Surreal Life was the best trainwreck yet. Chyna has some issues, basically too many drugs, including steroids apparently, she “looka like-a man”.

  6. I TOTALLY agree with Kay, Chyna either had some steriods in the past or she started out life as a he.
    I’m sending subliminal messages “keep Snoopy keep Snoopy keep Snoopy”

  7. Thanks for all the great pictures and the movie of the kittens!!! They are SO cute!

  8. Mom cat looks much more relaxed now. The kitties are a scream!
    Have fun with your bud–I’m with her on those Hushpuppies. I’ve tried to make them at home but it’s just not the same. Eat ’em up, Liz!

  9. I am so in love with those kittens! When I clicked on May 2005 from archives, I started to read about your flight to Gatlinburg and thought I had a bad case of deja vu as I remembered it including the girl with the ass hanging out. Then I realised that it was an entry from May 2004. Just thought I’d mention it!

  10. Robyn, OMG! Did you watch Dancing With the Stars? So campy and yet, surprisingly, pretty good. When did Joey McIntyre become a guy? A man? And he’s still pretty hot.

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